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MARCH 2025

Kyiv’s Forces Are On Retreat In Donbass. Rubezhnoe Falls. Severodonetsk Is Next

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Kyiv’s Forces Are On Retreat In Donbass. Rubezhnoe Falls. Severodonetsk Is Next

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The joint forces of Russia, DPR, and LPR have been successfully developing their operation in the region of Donbass.

As of March 18, troops of the Lugansk People’s Republic, with support of the Russian Armed Forces, liberated more than 90% of the territory in which it declared its independence. This means that 90% of the territory of Ukraine’s Lugansk Region is in thehands of LPR.

Late of March 17, LPR troops took control of the key settlement of Rubezhnoe, north of the Severodonetsk-Lysichansk agglomeration. Currently, LPR units are eliminating the vestiges of pro-Kyiv forces around it. This advance took place amid the ongoing collapse of the Ukrainian defense in Severodonetsk. Reports suggest that most pro-Kyiv units already withdrew from the town to Lysichansk. The rest of them is in fact encircled in Severodonetsk.

Rubezhnoe (also called Rubejnoe in media):

At the same time, forces of the Donetsk People’s Republic and Russia advanced in the northern sector. They took control of the settlements of Zolotaya Niva, Novodonetskoe, Novomayorskoe and Prechistovka.

In the sector east of Donetsk city, DPR units are pressuring Kyiv’s forces deployed in their strong points of Mariinka and Adviivka. Despite intense clashes in the area, DPR forces achieved no breakthrough there.

Tactical clashes also took place north of the town of Ugledar in the nearby sector. Kyiv actively uses small mobile groups supported by military equipment to slow down the advancing forces there.

Fierce clashes continued in Mariupol city. Units of the Donetsk People’s Republic, with the support of the Russian Armed Forces, are increasing their pressure on units of pro-Kyiv forces in the city center. After the recent advances in the north of the city, DPR units captured the southeastern sector of it and put their flag over the administrative building in Levoberejniy District.

Fighting also continued in the Izyum area and north of Slavyansk. Russian troops reportedly reached the northern outskirts of Kamenka, northwest of Slavyansk. Reports claim that the Ukrainian Armed Forces sent reinforcements to Slavyansk, Kramatorsk and Konstantinovka. Thus, they will likely try to turn these cities into strongholds and defended them to slow down the further advance of Russian-led forces.

In the north of Ukraine, Russian forces have beenworking to consolidate their gains and tighten the encirclement over such cities as Chernihiv and Symi. The situation around Kyiv city remains relatively same with the Russians intensifying the blocking of the city from the northern, eastern and western directions.

Kyiv’s Forces Are On Retreat In Donbass. Rubezhnoe Falls. Severodonetsk Is Next

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According to the Russian Defense Ministry, during the night, aviation and air defense systems of the Russian Aerospace Forces shot down six more Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles in the air, including a Bayraktar TB-2.

Russian operational-tactical, army and unmanned aircraft hit 81 military facilities of Ukraine. This included four installations of multiple launch rocket systems, three command posts, eight ammunition depots and 28 military equipment gathering sites.

The Russian side says that since the start of the military operation its forces have destroyed 183 unmanned aerial vehicles, 1406 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 138 multiple rocket launchers, 535 field artillery pieces and mortars, as well as 1197 units of special military vehicles.


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Does not change the fact Russia is also apart of global homo.



Russia is the last piece of the Globalist pie. Looks like their not gonna get it……..


Steiner’s attack will save us. Shut your pussy mouth or I will kick you out the fuhrerbunker.

Against the West

On German territory there live traditionally the Sorbs (not Serbs, Sorbs), a Slavonic people. Not even Hitler fougth against them but accepted them as German. Eurasianism is not Globalism. Its not out for globo homo or to destroy all religion, or to promote sick Western liberalism and decadence etc.

Tzar Dušan Silni

We are the same, the difference is in the language, their pronunciation is different. They call us southern Serbs, we call them western Serbs.


Your tears are delicious NAZI

Nom nom nom

Cry more please, your final death throes will be GLORIOUS

Squashed like the bug that you are!


The war in Ukraine is a global war between the USA and Russia. The USA may not have understood some of the Russian’s non battlefield premeditated moves. The USA trade war on Russia may have big consequences. The Russians may have left some of foreign reserves exposed for a reason – as bait. The USA has frozen Russian assets in USA controlled banks and Treasuries. But this has merely shown the Global economies (think the Global population centres of world, with vast natural resource assets, like China, India, Brazil, South Africa, not the small western ‘post-Industrial’ services economy clique) that USA cannot be trusted. The result may be the hastening of a major financial sector shift – soon will see Gulf oil selling on international market in exchange for Chinese Yuan, and Russia oil for Indian Rupees. That means the petrodollar is being edged out, and its status as international reserve currency will be altered, for the worse. If you understand Global economics you will understand what this means for the USA.

