A screenshot from the police bodycam video
The authorities are scouring the personal and financial history of the gunman, Stephen Paddock, 64, just days after one of the deadliest mass shootings in the United States, which left 59 people dead and about 500 others injured.
The federal officials said Mr. Paddock had wired thousands of dollars to the Philippines before the shooting. The FBI was scrutinizing the transaction.
On the night of October 1, Paddock opened fire at the dozen thousands of people attending the country music festival from a 32nd-floor suite in the Mandalay Bay hotel.
A few days before the shooting, Paddock had smuggled dozens of firearms into his suite. He had placed one camera inside his hotel room, over the peephole facing the hallway, and two outside his room, including one on a service cart.
He fired from the window he’d broken for 11 minutes total (since 10:08 till 10:19 PM). During that time the police attempted to lead the people out of the field of fire. When security guards tried to enter the suite the perpetrator fired at them through the door, striking one in the leg. A SWAT unit having breached the door after the guard was shot discovered Paddock had shot himself.
According to the police, in total 47 firearms were found in his suite and in his home in Mesquite, Nevada. The weapons were purchased in California, Nevada, Texas and Utah. Twelve rifles the gunman had in his hotel suite were outfitted with a “bump stock,” a device that would enable them to fire hundreds of rounds per minute. Bump stocks are legal in the US.
Marilou Danley, the girlfriend of the gunman in the Las Vegas mass shooting, arrived at Los Angeles International Airport on the night of October 3 and was met by the authorities, according to a law enforcement official. She was designated a Person of Interest and expected to be questioned.
The police estimated that when the shooting began, there were 22,000 people at the Harvest Festival, listening to Jason Aldean, the final act of the three-day event.
Video from the shooting showed Mr. Aldean running off the stage as the gunfire erupted.
I have listened to the police radio of during the event for a few minutes. From that I know that there were multiple shooters at different locations. You really don’t know anything about the event. What main stream is telling you about the event are lies over lies over lies. How can you ever assume that they are telling the truth?
A second gunman firing from a 4th floor room is clearly visible in amateur videos of the scene. Most probably Paddock was a patsy , the media are goaded by the deep state to spread half truths and lies.
The ‘Deep State’ creates major incidents with specific goals in mind. It has always worked for them and so expect more in the future. Some examples: Gulf Of Tonkin – Viet Nam war, WMD’s – Iraq invasion, World Trade Center (where building 7 was demolished through demolition nothing having had struck it) – never ending war etc. At a time when Americans are divided on many issues and the ‘Deep State’ has eliminated privacy through fear mongering at gullible Americans; work is now under way to censor and limit free speech (including any alternative media which presents real facts which don’t toe the MSM propaganda) and raise the new Mc’Carthyism’s ugly head. It’s only natural that they would desire to annul the 2nd Amendment which would need a ‘Trade Towers’ type of event for which, I believe, we have been presented with in the form of the Las Vegas mass shooting event.
Oh and while we’re here, let’s not forget that to prepare the American people for major war, an enemy needs to be provided with accompanying demonization i.e. Russia, China… fasten your seat belts.
Id say this is about the long and short of it,theres another plot afoot here,the outcome of this charade is already written,paid for in innocent U.S.citzens lives once more.
Watching the video it appears something is going on for sure on the 4th floor. My biggest issue is the almost complete lack of sound. At that distance (looks to be well under 100yrds) the reports would be easily picked up through the window even if only as loud percussive taps. Her voice is clearly picked up, but the pops are not.
No report that he changed rooms for a different vantage point, but shots fired from the 4th floor would have much better chance of hitting multiple victims than ones fired from 32nd floor. Though at that distance each round would still have a good angle to hit multiples anyway.
Many of the audio effects attributed to multiple shooters could be from folk moving past hard objects, changing the sound considerably. The sound of a number of rounds impacting a hard object might also be mistaken for more distant sound of gunfire. IDK.
