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Large Syrian Army Reinforcements Arrive In Northern Raqqa (Videos)

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On July 1, large reinforcements of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) arrived in the town of Ain Issa in northern Raqqa, which is controlled by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

The local Raqqa News Network released videos of the reinforcements, which included several T-62M battle tanks and a number of trucks armed with heavy machine guns.

In the last few weeks, the SAA deployed dozens of personnel in Ain Issa. The town hosts several positions of the army as well as a coordination and operations center between the SDF and the Russian Military Police.

These reinforcements appear to be directly related to the recent provocations by Turkish forces in northeast Syria. Earlier today, Turkish forces shelled positions in the northern countryside of Raqqa and al-Hasakah.

The SAA entered the northeastern region last year under a breakthrough agreement between Damascus and the SDF. The army deployment helped put an end to the Turkish-led attack on the region.

In the case of a new military confrontation in northeast Syria, the army will likely provide a direct support to the SDF to fend off Turkish forces.


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Fog of War

” In the case of a new military confrontation in northeast Syria, the army will likely provide a direct support to the SDF to fend off Turkish forces. ”

Is that the same SDF that took over Syrian government buildings with the approval of ZioAmerica ? Why would Syria help them ?


The difference between SAA and SDF is that SAA is trying to win the hearts of the people by defending them and providing them with needs even when there is no economic interest there, SDF wants people’s money and their sons to be slaves for them and their ziomasters.

Icarus Tanović

Thats right.


Just wondering, do you guys have better arguments than jews this jews that Zio this Zio that , its not even about being right or wrong but people don’t even know what they are talking about, its like a trend.


Yes my friend, it is not fictional but based on facts. You know that some time ago a lot of money was found on the oversee accounts of SDF leaders, that is what I call being an Israhell lapdog, cause they follow the smell of money like dogs follow bones, really convenient for Israhell to have such slaves, give them money and they will sell their own souls.

Hanny Benny

trkScum your time will come

Assad must stay

very nice SAA, beat back the turkish jihadi rat shitscums

Mustafa Mehmet

? go for it

Icarus Tanović

What is happening in that Daraa vilage? SAA withdrawn some positions.


Anyone got the latest SAA controlled territory update. How much of Syria has SAA reclaimed? Wish Syria would retake it all to the boarder… and that chunk up above Lakatia that for some reason Turkey is squatting on. Then Golan… and that chunk down in the Jordan Valley… Just everyone get the fuck out and let Syria get on with its life.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“In the case of a new military confrontation in northeast Syria, the army will likely provide a direct support to the SDF to fend off Turkish forces.”

Syrian forces and US backed forces cooperating to fend off Turkish incursions, did we read that correctly. Is SF trying to make some of it’s Kurdish hating SF patrons choke on their dinners.

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