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Kurdish YPJ Member Blew Herself Up Destroying Turkish Tank In Afrin Area – Report

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On January 28, a member of the Kurdish Women’s Protection Units (YPJ), Avesta Khaboor, blew herself up destroying a Turkish battle tank in the Syrian area of Afrin, according a press office of the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG). The YPJ is a female formation of the YPG.

Following the incident Pro-Turkish sources reported Kurdish YPG/YPJ forces have started using suicide bombers against the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) and the Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army (TFSA) involved in the Afrin area. According to these reports, another YPJ/YPG ‘suicide bomber’ was killed by the TAF before the attacker was able to reach its target.

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Marko Paunovic

I thought the YPG had anti tank missiles. Why would they use suicide bombers?


Difference; Euphrates Shield was commanded by an unknown commander; this operation is being conducted by Lt. General İsmail Metin Temel, a very-pro Ataturk commander, probably smart as fuck and a good tactician.

He either learned the neccessary lessons from Euphrates Shield or already knew them and thus is good at covering the tanks from ATGM fire positions.

BUT, at the same time, Afrin is surrounded with hills, mountains etc. I’d say tanks are not that active on the front line as of now.

You can call me Al

But we saw the tank being hit by a manpad or whatever it is; as far as I know, I wasn’t a suicide attack – I didn’t think, the Kurds even did that. My view only.

Google the dozens and dozens of suicide attacks done by Kurd’s in the last ten years alone. Kurd’s usually release public statements claiming suicide attacks just as ISIS does. They boast about them and then make threats against those who oppose Kurd’s. At one point in the battle for Kobanî years ago, ISIS and Kurd’s were sending suicide bombers into each other’s lines on the very same day. Those two are crazy obsessive about their ideologies.


John Mason

Maybe because she is a member of ISIS, it is known that ISIS/Daesh are amongst the YPG and they use suicide bombers. Never heard of the Kurds using them.



John Mason

What the hell is your version ‘yak’? Yak is a long-haired domesticated bovine found throughout the Himalayan region.Is this what you are referring to? Maybe you are illiterate and one has to make an allowance for that.

888mladen .

Appreciate you sense of humor for which dutchnational has provided an occasion.

Real Anti-Racist Action

MARCH 18, 2016 A militant Kurdish organization released a statement on its website earlier this week claiming responsibility for the deadly suicide bombing that took the lives of 37 people in the Turkish capital of Ankara.

According to the group, the Kurdistan Free Hawks, the attack was perpetrated by Seher Cagla Demir, a 24-year-old woman who had reportedly trained in Syria.

Demir, a Kurdish separatist, detonated explosives that she had carried on her person as part of a “radical fight against a policy of massacre and denial against the Kurdish people.”

“On the evening of March 13, a suicide attack was carried out… in Ankara, the heart of the fascist Turkish republic,” the group said on its website.

This story was first reported by the British newspaper Daily Mail.

Turkish bomb-disposal experts disabled an explosive device in a vehicle found overnight near a government building in southeast Turkey, security sources on Friday as a recent spate of bomb attacks prompted security warnings in major cities.

The vehicle was found with 150 kg (331 lb) of explosives in the town of Hani in the mainly Kurdish region’s Diyarbakir province, the sources said. Police were examining security cameras in the area as part of the investigation.

The US embassy in Ankara issued a statement overnight saying its citizens “should be mindful of their security precautions,” noting Kurdish New Year (Newroz) celebrations taking place this weekend and saying large events can turn confrontational and escalate into violence.

“The US Embassy also reminds individuals that terrorist organizations have targeted transportation hubs, Turkish government facilities, and public spaces in the recent past,” it said.

Last Sunday’s suicide bombing was the second in a month in the heart of Ankara claimed by the TAK militant group, opening a dangerous new phase in Turkey’s war with Kurdish militants as deadly attacks spread to its biggest cities well beyond the southeast where conflict is usually focused.

Also on Friday, an unidentified gunman killed a police officer and a civilian in a shootout in central Ankara, Cumhuriyet newspaper said.

The attack occurred in the Dikmen area of the Turkish capital, it said, without giving further details.

The German Foreign Ministry released a statement on Friday saying it will close all diplomatic missions and German schools in Turkey until the weekend due to a highly credible security threat.

“How long the danger remains, I can’t say. But the fact is that due to the current assessment of the situation, we have decided to keep the embassy and schools closed until the weekend,” the spokeswoman told a government news conference.


John Mason

Thanks for that information.

888mladen .

Fighting crime by crime makes you a criminal period.


Yes the pkk does infact suicide bimb turkish targets.

Rüdiger Preiss

ISIS rape women, the men would rather die themselves because they are promised to reach their paradise if they do & they wouldn’t want women to reach paradise. Hence you won’t find any female ISIS suicide bombers ;) At best it might be a man in disguise (under a Burka)

Promitheas Apollonious

It make no sense using suicide bombers, what happen to all the guns, supplied to them?


Useless against air force.


They were kept in reserves against heavier collumn. Artillery assortment can be considered as gone when used against army with Air Force.

Rüdiger Preiss

“She” not “He”. Give her some dignity for sacrificing herself for her people. That the Kurds haven’t come to an agreement with Syria is very regrettable and most certainly not her fault.

Aimo Huikka

Terrorist is terrorist, even baked in butter, as we say in Finland.

Rüdiger Preiss

I’d consider a terrorist someone who kills defenceless people. That’s not the case here is it.


No by definition it’s anyone who uses force for political gain. And the irony is that they couldn’t have held out against a Syrian attack without direct American intervention so the Turks got Russian and syrian approval to go and fuck the puppet idiots. I feel sorry for the Syrian soldiers who died from American airstrikes because they got to close to the beloved Kurds. You don’t think attacking Syrian soldiers while they fight isis makes you terrorists? Abandoning the raqqa siege to get in the way of the Syrian army so they can’t sieze their own oil well. What do you call it when 5% of the population wants to be in charge of everything? Not because they actually can but because big bro uncle Sam is looking for any excuse yo attack syria.


