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Large Task Force Of US Navy Is Set To Participate In Syria Conflict – Report

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A large task force of the US Navy led by nuclear powered aircraft carrier USS Harry S Truman is setting sail for Syria conflict, the Daily Mail reported on April 13. The media outlet said that five destroyers and cruisers are part of the task force.

The Daily Mail claimed in its report that the deployment of this task force is the biggest deployment of the US Navy in the Middle East since the war on Iraq in 2003. However, it forgot to note that US had deployed two similar task forces at once in the Middle East back in 2013.

This deployment is supposedly aimed at deterring the Damascus government and Russia, according to the Daily Mail, that suggested that the task force could be a part of a near strike against Syria.

However, this task force would need weeks to arrive to Syria as it is selling from the US mainland. Moreover, US Navy said that the task force set sail “for a regularly scheduled deployment.”

In the same report, the Daily Mail released own map of the potential targets of the US in Syria. However there are some problems with this map. First of all, the Daily Mail failed to put the al-Typhur airbase (another name of the T4 airbase) in the Damascus countryside while indeed it’s located about 150km away of the Syrian capital, in the province of Homs.

Large Task Force Of US Navy Is Set To Participate In Syria Conflict – Report

By the Daily Mail, Click to see the Full-size map

In the map, the Daily Mail  located civilian areas like the heavily populated Barzah district, east of Damascus, as “a chemical weapon factory.”

The mistakes didn’t end there, the British media outlet claimed that the Syrian government is producing chemical weapons in the town of Masyaf  in the eastern the Tartus countryside, a former chemical facility that was fully inspected and destroyed by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) under the US-Russia deal in 2013.

Some Syrian observers viewed the Daily Mail report as a perfect example of the ongoing misinformation war against Syria. The report also shows how the mainstream media narrative is contributing to an escalation in the Middle East.

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hope springs eternal.

Good. That’s 6 easy targets for Russia’s hypersonic missiles. Hope the US will wake up after that.


Plus there is the advantage that the remains of all the overweight American sailors will nourish the fish stocks. Its a Win Win for the environment :)


Yeah- thanks for that dribble- VERY helpful.

In the world of the grown-ups, we witness the INVASION force being assembled. The false flag is palying out in the way I’ve been explaining for DAYS now (and the regulars here have been denying).

Britain and America are using the evidence they MANUFACTURED in Douma to convince other major nations of the Earth that Russia and Iran are the most evil of powers, and that Russia and Iran must be expelled from the region- which is best done by an Iraq style invasion of Syria. The invasion mostly requires the dimplomatic SUPPORT and at best a TOKEN participation by most.

The heavy lifting, these nations are reassured, will be done by the USA, with French and British military support from their many LAND bases across the region.

Every major European nation is onboard- including ITALY and GERMANY (I mention these two cos dribbles have been told, correctly, that their military won’t take part- that is the DISINFO, for while true, the important fact is both have given their absolute support of the invasion plan).

Want to know what is really happening- go read my posts on this forum over the weeks. We have reached the point where what I said would happen (long ago) and what is actually happening now are in perfect alignment.

I’m not a prophet- just a person who learn from history and pays attention to the FACTS.


You’re a liar, idiot and moron who’s been spewing anti Russian hasbara garbage for months shilling for the evil baby rapers.

John Whitehot

“You’re a liar, idiot and moron”

soon he/she ‘going to be a schizophrenic too, considering the amount of identities he/she has to maintain.

Suyanto Ng

that’s your fact, i’m wonder when read across comment by group of people that claim their word was FACTS lol. When it turn out only they personal assumption nothing less or more.

John Whitehot

never in the history of human commenting, so many lines of text received so few upvotes.


‘Want to know what is really happening- go read my posts on this forum over the weeks. We have reached the point where what I said would happen (long ago) and what is actually happening now are in perfect alignment. I’m not a prophet…’

If you are so profoundly insightful, as you self propose, why don’t you stop posting here and create your own blog or website? Err, because no one would ever visit or read it. Hence why you attempt to parasite off this site and it’s traffic, with your endless multi-posted and self contradictory diatribes.