Last edited 2 years ago by BabylonGardens

HansShiter: https://cdn.osxdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/animoji-poop-from-iphone-as-gif.gif

Last edited 2 years ago by 🍌🍌🍌

https://youtu.be/y8QdF5EtoI4 https://i.imgur.com/PduGf8u.jpg

Last edited 2 years ago by HansGunther

“Hans” is about as aryan as my neighbor Saeed who moved over from Syria.


Are the citizens greeting them with blue and yellow flags again, chanting “Vlad go home!” like in Cherson?

Invasion is no liberation. 🇺🇦


They were also chanting to ukrop army go home back in 2014 and ukro army shot a couple dead, don’t see russians doing the same, time will pass and they will realize how brainwashed they were by ukro nazi propaganda.


Cherson protest are all over the media. You got a source for your claim? Highly doubtful.

An invasion is an invasion is an invasion. 🤷


Media? The fake media? Are you for real? Also protests? 20 people is a protest? The 40.000 fleeing Mariupol thanks to the russians, these are serious numbers. And these people will remember who helped them and who instead used them as human shields.


There are hours of footage right from the city and the protestors, looks very real to me. 😉🇺🇦


So why do the hours of ukrainian soldiers murdering civilians in mariupol in 2014 not look real to you? too scared to find out who is really lying?


You’ll see what you want to see wearing your Bandestani glasses.

Michel LeBlanc

Yes and ukrainian democracy is also very real to you. No american overlords here right.

The maharaja

so lets say you are correct , why are they all not dead? Russia is targeting civilians is also claimed so how is it possible for civilians to confront the army and live? Which truth is it ? There is the story of so many brave unarmed Ukranians in the face of an invasion? Or is it that Russians are shooting them in droves as they attempt to flee…kind of odd to have both stories.


They were peaceful protestors, unlike Russian military with arms. Guess how to get a curfew through. 🤷

The maharaja

ya I found that was rather telling the evacuation a few days back on Western media was a few people walking out, escorted by UAF, the UAF then start firing at drone from the evacuation route. Now we see Russia in control the evacuation is mile long lines of buses and cars 42,000 in one day. Yet western media has them so sure of Russias evil doing even when its right in the face they cant see it. They cant add 2 and 2.


simple you tube subject Mariupol 2014 If owned by ukrops naturally, why do they shoot and run over civilians in BTR? so your simple (almost childish) attempt at deflection is crashed down in flames like an F35 on almost every flight. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRrWGRXPbHg (p.s. that sting you feel is called pride erosion, you are welcome)


I’m well aware of 2014, but that’s a long time ago. Things changed since Selensky latest, who was to be dropped like a lot potato.

Right at the first hour of invasion no one would have given Ukraine even a week to last.


Surely after eight years of NATO support the third largest army in Europe was expected to last at least a weak in the absence of a Shock and Awe campaign prior to the invasion?


Well, Russian leadership probably had the worst Intel of all time. How comes that they utterly misjudged the situation in Ukraine?

Putins yesmen obviously didn’t help.


Yes times have changed. Ukraine ain’t even trying to hide their genocidal ambitions anymore and even their top TV hosts are openly calling to murder Russian children and women LMAO. ZOGbots can seethe, ZOGbots can kvetch, but Ukraine will be liberated no matter how many hours you spend trolling online message boards.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sunny

You retard imbecile, in any 50 inhabitants settlement on the planet earth you will find someone who is not on the same opinion as the other 49 ones; or one prick who likes rap when the others 49 like symphonic beats, moron. That’s DEMOCRACY, isn’t it ? In Kherson 100.000 peoples SURE are some 100+ guys who likes the ukrop nazi for different reasons.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pamfil

The majority of the city fled anyway, obviously not being happy about Russian occupation. The remainder going on protests. Sounds like a majority. 🤷

Yamil Perezsteinberg

Because everything ‘the media’ tells you is the truth! Especially during a war! Especially uploaded to Twitter by activists! Right Scooby?!

Last edited 2 years ago by Yamil Perezsteinberg
Michel LeBlanc

Yup just like ukraine treated the people of donass. A genocide is a genocide is a genocide.

Nazi trash.

jens holm

Depends where you at. Many places they are seen as liberators at other places no so much. This proves again that Ukraine is an artificial construction that shouldn’t exist in the first place.


So, Cherson doesn’t belong to the eastern parts of Ukraine with majority of people with Russian ancestry?

Then it seems there aren’t any places they are happily greeted. 🤷

Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

Whole Ukraine is Russia. Except for the Lvov region.


