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MARCH 2025

Large Russian Rear Warehouse Destroyed By Ukrainian Drone Strike

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Large Russian Rear Warehouse Destroyed By Ukrainian Drone Strike

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On the night of September 18, the Armed Forces of Ukraine launched another massive attack on the Russian territory. Dozens of Ukrainian drones targeted Russian rear regions. Russian air defense intercepted most of the UAVs, but a rear military facility came under attack for the first time in a long time.

According to the official report by the Russian Ministry of Defense, in total, 54 Ukrainian drones were destroyed or intercepted over five Russian western regions. In particular:

  • 27 UAVs destroyed in the Kursk region;
  • 16 UAVs destroyed in the Bryansk region;
  • 7 UAVs destroyed in the Smolensk region;
  • 3 UAVs destroyed in the Belgorod region;
  • 1 UAV destroyed in the Oryol region.

In the afternoon, another Ukrainian drone was destroyed in the border Belgorod region.

According to local reports, the attack resulted in minor damage to civilian infrastructure after wreckage of destroyed UAVs fell on the roads in several areas. The massive attack also resulted in damage to Russian military infrastructure.

At least one Ukrainian UAV struck a large military warehouse located near the town of Toropets in the Tver region. According to official reports, the wreckage of intercepted UAV fell on the territory of the facility.




As a result of the attack, a large fire broke out in the area. The local authorities evacuated civilians from the town for several hours. Powerful explosions provoked a small earthquake recorded in the area.


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Conan M

tell me “when” russia makes it official to leave the un “fun h0u$e” before it’s too late!…

Last edited 5 months ago by Conan M

too late for what?


i don’t like putin. he isn’t smart. before he makes any decision, it takes ages. he is slow when he should be quick. he makes mistakes. and on top of that, he repeats them. allowing maidan, not sending army to donetsk, just two examples. sometimes he tries to be funny. you won’t see it in western politics. they are freaks, like poles, baltics, french, britons, canadians and other degenerates, who watched rambo too much. west depends on soros’s pr agencies, and these are professional.

Conan M

he’s also an ex-kgb official that was anointed to power by western corporations that took full advantage of his nation’s economic vulnerabilities courtesy of those “institutions” and made him and his consorts very wealthy with of course “strings attached”… i don’t believe at all it’s because he is lethargic and prone to make errors in judgement.

Last edited 5 months ago by Conan M
Conan M

if this world manages to survive this chaos, i wouldn’t be at all surprised to see him in his villa in tuscany living down the road from volodymyr z….

Last edited 5 months ago by Conan M

what world, and why would it not survive “this chaos”?


i up voted you but as usual sf doesn’t change the score .so just ignore their alleged votes theyre corrupt idown voted a comment that they didn’t like anyway and one click added 6 down votes to the score ,


your naive one or both of them will not survive both know too much

AM Hants

ukraine is in the same position that russia was in, back in the 90s. russia is led by a team that actually love their nation and people. whilst zelinsky runs full speed ahead, in order to ethnically cleanse ukraine and make sure the genocide continues.


here goes sf fishing for anti russian sentiments as usual

Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous
AM Hants

remember when he took control of russia and the state it was in? russia was getting 20 cents to the $us, on their energy, with the other 80 cents going to us oligarchs. their laws and taxes were being written on the back of 3rd world nation contracts.

AM Hants

2) by 1 january 2004, russia was back in control of her natural resources, which is why they paid off the soviet union and russian federation debt. low taxation, minimal debt, free healthcare and education (to university level) and russia is now has the 4th largest economy. russia has the most powerful military on the planet and has made nato impotent. what more do you want from the man?

Malcolm Z

putin is just a good business manager and not an strong leader without mercy to command this war.


your stupid. i wouldn’t want to serve under such a naive inexperienced fool

AM Hants

why don’t you think he is a strong leader? remember the state that russia was in, prior to him taking control on the 31 december 1999? the days russia was bankrupt and was only getting 20 cents on the $us for their energy. the other 80 cents going to the us.

