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MARCH 2025

“Land Bridge” From Russia To Crimea Completed. “Putin To Go To Transnistria” – US Intelligence

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"Land Bridge" From Russia To Crimea Completed. "Putin To Go To Transnistria"  - US Intelligence


The Russian Ministry of Defence stated at a recent briefing that the “land bridge” between the Donbas and Crimea is complete. A system of road and rail lines is being established.

Infrastructure is established between Russia, the Donbass, Ukraine, and Crimea. An automobile connection was opened from the territory of the Russian Federation through the mainland to Crimea. This plan was developed back in April of this year. The priority was to control the south of Ukraine and the Donbas.

US Director of National Intelligence Avril Haynes noted that the creation of the bridge was an initiative of Vladimir Putin and his generals. She also noted that this plan is much more strategic and large-scale, as Putin expects the arc to connect Russian-controlled territory in Moldova and the Donbas. The U.S. intelligence believes that this concept has a place, but the territory of Moldova acts as a bridgehead for further troop movement to northern Ukraine. Also, the U.S. military fears further Russian advance into the West.

Haynes stated: “It is our assessment that President Putin is preparing for a protracted conflict in Ukraine in which he still intends to achieve objectives beyond the Donbass.”

The U.S. is very excited about a land bridge to Transnistria. At this point, however, it remains unclear whether Russia is aiming to extend its control beyond Ukraine into Transnistria, as predicted by the U.S. intelligence. That would mean a possible extension of the land bridge across the entire south of Ukraine, including the important port city of Odessa.


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Odessa and the people lining up to get Russian passports, I foresee it. After the massacre at the Trade Union House, there can be no other option.

The kidnapping and disappearance of Ukrainian dissidents also necessitates action to clear the rest of Ukraine.

However grinding down the Ukrainian army to make that easier would be the first step, this is the purpose of the battles of Donbass using artillery attrition.

G2 man

There was never any question that Russia will not win. Ukraine is historic Russian land and most real Ukrainians speak Russian and are Russians. The Kiev Jew regime must be toppled for Ukraine to prosper and live in peace with their Russian kin.


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Last edited 2 years ago by Edna
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Last edited 2 years ago by Diane Ferguson

Odessa population mostly Russian speaking. No doubt embarrassed having Zelenskyy as their leader..


The Ukraine never really sought justice in that atrocity. Few in the west are even aware of what happened there.


I hear the fat lady singing


It’s not over until there is one last gentile in Ukraine willing to die for their Jew. After that gentile is dead, the Jew Zelensky will evacuate Ukraine and retire in Israel or Florida. His job as Mossad agent will be done.


…or to Miami. Zelensky would fit in well with the Cuba Batista exile community there.


Isn’t Miami in Florida?


You may be right but I could also see him getting thrown under the bus as a sacrificial clown


Make a federation of russian sovereign countries find some Romanov offspring and make him Tzar in only Name without power. Just for some royals flavour and cultural connection. Divide Ukraine into pieces like Novorossia (Donbas + Kherson), Primorsk (Odessa + Nikolajev) + a couple others.

Make Kiev a citystate which will only be a place for summits and culture and make Kharkiv or Dnipro the capital of the rump Ukraine.

Than make Krimea an independent Republic as well so the Russian Fed has not stolen anything but still controles everything just like the West likes it to do.

Show goodwill bye giving a united ossetia, abhazia and a chechnya a similar status.

Make an offer to the baltics to take back all russians which they do not want there anylonger and integrate them which would help wich the demography.

So you can pretend everything is fine you know like with the soverein nation of Bosnia which has a high representative in charge who is apointed by EU.

And just like the west say that russia is not expanding any territory or has the russian fed ever grown? Look it even became smaller.


That’s something new! Never heard about plans to establish monarchy here and independence to Crimea and Checnya, but this is unrealizable (and it’s good). I could write more about reasons why, but this is very long text. But I’ll try to answer, if you ask.


I think giving the Tsar some political power would be a good thing. Maybe Russia should consider the Iranian model, where you have a leader with powers to ensure the nation is following tradition.

helene matz

yuck,the shah was a murderous thug only loved by the yanks west and izrahell


I’m alluding to the fact that Iran is a theocratic republic and the Ayatollahs have the ability to veto laws coming from the Iranian Parliament if it runs contrary to Islam. I think having a monarch can be a good thing.

helene matz

are you crazy parasitic romanovs who oppressed and fed off the poor,get a life.


After they removed the Romanovs (by Jewish communists) how did things work out for the average Russian?


