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Kyiv Leeches Off Victories Of Terrorists In Mali

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Kyiv Leeches Off Victories Of Terrorists In Mali

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The recent defeat of the Malian Armed Forces (FAM) and the Wagner PMCs in the battles in northern Mali gained wide broadcast. New details of the battles are being revealed, while the Kyiv regime is trying to gain some media benefits from someone else’s victory.

The Wagner Group released the following statement on the situation in Mali.

From July 22 to 27, 2024, servicemen of the FAM and fighters of the 13th Assault Detachment of the Wagner PMC under the command of Sergei Shevchenko, call sign “Pond”, entered fierce battles against militants from the Azawad Coordination Movement (CMA) and the Al-Qaeda in the Sahel (JNIM) terrorist group near the village of Tin Zaouatine.

On the first day, the group destroyed most of the Islamists and forced the rest to escape. However, the sandstorm allowed the radicals to regroup and increase their numbers to 1,000 militants. In this regard, the command of the Wagner PMC decided to transfer additional forces to the combat area to assist the 13th Assault Squad.

On July 25, the militants attacked Wagner fighters again, but thanks to the coordinated actions of the personnel of the PMC and the Malian military, the attempted attack was repelled. Over the next two days, the radicals increased the number of massive attacks, using heavy weapons, UAVs and kamikaze vehicles, which caused losses to the Wagner PMC and FAM soldiers.

The last radio message from the Wagner group was received on July 27 at 17:10:

“The three of us stayed, we continue to fight”

The commander of the 13th Assault Squad, Sergei Shevchenko, died in battle.

Eternal memory to our brothers who fulfilled their duty to the end.



The newly released footage showed braveness of Russian fighters from the Wagner PMC. One of the Wagner fighters decided not to surrender. The unarmed man took a stone and rushed on Azawad militants with bare hands. The militants are seen running away in a panic. They shot the brave fighter.



In its turn, the Kyiv regime attempted to gain hype in the media, once again confirming its terrorist nature. Highlighting their ties with Tuareg militants and declaring victory against Russian Wagner fighters, they try to hide the decisive role of Al-Qaeda terrorists in the battle against the Malian Armed Forces and Russian PMCs.

On July 29, the official spokesperson of the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine (GUR) declared that the Ukrainian military intelligence was allegedly involved in the successful operation of Tuareg Islamists from the Azawad Coordination Movement in Mali.

According to the claims of the Ukrainian official, Ukrainian intelligence allegedly passed some information to the Tuaregs that helped the Islamists defeat the military column of Malian government forces and fighters of the Wagner PMC. In addition, the representative of the GUR hinted that the Malian rebels also received some weapons that were used in this operation.

Ukrainians are engaged in training Tuaregs in combat tactics, as well as supplying them with weapons and UAVs. According to reports by Russian military sources, presumably, the first of such groups was trained at the beginning of the year and new groups continue to be prepared.

The Ukrainian military reportedly faced some problems with the delivery of weapons to the area and it took them several months to arrange supplies. Apparently, after the cargo has arrived, it brought the first results. On the Ukrainian side, these operations are coordinated by Ukrainian Andriy Grabarenko.

The Ukrainians are acting in coordination with British forces who often visit the region and arrive via Nouakchott in Mauritania.

RT also published photos of the alleged Ukrainian militants present in Mali.

Kyiv Leeches Off Victories Of Terrorists In Mali

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Kyiv Leeches Off Victories Of Terrorists In Mali

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Kyiv Leeches Off Victories Of Terrorists In Mali

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The close ties between the Ukrainian military and Islamist rebels and Al-Qaeda terrorists through their Western patrons are not surprising. However, the ongoing attempts of the Kyiv officials to gain some hype thanks to the victories of the terrorists raise many doubts and are the result of their shortsighted policy. Amid the claims by the Ukrainian military officials, Ukrainian propaganda tried its best to exaggerate Kyiv’s role in the victory in the battle against Wagner fighters.

Kyiv Post rushed to publish a photo of Azawad militants with Ukrainian flag and likely some Ukrainians. However, it was soon revealed that the photo was likely made more than a month ago.



Kyiv Leeches Off Victories Of Terrorists In Mali

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Kyiv Leeches Off Victories Of Terrorists In Mali

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Militants seen on the photo were also present on a video published by pro-Azawad activist on June 10. At least two persons, the time of day and the area seen on the video correspond to the photo published by Ukrainian media on July 29 as confirmation of contacts between the Ukrainian GUR and the Tuaregs. The Kyiv Post lied that their exclusive photo “was taken immediately after the Tuaregs inflicted a major defeat on Wagner’s group in Mali.”