AM Hants

2) the days when russia even had to pay contract fees to the us, in order to mine her own natural resources. what happened next, besides russia now being the 4th largest economy in the world and the us having over $35 trillion national debt to service, whilst the world has turned it’s back on the $us currency reserve?


i’m sorry, were you under the impression that i am interested in what you think of putin?

Conan M

clyde. we need to find you an exploding pager and have you hold it right up to your face!…

Last edited 5 months ago by Conan M

don’t cry. you’ll be okay.

AM Hants

wow, you lose your argument when you have to rely on personal insults. you argue with legality, you argue with facts, when you cannot do either, you throw your dummy out, together with throwing you toys out of the pram, as you soil your diaper, and wait for nanny to make it all better. whilst relying on personal insults to form your argument.

Joseph Day

exactly. stalin would have ukraine by now

Ace of Spades

stalin would have had us in a nuclear war before easter of 2014.

AM Hants

the irony. who used those types of weapons on the japanese islands of negasaki and hiroshimo? truman, trying to show the georgian leader of the soviet union, just what his toys could do. this was after japan had surrendered and truman had taken over the presidency of the us.

AM Hants

wasn’t stalin a bolshevik from georgia? aren’t the bolsheviks now running ukraine, the eu and the us? didn’t stalin take a lot of galicia, from poland and gift it to ukraine? didn’t the ukrainian hero bandera, with his ss history, lead the mass acre of a part of galicia, that stalin gifted to ukraine? how many poles were taken out and has ukraine apogised to poland, for the actions of their hero?


you are a bot i suspect who uses multiple fake names to simply post the exact same comment over and over and the other bots up vote you all in it 😉


Ace of Spades

would you like me to play my little finger violin for you?

AM Hants

you on the violin and zelinsky on the piano. who would want to watch.


lol what did i just read? we’ve all been laughing at you guys since russia began this war and now you guys start waking up and speaking cringe. bit too late. i mean, good… about time.. but will the audience change tones? poo is poo

Ace of Spades

i’ll just bet that he’s relived his mistakes more than you have.


when do you people finally wake up &get that these skunks are all in cahoots! they are working togehter hand in hand !!! biden,trump, putin, zelensky,macron,scholz etc. etc. they are all in globalist lodges, are under the boots of international jewry, incl. chabad lubawitch and rothchild.

Last edited 5 months ago by Gurki

they are just puppets all intertwisted with klaus schwabs wef and khasarian mafia. it’ not”mistakes” they make. but full purpose destruction of white race and western civilization on behalf of their jewish masters !!!! and elon musk, bill gates, zuckerberg(facebook), sergey brin(chief of google), samuel altman(head of openai) etc. etc. they too are all jews – clinging strictly to the jewish overall agenda !!

Last edited 5 months ago by Gurki
AM Hants

so would you prefer him to copy nato and just carpet bomb everything in site? why does he need to rush, when taking things patiently has caused problems for the $us? us has $35 trillion of national debt and the world has turned away from using the $us petro-currency reserve. eu and nato on their way out. 20% of ukraine has returned to russia and ukraine have lost a million of their forces.

Conan M

spoken like a true delusional $hyl0ck!… in your mind you’ll live forever!

Last edited 5 months ago by Conan M

sorry, too late for what?

Crocus Shooting Gallery

my fellow gay men finally scored something! i hope they score me next, my pooper wants attention! heheheh…

Ukros without foabs

. . wot?


why is this crocus guy so gay lately? im the one thats more gay!


good idea to keep all eggs in one basket…

lsrael kill50K civilians4fun

these kind of silly attacks only raise false hopes & prolong ukraines agony. the war is ending this winter. either by ukraine’s military defeat or by a trump-vance victory. most polls showing kamala well ahead of trump are an illusion created by the deep state. that’s why there have been 2 attempts to assassinate trump. back in 2016 every poll had killary clinton winning bigly. same thing will happen again. trump-vance is a slamdunk. russia is our friend

Conan M

ok. but while you’re waiting for that to hopefully happen. how is it that a “drone”(s) can penetrate russian early warning systems and satellite communications to deliver destruction to an ordnance site this important?… and how is it possible sf and other(s) have not been able to inform the public “where” these drone location(s) are coming from both inside and outside of the country???