Even the west Ukraine is an artificial state with territories stolen from neighbourung countries long ago. From Romania they stolen North Bucovina with Cernauti (400.000 romanian ethnics) and in the south, the BUGEAC, southern romanian Besarabia lands with all the Danube mouths (250.000 romanian ethnics). From Poland and Hungary the same…..The real UKRAINE lands means an ELLIPSE with a 60 km radius around Lvov. That’s all. All the east is Kievan Rus of the russians.

Michel LeBlanc

Apparently it was russian until 1910 ish, then the austrians gradually pushed the russians out. https://www.veteranstoday.com/2022/03/14/the-history-of-the-destruction-of-the-russian-galicia/



Even the west Ukraine is an artificial state with territories stolen from neighbourung countries long ago. From Romania they stolen North Bucovina with Cernauti (400.000 romanian ethnics) and in the south, the BUGEAC, southern romanian Besarabia lands with all the Danube mouths (250.000 romanian ethnics). From Poland and Hungary the same…..The real UKRAINE lands means an ELLIPSE with a 60 km radius around Lvov. That’s all. All the east is Kievan Rus of the russians.


So, even less reason to invade Ukraine, as the majority isn’t even Russian then. Well, whatever…


No they are hugging them, like it has been happening in various parts of the east-central Ukraine.


Then you surely can provide dozens of video links for your claim. 😂


If u speak russian ill provde u with tons of videos.


Do it, I’m curious what you can deliver. 😉


https://t.me/s/intelslava Here you go you’ll find not dozens but hundreds of videos of exactly what you asked for. But of course that doesn’t matter to you because you are paid to shill here so actual evidence that damages the narrative isn’t what you’re looking for right? I guess you’re about to move the goalpost from “where is the evidence” to “well that doesn’t count”. Your methods are predictable and boring.


Just pick some specific videos, if you are so sure. But let me guess, you can’t, just because.


That doesn’t make one bit of difference. For all of the propaganda this is happening for one reason and it is not about liberating people. This is about destroying any chance of Ukraine being part of NATO so that the U.S. cannot destroy Russia as it plans on doing.

Screw those people who prefer the homosexual hegemonists in the U.S..

Slava Russiya.


At least we got to the next level below the obvious nonsense. However, Putins foreign intelligence advisor is sitting in house arrest for a reason for nearly a week. 🤷

This is not going to end well for Russia and maybe the whole world. We will see for better or worse. 🙄


Ukraine is the trash of the West

Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

Its the chithole of Europe.


Under Poroshenko that was true.


Under every leader. The whole reason for protests in 2013 was the fact that the country was an economic toilet and on IMF life support. The IMF terms for more welfare money were so bad that Yanukovich decided to take a Russian deal instead. Is there a more corrupt figure than Timoshenko? Well, obviously it’s hard to pick any politician in the most corrupt country in Europe as most corrupt.


Nah, Timochenko was one of the worst in fact.

It’s funny that people think I would be pro western, only because I criticize the Russian invasion.

A neutral Ukraine could have been created far smarter instead of war. 🤷


Meh. Time for Ukrainian reality check. They’ve had eight years of US-Neo-Con-Bandestan hysterical propaganda shoved in their faces. Reality check: Ukraine belongs within the Russian sphere of influence.

Last edited 2 years ago by BabylonGardens

Well, Putin narrative.

How about asking the Ukrainians instead what they want themselves?

Probably that’s too much liberty for all the power greedy people, no matter which side they are on. 🤷

Hungary Guy

Kill ALL Azov/ ISIS/ CIA/ Mossad/ MI6 Operatives. & other “moderate rebels” aka Mercenaries/ Fanatics armed with western sent Arms.

Last edited 2 years ago by Hungary Guy
Yamil Perez

Oy vey. They are brothers in arms. My precious koshernazi babykillers. 😥


Slava Roosya! Kill all nazi ukrop!


These are small territorial wins for which Russia is paying an immense military cost. But it’s also paying a huge economic and political cost. The USA spent 3 trillion dollars on fighting in Iraq. A country less developed than Ukraine with virtually no backing from anyone else. The insurgency that followed after the war was the real war. Russia is not fighting the real war, just the very preliminary phase of the real war. The war in Ukraine has not peaked yet, the peak is months into the future, possibly even years. Ukraine has the military and economic backing of the richest and most developed countries on the planet. These countries are willing to supply Ukraine with weapons and money for as long as they want to fight Russia. Ukraine has millions of men available to fight. They lost their jobs, their families, their future plans, their lives have been shattered by this invasion of the Russian federation. They have no other choice than to take up arms against the Russian army. Putin wanted denazification, he’s getting the exact opposite. Ukraine is a recruitment ground for extremists. And there is no might of the Soviet Union anymore, there is no more Stalin or Khrusciov. There is no more inexhaustible red army. There is an isolated country called Russian who in the midst of economic isolation , lack of many friends and a population who is losing its gained privileges which needs to support and maintain a costly war in a very hostile nation. Putin messed up. He’s trying to save face. But he can’t. He already lost politically. Without the possibility of winning the political goal in Ukraine, territorial gains make little difference to the circumstances of Russia, a country which has enough land already. An additional 0.01% to its area is virtually nothing.