Azawad sources also reportedly proposed to transfer the captured Russian fighters to their ‘friends’ in Ukraine. However, the Tuareg militants reportedly agreed to exchange the POWs with the Russian military for ransom, which is much more beneficial for the Islamists. The exchange of at least some Russian PMCs was confirmed by various sources.

Kyiv Leeches Off Victories Of Terrorists In Mali

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The role of Ukrainian services in the recent victory of the terrorists in Mali is miserable. Ordered by its Western patrons, the Ukrainian military could share some weapons and some military experience, including of the operation of FPV and other types of drones; but the claims that Ukrainian intelligence could provide the militants with some valuable information are dubious. Azawad’s own intelligence is much more effective in the region than the Ukrainian one, which has no resources in Mali.

It is not the first time that Kyiv Post has acted as a mouthpiece for the GUR of Ukraine, publishing footage of the alleged participation of Ukrainian special forces in the battles away from Ukraine. In particular, they shared videos allegedly showing Ukrainian militants fighting in Sudan, the authenticity of which was never confirmed. Kyiv Post also published video of Syrian militants, claiming them to be the operations of the Ukrainian GUR in Syria. Then, it turned out that Syrian militants simply sold footage of their operations to the Ukrainian intelligence.

The ongoing Kyiv’s propaganda campaign is nothing but an attempt to declare another fake victory amid the defeats on Ukrainian frontlines.

Kyiv is pursuing a risky policy. The Ukrainian public does not support the alleged military operations of professional Ukrainian servicemen abroad, while Ukrainian defense is falling apart in the Donbass and ordinary Ukrainians are captured on the streets and thrown to the meat grinder.

Moreover, Kyiv is once again highlighting its terrorist essence thanks to its ‘friendship’ with Al-Qaeda terrorists and Azawad forces, which are an ordinary IIslamist terrorist organization hiding behind the “people’s liberation” movement of the Tuaregs in northern Mali.


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Dont like the truth go to cnn

ukras are terrorists. ukras are nazis. nazis should be killed. terrorists should be killed. no prisoners.


and all the “mercenaries” from the jewnited snakes and its poodles.

Gneaus stapo

fuck u sob subhuman

Shekelstein Furniture Inc

stupo gestapo–inferior germ tantrums

Shekelstein Furniture Inc

stupo geztapo–inferior germ tantrums

former Airbus Engineer

hey nazi, how is the situation in the chasov front?


funny how russia talks so much shit, propaganda kings of lying, bro u orks r being fucked atm wtf r u on about 😂😂

Leprosy Epidemic in Germany

that’s what we used to say about the germans in america 80 years back. they’re subhuman krauts, shoot ’em on sight.

but they make good slaves so we shouldn’t shoot them all.


the spout of zionazi filth is sputtering idiotic crap. get it its meds already.


i reckon we shuld start with thr limp wristed keyboard warriors like you… gutless fagg0t


ukrainians training the tuareg militants in desert warfare, loll?!!!? those tuareg fighters, as scummy as they are, probably slept with an ak-47 in their cribs as babies lol, and they probably know the terrain like the back of their hands, the idea that they could possibly have anything to learn from the primitive urkronazi pigs is laughable. maybe ukronazis were sending their meat to be trained by the tuaregs since nato training isn’t proving very effective.


shame for the fallen wagner and mali armed forces soldiers, they fought bravely but their strategic command obviously miscalculated.


at least ukros have slaughtered up to 500.000 fully armed russian invaders so far. that’s way more than 10 times the amount of russians which afghan & chechen mujahedeen managed to kia in about 10 years of war each. so i wouldnt downplay that – like you obviously like to do. i understand that it is bitter for jewtin sympathizer to admit the desasterous amount of losses & the complete failure of the smo rat army invasion of ukraine – but you should at least try to cope with it like a man.

Last edited 8 months ago by Teresa999
Leprosy Epidemic in Germany

what brand soap you use to brainwash yourself, honey poo?

just curious. were you sad that farion was killed by her own?