Last edited 5 months ago by Conan M
Conan M

… and if they are being assembled and launched from inside the country other than kursk -why haven’t those individuals been identified yet???

Last edited 5 months ago by Conan M

i think the answer you’re looking for is “locomotion”.


the deep state don’t need voters to win. the élections are rigged since crazy joe.

Ace of Spades

the elections were rigged since killary. the rigging just broke that time around.


so the 2000 and 2004 us elections were legit?


there probably hasn’t been an important office that wasn’t rigged since they started using the dominion tallying. the easiest way to control them is just by owning the primaries and potential runners in the first place. hence why they are all a bunch of clown stooges who yap yap yap and then do the opposite of what they say.

Blatant Pet Tricks

in those days, they were more in a covert state of latency, soon to be transformed to an overt state of blatancy.


it’s like that everwhere in the west and the east. difference is just in how openly andshameless they do the rigging.

Last edited 5 months ago by Gurki

trump is a figure in a kayfabe psychological operation. his role is to draw one side of the polarized population down a blind alley, and drive the other side down another blind alley.


i don’t think trump has the quietness to go off in a fake death like epstein. would you be surprised if they whacked him to manufacture a civil war? do satanists show loyalty to anyone but themselves? trump is a wall-kisser of wall-kissers and jews run this place. do you think he is anti-establishment with the donors and powerbrokers all behind him and long history with people like roy cohn and sheldon adelson and his son-in-law jared, or is it just the words the masses want to hear?

Last edited 5 months ago by BunkerDwellers

trump and epstein’s parties with underage girls and trump with diddy on way more than one occasion. what’re in diddies videos too? is he less of a talker than epstein? https://old.bitchute.com/ video/ktzmk1pqzweg/


this might be what you think, but please mark my words – this war will be going for much much longer is than this winter or even next winter. i even tell you that the real war hasnt even begun !!!! western military industry is just slowly getting their machine running, with large usa and eu war-corporation doing their investments right now.

Last edited 5 months ago by Gurki

these corporations are all under the claws of the jews, same as the russian ones. and history tells us, that they dont invest in war, when the war is going to stop tomorrow. be sure they and all the governemnts in west and east will do everything to keep the war going and expanding. yes, sad news, but it’s the truth !

Last edited 5 months ago by Gurki

myslím, že ten vyhodený sklad bola likvidácia starej munície ktorú rusi navozili aby ju fašisti zničili. inak by zničenie zastaralej munície vyšlo rusko príliš draho. rus začína používať novú muníciu, má jej nadbytok, len aby ste boli v obraze. a k tomu ešte dodávky z iránu a kľdr!!! to sú platby, len aby ste vedeli. svetu mier!!!


this isn’t a work of a drone strike. this similar stuff happening in lebanon…. in case of russia, traitors or infiltrators could have put explosive chips in certain missiles that caused it to ignite and then explode


one of these days the russians will learn to store their ammo and missiles in smaller and more dispersed ammo dumps. it’s not like they don’t have enough land.

same goes for troops. don’t put 50 together in one place when you have zoom for gods sake.

Last edited 5 months ago by Paul

exacly, russia has enough land, that’s the crucial point. and this shows very vlearly the stupidity of the whole ukraine war. there are some russian on ukrainin eastern territories. they where treated bad by ukrainian current government yes. but they feel they are russians. then why ukrainain + the west not give each family 5 mio eur and ask them to leave for russia ?

Last edited 5 months ago by Gurki

compared to the cost of war for both sides, it would be 100times more logic to just give the ethnic ru donbass families 5mio eur or even more and ask them to re-settle to russia, as ru has enough land, and as euro-multimillionaires these families would live in russias like gods.


so therefore alone, it’s really stupid putin started this war for this tiny ukrainian eastern territories. especially since for ukraine that has no really mineral or other riches (apart from farmland) the eastern regions, which contain coal, iron ore and titan ore and even lithum – of course these areas are state-economically important areas, which it cannot affort to lose.