If you think there is going to be an insurgency in Ukraine you are completely delusional.


I’m sure that if anyone said three weeks ago that Ukraine is going to last for so long and inflict such punishing losses on the Russian army, they would have been called crazy. Even the Americans, “the puppeteers” as Russia likes to call them said that Kyiv will fall in 48 hours. I think we can all agree today that Kyiv will not fall in 48 hours. So nobody in the West gave Ukraine a chance against Russia. So let’s not make the same mistake. The way things are going an insurgency is more likely than unlikely. As military strategists know, they need to prepare for every possible outcome.

jens holm

Kiev will fall non the less. At this rate around 3-4weeks. But as cities are liberated it will accelerate. Since Russia and DPR will shift focus from 5-6 targets to only 1-2. You cant ship in weapons if Russia wont allow it. They control the airspace and can hit anytime anywhere. And you can only cry and rage about it 🤪


Lol Russia doesn’t have the manpower to keep Ukraine under military control. You need the cooperation of the local population. And the local population hates Russia at the moment. They will sabotage Russia’s attempts to control the country at every corner. There is no logical basis to believe it’s going to work. Even if you send a solider for every 100 Ukrainians, you need 400k solider to control the country. But you might need 4 millon. You people are deluded by Soviet dreams. You need to come back to reality.

Against the West

Don’t believe the Ukranazi propaganda. Considerable parts of the so called Ukrainian population are Russian. There have been manhunts of the Ukranazis against civilian Ukrainians for either ALLEGEDLY sympathizing with Russia or not supporting the Ukranazis enough. That tells you everything.


Being Russian in Ukraine doesn’t equal being Russian in Russia. You’re most likely bilingual and it depends on whom you identify yourself with most. And being a Russian speaker in Ukraine doest guarantee Moscow that they will get the allegiance of those people

Bernard Davis

Beats the alternative


You think cities in Ukraine will be liberated from Russian occupation soon, that so far is beyond Ukraine’s capabilities.

People in Cherson would be happy nevertheless.

However, if anyone thinks that keeping dozens of cities in check with just 200,000 Russian recruits, is a fool.


Lol can the Russian army last for another 3-4 weeks?

Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

Sure it can. Even 3-4 years.


Tunnels ! Tunnels is the way to go. One should have learned it from the lost war against NVA and Vietcong. Even the poor Palestinians use tunnels very efficiently against the israelis. So that is definitely the best way to get weapons through lets say Poland, Slovakia and Romania border into Ukraine. At least when Russia starts moving into the western Ukraine territories, and NATO to afraid to do No-Flight-Zone at least above western Ukraine.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mickey
Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

Too bad Russia has ground penetrating radars and multi spectrum sensors. Oy oy..


There is not going to be an insurgency and everybody that knows anything about Ukraine and Russia knows that that’s the same logic after the war in the Caucasus the western media claimed over and over that the insurgency will continue and to this day nothing happened. Ukraine is a country with more pensioners then able body men the majority is more interested in the next pension then fighting in an insurgency.


Keep telling yourself that. But first you need to defeat the Ukrainian armed forces and take over Kyiv. Dont jump on the desert before you finish the main course. But Kyiv is never going to fall. There are 200k defenders in that city. Russia needs one million men to effectively win Kyiv. You are the one who is delusional


Why? Kiev can just be razed to the ground. What we have learnt recently shows that the number of volunteers and so-called territorial defense doesn’t matter. They don’t count.


But that’s stupid as well. Why raze to the ground the most important economic centre of Ukraine? What would Russia get from that except the eternal hatred of Ukrainians? And let’s say Russia wants to rebuild eastern Ukraine later on. They can’t even afford to do so


Plus, the fact that the Russians are being beaten and humiliated, it has embolden the local population to take up arms, as they now see them as pushovers. At some point, Russia will have to put its tail between its leg and do a hasty retreat. Putin has destroyed Russia’s image.


The first shell that explodes nearby they wet themselves and run. You can’t just stick a rifle in someone’s hands and point them at the front.

What is the point of this? So Zelenskyy and his pack of thieves can steal more billions?


Ukraine supposedly has 900k reservist had half of those joined the fight the Ukrainian army the Russians would have to back down. Had 1 in 3 of those joined the fight the effect would be the same it turns that less then 10% of those reservist joined the fight. Most people in Ukraine are not interested in fighting and are more interested in taking care of their own families. That shows how much interest would be for an insurgency.


