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Kyiv Launched Large-Scale Offensive On Several Parts Of Frontline, Russian MoD Confirms

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Kyiv Launched Large-Scale Offensive On Several Parts Of Frontline, Russian MoD Confirms

Ukrainian equipment involved in the offensive

The Russian Defense Ministry officially confirmed that Kyiv’s forces have launched a large-scale offensive on several parts of the frontline.

“On the morning of June 4, the enemy launched a large-scale offensive in five sectors of the front in the South Donetsk direction by introducing into battle 23 and 31 mechanized brigades from the strategic reserves of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the support of other military units.

In total, six mechanized and two tank battalions of the enemy were involved.

The goal of the enemy was to break through our defenses on the most vulnerable, in his opinion, sector of the front.

The enemy did not achieve his tasks, he had no success.

As a result of the skillful and competent actions of the Eastern Group of Forces, the losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine amounted to more than 250 personnel, 16 tanks, three infantry fighting vehicles, 21 armored fighting vehicles.

Commander of the Joint Group of Forces – Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, General of the Army Gerasimov V.V. during this period he was at one of the advanced command posts in this direction,” the defense ministry said in a statement on June 5.

Russian forces destroy equipment of the Kyiv regime:

As of June 5 morning, the Russian Defense Ministry confirms active military actions in these directions:

Report by Press Centre Chief of Tsentr Group of Forces

In Krasny Liman direction, in the course of a counter-battery operation, the enemy M-777 howitzer position was uncovered. Lantset unmanned aerial vehicle of the Tsentr Group of Forces destroyed the target.

Russian Tactical and Army aviation carried out missile and bombing strikes to destroy the AFU strongholds, as well as manpower and hardware concentration areas close to eight settlements.

In Nevsky section and in the area of Serebryansky forestry, combat protection units  uncovered the movement of the AFU 63rd and 67th mechanised brigades and the AFU 5th Brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine. As a result of artillery and aviation attacks, the enemy suffered significant losses and dispersed into the forest area.

At the same time, the Russian Defense Ministry reported that artillery units of the Southern Group of Forces destroyed fortified positions and a firing position of Kyiv’s forces near the settlement of Spornoe, an ammunition depot of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Ray-Aleksandrovka region, an artillery gun and a vehicle in the Seversk region, an infantry fighting vehicle in the area of ​​the settlement of Stupochki and two pickup trucks near Bogdanovka.

A TOS “Solntsepek” unit also pounded positions of Kyiv’s troops in the area of ​​the settlement of Krasnoe.

In the Avdiyivka direction, the Tor-M2 anti-aircraft missile system shot down an US-made JDAM guided aerial bomb.

A special-purpose unit destroyed a Ukrainian reconnaissance radar station in the Druzhkovka area with a Lancet guided munition.

Kyiv Launched Large-Scale Offensive On Several Parts Of Frontline, Russian MoD Confirms

Destroyed equipment of Kyiv’s forces

It’s interesting to note that the Kyiv regime tries to deny the reality and pretends that nothing is happening in its official statements. It seems that they will officially announce any active actions only if they achieve at least some notable tactical successes. Apparently, this has not happened so far.

Reports claim that the June 5 clashes continued with even larger scale. The Kyiv regime threw even more forces into the battle.

Intense fighting is ongoing in Zaporozhye region. Kyiv’s forces also tried to advance in the sectors of Novodarovka, Zolotaya Niva-Novodonetskoe, Novoselovka and “Shaitanka” River. Dozens of units of military equipment are involved in the attack. Pro-Russian sources claim that 4 Ukrainian battle tanks were destroyed.

Allegedly, Kyiv’s units were able to reach the vicinity of Novodonetskoe where fighting is ongoing. Russian artillery and air power strike the advancing units of the Kyiv regime there.

The situation is developing.


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this report comes many hours after being reported in russian sources. question: do you all live in the americas or simply get up terribly late :-)


ukrainians get stomped on like cockroaches even by the regular russian army. those incompetent goblins are probably praying every night that wagner doesn’t return to the battlefield soon 😂 🤣😂 🤣😂 🤣😂 🤣😂 🤣😂 🤣😂 🤣

Gen. Budanov KIA. Zaluzhnyi KIA. Gen. Cloutier KIA

i wrote a rap: nazis, your counter offensive failed. you are a failure. your new nick is losernick, so kill yourself. join the 3 top generals of my nick, who are now partying with old nick…

L du Plessis


Player Unknown

so they probably plan the start of the main offensive for june 6 .. which is an anniversary of normandy landing ,clearly trying to gain sympathy from american public


quasi tutti i cittadini usa sono ignoranti al cubo ed analfabeti compresi i cosiddetti laureati ! non sanno nulla di storia i cittadini usa però due occhi e un piccolo cervellino lo hanno pure loro perciò quando vedono sulle decine di carri-armati e mezzi blindati-corazzati usa-nato regalati agli ucraini nazisti distrutti dai russi in territorio russo le insegne naziste è molto difficile che abbiano le simpatie del” americano medio !