Like in every case of civil war. But this is not communists who overthrown the throne, they came to power in October 1917. In February 1917 there was pro-western liberal Provisional government. Communists took the power from them. Oh, and they were social-democrats, not communists, because their party was named the Russian Social-democratic Laborist Party (РСДРП). Liberals gave recognition to Kiev regime of the Central Rada with M.Grushevskiy (inventor of ukr.language) and Petlyura. Nicolay II exiled Grushevskiy to Kazan’, liberals released him and allowed to flee to Austria (Lvov’ was Lemberg in Austria). Then moved to Kiev and established UPR (Ukr.People Republic). German offensive removed them and installed regime of gen.Skoropadskiy, which lasted very short time. Then UkrSSR. Grushevskiy ended his life as an academician in Moscow. Liberals and other leftists were standing at the roots of Kiev separatism with support of Austro-Hungary and Germany.


The people of Russia will not accept the relatives of the king who live in London and financed Hitler!!


Then forget about russia. The problem is you need something that works to bring them together. Russian Federation ruling Belorus und Ukraine from Moskov will not work. You need something to unite them culturally so they would not fall for western lies but give them enough freedom so they do not feel oppressed. A Strong Russia ruling all eastern slavs will be resented by “malorussians” and “belorussians.”

Something like the Romanovs or a non powerconnected clergy (which does not exist) or hell eastern rome for all i know. The Problem is that the western most important weapon and what defeated the sovjets was that the western culture inspires people to wish to be weastern. You need to counter this or you will allways have to look at everyone in your countrie with suspicion.

The problem is that the teenagers of half the planet dream of beeing like americans. You need an own culture which draws in the people.

I mean look at the world, young people in so many countries are eager to overthrow their governments and throw the country into chaos for just the meager chance to make it big in the west. The Maidan movement was full of ukrainians who wanted a “better life” and fell for the western cultural warfare.

azov bunch of emo rejects

You could unite the people with thriving economies and career opportunities.

What I never understood is why Russia never went into video game industry and there’s alot of money to be made. And it’s something slav kids would take pride.

Russia needs to lead a new way, and be competitive. Russia needs to make people look toward Russia rather than the USA.


Money and careers are not an option as a motivating factor as long as you competition can print infinete amount of money to outbid you.

You need a cultural motivation for the people to not betray their countries. As of now i only see china and iran having any success to keep their people from falling in love with the us and being ready to do anything to get nearer to them.

Michigan Man


Would be an option, but you seem to forget that judeo-bolshewic UDSSR, now rebranded as RU Federation, is still fully jewish controlled. So if you indeed want good for the russian people, you have to demand that the jews are eradicated. It is just self-defence. These hook-nosed parasites took over Russia 1917 and are ruling and terrorizing it since then. Therefore they need to be expelled from all positions, and executed. The rest of them will then flee, because they do not want to take responsibility for the crimes they commited against the russians since 1917. Payback time is what the russians need to give them. As long as you and the russians themselves not realize this fact, Russia will stay a jewish slave-colony. Yes, sounds hard, but that’s the fact.

Last edited 2 years ago by Michigan Man
Are the Ukrainian troops winning from the boilers?

What do you mean STILL? Like they did some critical damage to us. Laughter and that’s all. This is you – the galim west is clearly buckling under the weight of the shit that you have put on your heads. And no one will let you “leave beautifully” without smearing your face with this shit. You will devour everything you have done and pay every family and every wounded soldier after the war (no one will give them 500 billion) There will be a trial and charges of financing fascism, violating WTO rules, and so on. Mega gas and oil prices have already recouped our frozen reserves. So the aunt is not in the subject, it’s you who are still buck, but these are no longer real threats, but convulsions of the doomed.


At some point Russia should apply a per-barrel, per gas unit surcharge for sales to unfriendly countries to recoup the stolen Russian reserve funds. I’d so much love to see the pathetic howls coming out of the EU scheissters bung-holes at that swift move…


Of the 5 or 6 people I have chatted with from Odessa, only 1 was pro Russian, the rest are pro West. A small sample, and may be biased, since they want to talk to westerners.


Those who were pro russian have been taken care off by those who follow western values. The Russians come to late for both Kharkiv and Odessa. Those who were wiling to convert to be “prowestern” are now the ones who hate russia the most and those who weren’t … well those graves will never be seen by western eyes and they will yell “russian propaganda” whenever they will be mentioned by russia.


Also not exactly without danger to openly speak about a preference other than for the party who is currently in control of the area.


