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MARCH 2025

Large Number Of ISIS, Jabhat Al-Nusra Militants Remain In Southern Syria: Russian Envoy

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Large Number Of ISIS, Jabhat Al-Nusra Militants Remain In Southern Syria: Russian Envoy

Illustrative iamge: EPA/MOHAMMED BADRA

A large number of militants of ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra (also known as Hayat Tahrir al-Sham) still remains in southern Syria as well as in the western Syrian province of Idlib, Russian Presidential Envoy for Syria Alexander Lavrentyev said on June 19.

“De-escalation zones were established especially for improving the situation, putting an end to bloodshed and ensuring the ceasefire,” Lavrentyev said following a meeting of representatives of the guarantor countries of the Syrian de-escalation agreement. [Iran, Turkey, Russia]

“The situation in southern Syria was rather calm until recently, though some provocations took place. However, a large number of ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists remain in the southern de-escalation zone. Very few ISIS members remain in northern Syria, while their number is rather large in the country’s south.”

Lavrentyev’s remarks could be linked with the current complicated situation in southern Syria where the Syrian Army launched a limited attack on positions of militant groups northeast of the city of Daraa.

While militant groups in southern Syria and their backers claim that they are a “moderate opposition”. Despite this, a high number of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham units also operate within this area controlled by the so-called moderate opposition.

At the same time a local branch of ISIS controls a large area near the Golan Heights. “Moderate opposition” groups and their backers are not hurrying up to deal with this problem.

According to pro-government experts, the Syrian Army’s military operation in the area is one of the few real option to solve security problems in the area and to re-establish law and order there.

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Saaed Wayan

For what breaks the heads They did something bad to you there. Or are you manic

Al kuffar

Why do you have a Mouthfull of Jihadi D*ck.

Saaed Wayan

I am a Christian and those governments that fall are interfering in the affairs of other countries and of another people. And fighting against these governments, we do not interfere in the affairs of their country (you seem to be an aggressor).


If you are a Christian, then Bibi Netanyahu is Iranian.

Saaed Wayan

… no one has the right to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. Isis was not present before the intervention of those countries, Iran and Russia made by Isis. They know that their weapons are Russian-made. And does not exist in their country. If there is a question mark that indicates a conspiracy to steal the Syrian people.


Go see a Head-Doctor Mr. Headchopper…you are delusional..probably too much Captagon

Saaed Wayan

You seem to be covering a government agency like Isis If Isis were against governments they would launch attacks against embassies and state centers. No attacking villages and killing people who live there. Then move easily under the consideration of three major countries possess the largest survey system.

Gregory Casey

Are you a Syrian Christian? If you are as you claim to be, you must be the only and sole Syrian Christian who has not and does not support the Government in Damascus and who either has not or is not serving in the Syrian Arab Army, Air Force or one or other of the Security Services of the Syrian State. In case you hadn’t noticed, the Syrian Christian Community is the single greatest community supporter of the Syrian Government.

Saaed Wayan

This is something that is promoted and is wrong. The reason is the media intensification of the government. Which speaks of extremism and the broad address of any military action against the opposition.When that you see only the Christian silence that says and what after this lie, extremism as a personal situation does not represent the front of victory or Isis! And does not end at when the end them.

Gregory Casey

What is? either promoted or wrong? You telling me that Syrian Christians don’t support the Government and don’t populate the ranks of the Armed Forces in far greater numbers than their % of Syria’s remaining population would suggest? As far as Syrian Christians are concerned or any Religious Grouping in Syria is concerned, their single strongest bulwark against the depraved nature of what was unleashed on the People of Syria in 2011 by the Saudis and United States is support for the Constitution, Government, Leadership and Army of the Syrian Arab Republic. Is there some Saudi Christian Genesis afoot that we have yet to hear about? or …. are American Christians coming to Damascus in their millions to take up residence and build a ‘secular’ Christian State? Please don’t continue to pretend that you are a native born and resident Syrian Christian. If you were such, you would be writing on these pages in support for the Government of Bashar al Assad and in support of the Syrian Constitution.

Saaed Wayan

What makes me pretend to be a Christian. I am against the Assad regime completely. He is a follower of Iran and Hezbollah, they confiscated Lebanon, Iraq and now Syria. So you look nervous and you have to respect and believe in the situation and not be followed.