There’s no way for you to know the numbers. And 10% is quite allot in three weeks. Ukraine can easily implement mandatory conscription. It’s under marshal law. And there will be little internal resistance. Russia is unable to do so.


It’s very easy to know those number because the Ukrainian army has not done a single major counter-attack because they lack the man,it’s obvious. Most of the fighting by those reservist it’s done the same way you are doing it fighting on a keyboard or smartphone. Zelensky even said that Ukraine supposedly has 15 million man ready to fight which is also complete BS or delusion. Ukraine supposedly did implement a mandatory conscription and they still don’t have enough men because the majority doesn’t want to fight to save the face of Biden or NATO.


Well take over Kyiv then. You can’t. It’s impossible. At least admit it.


Boy will u be in shock in few weeks.


Wait for it…


War is not fought like this ma guy. War is methodical, it’s strategy that counts. How’s a surrounded Kiev going to stand once the bulk of forces over in the East have been defeated?


Ukraine is employing the best tactic available against a far superior enemy invading it’s country. It’s the let them bleed tactic with hit and run. Using the knowledge of the region to it’s advantage.

Dying by a thousand stings, the very same method the Soviet Union got beaten in Afghanistan. 🤷


They will run off all supplies (fuel, ammunition etc…) quickly. There is no need for fighting in a big cities such Kiev at all. Russia is actively trying to avoid of unnecessary causalities – that’s obvious. Ukrainians are aware of it and are using residents as a human shields – @Loki, is this “the best tactics” you were talking about? IMO it’s absurd.


Mudschaheddin tactic was very effective. Current tactic of Ukraine is similar.

Before Ukraine runs out of food, Russian recruits will have to plunder more markets already. 🤷

And if we go to the propaganda narrative, what about murdering civilians in Mariupol? Tough luck that the people survived the Russian air strike and were rescued by the very same people Southfront blames to have killed them. A propaganda narrative falling apart. 🤷

Last edited 2 years ago by Loki

The citizens are being used as human shields as Russia is perceived as a poodle with all bark and no bite. People are in no rush to leave, as they’re seeing the Russians getting completely destroyed. The humiliation of the Russian Army even inspire TikTokers and Social Medialites from other country to take up arms in Ukraine. This is an embarrassment on so many levels and the better the Russians replace Putin with a savage of a president, the better.


Most of chosen to flee over fighting. No one wants to die for the corrupt regime in Kyiv.


Dude, you have lost, you gonna lose and your hopes and TV are irrelevant. Are you in Ukraine? Cuz the people inside Ukraine except Zelensky know that they have the lost the war. What they see on TV and online is a shocker cuz it ain’t even close to what they are witnessing on the ground.


90k men in three weeks is very impressive

Bernard Davis

It will fall in time like a ripe apple from a tree, like many other Ukrainian cities that are encircled. Direct assault not necessary. The exception: Mariupol, which is full of Nazis. They will get a long ladder and a short rope.


That is so true.

The Objective

I quit the SBU cyberwarfare unit. Went home to TelAviv. You should do the same. Eff these koshernazis.

Yamil Perez

Slava Ukraini. Praise Adolf and Bandera.


Sure, the Ukrainians are welcoming them with Anti-Tank weapons and protesting against Russia even after take over of their cities, see Cherson.

If you think there will be no partisan activity in the Ukraine, you will share the fate of Putins foreign intelligence advisor, who has been put under house arrest for nearly a week now. 🤷


Russia is not US. Which much less military spending, they achieved much higher developed war technologies.

The fact that Russia progresses in Ukraine about the same speed as US in Irak is remarkable, since they use very different tactics: not bomb civilians.

Russia being cut off from the West is a good thing, since they were basically a colony. Without that anti-Russian forces within Russia are on an island and pro-Russian forces like Putin can dismantle them much easier. It’s a win-win for everyone who loves the country and its people.


You don’t know what you’re talking about. Do you know how far is Iraq from the US border? Check a map before you open your mouth. The Iraq invasion was a thousand fold more complex logistically than your little border war in Ukraine. The USA had to supply it’s army on the other side of the globe, by air and sea! It had to move all the necessary military equipment, tanks and everything from its territory to the territory of Iraq. No country on this planet is capable of fighting an expeditionary war of such magnitude. No country can afford it really. While Russia, it has a land border with Ukraine! All it needed to do was drive right in. You can literally drive from Moscow to Kyiv in less than 10 hours. Try and drive from Washington to Baghdad and see how long that takes. Russia isn’t able to logistically manage this war in a country which is at its own doorstep. It cannot resupply it’s units. Let’s make accurate comparisons, before the conversation becomes an utter joke.