Your definition of terror is very imprecisely; using force in terms of achieving political goals is, as a matter of fact, an established practice. Using legitimate force against your opponent cannot be seen as an act of terror.


It is not MY DEFINITION, it’s the defination. And yes obviously one could argue what violence is justified and what is not .Hence example of innocent Syrian soldiers being murdered by the US for the gain of the Kurds, or the fact that they went pit of their way to get in the way of the SAA and subsequently have the US attack the Syrian army. Fact is the Kurds have to use violence to control the majority Arab population that lives under their forced rule in places like raqqa, a city that’s majority Arab.

You can call me Al

Yep, or the fact that they gave ISIS a free pass and even absorbed many of them into their ranks.


Yup, if it’s not terrorism why not hold local elections in raqqa to see if the people want the Kurds or the Syrian government. Obviously they already know the outcome.


Now it’s all about who decides what is and what is not legitimate. It seems practically impossible to give an impartial, nonpartisan definition of terrorism in modern times, what with UN authority being kaput and all

You can call me Al

One persons rebel is another’s terrorist. But as I mentioned above; the Kurds switched sides and sold their soul.


If there’s no general definition possible, then one should use direct moral imperative; the judgement is then dependent on every single action taken by every single participant.




juvenal has the nerve to speak about moral? I beg your pardon? israhell, zio- mafia, usa mercenaries speaking about moral?ha ha ha. you earned your wage for today. go to bed. take your pills.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Are you sure those aren’t syphilis pills?

You can call me Al

Yes it can, when the group is funded by an outside state with the sole intention of ridding a elected leader is a sovereign nation. You must remember that the Kurds had almost full support, but then they sold their soul and turned on Assad.

PS I should not use the generalisation of Kurds, because even they are divided; but I hope you get my point.


There is no moral duty to pleadge alliance to a highly corrupt, racist and authoritarian state as the syrian regime, therefore I see no reasonable argument, why the kurdish community should fullfill a secession.

Tudor Miron

Even your nickname shows who you are – hasbara troll. Leave this false accusations against legitimate Syrian leadership to MSM, this BS is not welcome here. If you call Syrian government a highly corrupt and rasist, than Israeli and US regime is what? Kurdish traytors of their Syrian homeland a paying for inviting hostile foreign powers (US) in Syria. Was that a result of their stupidity or bribery by their leaders doesn’t matter anymore. Their only way out of this grave situation is becoming loyal to legitimate Syrian government.


I’m neither from Israel nor USA. You seem to be quite schizophrenic and trying to operate the very same way as the regime: to oppress free speech.

Tudor Miron

It doesn’t matter where you are from. What matters is who’s agenda you are trying to push here. I’m opressing free speech? :D Try harder, zio.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

I smell someone let out an Antifa, probably smells because of the shit they digest.



Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Yes whenever they pop up afterwards all that comes out is verbal diarrhea.


Your stupid thinking makes you them.

888mladen .

Mentally they are on the same level. They share the same ideology.

Frank Behrens

you don´t know the way? If they have no reasonable argument or facts to argue, with , they start call you a jew/zionist etc…childish tatctic/behaviour which gets boring …..but then again, did you except here sober, sophisticated discussants?.


i notice no-one is upvoting you.

Frank Behrens

oo–ooooh…poor me..now my hole life is in vain…errr, did I really expect that here on a side full of tin-foil-hat wearers? Tell me, Vitex, do you NEED upvotes? …have one from your personal Hasbara -Trolls ;)

Jaime Galarza

Maybe if you stopped spreading lies, people would be more civil. FYI, the fate of a whole nation is on the line. What was their fault? Oppose the powers that be: the US, Israel and the rest of the gang. If this were the first instance, then your point could make sense, but we have seen the same dirty trick several times. I am from Sout America and we have a lot of experience with these gringos’ criminal behaviour. They have intervened in our countrires since the 19th century supporting crinminal juntas.That you fall for the same manipulation time and again (CNN, NYT, WaPo, etc. etc). is not my problem. Enlighten yourself.


notice no-one is upvoting you?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Sounds like name calling and bringing a person’s character into repute is very much the definition you were looking for in describing your actions rather those of others.

Rejneh Rejnah

There is non legitimate power in Syria.There is only a criminal family in Power ,representing a small faction of Alevis , maybe 5% of population.Assad family tries to remain in power by every means benefiting of the support of terrorist state of Iran. The Kurds are fighting for their country, Kurdistan, which has been divided after World War One by those who has the responsibility of everything happening since 1923 in this area.

Roddy Wehrmacht

Assad wins it’s nobody else’s business but the Syrians so maybe piss off and worry about your own country.


Frank Behrens

oh, so you are an syrian by chance? Else why are you writing here?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Kurds lost that chance back then when they started kidnapping an murdering people for a larger land grab which failed then and will fail again as they are about 5-9% of the population.


Alawites darling. Not “Alevis.” Alevis are something else – and not even Arabs.

The SYRIANS elected Alawite Asaad their president. THEIR country. THEIR business.

And Ding-ding — there is no country called Kurdistan.

You want Kurds to have their own country then —– give them yours.

888mladen .

Sure French colonial authority was legitimate representative of Syrian people but Assad’s government isn’t. Is that where you’r coming from?

Tudor Miron

Is that you Hillary? Gees :D “Terrorist state of Iran”, “The Kurds are fighting for their country, Kurdistan, which has been divided after World War One” I will tell you one thing – you can feed BS via MSM to ignorant sheeple, but most readers here know history and current facts on the ground much better than that.

