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Large-Scale Gun Battle In Mexico, After Authorities Arrest And Release El Chapo’s Son (Videos, Photos)

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Large-Scale Gun Battle In Mexico, After Authorities Arrest And Release El Chapo's Son (Videos, Photos)

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On October 17th, a fierce gun battle took place in Mexican city Culiacan, after security forces arrested Ovidio Guzman, one of the sons of Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman.

He was released shortly after the arrest, after a siege between heavily armed cartel members and security forces inside a house with Guzman.

Mexican security minister Alfonso Durazo said 30 members of the National Guard and army were patrolling in Culiacan when they were fired on from a house. They repelled the attack and inside the house apprehended Ovidio Guzman Lopez.

The house was then surrounded by heavily armed gunmen who had “a greater force” and authorities decided to suspend the operation, Durazo said. Security forces released Ovidio Guzman to protect lives, Durazo said.

Following Ovidio’s initial arrest, local media reported that armed civilians in trucks roared through Culiacan’s center shooting sniper rifles and machine guns. There was a heavy deployment of Mexican security forces.

Videos published on social media showed a scene resembling a war zone, with gunmen, some wearing black ski masks over their faces, riding in the back of trucks firing mounted machine guns as vehicles burned.

Following are videos and images from social media:

Authorities decided to release Ovidio Guzman and stop their operation, since there was a risk of the city turning into an actual war zone.

Other reports showed that, despite what the Security Minister said, the operation wasn’t exactly routine and the security forces weren’t there by accident – they arrived in full force and heavily armed.

Other cartel members were wounded and arrested, but Guzman himself was released in order to “protect lives.”

Secretary of Security of Sinaloa Cristobal Castañeda told El Financiero, adding that local authorities worked with the National Guard, the Army, and the Navy on the operation.

El Chapo himself was sentenced to life in prison in August 2019. Since he was extradited to the US back in 2017, his sons Ivan Archivaldo Guzman and Jesus Alfredo Guzman, known as “los Chapitos” “the little Chapos” were allegedly running the Sinaloa Cartel, together with co-founder Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada. Ovidio Guzman wasn’t that known as one of the leaders, but it appeared that he plays a central role in it, judging by the war that ensued.

Large-Scale Gun Battle In Mexico, After Authorities Arrest And Release El Chapo's Son (Videos, Photos)

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Large-Scale Gun Battle In Mexico, After Authorities Arrest And Release El Chapo's Son (Videos, Photos)

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And yet when Stallone dares to make a movie with these shining examples of cartel humanitarianism as bad guys he gets labeled as racist.


There is only ONE thing that matters in this, cash. Then we can talk about whom benefits from this insane amount of cash witch is piling up in Tons, and thats not even an exageration, large containers of cash, you can litrarly swim in cash, and then we have the various organs whom also benefits from this, the even more insane war on drugs, like war on poverty, it was never meant to work, just to be like the war on terror, an never ending circle jerk, ad infintum. The white washing of this montains of crime mooney, from condoes in Spain to Bitcoins, to Gov. orgs as the police to intellegence assets, the banking ind complex whom is never arrested but if you smoke an joint they throw you in the slammer, and we talk about trillions world wide, and nothing ever happens, one of the reasons for sky rocketing housing prices is due to white washing this montain of cash, to local shops whom sels idiotic things, etc, and large amounts goes to various food shops to again, like Kish Kebabs to Pizza for to have an open front of white washing, this, if you dont know what I talk about, watch the Godfather triology, and get educated.

The ONLY solution, is to legalize drugs, all drugs, until that happens, crime syndicated, corruption, the law is an joke, the police even worse, in Norway they dont even report the Multicultural enritchments enritching the drug marked or thru sale, because they can be acused of been racists, so they arent even arrested, but if you as an native is taken, they throw you in jail, or gets an insane fine, but they dont tuch the, even iligale ones, and then they claim thru statistics that this people arent that criminal, nooooo, and thats because most of them, incl Pakis gangs whom everybody knows about, is given imunity from prosectution, and that, is an reason for exploding markeds, and since the police dont even register the offended MUlticultural enritchments, they never pops up on the stats, several Swedish police offciers have admitted that, but you never hear it on the MSM.

The second reason for legalising, is the insane amount of cash, Cannabis/Hashsih isnt dangerous, and so goes to the rest, and if Mexico legalezed everything, this problem would go away, and the above mentioned circus of people benefitting from it, to police/politicians topps whom have invested in this so called organs whom is to help people of drugs, even that is admitted in Norway, non of them is intrested in legalizing drugs, hell yeah, and wants drugs to continue to be iligale, to criminilase use, and people like me, whom dont use other than occationally an pipe of two, to smoking an joint is the target, since we are the majorety, its not the ones hanging on or by the cetral stations all over the world, but people whom you dont see, and we arent a problem, its the insane level of idiot propaganda, pimped by people whom knows jack shit about drugs, and never ever think that this debate in countrys as Norway will be fair and square, because of the stigmas following decades of idiot propaganda and the reactions officialy you get if you admit anything, the MSM debates are hillariously irrelevant and downright ignorant.

So, Mexico, legalise everything, from Cokain to Cannabis, and the benefit will come to the people of your nation, not crime syndicates, like the saying goes in Norway, among the groups whom sells and produces Moonshine, they all suport thru elections the Christian facists since they want alcohol to be banned, and Norway is worse than lets say Turkien when it comes to buying an bottle of beer, we are not liberal what so ever, after 18 Clock I cant buy an beer in my country, and other places in Norway its even worse. Grow up for f…. sake.



welcome to juarez


The mexican army could rip them a new one with all their armament, but ‘Human rights ‘ always intervine as those weapons would cause ‘injury’ not acceptable due to the cartels being humans also

Xoli Xoli

Were is UN humanitarian aid of weapons and USA, France, Germany,Britain and Israel fake democracy to contain their drug agents.

Xoli Xoli

USA arrested El Chapo to cover up USA drug buying and deals with the drug cartels.

Xoli Xoli

USA and Britain created this mess of drug cartels in Mexico. Now their are running away from their responsibility like in Syria, Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan. Soon their partners of NATO. Turkey first and Saudi Arabia follows.

Xoli Xoli

USA,Britain and Israel will start attacking fellow NATO members. Wait and see.

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