Your bestest US military got beat by barefoot donkey riders and fled Afghanistan with its tail between its legs. Let that sink in :)

Last edited 2 years ago by Huehuehee

Russia got their ass kicked in Afghanistan too. At least the USA got rid of Binladen. That was the goal in Afghanistan. If the Afgans want to be ruled by a backward junta who believe that women don’t deserve a proper education then the USA can’t force them into a democracy. They did their best.


It is not your place to come to a Muslim country to force your ideals down our throats. The same goes for Russia and anyone else, we fight back and we bite hard.


Yes Azi, the West needed centuries to develop. I agree that more backward countries cannot be forced into anything


A so-called backward country beat you so hard you had to conduct evacuations at night and in such a hurry you left military assets behind. It is hilarious.


And how did the Soviet Union fare right before in Afghanistan. That was at a time when it wasn’t isolated and had full access of what is the GUS now, or better said was. 🤷


It was a hard lesson for the infidel Russia. And one that America failed to learn from.

Last edited 2 years ago by Azi

That in fact is true, question is what the real aim of US presence in Afghanistan was. That is debatable.

Hunter Biden your Pimp

You are an utter joke. A joke without a punchline. And without a brain. As usual you have absolutely no idea wtf you’re babbling about, nothing but more moronic shit from your monkey mouth while sucking Yankee banana. Braindead moron. Iraq was a third world country constantly bombed and under sanctions by Americans since 1990s until they finally invaded under Bush. Iraqi army was basically no existent, starving, no ammo, nothing. No serious air force or air defence whatsoever, Americans could easily resuply their troops by air. American main enemy were bunch of Bedouin tribals, they even had problems to subdue them lol. Then they failed to pacify the country against bunch of peasant insurgents, even with all their vassals sent to help. They never fight a war without bunch of vassals to die for them. Not to mention Iraqis and Arabs in general are terrible soldiers, American own trained and armed Iraqi puppet army was annihilated by ISIS in Mosul. Who say Russia isn’t able to logistically manage this war? Your husband from CNN? You’re hallucinating in delirium you clueless and brainless retard.

Last edited 2 years ago by Hunter Biden your Pimp
Bernard Davis

It’s practically over; get used to it. You lost. Never had a chance, in fact.

jens holm

You are more delusional than I am.

Hungary Guy

Russia has VAST Resources of farmland, wood, oil, coal, uranium, gold, diamond, silver, rare earths. Sleepy Joe creating Digital Currency Central Bank won’t do the US/ West any good. People already tired of CONvid HOAX will revolt BIG when they are coming for their CASH (& Guns ins USA)


Russia has many resources, but no industry to use them and is relying on exports. Good luck with exports during isolation. Look at NK.

Peppe il Sicario

Factories in the US of what??? Everything was shipped off to China in the 90s and early 2000s!! US only makes toilet paper for Americ*nts with stinky asses.


Didn’t hear anything about China not delivering to the US and the west so far. 🤷


Wishful thinking. A new ukrainian government will be put in place and it will be its task to exterminate the nazi filth. For now the russians are just destroying the military gear of Ukraine and outing the nazis. The second phase will not see a russian occupation of the country.

Iraqis hate the yankees. Ukrainians ( in large parte ) love the russians.1/4 of them identifies as russians, the bulk identifies as slavic ( russians’ brothers ). A bunch of perverts identify as nazis. These perverts will flee like cockroaches, understanding very weel that there is no place anymore to hide in Ukraine. We will see them creating troubles in the streets of EU cities.

Reap what you sow!


Lol Russian occupation of the country. A country of 40 million and 600k square kilometers. Russia didn’t manage to stop violence in the DPR and LPR after 8 years of fighting. Those places are 15k square kilometers. Less than 3% of the area of Ukraine. If Russia think there will be no resistance in Ukraine if they manage to occupy it, they are delusional. But keep pressing with your delusions and you will see.


You lost 10 million before the invasion because of corruption, poverty, and brutal repression. Another 3.5 million since operation and most say they will never go back. Well under 30 million by this point.


Russia wasn’t in the DPR for 8 years you retarded cunt. The only thing that was happening in the DPR was Ukraine cluster bombing their own civilians. The paid shills really crack me up. If your objective is to sway people’s minds, then maybe they should hire someone who doesn’t have a room temperature IQ and can make arguments that are not disconnected from reality.


How many in Ukraine identify themselves with Putins regime is the question. Many Germans hated the Nazi regime themselves, that already didn’t work out well.

Lazy Gamer

It did not have to be this way. If only they appreciated that depth was not only in distances but on what one actually emplace and do in the area supplemented with new tech. If only they stuck with raising up future leaders who would lead at the time when capitalist excesses and failures would have abused the citizenry. Now, the only way out for Russia to return at business as usual is if Putin or his double is removed.


Nah, the west can’t be interested in a complete collapse of Russia, far too much risk. We will see how Putin will be given an option to keep his face.

At least that’s my current opinion on it.