Next time ask them where they were born or their parents, if you talk with teenagers, many of such pro-western “odessans” came from western regions. They came to Kiev and Harkov too since 1991. Odessa is more pro-RF than Herson, there is no guerrilla in Herson, commander of local ter.defense shows hidden arm storage. After cleaning the brown plague out of Odessa those pro-westerners, 10-15% of population, will go to clean toilets in Poland. There will be a lot of gangsters as it was after the Great Patriotic War, but nazis will flee to Lvov or Poland. Their supporters (sofa warriors of internet) will prefer to stay and become pro-RF, if the didn’t committed any crimes. The most crazy supporters will go to Poland. Hm, what would we do without Poland?

Last edited 2 years ago by Антон
Душан Мирић

“US intelligence”? There’s no such thing.

hunter bidé lab pork !

we kill !! we Lie !! we make sheizen !! we are Urubus !! we are Terrorists !! we are Nazis !!! we are Satan !! we are DUMB as fk !!

hunter bidé lab pork !

lets Print some bilions trilions and give it to sheizen !!! then is putins fault !!!

hunter bidé lab pork !


hunter bidé lab pork !


hunter bidé lab pork !

Us Intellingence lets put a guy in Onu with a plastic tube saying they got covid and monkeys !!! Ok all the fake super fake merdia ( us intelligence ) its gonna scream like NAZI PROSTIPUTES !!!!


On to Odessa!

Florian Geyer

Odessa has been a Khazar mafia city for hundreds of years due the Black Sea access for trade. The Khazars will need to me either Tamed or Expunged.


Truth be told, they have always given Odessa its special character, like it or not.


Odessa was known as the capital of humor in Russia before 2 of May 2014.


For hundreds? This is new city founded in the end of 18th century when marshal Suvorov and admiral Ushakov conquered Budzhak (where Odessa is placed) and other Black sea shores with Crimea. So Odessa is less than 250 years old, though there were cities in this place or nearby: turkish Hajibey and ancient greek Olvia.


Ukraine is going to be a rump state with no access to the sea. If I was Hungary, Bellarus or Poland, I’d be sucking up to Russia and trying to get a piece of Ukraine since they’re butchering the pig.


Belarus already on board. Hungary will happily take its little piece in Carpathia. Moldova needs to wake up. Poland is lost.


Excuse me, but why the fuck is it the business of the US or UK what happens in Ukraine?


They think they own this little blue planet and that’s why they think everything on it is their business.

helene matz

good question from a finn,did your government ask you if you want to be in nato,? just curious no offence




On good day NAZIS are racists. On a bad day they are death squads. But honestly, Hitlers NAZIS were a better class of people.

helene matz

and you know this how


Hell, yeah, Odessa, or Bust!! Ukraine must be cut off at the knee so that it may never again be a serious threat to Russian peace and security. If Ukraine is smart (Big If) and can be independent from Western puppet-hood, what remains can be prosperous as a neutral territory and develop their culture in peace with Kiev/Kyiv as its capitol.

helene matz

hope russia takes odessa,the people who watched their loved ones burnt and beaten to death by ukrainian nazi criminals deserve to remove themselves from these nazi beasts


Yes Odessa nexst !!!

Edgar Zetar

Yes, “Odessa is next”… but we got your comment


“Also, the U.S. military fears further Russian advance into the West…” They know very well that the Russians will not go to the west, but this is a perfect opportunity for them to demonize Russia …


Germany is more likely to re-invade Poland than for Russia to do so. US are so delusional, what fairy tale shall we make up to believe in next. The US cannot even decipher fact from fictions. It is usually pretty obvious what the difference between a man and a woman is but if in doubt, women never have Y genes.


Recently I’m watching a lot of programs on YouTube and one of them that has good and insightful guests on such as Scott Ritter and Col. McGregor, etc is Judge Napolitano. A couple of days ago he had on a retired CIA analyst named Jack Devine, and listening to his old school, wishful thinking analysis leaves me better understanding why we have lost and bungled every intervention into other countries since the end of WWII. What an idiot homer!

Edgar Zetar

US Director of National Intelligence needs billions of dollars from tax payers in the USA to say some comments that even a moron could known… Russia needs security from NATO, and their strategies are planned, developed and rolled out (executed) to achieve the goals of security. Go to Transnitria, chop Ukraine in some horizontal latitude (coordinate) between the dnieper river and transnitria. Take all East of Ukraine and the Dnieper River has a natural limit. Secure the Black Sea and move out NATO from the Black Sea or contained only to Romania and Turkey at the south. You dont need to be a master strategist to realize this basic planning.

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