Last edited 5 months ago by Gurki

the whole current situation only makes sense if one gets that behind all of it, there is a much bigger jewish agenda, which is: to kill off as much as possible white christian males and saw hatred between different christian people.

Last edited 5 months ago by Gurki

it’s anyone who isn’t jewish at all. they hate goyim for the fact that they aren’t repulsive like them. stupid they may be like animals, but at least they are domesticated.

AM Hants

all for the greater israel project and the 2nd israel.

AM Hants

who actually started the war? how were things going in ukraine, before the cookie monsters arrived? before the nuland ‘fu eu’ phone call, where she admitted that the us had spent $5 billion getting the people of ukraine to think the right way? before the kherson m ass acre, that was the reason for ukraine losing crimea? before the minsk ii peace agreements? before the loss of 10,000 russian speaking citizens of ukraine?

AM Hants

they did leave for russia and took their land with them. remember, the land was part of russia, before lenin and krushchev gifted it to ukraine. why is it so important to ukraine and their investors? why do they want the land, but, not the russian dna citizens that go with it?


am hants. i understand your point. but please think it through. regardless – point is ethnic russians in eastern ukraine. that was the start. and therefore the final conclussion in your logic is false. see for example. if turks in germany are mistreated, or even shot at by the german state. what the solution. turkey invading germany, and turks annexing north-rhine westfalia and claiming it to be part of turkey now ?

Last edited 5 months ago by Gurki

or is is not that in such a case the right thing to do is for the turks to leave germany and for turkey to then put strict sanctions on germany, stopping trade, and maybe bringing the case before un international court ? as that’d be the right way to act.

Last edited 5 months ago by Gurki

and to your other point, you said it yourself, quote: “gifted it to ukraine”.one needs to realize that if you have a nice.. lets say car and you give it away, as donation lets say to the red cross or whereever – then you cannot come 30 years later and say : “hey it’s mine ! i want it back”. no, you gave it away as a gift. it not belongs to you anymore.

Last edited 5 months ago by Gurki
AM Hants

remind me, how much ammunition has russia lost, compared to ukraine? how much can russia afford to lose, compared to ukraine? will only take a day or two, for the russians to replace the toys they lost and without begging other nations to make up their losses.

White Gandalf

surely that was a deliberate interception of that drone with a huge explosive blast. to ensure with absolute certainty that the drone was completely obliterated. the drone was brought down deliberately onto that spot with those explosives! i hope that the russian government abstains from “starting anything serious” with those valuable neighbors!


maybe..this was just another trap to sucker zelenskyy and his drones and missiles in so russia could destroy them.. huh..!!

Last edited 5 months ago by Skip59

no doubt. things are going swimmingly for the ukrainians. bandera days parade in donetsk in january.


boom boom goes the kalibr 🤣😂


clyde don’t emoji.

AM Hants

one of many and will be replaced in a couple of days. what is the excuse of ukraine?

AM Hants

has ukraine apologised to poland yet, for the actions of their bandera hero? how many poles were taken out during the volhynia massacre?


has russia apologized to ukraine for their holodomor massmurder ? get it, western nations like the baltic state & ukraine – the people there do not want anything to do with you ruskies and your f*cking communism. your country is big enough – get your own house in order – stay away, and live by your own instead of invading other peoples land and stealing their territory !! it’s as simple as that !

Last edited 5 months ago by Gurki
the cohen r khan

dialled down nuke sent from the baltics


that looks like there were tactical nukes stored.


18 september 24, hungary again voted against (and in favor of israel) a un general assembly resolution that condemned israel occupation of palestinian land.

the cohen r khan

epstein mossadick mi6 cia blackmail files speak compliance hungary is all talk like dog erdogan cannot be trusted like the little english king in jordan or the donmeh jewisher sisi of egypt


of course, as hungary is jewish to the bone. the jew george soros, real name györgy schwartz, was born in hungary, and he financed victor orbans whole college and further eduction. orban is a jewish puppet and to conceal this he played the “stop the thief” game, kicking out soros institutions from hungary (just to fake-disconnect from the jews – for the public audience).