The United States Military-Industrial-Intelligence-Academia-Media Complex would be quite content to see a collapse in Russia. That is their over-arching strategy. The US still pursues the “Arc of Crisis” on the Eurasian landmass in order to prevent the economic integration of Europe with Russia and China. The US was overjoyed when the nomenklatura decided to dismantle the Soviet Union and hand the country to US banks who worked through the oligarchs. They dream of those 1991-1999 days when they could loot the former Soviet countries. All policies are centred around generating instablity within Russia, socially, economically and politically. Unfortunately for the Ukraine, an absurd early twentieth century ultra-nationalism has been fostered abroad and within the Ukrainian population. It was weaponized by the US and their vassal states like Canada and the UK. The idea that anyone is speaking favourably about an insurgency is most unfortunate. A quick glance at Afghanistan or Iraq or Syria today gives a good idea of what that will mean for the Ukrainian people. The notion that the nonsense spewed by the media in the US and vassals is accurate or a determinant of the outcome of the Russian operation is silly. Unrelenting lies have produced a huge portion of the population in those countries that do not believe a word that comes out of the media, which is what the entire Trump phenomenon was about. Does it look to you like the NATO klowns have their populism problem figured out?


Some good points in your comment, but truth is, the clear majority of people are fleeing to the west, not towards Russia. That alone shows how the public understands the war.

The west is seen as the lesser evil at least, while Russia got the aggressor image.

The more Russia is using artillery, the more the people in Ukraine will be pissed off. That in turn only will raise their determination to get rid of Russia, as everyone with half a brain knows that Russia can’t afford to rebuild the Ukraine anyway and that they are better of with the west, if everything is turned into rubble in the first place.

Russia tried to play the western game and horribly failed. The current situation is pretty much the worst that could happen for the people.


Very good analysis. Thanks for that.

Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy

Indeed. Most excellent best most honest president ever. I simply cannot lie. Trust me 😈💯🍷 Praise Adolf and Bandera

Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy

My beloved Azovnazis are already fighting in the outskirts of Moscow. Ruskies lost 2million men, 2000 jets and helos, 8000tanks. We got this guys.🇺🇦

Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy

Slava Ukraini. If only adolf could see this…


Sadly russia is not USA, they attacked chechnya 2 times, leveled the place, and look at chechnya now, helping russia. You assume that because that what you see from USA, deep down you know USA empire of evil. Russia probably would left ukraine after the war done, they did it with gorgia. You have to understand russia didn’t do what USA does, they invaded but unlike USA that bomb the heck out of places they wanted to invade for 4 5 weeks before they even started. And for the case of Afghanistan, do you really think they want to defeat taliban for real? They just want chaos in russia backyard. They did it in iraq syria libya too. They just want the chaos. If they really looking for stability they would have help a lot in South America country frist, instead most of the country there also hate USA.


Not just Russian backyard, blocking China’s belt and road initiative too. Can’t put rails or pipes into warzones.


That’s the whole point of the US operation in the Ukraine. The intention is to destabilize the region, possibly topple the Russian government and by any means necessary, stall Belt/Road while they work on destabilizing China. That was the whole purpose of Covid. To decouple from China and attack China’s capacity to export.


What manner of COPE is this. Mariupel has all but fallen, and that was their most fortified and most well armed stronghold in the country. The most fanatical rabid dogs with billions of NATO funding were all there. If they can take their primary stronghold, they can take the rest as well. And by the way, most people lost their jobs long ago, since the Soros color revolution in 2014 Ukraine has become the poorest country in all of Europe so there’s literally nowhere to go but up.


BangeraShiteater: https://cdn.osxdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/animoji-poop-from-iphone-as-gif.gif

Last edited 2 years ago by 🍌🍌🍌
Yamil Perez

Oy gevalt… My precious baby killers… My precious koshernazis…


Even the Nazi Battalions of Ukraine are showing how cowardly they are. No fight to the death like they promised.


To the death of civilians :D

These cockroaches don’t have balls. They are hot air and gamers’ ego. These losers are just scum that must be exterminated.


They’re larpers just like the reddit battalion. Only good for kiling unarmed civilians.


Looks like Russia army has problem advancing and liberating more territory. The latest info are the same for couple days. Looks like Russia army rich its limits and can’t advance anymore. This only shows Russia infantry army was not prepare with Ukraine conflict, having advances in the skies


“Looks like” is the key. Russia and the US (along with the UK and Australia) have laid a trap to Germany (and the EU): they’re creating the illusion the Russian army is in difficulty and the victory of Ukraine is possible if they dispatch more weapons. Once on Ukrainian territory, most of these weapons are easily destroyed. This way, the next steps (the demilitarisation of Poland, the Baltic states and Germany) will be easier. Now the question is: how long will they be able to play the game ?