Yeah the U.S. & IsraHell were trying to take over….their dirty Little Plan Failed…. and they will have to pay Dearly for their Mistake…a Greater IsraHell can very well become a Smaller IsraHell…Thanks to themselves HaHaHa….and you are a TRAITOR to your People…. You had Elections in Syria… maybe not Perfect… But the “President” was lawfully Chosen… but not “Your” Puppet…your folks are Criminal Psychopaths…going for the Loot & the Power… I hope they Chop you all up

Gregory Casey

The new Government assembling itself in Iraq does not appear to me to be pro-Iranian somehow whilst Hezbollah’s power in Lebanon comes through the Ballot-Box. Interesting to note that Hezbollah’s Vote went UP in the recent General Election whilst the Vote of the Sunni / Saudi inclined Bloc went DOWN. I’m not surprised that Alawites, Shia & Christians in Syria sought assistance from Iran and from Lebanon in circumstances where they were surrounded by and under siege from Wahhabi Sunni extremists inserted into Syria through Jordan and Turkey under the watchful eye of America and Saudi Arabia. What is interesting is that the Sunni Bloc of the Syrian population fractured between those who support the Syrian State and those who decided to throw in their lot with the inserted head-choppers and/or who ran from everything. I have heard of no Syrian Christian group that decided to support the head- chopping madmen unless you are telling us all that you do support them and that you ARE, in fact, a Syrian Christian.


These Russian Arms were delivered by the CIA… it is called deception…

Saaed Wayan

You are justifying as if you know everything. And you are only a dictator in your character and merce


I happen to know a lot… 50% is right…50% is wrong that is a lot better than your average…I am one Angry Motherfucker…. for listening and believing the Bullshit your Government and other Governments try to make me Believe….you are a personification of Deception…. trying to make believe others something which you are not…at least I am Me…. nothing else..I am not trying to create smokescreens like you…with LIES…

Saaed Wayan

I speak the facts I have lived in my country .. Either you are a listener from afar read what you write in the Internet and newspapers and claims that you understand .. This is really nonsense. You have nothing to I listen to.


What might your country be..? Syria…what city?


Can you translate this shit for me please? Because if I can read it…it might be interesting

Saaed Wayan

you say. Jihad but the question against who. Can you specify .. Tell me diligent to see your mouth what is full. Or you are a parrot just repeating what the dictator is saying.


Are you a Schizophrenic? You seem to have a somewhat split personality…repeatin’ the same shit….

Saaed Wayan

The shape of your face like the head of male genitalia. Then you interfere in politics and do not know your assortment of your head. Go and fucking your ass you do not live in the country of those events. But I am the son of that country. .


You are a Cocksucker… you Suck Satayahoo’s Dick…. You know the Deal…: Swallow & get tipped…You are a Son of USraHell… you are not a Christian nor a Muslim.. you pretend to be One… but you are a Liar

Lena Jones

Pulverize the zio-wahabi headchoppers.

Saaed Wayan

They did something bad to you there. Or are you manic

Lena Jones

I see the word “headchoppers” gets you excited – little hasbara snake!


Shlomo.. forget it, it’s too obvious who you are.

Jens Holm

The word zio-wahabi makes me laugh. Who the f… can in the whole world can use words like that.

Lena Jones

You must be the only person on the planet who doesn’t know that wahabis and zios are bffs. THEY’VE ANNOUNCED IT THEMSELVES!!!!!!!


There is no place for terrorists in SYRIA or any other country,except for where they come from,israhell,Saudi, UK, France, US etc.

Val Shadowhawk



re-educate them, they are still DECIEVED humans


You have too much faith in those who murder and maim for money Matt :) I would think that many are common criminals and may are insane. The type of human would murder you in your own home for a dollar and also the type of human who is willing to murder unarmed Palestinian civilians in Gaza with sniper fire .


Humans are turned into murderers by a small group of insane leaders…just look at our history…. Criminal behaviour is a mental illness and therefore can be treated by most. Some will have to be locked up for all their life. In the case of Israeli soldiers, mostly teenagers, brainwashed since they were baby.


Yep! http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/why-do-we-have-wars.JPG


Ooh, so you ARE capable of posting a comment that actualy makes sense?


Until the 70’s in the UK , most towns and cities had mental institutions where those disturbed of mind and those with amoral behaviour were held. Some had a system of day release and others were secure institutions.

Today such people are expected to ‘self medicate’ and largely left to their own devices until they end up in jail where there is little or no treatment for them.