Gneaus stapo

cry me a river useless subhuman assclown soldestka horde scum bolshivik flathead. endlösung der russenfrage now! no more rashniks in real europa, nur ein russenfreies europa ist ein sicheres europa. europa den europäern, russen raus, horrido yo-yo dran drauf drüber sieg

gestapo mctaco

sad gestapling went sad again, look in the mirror. what do u see? a horseheaded inbred freak?

Shekelstein Furniture Inc

stupo tantrums hysterical–inferior species germ


yes, even though i am not against the ru people in general. but all those with even slidest connection to bolshevism, communism, marxism, judaism etc. & living in eu-nations, need to be prosecuted or executed, that’s for sure. if they manage to flee, sad but off they go and hopefully jewtin sends them into the ukraine meatgrinder. btw grad gute weltnetz seite gefunden https://2cm.es/jp2024 und weitere hier https://2cm.es/dtkmpft

Last edited 8 months ago by Teresa999
former Airbus Engineer

and why are you nazi face commenting your own post?


schnauze braune missgeburt

Axel H. Bonte

gneaus stapo you are one of the dumbest homo sapiens on this planet! the russian part of europe is just as big as that of all the eu states combined!

you probably didn’t learn this in your school in romania, but it is part of the general education that you don’t have.

every poodle is more educated than you

Gneaus stapo

there is nothing european in rashnik flathead subhuman assclown soldestka horde scum bolshivik life.

they are scum, the worst there is,the worst there was and the worst there ever will be.

Gneaus stapo

lol ur a funny assclown soldestka horde scum bolshivik flathead subhuman indeed…

now i am romanian? other flathead called me jewish and other fluffer called me gay 😂😂..

ur type is pathetic as shit

Julius Streicher

…you are a gay, jewish romanian! – what is there not to understand about this?

it is clear that this is embarrassing for you, you are quite aware of your backwardness, only the fact that you get your information here on the southern front speaks slightly for you, but it does not free you

gestalten wie dir hätten wir vor 80 jahren im “stürmer” eine komplette doppelseite gewidmet🤡 😆😆😆

Gneaus stapo

trottel nur idioten haben den stürmer gelesen, echte stapos haben die rsha berichte verfasst und menschlichen abfall wie dich und deine art sonderbehandelt. horrido yo-yo dran drauf drüber sieg

Gneaus stapo

dawai dawai dein platz in der kammer ist frei geworden,das warten hat ein ende,sing halleluja russischer untermensch. verrecke du missgeburt.

Julius Streicher

…typen wie du sind eine einzige schande für das heroische deutsche volk! unser österreichischer führer hätte einem subjekt wie dir eine wunderbare kostenlose unterbringung in einem seiner entzückenden arbeitslager verschafft, denn er wusste mit asozialem gesocks wie dir umzugehen.

danke südfront für die hier herrschende meinungsfreiheit, in deutschland hätte man dir für dein unqualifiziertes gewäsch längst den garaus gemacht 😉

Gneaus stapo

yada yada,lebe ja gott sei dank nicht in russland,also keine gefahr aus dem fenster gestürzt zu werden oder von ner kgb babuschka angeschwaerzt zu werden und im gulag zu landen. was für ein segen kein russischer flachkopf zu sein und im zivilisierten europa/ deutschland zu leben.

Julius Streicher

wo auch immer man dich ausgebuddelt hat, zu zeiten “der bewegung” hättest du stunden, nein tage auf dem appellplatz verbracht und dein zivilisiertes lieblingslied gesungen: “hurra hurra, – ich bin wieder da”!

danke gott, dass das “zivilisierte deutschland” dich aufgenommen hat und beende deinen dummen “staatsbürgerkunde unterricht” hier im forum, du schrumpfkopf!

Leprosy Epidemic in Germany

speak english, your master’s language, kraut.


that pootin russian seem to be always playing that catch-up as ol putin did believe those slav brother would come to their senses and unite. not so of course as putin miscalculate. but those russian being of that stoic as they meander as time will tell and we shall see…

those wagner may have suffered loss as they did in that ukraine but as then those wagner did come back with purpose…

battles are lost as wars are won…


funny thing is that the jews (which took over russia in 1917 by bloody revolution – paid for by the jewish prime banker and close rothchild companion jacob schiff) gave the name “red army” to their slave army, which they formed from brainwashed and oppressed christian russians after the revolution had succeeded. funny because red &rat sound same in engl. and trotzky was send to russia from usa. same as 9/11 is “of course by coincidence” also the number of the usa emergency call.