Jaime Galarza

If it were true that only 5% of Syrians support their government, such government had fallen a long time ago. The fact that you call Iran a terrorist state, speaks volumes not about your ignorance -which would be justifiable since we are all ignorant in different degrees- but of you stupidity and evilness. How easy it is for you to say that Assad is criminal and not say a peep about the superlative wickedness and viciousness of Israel and the US and their western and Middle East allies.

Rejneh Rejnah

Without backing from Russia and Iran it will fall in 2 days!

Jaime Galarza

Form your name I reckon you are not a westerner. But you defend them it seems. Hmm A veritable Uncle Tom, the worst kind of vassal.

Rejneh Rejnah

Uncle Tom?Was I in some meeting with Tillerson and am I happy to be a member of NATO while I am having some unsaid affairs with Putin?From your name you should be some spring boy for Erdogan who’s official jobs is professional prostitution!

Jaime Galarza

Can you at least write something intelligible? You seem to have problems articulating your ideas. “Was I in some meeting with Tillerson and am I happy to be a member of NATO while I am having some unsaid affairs with Putin?” Quite cryptic if I want to be diplomatic. Quite idiotic if I want to be realistic. “From your name you should be some spring boy for Erdogan who’s (whose) official jobs is (no concordance between the noun jobs in plural and the verb be in singular) professional prostitution!” The level of obtuse, uneducated trash. Keep on showing your great education. You’re doing a great job Rejneh whatever.


Who gives you the right to judge who is corrupted or who is not?

Stupid holier than thou mentality thinking your own mother of corruption country by the trillions is pure.

You can call me Al

What an immature knob; cheerio.

Anthony Paul Mapes

“Racist” I fail to see how this can be applied to the Syrian government? From my understanding a number of different sects of Islam, Christian, Druze are all represented in the Syrian political system and within the military. Syria was also one of the most secular and progressive states in the area! Surely if it was racist you wouldn’t allow those White Russians to help or those Iranian’s!

“It’s like saying the KKK is supported by black lives matter”!

Roddy Wehrmacht

Hasbarats never seem to tire of using the democracy and freedom rubric for destroying sovereign nations that Israel doesn’t like, especially after the smashing successes of Iraq and Libya. This shows you how worthless and full of shit they are. Only Israel and America pay lip service to a Kurdish state as it’s a way of getting these glorified mountain monkeys to play the latest regional puppet. No other nations whom Kurds claim lands from support their dreams of nationhood.

Mustaffa Ashaa

The Kurd are in a sad situation of being another case Lions-Led-By-Donkeys. Their leadership have relied on the USA support in their legitimate struggle against the new Ottomans. So they opted for the most unreliable. dishonest and immoral ally. Their “genius” leadership believed that the US will opt to support Trotsky’s Fifth Internationalist against fellow Nato member close to Ukraine, Central Asia, active participant in Afghanistan and the best friend of Israel. To please the US, They even fought against SAA and cooperated with Turkey’s puppets, SFA. Why the leadership trusted the USA? Why they didn’t learn from fellow the recent calamity of Iraqi Kurds? Why they took their friends in SAA as their enemies? It is beyond belief.

Same same statement could be said of ISIS…

Mustaffa Ashaa

It is a bit harsh cmparing the Kurds to Daesh/ISIS. They never beheaded anyone or practice the Daesh savagery. They stood and defeated ISIS/Daesh in Cobany. But they also spirited more than 100 coaches of Daesh fighters, (with their arms), from Raqqa, [BBC reporter did film this and the film shows US soldiers super-vising the transport of Terrorists.]. The US need Daesh to justify their presence in Syria. They used the Kurd’s leadership in exchange to protect them against Turkey. As usual the US never fulfil its obligation.


Homie it was on South front like a week and a half ago, beheaded bodies of 2 Arab leaders found in Kurdish controlled areas. Families claim they were arrested by Kurds, tortured and executed.

Rejneh Rejnah

This is absolutely a fake news.The Kurds never do such a thing because they haven’t this mentality.Had we used the same methods that fellow Arab or Turks uses in war we had haft our state long ago!

888mladen .

Really. Which planet do you live on


Umut Badak

I am Turkish and definetely not a Kurd hater. I tell this because don’t confuse me with narrow minded nationalist. In 2016, in very center of İstanbul near Inonu stadium just right after a football match PKK blew up a car bomb few hundred meters away from me. Killed many cops and civilians and wounded hundreds. I was totally shocked. I always thought these things happens on TV or in news in far away lands. I would want to believe like you it is fake and there is good and bad people in this world but unfortunately reality is much bitter. There is power struggle in all over world and sometimes it gets very uglier when things become serious. If you check history, you will see countless examples. Just 70 years ago in Europe millions slaughtered each other.


Those are nothing when they harbor the thought if creating their own state in collaboration with Syria’s greatest enemy .

That’s one sin Syrians will never forgive let alone help them

Really silly.

With Turkey, Iran, SAA, Hezbollah And Russia all ready to do battle , and these Kurds thinks US stand any chance of defeating Assad .

Their biggest error of judgement

888mladen .

Disagree. Hatred is hatred no respecters of persons, nations or religions. It’s degenerate state of mind.


Have to chime in before reading the other responses this post is sure to garner. The Kurds have done quite alot of ethnic cleansing, kicking arabs out and others.

Toxicus Mechanicus

BS. kurdish terrorists killed and still kills defenseless people. What’s the point in arguing how they kill? Does beheading makes ISIS worse than PKK who attacks dozens of civillians with suicide bombs? At the end of they day they both kill people who has nothing to do with any conflict or political movement. You are just sad that your beloved terrorists are dying,no need for eye candy.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Another thing Kurds and Turks have in common they both hang back and keeping Kurds and Turks out of the main fight. Turks use their proxies and Kurds use their allied forces ,any successes they take and failures they blame on the others.

What happened was a night time raid gone wrong , if all the explosives were laid and they weren’t caught , it would have been a higher body count.