The monetary and social cost of the control methods today are far greater that the cost of benevolent confinement in Mental homes in my opinion.

All the local institutions were built in large grounds and have now been sold for housing etc. A de facto privatisation( looting ) of the property of the state.


But if these Israeli Soldiers are Guilty of killing Palestinian Kids they should be convicted for their Crimes by an Independent Court… Brainwashed or not.. that is no excuse for Brutal Murder… period


I would never say it is an excuse, don’t twist my comments please


RE-educate ? They weren’t educated at all. They are f*`king animals to hire, are paid, drilled and controlled by Israel’s dog the USA. The Saudis pay, too but now the Israeli-Saudi friendship shows more and more WHO is IN FACT the puppeteer there BTW: https://metrouk2.files.wordpress.com/2015/11/isis-mercedes.jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DdQ1-wAVQAAzZuK.jpg


I think you are an idiot….. Abusing innocent animals to simplify and insult mental and social problems of some other animals from this species called homo sapiens. You seem to have some mental problems as well


Many of them are Psychopaths-Beyond-Help….anyone that can slash the throat of a child with an insane smile on his face is lost… and lost his right to Live…for the “Moderates” Assad introduced Reconciliation


So in the end you are a fascist…


Because…? I am Pro-Euthanizing Headchoppers… make the world a little better…100% guilty of Massmurder & you’ll Hang… yup! If that is Fascist-stuff than I’m guilty… Same goes for Governments… if proven you are guilty of Massmurder… you’ll Hang… but I’m pretty simpleminded…


Because, it is no diferent then the nazis killing people with mental problems. The world is NOT getting better with old testamentic behaviour!


If you have mental problems and did not brutally Murdered or Raped you should be treated in an Institution… If you Rape a Child you Die… You took the Kids’ Spirit.. If you Murder POWs by Gunning them down with AK-47s you Die… if you Slice people’s throats for fun.. you Die… you can even call me Hitler for that…


I call you: nothing diferent then the people that make you angry. Better fully think your simplified rules, because with these rules you end up not changing anything


For me it is very simple… I pack my bag and leave for them woods… there will be no Humans… there is Absolute Harmony & Peace… For now…. The U.S. & NATO got to pack their Bags and get the f*ck out off Syria.. that is all…the Middle East for People of the Middle East…the West got NO Business up there no more… millions of People Died by their Hands….if the rest of Humanity runs of the Cliffs… I don’t really care… I have told them there were Cliffs straight ahead… they did not listen… fine by me..Nature will Return…

Wise Gandalf

Interesting. Because the 170cm short Big Boss on SCO conference repeated, ISIS is dead in Syria, and the governemnt controls 90% of syrian territory.


Dupond and Dupont, Smaug and Gandalf.

Wise Gandalf

finger your ass, troll! :DDDDDDDDDDD


Troll talk, so, correction: Dupond and Dupont, troll Smaug and troll Gandalf. Trolls are not polite.


It’s the same one specimen, several avatars.


And you are not one of them?


I once knew a veteran of the war in Iraq who told some of the stories he knew from ‘downrange.’ One of the things he said that “you might walk through a town controlled by Al-Qaeda but not even know it.” . An even less stable situation exists in the greater Damascus area where the SAA has overt control over everything of significance but most power is collectively held by local gangs and war profiteers.


As in every war. So, congratulations. you have discovered again the powder (or better, some of the effects of every war).


I assume you mean in the Arab world?


No, any war on any time. By the way, an army in war without disciplinary platoons is already some kind of a mafia.


I find your ignorant cynicism annoying.


War is a annoying cynicism of ignorants and you are an ignorant of that fact.


Go kick your head on your wailing-wall

Gregory Casey

You’d better be careful as you walk through Jerusalem so ……. those ancient Walls may hide and disguise millions of Palestinian “Terrorists” (as BiBi et al describe them) and no matter how hard you look and no matter how careful you are in your personal security you will always have a target ringing your sorry ass


Bro, seriously. You guys need to stop making wild assumptions for the audience. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c34b360bab2b44ad415c4dad6af027942a9d04c3b79aace7ab9d738410b1db98.jpg

Gregory Casey

And what, Pray is the point of posting a photograph of an American Soldier in response to what I said?



Gregory Casey

Good Morning Smaug!!


They do what they are paid for ;)..


Created to do by us, the United States.

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