Last edited 5 months ago by Gurki

orban is of jewish origin too (just look his face). moreover he (just a few years ago) immediately extradited the 89 year old man horst mahler – (a so-called holocaust-denier), who fled from occupied germany and was hunted by the jewish fake-german government, and had pledge for asylum in hungary – back to germany. this alone shows cleary that orban is in bed with the international jewry, and not with freedom & mankind.

Last edited 5 months ago by Gurki

ruski nazis fked in the asshole, nothing new here 😀


booooom 💥💥💥🔥🔥🔥


nafomos angry at ol’ clyde.


shit happens and then you move on.

Joseph Day

stop calling them ukraine drones. we are well aware their nato drones


drones were likely just providing cover for a missile strike.

Freeway Freddy

word is that was an important missile storage facility , a major one . deep inside russian territory , north west of moscow .some believe that the missiles or missile came from latvia. . look at the explosions , massive , these were not caused by simple drones. obviously , it was a major hit . if missiles came from latvia this could be the start of something vey big .

AM Hants

so what percentage of russian toys was taken out? will not take long for them to be replaced. how many weapons has nato got left, courtesy giving everything and more to ukraine?


i don’t think that the drawn out meat grinder was a wise strategy.

V for Victory

what kind of ammunition and missiles were stored? it’s told that there were long range missiles, even n.k. ones.

and why the ammo casemates ignited one after the other? weren’t supposed to resist to sympatetic explosions?


maybe someone tracked the shipments from russia to iran and decided to hit that depot because they especially didn’t like what they found. also, russia has also been jew infiltrated since the bolsheviks.

gary hinchman

…….the primary explosion was a nuclear fusion device that i would guess was between 10 and 15 kilotons…….besides the primary flash you can see the continuing fusion tail as the fireball rises for about 10 seconds….this is tritium fusing which one sees in most nuclear fusion devices after the initial detonation……this is the third nuclear fusion device that has hit the russian federation….gh


that was a storm shadow strike mixed in with drones.


it was a large combined drone attack with lots of the new ukrainian made long range drones – with turbo-engines. these are very speedy and have range up to max. 1500 miles. (depending on the explosive-payload atttached to it)

Last edited 5 months ago by Gurki
AM Hants

made in a nato nation. will be interesting, when russia has all facts and has analysed everything, how they will respond. expect a lot of tsunami’s around the shores of nato members involved.


yes and jews will laugh their arses off about you and your small brain not realizing that it is exatly that what they want. they want none-jews to slaughter each other. but you donkey, obviously still dont get it! its not nato or usa vs. ru brics or all this braindead jewish tales they tell you. it’s jews vs. the whole civilized mankind. they – the jews – are the satanic enemy of all of us.they are the most evil world enemy of all times !!!!!

Last edited 5 months ago by Gurki
Gneaus stapo

lol sure dawarish…it is the juice always the kikes. gods favourite folks, the master race,almighty,behind all evil + vatican and free massons, london, wall street, nazi brüssel eu etc…have i left out someone?


yea, i saw a pic of it today i read they go fast and it’s hard for the radars to pick up, they start making alot of them russia’s gonna have to buff up air defense and find out where these things are being made and bomb it.

Gneaus stapo

stop telling propaganda u americunt fool.

all drones have been shot down, as always and only debris of shot down objekts caused minor damage


those iranian missiles could have been rigged to explode by an inside mi6 or cia operative paid millions to plant a detonator inside of one of the missiles. a trojan horse. the drone attack was just a cover story. the russians should never have stored them at the ammo depo.


what are you waiting for russia?

AM Hants

they respond, after careful thought and not emotional rage. wait patiently and many ways to skin a cat. they are also fully aware that the us and friends, are desperate to get a war started before the brics summit and us presidential elections. why should they give the us what they want?

Gneaus stapo

lol… who gives a fuck about bitch meeting. russia is toast and it knows it.


it weren’t drones. it was a ballistic missile (s). the place was “nuclear proof” ammo storage, lol, 500 km from ukrainian border. something like 30 k tones of ammo was destroyed.

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