Floyd Hazzard

What obligations though? The US in in Syria in contravention of international law and according to that same law all insurrections are unlawful, meaning the Kurdish forces are also illegal. What obligations does that require then to fulfill?

Langaniso Mhlobo

Very true a fake Police or traffic cop will always arrested.

Rüdiger Preiss

“trusted”? You comment in past tense – they still trust them! Why have they not accepted Syria’s offer to take over authority in Afrin? I don’t see the Kurds as the same brainless fanatics as ISIS or HTS, but some of their leaders must be well corrupted by the US and Israel


So why Have they Released ISIS ?

Tudor Miron

Bribery as usual.

Daniel Castro

The answer is simple, money, their leaders are corrupt, and by logic conclusion kurds are stupid.

And by the way, trotskism stinks.

Semper Prudens

If terrorist is “anyone who uses force for political gain” then any liberation movement fighting for freedom of its country would be classified as terrorist. I cannot accept such a formulation. Both of my grandfathers were Yugoslav partisans who fought under command of marshal Tito against Hitler, Mussolini and their occupation of our country between 1941.and 1945. Judging by your definition, they should be considered terrorists too, in spite of the fact that they were resisting the side that was performing genocide.

Don Machiavelli

Truth to be told every conflict since WW1 (WW1 included ) was terrorism. First was Brittish and Russian against Germany in WW1. Rest is known.


A terrorist is any non state actor who uses violence to affect political change. By definition the French resistance during WW2 were terrorists. Usually the media likes to call terrorists that they agree with ‘freedom fighters’ and those they don’t agree with ‘terrorists.


All states are founded by non stat actors.

The beloved Ataturk was a non state actor between 1920 and 1923.

You state he was a terrorist.


Yes and there is a gigantic difference between 95% of Crimea voting to be part of Russia and the Kurds, a insignificant minoraty that couldn’t win a single election anywhere except a few very small border towns taking control of millions of arabs and not giving them a choice.


There are quite different opinions about that.

Crimea was about 5% of the Ukraine, so a pityful minority within Ukraine.

Kurds have some 15% of Syrian population and there have never been any free election at all within Syria.

Ever heard of apples and pears and coming up with fruit juice?

Rüdiger Preiss

You are making up numbers here. the Syrian population in 2011 was around 23 Million with LESS than 2 Mio Kurds. That’s less than 10%. Furthermore, there are 14.5 Mio Kurds in Turkey, 6 Mio in Iran and 5-6 Mio in Iraq. So, surely Syria is the least country that should be liable for providing land to the Kurds, who, after all, mainly came to Syria as REFUGEES. Ps. There have been open & democratic elections in Syria in 2014 with the international community being invited to observe these elections, guess who dismissed these elections and had no interest in sending observers?


My friend, no the Russian population decreases as you go west. The reason Russia took control of Crimea but not eastern Ukraine was that in crimea it is 95% ethnic Russians and 5% tar tar. In eastern Ukraine as you hey away from Russia the percentage of ethnic Russians very between 60 and 40%, in Crimea though it is a very solid 95%. The equivalent in Syria would be the Kurds claiming the very few border towns where they are the majority. In raqqa however it’s is literally 5%, it would be the same as the tar tars in Crimea claiming Crimea for Ukraine even though 95% of the population wants to be a part of Russia.


This is a theory i have heard before. I don’t think that was the reason. Russians and Ukrainians are ONE people. The reasons were: the Ukraine coup by the US and EU was MAINLY about grabbing Crimea due to strategic location and naval assets, which are immensely impressive – i went this past summer. There was a Russian naval base in Sevastopol with up to 25K servicemen. Crimea was the feasible and the urgently necessary thing to do, doable without any bloodshed. East Ukraine is another matter. Because Ukraine is and was “under contract” to start a war with Russia (and in the meantime harm Russia in every way), Ukrain can be conceptualized as “anti-Russia.” In order to foirestall and stop or postpone a war with Ukraine, Russia needed an “abnti-Ukraine” in the territory of Ukraine. That is what DNR and LNR are. This is not to say that it was Russia who fought for rthem. They fought themselves, but with Russia assisting and keeping and eye and helping institutioonally, etc. As long as this anti-Ukraine exists in Ukraine, Ukraine cannot go to war with Russia. That is why they have just passed this new law on the “reintegration of Donbass,” which effectively defines DNR and LNR as a Russia-occupoed terriroty, which of course it is not.


P.S. The perecentage not of ethnic Russians, but of people who identified themselves as Russian, was 95% in Krimea, as opposed to less elsewhere in Ukraine. The phenomenon of Russian people refusing to identify themselves as Russian is a fairly recent phenomenon, since the breakup of the Soviet Union. Much of it is owed to the divide and conquer policy and the “rule by corruption”” policy practiced by the western interests that want Russia “divided and conquered.” So, in Russia, you not so infrequently come across strange Russian people, say from the subarctic north, who identify themselves as “not russian but Pomoran, or Finnish or Karelian or whatever – anyone but Russian seems to be the trend. This is all part of a policy that, in the mind’s eye of the western visionaries of Russia’s elimination, will help them destroy Russia by means of making it a pariah, and holding it responsible for everything that’s ever been wrong with the world, including WWII, etc, etc..

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Most of Ukraine was not part of Ukraine until about 100 years ago given by the Tsars in 1917 and Soviet leaders Lenin in 1922 then when Stalin annexed parts of western Europe in 1939-1945 and by Kruschev in 1954. So you will have a mixed ethnic population in the region, so no surprise in some not calling themselves Russian ethnically.


What was then extant of Ukraine acceded officially to Russia, of its own accord, in 1624. The event is known as the Pereyaslavl Rada. But i was talking about something very, very different. And certainly i was NOT talking about people in Ukraine not identifying themselves as Russian. No surprise there

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

True they even denied the language itself , and started a genocide of ethnic cleansing. Guess that’s why they can’t give up the Banderite and Nazi tendencies , they were sponsored by corporations that also paid for the overthrow of the legitimate government.