Last edited 8 months ago by Teresa999

these kabbalistic, satanic mockery of their brainwashed enslaved followers is typical jewish – and though i and lots of others here told the pro-russians on the forum for mio of times about it – they are still following these jews which view & all them basically “rats” and formed the enslaved & brainwashed russians into a “rat army”,..

Last edited 8 months ago by Teresa999

.. plus giving it a red sign to deflect attention away from the other word with similar sound – but with that aligning it automatically to “rothschild” which translates directly into “red sign”.so russians can now choose what their army is. is it the “rat army” or is it the “rothschild army”? that’s the satanic fun, the mockery the jews do with the enslaved russians, and they (russians) are sadly to naive, stupid or brainwashed to grasp even this obvious thing.

Last edited 8 months ago by Teresa999

btw so that you see that kind of stupidity is also rooted in eu-nations people. for example those following the q-anon bullshit, where they get told that “the whitehats” are going to save us & free the world. whitehat translates directly to weishaupt – adam weishaupt was jewish & the founder of the illuminati. so people really think the illuminati will save them from zionist jewsa or communist jewtin ??

Last edited 8 months ago by Teresa999

or here one more. in ww2 the jewish controlled allied forces especially usa&uk bombed our german cities to dust. using heavy special bombs called “blockbusters” to level whole civilian apartment blocks. today they present germans in tv with jewsa hollywood movies calling them mega-blockbusters, and all those brainwashed watch the movies & not even notice that they are mocked 100%.

Last edited 8 months ago by Teresa999

jews forced america to “outsource” all its producing economy to china. jewish bankers relocated their money to there.in europe jews behind the governments push the green, left & socialist parties climate-agenda, hence destroying the economy & making all the big companies leave & resettle elsewhere mainly to china.and now jews work hard to bring usa, eu & russia into new world war. jewish bankers & china stand by laughing and will be the big winners of it.

Last edited 8 months ago by Teresa999

red in english doesn’t sound anything like rat, it sounds like “read” the past tense of “to read” or “redd” where a salmon lays it’s eggs. the german for red, “rot” is closer but still sounds more like “rot” (to decay). in german a townhall is called the rathaus which would make a better wordplay on rats if you especially wanted one.


no and no. in engl. red and rat sound exactly the same. read instead does sound that way only in the past tense. and for german rathaus is spoken like raathaus resp rahthaus ( with a long ‘a) but funny thing is it is indeed written like the ‘rat’ in english but the word rathaus relates to räte which in russian is ‘soviet’ so here we have another connection soviets = rats.

Last edited 8 months ago by Teresa999

you’re right about german tv showing us & uk dubbed shows including frequent ww2 history from their perspective, but where’s the russian influence? if german made tv shows go abroad it’s almost always to the us or other european countries, not russia, despite the historical ties. the ussr gave the east germans their freedom in the 90’s, if they chose to throw it away and become slaves to the west that isn’t the fault of modern russia


i understand your point and in part you are right. but please understand though they left middle-germany ( not east germany – east germany is schlesien, pommern, prussia resp. koenigsberg/kaliningrad etc.) they, in the same moment, installed their communist jewish terror bitch merkel in the new german government as chanceller!

Last edited 8 months ago by Teresa999

this disgusting jewish bitch which moscow installed in germany, did study in moscow, is a communist-jewish agent, stasi and opened germany for full communist infiltration & takeover and in addition opened the borders to let mio of scum from 3rd world countries into germany !!! so you really want german people to “thank russia” ?

Last edited 8 months ago by Teresa999

nevertheless it is at least good that russian military left german territory (at least part of it). do the same in ukraine, and start fighting the jews instead of the nationalist natives. this way russia will become free, and will have good long-term connections to european people.

Last edited 8 months ago by Teresa999
Gneaus stapo

mein großvater starb an der königsberger-front, also wuchs mein vater ohne männliche figur auf, deshalb war er sehr, sehr schwul, aber er schaffte es, ‚irgendwie‘ meine schlampe bi-mutter zu ficken, dann starb er an aids. ja, und meine alte war selbst nicht hetero: in den 80ern war sie mit einer schwarzen amerikanischen soldatin zusammen (also mein schoko “daddy” ersatz). ich selbst wuchs also in einer lgbt-familie mit mehreren verschiedenen rassen auf, hier in duisburg.

