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MARCH 2025

Kyiv’s Forces Attacked Russian Drilling Rigs Near Crimea. Casualties Reported

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Kyiv's Forces Attacked Russian Drilling Rigs Near Crimea. Casualties Reported


On June 20, the Ukrainian Armed Forces attacked drilling platforms of the Crimean energy company ‘Chernomorneftegaz’ (Chornomorneftegaz) in the Black Sea. The attack took place at 8:00 local time in the sea area southwest of Crimea.

There were 12 people in the place of the attack, head of Crimea Sergey Aksenov said. Five people were rescued (three of them were injured). The rest is missing.

The rescue operation is underway.

Later on June 20, pro-Kyiv sources reported explosions in the countryside of Odessa city. Reports claim that the Russian Armed Forces launched strikes on military infrastructure deployed there in response to attack on drilling platforms near Crimea.

Kyiv's Forces Attacked Russian Drilling Rigs Near Crimea. Casualties Reported

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Alexander the Transnistrian

the response of the Kalibr missile as usual was not long in coming.

Elohim Kosher Bar

Team Putin needs to “assist” in reprisals against the ILLEGAL Israeli gas drilling platform.

Jews hate truths, facts, and criticism. Jews are their own worst enemy.

Important video. Please watch. >>>https://www.goyimtv.tv/v/1645498584/FLYERS-ARE-GETTING-BIGGER—



Putin is just a pupet of Chabad Lubavitch. So Team Putin is 100% kosher and no threat to jewish interests and IsraHell…


If so, why Putin attacked regime of judeo-banderian nazist Elenskiy and his anglo-zionists pimps? They should be friends instead, but in reality… Let me guess, the war is staged or it’s a hologram, the matrix. And how Putin can be a jew, if he was in christian churches and crossed himself many times? You can find video easily. Jews, especially judean orthodox, dislike Christianity. You can’t get Israel’s passport, if you are a christian, because you are not jew anymore. Jewry arised from Judaism, remove Judaism and there no more jewry. That’s why zionists in Tel-Aviv protects judean orthodox community, giving them exemption from taxes and military service. They recruit girls instead boys from hassidic families.

Zionism is Cancer

How many times has Putin invited the baby killer nations politicians to its war parades?


Whom? Say it clear.


Doesn’t do much good for the dead Russian workers who were killed on the platform.

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

Time to nuke the Kiev Jew asshole… SLAVA ROSSIYA,!


Yes time to nuke Kiev. In response they can nuke Moscow how about that liquid brain


The ukie trash killing civilians. What’s new? Keep bombing the decision makers. Every day.


These platforms only drill or they expoatate oil and gas ? Is a big pollution of Black Sea with oil from damaged platforms by attack ?

hunter bidé lab pork !

their gonna blame climate change by a prostipute clown


They are exploiting gas reservoirs under Afro-American (Black) sea. Gas production is not big, few billion cubic meters annually. I don’t know about oil rigs here, but yes, it’s heavy pollution with oil, remember pollution in Mexican gulf several years ago.


Did they attack with missiles, boats or diversionary squad? If it’s the first two, the Russians have more problems than they think

Last edited 2 years ago by RobinHood

It appears it was a missile strike. The platform is 70km from the Ukrainian border. So either they used the HIMARS system or Harpoon misiles. This is a big problem for the Russians.

Michel LeBlanc

Not its not. All the ukro orcs can do hit is static targets. Just terror bombing of civilians, like they have been doing for the past 8 years.

Nothing new here, just a mosquito bite really. Sucks for the crew, they were innocent civilians working, but what can you expect from the barbarian drapped in yellow and blue???

Azov is not an Ukraine sea

They have the Neptune which is enough vs a huge plataform 70km from Odessa. Russian military staff should be take the Odessa coast at the beginning of the war instead of waste material and men in the Kiev operation!


And the US reconnaissance planes were flying off the eastern coast of Romania providing the Ukrainians with the coordinates for the platform, basically being actively engaged in the killing of Russian citizens.


They need to pay. I do imagine there have been quite a few obliterated already and just back home the relatives get notes about “training accidents”. That Ukie command meeting certainly had some NATO scum planners with them. When the Russians took out a hotel on the Odessa “Riviera” they stated it was a staging areas for foreign mercenaries. The loser grunts don’t stay at hotels. Those were NATO intelligence people. The Russians have to play a complex game since taking down NATO planes not in Uke airspace takes things quickly to another level.


It’s mind boggling how Russia just accepted an attack on their soil with data supplied by a Jewmerican recon plane and nothing happens to said plane.


Sei rimasto mentalmente indietro di 50 anni ? Non hanno affatto bisogno gli USA di mandare ricognitori aerei per dare le coordinate di tiro agli Ucraini ! Esisto da oltre 50 dei buoni satelliti spia che in tempo reale possono fornire a chiunque sia autorizzato informazioni in tempo reale sulla posizione di un Natante o veicolo Terrestre . 2000 viene messa in funzione una nuova sala controllo per il locale trasporto pubblico navale dove in tempo reale tramite PC l” operatore Radio poteva vedere dal cielo anche di notte ( tempo meteo permettendo ) la posizione dei Natanti in movimento o Ormeggiati . Sono rimasto di stucco poiché non pensavo che la telecamera di un satellite CIVILE potesse perfino vedere di notte un natante in movimento se le condizioni meteo e di luce erano buone . Per la cronaca una nave ferma in mezzo al mare dovrebbe avere un trasponder ( trasmettitore ) che indica ai radar civili è militari il tipo di nave -e la sua esatta posizione ! Si fa presto a colpire una nave civile se è dotata di Trasponder e se è acceso !