I’m afraid that Putin will still call them “partners” instead of taking some preventive measures. Apparently Russia still hopes that diplomacy works. They are wasting time with Trump&Co.

Tony B.

You are totally clueless of any political tactics other than war.


Russian courtesy is studied, not naive.


The above targets are right on its as if NATO gave you the target list prior to hitting them. No retaliation on your six easy targets as of yet? Turkey intends to buy an S400 system wonder if this will end that deal? On the other hand maybe if a NATO country buys an s400 we can see if it works?

Russie Unie

If I were Kim Jung-Un, I would take profit of the occasion to destroy Guam ! Don’t let the yankees and their puppets breathe !!!


Imagine all these resulted from a fake CW from a few ragtags rebels calling themselves terrorists . Wow…. US/western countries are sooooo on moral high ground to “revenge a few civilians ” killed by Assad soldiers so that they could bomb and killed 100 times more civilians or soldiers.

Wow … such fantastic people and caring … and show to our children the kind of courage and stuff they are made of… …ie. liars

Go John Wayne ..fire away at the Indians (with features types) with bows and arrows… but only this time they have Yahonts and SAM systems and most important HEZBOLLAH … which those cruise cannot even target.

Well maybe have a nuke war with Russia so that Assad will not gas his people again ..

Russia should not be stingy .. supply Syria with the latest hypersonic missiles too …as US attacks Syria, Syria has right to defend themselves and Russia can move aside.

Manuel Flores Escobar

Imagine one US navy warship sunk and salilors killed to fight for a fake chemical attack prepared for his govern!


US soldiers will fight and die for the very same terrorists they were told did 9/11 and those committing terror attacks against their countrymen in US and abroad. It’s unbelievable that they don’t revolt. Stupidity in US must nowadays have reached new lows.


Oh things would heat up if the orcs would die *in sufficient quantity*, and very publicly on TV. But as usual, the Teddybear is bending over backwards to make sure it doesn’t come to that, so we’re good to go.

That plus to the American mainstream, the orcs are not truly “our guys” any more since the draft was abolished. A bumper sticker here and Facebook update there is all that’s being asked of them. But by all means continue calling the Empire “stupid”.


when will be attacked the baltic region? :DD

You can call me Al

Those terrorists were the Oscar winning white helmets..


Moral high ground, meh; as long as you are feared, you can call yourself anything you want and get away with it. This is about the ability to act. Russia hasn’t responded to the kidnapping of its citizen Yulia Skripal, to the artillery hit on its general, to the murdered Wagner mercs… The “investigation” into the MANPAD which downed the Russian jet was all talk and no follow-up. Just keep the blows coming and “too little too late” becomes a fact on the ground.

leon mc pilibin

NutandYahoo the zionist commander is delighted that the US goyim are going to fight and die for his shithole regime.But i think this time a few well directed missiles will be landing on his satanic head.No way will israhell escape getting what they deserve for all their warmongering and crimes against humanity.

Rodney Loder

May and Macron would know Putin has nothing to offer in the way of conciliation, Trump would be thinking that it’s just another bankruptcy injunction, the deal saved by limited liability, he’s being mind controlled and it could work, it always has in the past, people hide their deceitful accomplishments behind possible greater deceitful accomplishments, this will be the big daddy accomplishment if it succeeds, but I can’t see the Telepathic moguls giving up financial control when they got a chump like Trump on their Telepathic line.


Russia should stop merely reacting and take a pro active stance. First step would be to proclaim a red line in the Mediterranean passing of which by US task force should be regarded as an act of war. The ball would be in US court and people would soon realize that sailing a fleet into a hail of Russian super and hyper sonic missiles is not a great idea. There’s enough missiles in Russian Southern Military District alone within easy reach of Syrian/Cyprus coast to reduce US/UK/French fleet to smoldering heaps of rapidly sinking scrap metal – several times over. Maybe then even US Congress and UK Parliament would remember that according to US Constitution and UK Basic Law it’s their responsibility to declare war on other countries. And not a prerogative of executive branch – turn security state dictators.


il of Russian hyper sonic missiles

never existed


I’m sure they don’t exist – LOL. But I still wouldn’t volunteer to sail on one of those sitting duck ships. You be my guest…

John Whitehot

“I’m sure they don’t exist”

I wouldn’t stake my life on this neither, although the whole concept of using them against ships is incorrect. They are made to destroy missile shields to pave way for ICBMs.