hay algo peor que ser burros y es ser ciegos al mundo entero los norteamericanos ven el resto del mundo como algo sin importancia que esta ahi solo para ser aprovechado por ellos

Mood is changing, the money flow to Nazi will stop

you are telling the truth andrea. i dont know why the haters are giving you so many dislikes

Last edited 1 year ago by Mood is changing, the money flow to Nazi will stop

da sempre mi diverto a molestare le persone sceme ed ignoranti credulone che si arrabbiano e perciò gli sono antipatico ! la verità non è gradita alle persone ritardate mentali ! la mamma degli scemi ignoranti resta sempre incinta e partorisce nuovi idioti creduloni a cui gli sto antipatico !


or they are yankees fans looking to defame buddy harrelson’s birthday. (happy 79th, bud!).

there’s a reason the bronx bombers are known as the evil empire, y’know.

Florian Geyer

thats a very good point.

propaganda is the only weapon that nato has now, unless hato is daft enough start ww3.

Peter Jennings

don’t doubt it, they are daft enough. please see wwi and wwii for reference.


excellent result for russian forces in this action against the nato backed kiev regime be vigilant at all times as the snake will be looking to take advantage of any weak points along the front lines as we see with their continued attacks on civilians on the border regions . 16 nato tanks lost excellent result . slavia russia…….

Azov Battailon called Lloyd Austin a dirty Ape Nig

real world counteroffensive failed badly, so ukra nazi trolls are now starting their “sf likes counteroffensive”


l” ucraina filo-usa nazista è la dimostrazione che le guerre si vincono solo regalando montagne di soldi , armi e di munizioni come fanno usa-uk-ue-nato in questa guerra ! se gli ucraini nazisti fossero obbligati a pagare di tasca loro ogni drone -carro armato-blindato–aereo -obice -elicottero -eccetera- eccetera non farebbero assalti suicidi folli contro il territorio russo oppure non sarebbero cosi fessi ed idioti da resistere ad ogni costo su posizioni che non possono difendere !


le sonore disfatte militari ucraine con la perdita di migliaia di armamenti e soldati ucraini nazisti e di mercenari stranieri per ogni giorno di guerra prima o poi faranno crollare il regime nazista ucraino e anche i paesi fascisti usa e dei paesi uk-ue-nato che lo sostengono !

Moshe Dayan

as it was necessary to destroy the nazi armies in 1945 so it is necessary to remove the neonazi ukroreich today. evil thieves who are becoming billionaires many times over, and buying mansions all over the world , while their people die in a war their criminal leaders planned long ago. a country run by crooked people is more dangerous than the worst foreign enemy. destroy the thief empire of ukraine.


bruma de guerra desinformacion manipulacion los periodistas son solo propagandistas muy basicos pero al menos se les nota la verguenza de tener que mentir las metiras de la otan a los de la tv


7 cars on video is “large scale attack” – there is at maximum 40 soldiers

Xoxolistani Khazars

watch @withinsyria vid from attack on twitter. 20 maxxpro total ( including 4 tanks and numerous apc’s). drone footage shows 13/20 maxxpros smoldering ruins after krasnopol. enjoy

Last edited 1 year ago by Xoxolistani Khazars
Xoxol Khazar Khaganate

9 maaxpro mrap destroyed already on barely day 1 by krasnopol and another 4 by ka-52. xoxols off to a great start ;)

Xoxolistani Khazars

verified on video 13 out of 20 ukrop mrap’s destroyed by krasnopol artillery/ka-52. counteroffensive going amazing. sevestapol very soon! watch withinsyria vid on twitter for uav footage showing maxxpro get ploinked by 122mm krasnopol.

Last edited 1 year ago by Xoxolistani Khazars

probing for weaknesses. however, pretending that you are strong where you are weak and weak where you are strong should be mandatory for russians.

prigozhin is right, wagner and ukrainian military are truly the best in the world right now, however this offensive turns out at the end. there is no nation on the planet with such modern fighting experience as the one that russia and ukraine have..

Mood is changing, the money flow to Nazi will stop

in the last few years, russia fought in georgia (won), fought in chechenya (won), is winning in syria. let me count how many wars the ukraine has fought in the last years: zero.


debe ser un gran ataque de sondeo el real viene despues es solo un preludio un amague para confundir a los rusos ,,tienen muchos recursos de la otan los ukros !

Last edited 1 year ago by ARMAGEDEON

what do russian soldiers call a ukrainian offensive? a: a target-rich environment.

Peter Jennings

how do you know when the ukrainian junta have launched their counter offensive? when you see their tanks burning. obviously zelensky wasn’t anywhere near it and probably wasn’t even in the country.

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