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MARCH 2025

Large YPG/YBS Convoy Arrived Afrin Through Goernment-held Area To Combat Turkish Forces (Photos)

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A large convoy of the People’s Protection Units (YPG) and the Sinjar Resistance Units (YBS) was spotted in the city Afrin overnight on February 6.

The convoy reportedly consisted of over 100 vehicles, including buses. According to various sources, the total number of YPG/YBS fighters in the convoy was between 1,500 and 5,000.  This force will definitely participate in the ongoing clashes between the YPG and the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF).

According to reports, the convoy had reached Afrin from the Kurdish-held area in northeastern Syria and northwestern Iraq through the government-held area east of Aleppo.

Some sources link this development with the Russian Su-25 shootdown, which took place in the province of Idlib on February 3. The incident launch allegedly triggered the decision to allow this.

Photos of the convoy:

Large YPG/YBS Convoy Arrived Afrin Through Goernment-held Area To Combat Turkish Forces (Photos)

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Large YPG/YBS Convoy Arrived Afrin Through Goernment-held Area To Combat Turkish Forces (Photos)

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Large YPG/YBS Convoy Arrived Afrin Through Goernment-held Area To Combat Turkish Forces (Photos)

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Large YPG/YBS Convoy Arrived Afrin Through Goernment-held Area To Combat Turkish Forces (Photos)

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Large YPG/YBS Convoy Arrived Afrin Through Goernment-held Area To Combat Turkish Forces (Photos)

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Large YPG/YBS Convoy Arrived Afrin Through Goernment-held Area To Combat Turkish Forces (Photos)

Click to see the full-size image

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Getting very complicated….


it’s not that complicated.. by right I’m enjoying my popcorn watching the patterns..! The Yankees will be surrounded and caught off handed.. lol..! Just wait till the Iranian takes its part.. Soon.. very soon..! It’s easy.. no one wants outsiders to be at their borders.. and.. Russia, Iran Syria & Iraq just had meetings in Baghdad recently.. wonder what they’re up to.. hehehe. the last time they had meetings like this.. kalibr went off from those subs..


Kurdish people should agree with Assads government and join inter Syria talking about the future of Syria (federation?). The Turkish would lost their motivation for the fight in Syria…

Daniel Castro

Syria is a mess, everyone is enemy and ally at the same time, I’m starting to think most of these groups don’t even know for what they are fighting, only SAA is reliable.

You can call me Al

They are fighting for a Shekel or two, it is as simple as that.


Almost sounds like the hallmark of the US State Dept.


You’re right.. but the kurds should had done that in the first place.. Many were supportive of kurds (including me) until they become greedy and slept with invaders.. Assad would’ve had additionally given them of whatever they ever wanted for to managed their own territory.. what a waste.. Guess it’s too late to be in love again by looking at their stubbornness, arrogant and stupidity … lol..

Jonathan Cohen

YPG needs to turn around and go fight abortion banning ISIS in the Southeast with the ammo we Americans gave them for that purpose, and take the Afrin fighters with them, letting Turkey annex Afrin subjecting it to Turkish law, but not letting jihadist proxies control it like Guantanimo.


The reason given for allowing this means that Turkey is the country which gave the manpads to the Al Qaeda terrorists.


You may be right.

You can call me Al

It certainly does infer that, rather subtly as well; it also makes a lot of sense.

Lelouch Vi Britannia

If you support YPG=SDF=USA zionist terrorist what do you expect from Turkey? Turkey is fighting against zionism in Syria. Assad and Turkey should unite against imperalists. Kick all invaders from Syria

Jonathan Cohen

Or Turkey gave them to TFSA who then gave them to HTS, or even HTS took them from TFSA.


Syria has been allowing Afrin Kurds to resupply via Aleppo all along . This large Kurdish convoy was well on its way before the piliot went down . “Some sources” have an agenda .

Harry Smith

Ronald and, of course, you have facts which supports your statement, don’t you?


Harry Smith as you know facts are hard to come by in a war , but there are reports. Reports I’ve seen has Afrin resupplied via Syrian government held territory without challenge . Are you suggesting that this is not the case ?

Harry Smith

Would you please be so kind and point me on that reports? A link would be much appreciated.


Are you suggesting that this is not the case ?

Harry Smith

I am suggesting nothing. But try to understand me right, in our times of overwhelming lie every serious fact without a proof is nothing but nonsense.

Jonathan Cohen

Hopefully they will also allow YPG to take their supplies the other way, retreat from Afrin, and go fight ISIS in the Southeast with the ammo we Americans gave them for that purpose.


I’m not sure who supplied those stuff.. but I’m very sure the Yankees are calling the so called bear to rejoined the the game.. Yankess are bored to death playing with small fries since Russia left & announced that they had won eliminating terrorism in Syria which sounds Bush..ie like Iraq to the yanks..! lol..!


the more they’re grouped into one corner/place… the more easier to eliminates them.. and in future Assad won’t be blamed of genocides the gypsies.. and turks too will just saying that they killed terrorists..! Less kurds, less problem especially back stabbing problem.. so long kurds, you deserved it..! Just rot in hell..! if only you give back the land that was in ur possession.. things won’t end up this messed.. lol..

Real Anti-Racist Action

Let the Kurdish terrorist and Turk terrorist reduce each others numbers. Both have been willing tools for the Zionist to many times in the past and present. At the end of the year hopefully there will be 40,000 less Kurd’s to oppose the Syrian government from governing the entire country from the west to the east. And maybe there will be 40,000 less Turks to invade other peoples lands.

Feudalism Victory

Good on them

George King

Killing fields? Reminds me of the Hotel California, “you can check in and you can check out but you can never leave”.

Jonathan Cohen

That’s the problem. They need to check out, let Turkey have Afrin, and go use US ammo to fight ISIS like they are supposed to.

Lelouch Vi Britannia

Why did Assad let these terrorist rats to pass? I think Assad cant control their terrorities. Turkey help Assad and Assad is still helping seperative terrorist rebels.

Benjamin Facochere

Turkey never, ever helped Assad. Supporting HTS, FSA, Al-Quaida, ISIS occupying Syrian territory is NOT helping Assad you dimwitt.


Turkey (Regime) is just a bunch of islamist-faschist shit – nothing more, nothing less. Let us all hope its Führer jouins the way of the original Führer but much sooner. Most of mankind will profit. ;-)


The United States, Russia, and syrian government all have a common interest to see Turks fail in afrin.

The US wants this loss to persuade turkey to give up hope of attacking manbij. They really don’t want to lose their SDF allies.

Syria wants to keep afrin, even if it is fully autonomous. It also wants to see FSA mercenaries depleted from occupying idlib province sell they can liberate it.

Russia wants to see both FSA mercenaries (aided by CIA) and SDF mercenaries (aided by the Pentagon) depleted in Syria to reduce American power in inside Syria.


Now Turkey will attack in force. I’ve thought for a while now that Turkey was trying to draw Kurdish fighters from other areas of Syria into the conflict near Afrin before making a strike. Now that the Kurds have done so, now is the time.


Dream on…


I really doubt that. Some of these people might have ATGM’s with their luggage :)

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