Some of them are made for use against US carrier groups. Old Soviet tactic envisioned engaging CVs with anti ship and cruise missiles launched from ships and from the air. Tu bombers were designed especially for that purpose…


the people on those ships are in bigger safety then personal of missile launchers.


I suggest you ask your mum if she prefer you to be on land or in those ships where the foundation is the deep blue see

Ships can never outgun a stong country with easy access to resupplies and much easier to hide in a safe fox hole than a ship…when it sinks , you sink. No where to go


dont mix mire mums, ladies.

btw. the night showed, you are stupid liar, i am clever and wise. :P


People on those 12 ships sailing into combined missile capability of Black sea and Caspian fleets, several diesel subs operating around Syrian coast, RuAF and Russian army Southern military district, without being able to count on friendly air support from basis in Turkey, Greece or Italy are as safe as a hog on a Gipsy wedding and are likely to end up just as BBQed…They would not be fighting 3rd rate Arab army this time, but a world power armed forces that have been preparing for this exact scenario for the last 50 years.


this night showed, i was right. :DDDD

John Whitehot

this night showed, west wimped out.


Nope. It showed US chickened out and bombed EMPTY bases and sites IDF bombed dozens of time before. Didn’t tuch SAA general staff Assads palace and didn’t try to take Bashar out. There was no shock and awe and no 1000s of dumb Tomahawks overwhelming Russian defenses followed by 100s of “very new and very smart” new toys. It’s scaled up PR stunt like last April with no real effect – they bombed “suspected CW sites” when everyone, even anti-Assad people know there aren’t any CW sites there. They had amassed SAA troops in Damascus preparing to attack ISIL in Yarmuk and they weren’t touched. SAA ground forces are winning the war on the ground and not phantom CW troops. And they are ready to start their work on ISIL come Monday. As for Russian response, judging from previous experience it’s gonna be asymmetric and quite creative as usual…


Because you are privy to all the Russian military’s stockpiles and secrets, right?

You can call me Al

May I just say, it is velociraptor ….. it is rather polite to insult him to kingdom come.

John Whitehot

that’s your opinion, and rarely it’s correct.

seafloor-mines though, those exists 100% surely, and there is no way of knowing their positions, or removing them.


that is FACT

John Whitehot

you know nothing, lest alone facts.


fact is, that this night russians were kicked in balls in syria

John Whitehot

fact is, you know nothing.


3 peces of all. how many yankee ships were sunk this night due to ruskie megaweapons???

John Whitehot

they stayed pretty clear of russian objects and their performance against syrian air defence seems absymal from first reports.

Tudor Miron

“Daily Mail report as a perfect example of the ongoing misinformation war against Syria.”(c) I would rather call it an example of ongoing misinformation war against own UK people.


Methinks that the one advantage of letting this CVBG sail to Syria is that it gives the West time to back pedal, in case the OCPW reports it can’t be proven Assad did it, or if the rebels did it. Or, as the West probably hopes, that a deal can be reached.

And if not, then the Truman should be Russia’s main target. A sunk frigate would produce shock in the US, as they haven’t gotten a bloody nose in a war since the Vietnam war. But a sunk frigate pails in comparison to a sunk carrier. That would really hammer down home that the days of American hegemony are over.


daily mail is the garbage paper = national tattler garbage paper american article blabla canvasseur!!!


the daily mail is the paper garbage empire murdok=national tattler garbage paper usa article racoleur!!!

Roger Snellman

Rumor has it Nightwatch is in the air. Never a good sign for peace. Naturally Mattis will strike when least expected so I would rate this weekend a low probability. All the required assets will be positioned by sometime Saturday. Anyone have a guess as to the strike date. How about starting a pool, just respond with your best guess. I will track who has what date. Winner get bragging rights and is responsible for conducting the next pool.