The Kurds are not 15% of the population, closer to 5-10 but they claim control over a full 30% of Syria. Raqqa has never been Kurdish, only American intervention allowed this to happen.


You know where there has never been a free election? America


They’re popular before they went in bed with USA. It’s possible in Iraq for them to join the election. They rather choose quick way by force supporting USA endeavor in the region against everyone else.


Hell yea, George Washington was a terrorist as far as the British were concerned and his revolutionaries were considered a plague like ISIS. History is written by the victors.

Langaniso Mhlobo

Just like USA/NATO their call terrorists friends,moderates, free soldiers if their sabotage rebellion against legitimate government.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The big secret of WW2 was that the Maqui were started all by OSS operatives in France.

You can call me Al

But it was.


Was. Gone the day they’re legitimate resistance bands. They’re now another US socks puppet.

Aimo Huikka

I consider terrorist as people who stand up legitime government using military power. I really don’t understand people who claim that Kurds are “freedom fighters”.

Rüdiger Preiss

I’m not calling them freedom fighters. But there is a massive difference between Kurds who have been denied a country and who have been oppressed specifically by Turkey and Iraq vs. ISIS or HTS who are brainless jihadists from all sorts of countries and who are out to destroy a Nation only to establish their sick dream of a caliphate where they can do with citizens as they please, rape and murder with the excuse of serving “God”.


There is plenty of space in usa and israhell. Take them. Give them land, give them guns and suicidal belts. No problem.


There was no dream about a caliphate or something. It’s a false flag, those guys never had a chance, even if Assad had fallen it wouldn’t be possible. All the jihadists are on foreign power payroll with the mission to throw the ME in chaos so that the division between Arabs can cause enough trouble to justify intervening and promoting foreign interests on sovereign countries. Also serves the emerging security issue of Israel. The goal is and will always be Iran in the ME. The rest are collateral. That’s how politics work. Kurds are just a pawn to promote further imperial aspirations. Turkey is between a hard place and a rock. They have to call the shot, pick a side. Whatever path they choose, history will prove them guilty for the ME chaos we see today, along with their strategic partners.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

You need to remember these are the same Kurds who Joined ISIS to establish a caliphate and chose it willingly. You think they have no blood on their hands regions they claimed were stolen when they committed genocide and massacres for decades. That was when hey were still part of the Ottoman empire and they chose that willingly. Kurdistan wants to do exactly the same as the caliphate and why so many joined in the thousands.


Ah, the voice of sanity ! Mensch da gibts eine ueberzahl von arschloecher hier heute !

888mladen .

If you kept quiet you would have been a philosopher.

888mladen .

My friend common people don’t need state they need jobs, houses education for themselves and their children. Greedy corrupt politicians need money and power. How would having their “own state” and government change their day to day lives?


Perhaps the Kurds can grab a few of Barzani’s billions before he leaves for good.

The Kurds made the mistake of getting in bed with US/ISRAEL. I can understand why. Assad and the SAA was nowhere at the time. In fact many thought he was going to be toppled. But then they began to occupy more and more land, cities and regions that were almost 100% Arab. Then we started to hear statements that they were not going to cede these territories to the Syrian state. We saw the US air force repeatedly bombing the Syrian Army.

Now it is has come to this. America is not going to do a thing for the Kurds now and it looks like Assad and Erdogan have a cutout a deal. Iraq has no sympathy for the Kurds either.

The problem is that the Kurds never learn from history. If I am Kurdish, and I hear about the formation of a 30,000.00 “Border Army” on Turkey’s border, my mind is immediately screaming “Set up.” You have to know that Turkey is never going to accept this. Perhaps, it is time for the Kurds to examine their leadership and see if they have their best interests of not.


I think terms like “terrorist” and “freedom fighters” are invented by the Murdoch Media and we all know who’s side he’s on. Emotive terms that mean nothing. There are only fighters, some scrupulous and some not.

Frank Behrens

don´t you know the difference between terrorists and freedom fighters? Well, freedom fighters are successfull/victorious terrorists…

Most suicide bombing’s by Kurd’s in the last 30 years has been against defenseless civilians. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/11/world/europe/kurdish-tak-istanbul-double-bombing.html

ISTANBUL — A Kurdish militant group claimed responsibility on Sunday for a double bombing that killed 39 people and wounded 154 outside a soccer stadium in the heart of Istanbul the night before.

The group — Kurdistan Freedom Falcons — said in a statement that two of its members had carried out the suicide attacks in retaliation for state violence in the predominantly Kurdish region in southeast Turkey. The group also cited the continuing imprisonment of Abdullah Ocalan, the leader of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or P.K.K., which has waged a three-decade insurgency against the Turkish state.

Langaniso Mhlobo

SAA is defenceless against USA and their terrorist Kurds.Because Russia is avoiding nuclear confrontation and can’t help against them.




Correct. This even works for Turkeys state terrorists and the walking beards.

Rejneh Rejnah

Erdogan is a terrorist and the real godfather of ISIS.Ask yourself who are right know avant garde of Turkish army attack in Kuristan/Rojava…seven Al-Qaeda linked militia! Every decent human being has the right to self defense!

Requiescat in pace

Turkish soldiers are not terrorists, even if they are fighting for a bad cause. Burning in a tank (or baked in it as you said) must be a miserable death. This brave girl gave the ultimate sacrifice, and it is too bad that it had to be like this. While Erdogan just having an other Whiskey on ice, these poor bastards were dying.

888mladen .

Ultimate sacrifice on the Anglo Saxon altar. False religions have been relying on human sacrifices since times immemorial.

Requiescat in pace

Actually all religion relays an the stupidity of peoples. How can any of religion be more fake, than the other? Sacrificing herself may have saved the lives of her comrades. One may not have to be religious to do this. Still, it is terrible that she had to. Turk tankers would have deserved multiple RPG7 shots or a TOW shot rather than killing herself.

