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MARCH 2025

Label: Analysis


It’s a zero-sum situation. The rich are robbing the poor to swell their coffers – and their bellies. Written by…


Written by Julian Macfarlane, The way of war has changed. And tomorrow’s war is here already. Larry Johnson and Andrei…


During the armed conflict in Ukraine in 2022, Kiev lost, and Moscow gained, a significant part of the south of…


Written by Eric Zuesse Nobody can give a precise dollar-number to U.S. ‘Defense’ spending because the U.S. ‘Defense’ Department has never…


An Outright War against all Humanity: the Planet’s 8 Billion people Written by Prof Michel Chossudovsky. Originally published on GlobalResearch…


Reconciliation opens the path for Saudi Arabia and Iran to join BRICS. Written by Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political…


Written by Eric Zuesse Though individuals who have been heavily propagandized to think that they are better-able to rate foreign Governments…


On March 19, on the eve of a meeting with Chinese leader Xi Jinping, Russian President Vladimir Putin published an…


Our thoughts today are with the people of Iraq, whose country was invaded twenty years on March 19, 2003.  This article…


Written by Eric Zuesse On March 10th, Canada’s National Post headlined “Regime change in Moscow ‘definitely’ the goal, Joly says”, and reported that…


The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General’s announcement on March 14 about the loss in Libya of 2.5 tons…


Boko Haram, officially known as Jama’at Ahl as-Sunnah lid-Da’wah wa’l-Jihad, appears to be nearing its end after receiving several large…


Written by Eric Zuesse  The present moment in world history is the transformation to replace the era that has extended from…


Written by Emma Brown exclusively for SouthFront The willingness to resist is growing, as shown by the recent airport strikes…


Written by James M. Dorsey Reform of Islamic jurisprudence was the elephant in the room when two prominent Saudi clerics…