Peppe il Sicario

Russian armed forces are saving the best for the stupid European NATO troops who will soon attempt an attack on Russian forces but will be bitch-slapped back to Medieval times.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peppe il Sicario
Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Condolences to the fallen Ciaisis and Azovisis operators. May they rest in pieces…

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

A cruise missile a day keeps Azovisis away 🤗

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

CIAtrolls and ukrobots are crying and raging 🤗🤡

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Russia is gaining ukrobots are draining 🤗

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Slava Rossiye 🇷🇺

Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy

Get me out of here ASAP. They are after my ass. Start WWIII. Close the skies. Throw ukrop babies at Ruski tanks. I need a medevac. Im out of captagon and heroin is running low too. Nobody is picking up the phone in Langley. I will bomb myself I swear and blame Putin with it.

Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy

Help me. Im your most excellent most honest most patriotic best President ever 😈💯🍷

Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy

Yes Im better than Trump.


How come a lot of Russian soldiers are overweighted?


They are just big, coupled with the body armor. That doesn’t matter to you though, you can continue winning the war on CNN, BBC and Aljazeera. Your president can keep up the clowning, of how he’s killed 14000 Russian soldiers. You will explain to the world in a couple weeks how Ukraine lost the war after all of those announced victories.

Hungary Guy

Maybe they’re DPR/ LNR Militia Volunteers. Giving AzovNazis a lesson, still!


How come american soldiers have low IQ?

Peppe il Sicario

and talk like inbred Georgia and Arkansas trailer-park dwelling hillbillies who enjoy having DaVontae sodomizing their wives while they watch and wack off to the scene….that’s today’s AmeriKKKa

Za Mir

Because war is a cake walk for them. All they ever do is win, win, win.

Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy

I will throw every Azovnazi in the meat grinder. Win win. Best most effective most efficient president ever 😈💯🍷


Ukraine is winning this war. Each morning, they announce how they killed 14,000 Russian soldiers and downed several warplanes. CNN, BBC, Aljazeera are winning the war for Ukraine. The rest of us are waiting for them to explain to the world in a couple weeks how Ukraine lost a war it was winning every morning.


You don’t get it, Kyiv I mean. Without Kyiv you can’t win this war. And you’re afraid to assault Kyiv. Everyone on earth can see it. Kyiv was supposed fall in 48 hours. It’s more than 500 hours now. And time is ticking. Tik-tok.


Who said Kiev was supposed to fall in 48 hours? Your Western backers and yourselves did.


Can you explain the stalemate of Russian advances since 10 days already?

Still busy loving the liberated people who are fighting them toe and nail? 🤷

How Russia wants to control dozens of cities with a population hostile to them with 200k soldiers only is beyond any reason.


Dude, are you inside Ukraine? Your cities are being squeezed like rodents. The bulk of your forces and equipment are surrounded. What are you on about? The TVs have really fooled ya.


Nice claims you have. And else you have something substantial? 🤷


“the people” are fighting them tooth and nail? The young people in the Ukraine were crawling over one another to leave the country before the Russian operation began. The US dream is an insurgency that keeps the Ukrainian toilet boiling and draining Russia by burning up the population of the Ukraine. What a beautiful future for the Ukrainian people! No doubt the TikTok generation can’t wait to live in squalor long enough to die on guerilla operations.

Muhammad your Prophet

The rest of you are waiting to explain in a couple of weeks why Putin the terrorist cockroach continues to commit mass murder against a civilian population.


If Russians were killing civilians, Ukraine wouldn’t be standing right now. The only reason there’s even a Kiev or Zelensky right now is those civilians.


Let’s see official numbers of the Russian losses? The Russian state is hiding those numbers. They can’t lie forever as all of those soldiers have family back home. They want to know what happened to their children, fathers, uncles etc. The only reason why Russia would chose to hide the truth is because the truth is really bad for Russia.

Peppe il Sicario

They are planning a HUGE false flag, a chemical attack on civilians, to blame on the Russians in order to provoke an armed intervention against Russia by NATO, Europeans mostly. Americans soldiers are already in fact being killed in the war. 3 were killed yesterday in the Donbass.


That would trigger WW III, not even the devil is stupid enough to suicide.


Let NATO come, it’s prolly what we want. The whole world will see what it means for war to be in their bedrooms


How many combat thanks the Ukrainians had in total. And how many artillery pieces in total. I don’t believe they had more than two thousand tanks or artillery pieces active ,what’s in storage should’ve been destroyed


That’s not the war Mudschaheddin in Afghanistan fought either.

Muhammad your Prophet

They’ve been on retreat from Dombass for a month now, Scooby. Say something new. Like the fact that instead of regrouping the Russian forces had to dissolve entire units because they couldn’t function as an effective fighting force.

Gerhard Umlandt



Kill every Ukrainian neo-Nazi bastard



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