888mladen .

How can any of religion be more fake, than the other? You find out instead of relying on preconceived ideas of others who know next to nothing about religion. How can you find truthfulness of anything if you reject it a priory as false? I wouldn’t like this kind of people to be judges over my case in the court. I might end up being sentenced even without hearing. No offense not very impressive analytical skills.

Requiescat in pace

The only not fake relegion is the one which has its God in public. Would you clarify which God prooved his/her existence already? This would rule out many fake religions. (As long as their God is not showing up) Than this valid God should sort out the fake ones from those who are worshiping him/her. Until that date noone can tell which is the fake religion.

888mladen .

“The only not fake religion is the one which has its God in public.” You have answered your own question. However you are still having a problem. Your definition of true God is correct but then you come straight away with your preconceived idea as an ultimate answer. If you are happy with that I’ll leave you there. I’m not sure if that might be an excuse for not being willing to take the consequences of what you might have found out if you carried your search to its ultimate end. Again no offense not very impressive analytical skills. Still not willing to do thorough research and find out it there is one who has manifested Himself openly in public.

You can call me Al

You beat me to it. Just think, those Turkeys wont get their 1 x 72 year old virgin now since hey were killed by a women.


I think this is fake news, propaganda. For destroying a tank suicide jacket does not work. For destroying a tank a heavy mine is used. Turkey want to destroy Syria and divide it between Turkey, US, Israel and Saudis. Kurds will not get any part. US just want to use Kurds against Syria. ————————————————————————


Powerful explosives such as semtex can generate enough shock wave to damage equipment and maim the crew. But then again they’re rather scarce even in a real army.


I haven’t heard this in my life that a suicide jacket can destroy tank. LOL

888mladen .

Human life is short. We are just mere mortals. There will be many more things in your life time you haven’t heard of. So because you haven’t heard it means it’s impossible? How big is the world you live in?I would assume more humble attitude if I were you. The same applies to all humans.


Well i only say it’s possible to damage tanks using powerful explosives. The idea someone can run to a tank in suicide belts is crazy especially in these battlespaces.


There in Afrin US and Zionist army active and they have very good mines by which they can destroy a tank remotely.

That Guy

Looks like a former “he” though.

Toxicus Mechanicus

F-ck her and f-ck dignity. Ugly terrorist b!tch in pieces deserves no sympathy.

Don Machiavelli

I am sad for Kurds but they followed the USA and netanyahoo now they know they made mistake…. SAA offered to retake control long time ago on many occassions but Kurds rejected and waited on America. As America turned her back on Kurds they asked SAA to come… Assad is not a fool to start war on another front especially not against NATO country. Kirds should learned lessons in Iraq where they weaved Israel flag but were left alone against Iraq to whom they are nothing more than separatists because of America. Sad but Kurdish leaders are to blame.

888mladen .

“now they know they made mistake” do they? To me it looks like their leadership suffer from serious learning impairment.

Don Machiavelli

You got point here but all in all i believe its corrupted Kurdish puppets who are behind Kurdish misfortunes. Not only in Iraq and Syria i bet that we can trace PKK back to saudis and netanyahoo too.


She was doing what she thought was right for her people and a brave act. The Kurdish leaders are idiots like leaders thruout the world. RIP.

Floyd Hazzard

Dignity? I guess America never learns. This is the latest link of suicide bombers they have produced, same as CIA creations of Al Quaida and ISIS. Won’t be to long now before blowback comes as it did with the other groups.


you really dont get it do you ?

Rüdiger Preiss

What’s that random comment about, 2 years down the line? What do I not get? Where are you suddenly coming from, “PARKS CURTIS” (is that even a name) ??


Whats withy Ducking the Issues ? It was not ” Random “. you really dont get: people I know have been terrorized and has family Members Killed by these ” Peaceful ” Kurdish Muslims . How is an Intensional Comment relating to Current Events ” Random ” You even attack the Name on My Birth certificate to Avoid the ISSUES . Answer the Question and Stop ducking :1.) Do you Support YPG praising Female Suicide Bombers Yes or No ? Do you Support Marxism , Yes or Neo ? What you are doing is Just riding with the Ignorant in a Car gaping over A cliff . Ask yourself if lies are the same as Truth and if You should Be supporting Lies . 3.)The Kurds have the Greatest Female Genital Mutilation, according to The teachings of Islam , in the Whole middle east … Is that ” Secular / moderate / progress(ive) ? WAKE UP and stop glorifying terrorist ” Freedom fighters c” who Oppress Minorities and Who teach evil . You falsely Accuse me to avoid. facing the truth ? This is a destructive Pattern with ignorant un educated liberals who don’t care about FACTS so they really are not ” Social Justice warriors ” But rather facilitating Terrorism . 4.)I bet you agreed With Liberal self admitted “globalist ” Trump ” Islamaphobia , it’s a Shame ” Don’t you ? America is Helping these Sunni ISIS proxies , The Kurds , right now – who have released ISIS . 5.) If ISIS released by the Kurds Kills your Family will you Still be kissing their Feet ?


yes on my birth certificate . you liberals hate truth so you divert make false accusations and pretend reality is ” invalid ” its not “random” the YPG is a terrorist organization

Jason Sixx

Female blew himself up lol ffs be professional


She had a beautiful smile and it’s a tragedy, that always the youth gets inflicted in wars. Maybe because of their dreams, such a shame :I

Mahmoud Larfi

Let’s be serious for a second. How is a vest bomb supposed to even put a scratch on a tank ?

In the past suicide bombers and held onto anti-tank mines and crawled underneath the belly of tanks. Japanese did this tactic against Marxist tanks and so did Koreans. They fought a brief was in Korea before the second world war ever even started.