Late this weekend or early next week. Reasons are that lesser known US ships and subs have arrieved by then and it’s new moon over Syria on Monday. If it happens MSM will hype USS Truman strike group to create a surprise. This attack will be more limited in scale and time.

If a big attack will occur over a longer time, until the Syrian military are more or less inoperative, it will take place after the arrival of USS Truman. Don’t know exactly when that will be. Any suggestions?

Roger Snellman

Thanks for your insight. Do you want to pick one specific date for the pool?

Concrete Mike

Ok I hope you take my bet.

I bet that nothing will happen, US will back off.

This is just a trick to make jobs for some types

Roger Snellman

Certainly possible there will be no attack, but if you want to be in the pool you have to pick one specific date.

Concrete Mike

Ok i lost that one…damn you mouches a marde!!!


Guess you win, more of a show than an actual attack.

John Whitehot

so now british tabloids deserve our attention in war specific subjects?


Unfortunately, Russian ignorance of how the modern media environment works is not limited to the Kremlin. The thinking seems to be “so what, we let Trump have his jerk-off bombing non-existent CW facilities, after which we continue winning the war”. Wrong: the strikes will “prove” that Assad was guilty, and Putin complicit. None of the many words from many Kremlin mouths will change anything about the newly created reality. So the assaults and sanctions will get *much* worse, and frankly Russian cucks will deserve it.


The only reality that matters is East Ghouta is no longer a pocket. You can have your impotent, drunken arm chair generals pumping their fists at the rockets red glare, I find a certain satisfaction in the head choppers killing each other in Idlib! What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. You sanction Russia and Europe suffers worse, smart like your bombs? Keep printing the money, soon it will be cheaper than toilet paper, handy as you will need that. We will see how willing the masses are when the pay stops coming.


Don’t take this personally, but the ad hominem invective seems to come strongest from those who yesterday confidently predicted “Putin will fight like a lion”. Now the smoke clears, it’s “No, he *had* to be a mouse”–which, as we all know, is the animal symbolizing wisdom.


One thing is for sure, if they weren’t afraid of him, they would have attacked him. Like July 4 all flash no substance, but mostly, expensive. Your big words do not match what I said, as a hi school drop out I like to keep it simple. I look forward to the day when those of your ilk sincerely thank Mr. Putin for being level headed, professional, humane and for your life.

Roger Snellman

Impressive strike against Syria. Especially the timing since most believed they would strike this weekend. I thought Mattis would delay to retain the advantage of surprise. Tonight’s attacks shows their complete disregard for combined Syrian/Russian/Iranian defense and retaliatory capabilities. Again very impressive.


You call that a strike? More like an inventory clearance sale. I am sure a lot of people are even more impressed with the need to herd the cowboys into a small paddock and take away the keys. This is what it looks like when an empire jerks off! You smell man. If this is what winners do, I would rather lose. Every day without all out conflict brings us closer to freedom from the parasites.


Am surprised a carrier is not in the med all the time as used to be normal. Perhaps the Russians are modifying a torpedo so instead of breaking the carrier in half it will just knock the screws off. Those pictures would not be a morale booster. Ten tugboats pulling her to Naples, lots of casualties in the stern. The bottom line is real people will die because of overpaid liars who don’t even know what gun powder smells like, never mind burning flesh.

So we have a relatively small, powerful, group getting ready to push us over the edge. Wake up sleepy heads, these folks don’t have any history of success except in giving business to the MIC. Oh we bought the Muslims caused 9/11, for a while, but no matter who did it, who was on duty “protecting” us when it happened?

You go where they brought “democracy” and you got birth defects, armed insurgents with small IQ and big sick ideas. Come to think of it that sounds like the US. Take a trip to Crimea for a taste of what life can be.


Let’s boil it right down to the essence. One group seems hell bent to start WW III. One group seems to go to any length to prevent escalation, where more and more real people die. It’s not a Hollywood movie or a video game. If you want to see mayhem move to Idlib. If you want less, than talk sense and support sanity.

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