Z The Clown

I doubt it was Harpoons, the Ukies dont have the launch platforms ready yet from the Americans


Denmark proposed to send 2 batteries, it’s 8 firing units, if i remember right. This is 16 missiles and missiles for 1-2 reloads.


Missile boats with “Brimstone” or domestic anti-tank missiles (small enough). It’s not bigger problem than shelling Donetsk with artillery and these boats are getting sunk/capture from time to time. P.S. Please, don’t put a minus for Robin the Hood, ha, he just asked.

Last edited 2 years ago by Антон

ukro terrorists must pay!


Like 50 dead generals (and officers).


That’s a start. Hopefully, they hit some more of those meetings, especially if NATO intel officers are in attendance.


Now they are ONLY attacking civilians. Enough is enough! Time to Russia to cut the head off the snake, the decision makers in Kiev. Thus protecting Russian lives.

Florian Geyer

The ‘snake heads’ are in Washington and London. They will ultimately need to lose their heads for peace to prevail.

Slava Rossiya.


Sad truth, killing Elenskiy would change nothing. Need to hit military staff and TV/internet communications to stop poisoning propaganda, bad clown should sit in basement and sniff cocaine as it was in the beginning.


To put a finer point on it… the District of Columbia City State, the City State of London, and the Vatican City State. I pray that the majority of the American military – air, land and sea – have, together at once, a sudden and united understanding that “We are on the wrong side!” and immediately plan the turnabout to destroy the seats of the true enemies: the three city states that are the roots of the rot.


The RF leadership is nonsensical. They know where enemy resources are located but don’t attack it unless there is a “provocation”? Wtf.


RF leadership is nonsensical only for “goyims”. Moshe Putinovitch exchanged nazibitch Taira for some unknown ” but important” ( Medvedchuk ? ) person held by Kiev. Denazification is just a camouflage for mass killing of slavic people on both sides. Doneck is after 4 months of “special military operation” still in range of UA weapons and civilians are killed every fucking day !!!


ukies like amerikant are under socialized—-Russian papa must parent them, teach them manners—-amerikant too stupid to learn


Внимание фейк: видео якобы тушения горящих газовых платформ, поражённых утром ударом ВСУ, которое расходится в Сети

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Good job Kyiv. Hit those orcs where it hurts!

Hans raus


Glory to NATO and Ukraine !


raus the roach, go kiss Elenski’s ass before he becomes Lenski. Every once in a while, he loses a letter. Better hurry up and check, if he still has his high heels on.


Only a coward would be happy about an attack on civilians. A pussy jewish mossad coward.


The more terrorist attacks, the less territory will remain under the Kiev regime. Personally, I hope that there will be nothing left, but it’s not up to me to decide.

Hans raus

Crimea belongs to ukraine and they have right to attack their own terrirory. Mind your bussines russian child rapists :D


You’re really stupid and it’s really a blessing, that you hide in your basement, stuffing your flappers with candys. Ursula von Crazy could deepen her knowledge of imbecile tricks, just listening to you.

Last edited 2 years ago by Salamender
Hans raus

HIMARS in action? nice job uki. Hope more is yet to come

Last edited 2 years ago by Hans raus

Only a coward would be happy about an attack on civilians. A pussy jewish mossad coward.


What do you expect from Hans raus, he is a well known retard. Even his mommy said so.


This counts as an attack on Russian soil does it not? We better see some more leadership position strikes. What about striking all 140 ukrop recruitment centers in Jewkraine like the one Russian general said?

Russia is firing 60,000 missiles and artillery shells a day, 140 ukrop recruitment centers can be taken out overnight.

Last edited 2 years ago by WhitePride1488

Time to take ODESSA with utmost SPEED this will CUT Ukraine Nazis from sea access and also stop direct attacks on the Black Sea fleet of Russia. Now Russia need to take Odessa and all of Ukraine there can be no stopping once the Donbass is freed but rather take all of Ukraine now. = Z =


Team Putin for the win! Please for fuck sake nuke DC!


Don’t forget Langley, that’s were most evil is coming first.


ukie idiots waiting for papa Russia to send the tantrum throwing children to amerikant trailer parks—lgbt amerikant now humiliated by Russia once again


In the age of satellite intel, naval based cruise missile attacks tend to have less element of surprise than ones launched from aviation (eg Tu-22M). https://t.me/TheEternalUkrainian2/9781 “The Russian strike fleet has lined up for a massive strike, the Russian Federation is preparing an attack “on decision-making centers in Kyiv” in response to a strike on gas drilling rigs, – Arestovich”

Exceptions are when naval units used are mosty submarine (or semi submersible) or in overcast weather.

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