Good point. Climb in the tank seems the most practical way to destroy it with a vest bomb. She would have needed permission from the crew.


Nice one


Hand granate in either the barrel of thrown through an open hatched, destroying the inside and crew.

Potato Potato

Exactly. This is bullshit, she did not put a dent on the tank. Unless you show me pics, this is false.

ISIS learned this tactic from Kurd’s. Kurd’s are one of the worlds two most famous suicide bombers organsations. They have even done many suicide bombings against civilians in Iran and Iran before as well. Terrorist are terrorist, no difference.

Henk Poell

This “Real Anti-Racist Action” seems to believe that Kurds are a worse race than Turks. :-)

Atif Ahmed

Please kurds understand you’ll be better off if you’ve co-operated with the russian/syrian government…………..now you’re just a pawn of Uncle Sam


HIMSELF?? why don’t SF just hire an english speaking person atleast instead of hiring low budget Russian migrants


Although such gramamtical mistakes are made by everyone and thus are common; websites usually have a proof-reader/editor to fix them. Presumably SF doesn’t have one?

Rüdiger Preiss

SF have offered some positions not long ago – you obviously haven’t volunteered, Mountains :D? You’d have had all the valuable information first hand ;)

DEC. 11, 2016 – Kurdish Militant Group Claims Responsibility for Deadly Istanbul Bombing:

ISTANBUL — A Kurdish militant group claimed responsibility on Sunday for a double bombing that killed 39 people and wounded 154 outside a soccer stadium in the heart of Istanbul the night before.

The group — Kurdistan Freedom Falcons — said in a statement that two of its members had carried out the suicide attacks in retaliation for state violence in the predominantly Kurdish region in southeast Turkey. The group also cited the continuing imprisonment of Abdullah Ocalan, the leader of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or P.K.K., which has waged a three-decade insurgency against the Turkish state.

The Kurdish Freedom Falcons, which claimed responsibility in June for a car bombing in Istanbul that killed at least 11 people, is considered an offshoot of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party.


A police car at the site of one of the explosions the night before. Credit Sedat Suna/European Pressphoto Agency Prime Minister Binali Yildirim had blamed the P.K.K. for the twin bombings on Saturday night.

Turkish officials said the two suicide attacks were carried out near the Vodafone Arena stadium. One of them involved the detonation of nearly 1,000 pounds of explosives in a vehicle, and the other was carried out by a suicide bomber who targeted police officers after a soccer game.

At least 30 police officers, eight civilians and one unidentified person were killed in the attacks, Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu said during a funeral for one of the victims on Sunday.

In Istanbul, 38 Killed in 2 Blasts Possibly Targeting Police Officers DEC. 10, 2016 The government declared a national day of mourning on Sunday, and top Turkish officials, including President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, attended funeral services held at Istanbul’s Police Headquarters.

“They should know that they would not get away with this; they will pay heavier prices,” Mr. Erdogan said after visiting the wounded at an Istanbul hospital. “They attacked vilely, perfidiously at two spots against those young lions, who were preparing to get on their buses.”


President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, head bowed at center, attended a memorial service. Credit Pool photo by Kayhan Ozer So far, the authorities have detained 13 people in connection with the attacks, the Istanbul chief prosecutor’s office said.

Violence has surged in southeastern Turkey and spilled over to western cities since the government started a counterinsurgency campaign against the P.K.K. after the group ended a two-year cease-fire in July 2015.

Turkey has been hit by a string of terrorist attacks this year that officials have attributed to Kurdish militants and the Islamic State. And the government’s crackdown and consolidation of power after an attempted coup over the summer have further set the country on edge.

On Sunday, video footage published by the local news media appeared to show one of the suicide bombers in the attacks on Saturday walking along a road when several police officers stopped him just before he detonated his explosives.

“All terror organizations are attacking our nation and our people for the same goal,” Mr. Erdogan said in a statement after the attacks. “Whenever Turkey takes a positive step with regards to its future, a response comes immediately before us in the form of blood, lives, savagery and chaos at the hands of terrorist organizations.”

This is why Turkish civilians and Iranians civilians know them as terrorist.

Henk Poell

And we all know that Erdogan’s words are the very definition of truth, right.


Fight led to the recapture of Kevire Hill (point 740?) in the small bridgehead there and TSK now (almost?) fully cleared from that bridgehead.

Meanwhile TSK claimed for about the sixth time (and day) they took Barsaya hill and we will see if they have and can hold it tomorrow.

888mladen .

When are you planing to join YPG? Surely you would be a lot more of use to their cause there than sitting at your laptop in the safety of your home.


An act of ISIS and jihadist


I think that after invention of ATGM there are more efficient ways to blow up a tank.


the turk are playing a different game than usual, the idea was clearly stolen from the SAA/Russia, take a hill, let the enemy retake it and pulverize them with artillery and air strikes. Birsaya mount is a clear example it’s taken almost twice a day within a hour and every time proof of capturer and dozen of dead YPG etc.

The forced conscript of old and young, the women fighters of the Kurd, when the die in battle will ensure turkey the future generation of the Kurd dries up that’s the primary game turkey plays here.

Semper Prudens

This girl was not a terrorist. Terrorism is when you kill innocent civil population to achieve political goals. But when you willingly sacrifice your life to resist a better armed foreign occupier who is marching to burn your native village and kill or expel your family (having no other efficient mean to stop him), that is heroism. Those who condemn her today would also burn Jeanne d`Arc in 1431.


She is a member of PKK, an orginastion that claimed 10.000 to 12.500 civilian lives in Turkey, so, yeah, she is a terrorist.

888mladen .

She has been a degenerate because that’s what hatred makes of you.

Pave Way IV

YPJ suicide bomber = ultimate example of learned helplessness from her psychopathic PYD masters, but the story is probably bogus (unless she had a 50 lb. EFP strapped to her chest).