Last edited 8 months ago by Gneaus stapo
Gneaus stapo

nice story, funny to know i am living rent free in ur 2 cell brain and ur wasteing ur time, writing about stapo

Gneaus stapo

so copy paste stapo, do u really think i am in any way or shape offended by ur stupid, racist rashnik flathead subhuman assclown soldestka horde scum bolshivik comment?

grow up boy,stop being the kindergarten pussy u are.

Last edited 8 months ago by Gneaus stapo
Gneaus stapo

ich bekam müllmann, heiratete, obwohl ich die schwulen gene meines vaters geerbt hatte, und schaffte es, eine tochter zu bekommen, die auf schwarze männer steht. und hier haben wir eine amerikanische basis voller schwarzer männer, und sie arbeitet dort manchmal als stripperin, und sie hat einen freund (leroy), aber unglücklicherweise hat ihr freund sie geschwängert und ist in die usa zurückgegangen, und meine frau steht dort auch auf schwarze männer. also bin ich super glücklich.

Gneaus stapo

tolle geschichte, erzähl nochmal einen 😜. wirklich interessant was so in einem zwei hirnzellen rashnik rassisten flathead subhuman assclown soldestka horde scum bolshivik hirn vorgeht.

Last edited 8 months ago by Gneaus stapo
gllt bronkers

u call him “rassist”? you are the most racist person on this forum. you are a self declared neonazi. ppl like u are cowards who hide themselves behind a keyboard. and btw why is your mom baerbock fucking with african prostitutes? it’s all over the news today

Last edited 7 months ago by gllt bronkers
Julius Streicher

believe me, this shrunken head is not a racist, he’s just stupid and set aggressively!

he informs himself here in the forum to get a spark of truth, and then gets annoyed by what he reads!

such characters usually play an absolutely subordinate role in real life and then let the pig out on the net!

basically a pitiable subject

Gneaus stapo

lol coming from a rashnik using julius streicher/ der stürmer/ nazi newspaper as his nick.

Gneaus stapo

i never ever declared to be neo or old school nazi…damn flathead subhuman, assclown… according to shithole front i am gay, nazi, jewish and romanian

Julius Streicher

…stimmt alles nicht!!! du bist einfach nur ungebildet und sehr laut, -das wars! damit bist du aber nicht allein, auch im realen leben können ungebildete menschen sich einfach nicht anders gehör verschaffen!

vielleicht ist es deiner ddr biografie zuzuschreiben, ich weiß es nicht! aber nicht alle ossis sind deswegen zwangsläufig asozial, aber die meisten und du gehörst dazu, – schrumpfkopf 🤡 😆😆😆


thos statement os pathetix. ujros are nothing in the world right now, but cannon fodder used by the anglos. they can not do shit, in ther defeats against russia in the dombas o abroad. losers…


mali goverment has to talk to neighbour country to jointly attack all side of this terriost hide out and increase air attack on them. and pmc has to be more professional now as western thugs will attack thos goverment who support russia and dont leave any ukro alive.


the issue is its northwest neighbour country contributed to the part of the problem related to terrorism by stealing oil in mali to please its former colon.

Stephen Obi Emekekwue

i ✋ salute the fallen gallant’s of the fam and rf afrika korps wagner pmc’s.your payment of the supreme sacrifice in accord with your military oath’s will not be in vain.rf af’s afrika korps and fam will avenge you grandly!.very soon indeed!.for ukraine 🇺🇦 neo-nazi’s scum slave’s and tuareg islamist radical terrorist ilks and us 🇺🇸 imperialist masters; death ☠️ beckons you too!,sooner not later!.bon voyage 🧭 to hell!!.


id like to think prigozhin is still alive somewhere


so un professional from the russians. how can they be so relaxed when you know you are then enemies are always looking for a way to hurt you. same mistakes being made in ukraine. wake up guys, beef up your security, get some drones out there and and change your tactics.

gestapo mctrucktaco

“beef up your security,”

mmm mmmm.. beef patys…

paties… m/mmmmmm mm

Last edited 8 months ago by gestapo mctrucktaco
Conan M

if only adam yahiye gadahn “perlman” were alive to dance with his terrorists buddies (post 9/11) that occupy the land of milk and honey!… but not for much longer….

Last edited 8 months ago by Conan M

lmao i came here to see how mad the putin bots are in the comments and no cap that article was a fuckong scroll good old south front projecting their insecurity coz those wagner fagg0ts got theit cnt faces pushed in my real men, gutless ork pigs

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