The PYD really needs to replace their Tel Aviv/MacDill PR department – psychopathy just doesn’t sell too well among normal humans. They keep producing the kind of knuckle-dragger propaganda that only appeals to Israeli and US trailer-trash types (and politicians – same thing).

A real commander of real troops has plenty of other options – they simply wouldn’t ask, nor allow any of their soldiers to do this, except in (((Hollywood))). A derelict commander with plenty of worthless troops might, I suppose.


IMHO, this attack seems like one of the few justified reasons I’ve ever heard about for the use of a female suicide bomber, well done YPJ.

I haven’t looked it up yet but I do remember the PKK using female suicide bombers as much or more then other terrorist groups in this AO back in the 1990’s/early 2000 timeframe.

I was in the US military/27 years in EOD and spent lots of time both in Turkey and Iraqi Kurdistan during the Iraqi Kurdish Civil War. I worked closely with both the Turkish military and the KDP Peshmerga. One thing I noticed way back then was that the Iraqi Kurds had the worst record in this AO when it came to things like Honor Killings and Female Genital Mutilation, I seen some of this crap myself and it was very disturbing. Hopefully the Kurds have finally put a stop to this barbaric stuff. A couple questions for all you experts (I’ve been out of the loop on this stuff for a way to long time); Are the Kurds still the top dog in the region when it comes to Honor Killings and Female Genital Mutilation? Are the PKK still using lots of female suicide bombers? Is the use of Female Suicide Bombers a new tactic of the YPG?


What a sad waste of a cannon fodder life on behalf of American hegemony. As the Kurds continue to be useful idiots for the Empire, more beautiful lives will be wasted.


Suicide bombing is an act of desperation against a unbeatable opponent with conventional mans of fighting. This now, proves the Turks are winning and it’s a matter of time for the Kurdish held territories to fall. Time for the Turks to resort to diplomacy while Turkey is still open to it and means of leverage are still available. A reliable honest broker like Russia can still make this happen, but the terms will not necessary be for the liking of the Americans. If the Kurds are stubborn, Turkey will not restrict its operation in Syria. They go to Iraq and eventually to Iran. The Turks want to fix the Kurdish problem for the next 100 years and probably hoping that the Kurds will not resort to diplomacy (that is their best scenario, unfortunately)

Brad Isherwood

An Iranian official who worked at Iran’s United Nations mission in New York in 2006, when the Security Council adopted Resolution 1696 — its first nuclear-related resolution against Iran — told Al-Monitor on condition of anonymity, “At that time, Russia had promised the Iranian government that it would veto any sanctions resolution against Iran at the UN, even though we in New York had warned Tehran that Moscow would not do this. But [President] Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was counting on Russia’s promise.”

Russia’s long-stalled delivery of an S-300 air defense system to Iran, which Moscow committed to delivering in an $800 million deal in 2007, is another example of this dynamic. The system was finally delivered in April 2016, after a nine-year delay and after Iran filed a complaint against Russia with the International Court of Arbitration. The construction of the Bushehr nuclear power plant, which Russia agreed to build in the early 1990s but dragged out for almost two decades, is another instance that fueled pessimism about Moscow in Iran.


>>Russia will broker what’s in its best interest. ….which includes Israel wishes tied to Russian Jewish Oligarchs and the Chabad Lubavitch. If anything. …Syrian conflict has exposed the Fantasy of Russia/Putin the Saviour. It’s just business now


Some of what you say is true. Some in Iran still think: no nation harmed Iran more than Russia. You can’t have allies that are weak and unreliable. Russia in 2007 was under Medvedev and was also coming up from a deep hole. They were weak and facing an imminent colour revolution. Interest rates for commercial loans were north of 30%. What people don’t know about Russia is that they are not totally sovereign, they have an insane fifth column. It’s a miracle that they got so far.

The Russian central bank is controlled in an unbelievable way (I can’t get in too much detail here).

Even now they are still vulnerable. They took down a big chunk of the fifth column but it’s not over yet. They will really need that 6 more years of Putin in the helm.

So far they made it to the world stage as a reborn superpower. They can’t be trusted a 100% but in 5 years they can be trusted 100%.

With the absence of China in world stage politics, Russia is the best hope for humanity. (China needs at least 10 years to stand up)

888mladen .

Truth is painful but still better than the most soothing lies.

Hide Behind

PLAN C. The Syrian Kurds may of just as well formed itself along the lines of “Mao of China “little Red Book” on how to form a rebolution. THREE BRANCHES, political wing, ( 5 republic capitals), military, he goodies multiple 8 branches who temporarily are just interested in killing Syrians and sic terrorist. And then you have your utopian hippies who lefties and dumb as rocks librals send dumb as rock children to in order to make one loving Kurdish commune in the future. All of this is bullshit as Kurds have been killing Kurd, faction against faction since they belonged to Ottoman empire, and have never cared much for any one else. A LOT like Israel. The Syrian Kurds are not just wanting a autonomous union within any nation, but are biding time until they can form a nation out of turkish, syrian, Iranian, and Iraq soils. The US and allies learned well and everything Kurds do and set up is no more than US led and financed social engineering, and it is the smaller social where goody two shoe volunteers gut out the underbelly of Resistance to US, many volunteers paid for and from outside university neoliberal types.


Even the fascists and Nazis said that the partisans were terrorists …. they did not win the war against the “terrorists” and they had the contempt of the world.The Turks will no longer go from Syria….


Hah nice Life for a Tank stupid Bitch you just prove that you are Daesh 2.0


Caos again Syria, who benefits?

Smith Ricky

That’s what you call an idiot.

Astar Roth

That’s right, bro.

888mladen .

How better they are than ISIS or Nusra? Their hatred makes them desperate. Who has no respect for his or her own life does not deserve it. It’s not an act of heroism it’s an act of a mind completely eclipsed by hatred to the point of losing any respect for the gift of life whatsoever.

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