America is nutty enough for this to be 100% genuine, no conspiracy needed. That doesn’t rule one out….
I have been told the flashes seen on the fourth floor were reflections of a strobe! They sure seemed to be in time to the sound of gunfire!
was alone
Whatever the situation was, it is safe to say there will be quite a few law suits filed. To start against not only Paddock’s estate but the owners of the Mandalay Hotel, the concert’s promoters and possibly anyone unlucky enough to have have performed that night. Will be be curious to see how much money actually changes hands.
The shooter was a psychiatric patient on dangerous medication of the type present in almost every mass shooting:
“Diazepam is a sedative-hypnotic drug in the class of drugs known as benzodizepines, which studies have shown can trigger aggressive behavior. Chronic use or abuse of sedatives such as diazepam can also trigger psychotic experiences, according to drugabuse.com.”
“The gunman purchased 50 10-milligram tablets of diazepam — better known under its brand name Valium — on June 21, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported, citing records from the Nevada Prescription Monitoring Program.
The prescription was from Henderson physician Dr. Steven Winkler”
The government knows that these psycho shooter drugs are dangerous. You can’t get a commercial drivers license in the US if you’re on or have ever used these drugs.
Two out of three questions about this shooting have been answered. With multiple bump fire slide stock rifles to deal with the heat issue and double stack 90 round magazines. The shooter could of and probably did carry out the shooting himself. The only remaining question is was it a Jew world order false flag attack? I haven’t seen conclusive evidence yet to prove that it was.
The people saying that the shooting is a huge hoax could be right. Because there’s no proof on the internet that I can find of a mass casualty event. No victims going down, no injuries, nothing that actually proves that 50 were killed and 500 were injured. With thousands of cameras on scene, there should be graphic proof and there isn’t.
It’s too soon to make judgments except for 1, as little to no facts have been released They have said this guy is a muti-millionaire (fact) so no gun laws could have stopped him as he could pay crazy amounts to acquire illegal guns on the black market and he also illegally modified his semi auto guns to full auto which is already illegal in the USA and you need to have gun smith skills to do that. When you can pay you can get whatever you want no matter how illegal it is it just costs more. He could buy illegally from the police or the military with the money he had. Gun laws are to restrict access to weapons for the poor and middle income groups (slaves) so they can be crushed by the ruling heavily armed elite of which this mutli-millionaire is a member. Remember the Zionist racist supremacist KKK were the first to introduce gun control in the USA as it was much more difficult to lynch those who are armed.
For those who like gun control just go to Mexico, Syria and Libya countries with some of the strictest gun control laws in the world and see how well they work there.
I can’t find any proof that it actually happened, can you?
Like I said too soon to say except for the spin that the the guy was a millionaire so gun laws would be useless and unable to stop such a wealthy person.
I found the proof and posted it on this thread. I think that the shooting was real.
Bump firing requires training, is very fatiguating and greatly reduces accuracy
It is difficult to imagine an average 64 yo man bump firing twelve 30-rounds clips in a row and consistently hit the side of a barn 50 meters away
I’ve seen videos showing pretty decent accuracy. And the pictures from his room are convincing. I think that he could have done it. But without any proof that he actually did. The whole event could of been staged. There’s nothing on the internet showing an actual mass causality. What the available evidence shows is inconclusive at best. This purported mass shooting could be a huge scam.
There were double stack 90 round magazines shown. He could have easily done it. But it doesn’t look like he did. Innocent till proven guilty, and there’s no proof of anything.
There should be a parking lot full of dead and injured, and there isn’t any proof of one.
Yesterday I came across several images of unattended folk bleeding out, not there today.
Since many if not all victims were hit in close proximity to friends or certainly close proximity to other concert goers, once everyone started to move they carried/dragged their wounded with them.
Four people carrying a fifth isn’t going to look like much from a distance. One of the video clips you can hear folks shouting for medical help about the time the second full mag finishes. A lot of confusion and nobody sure of anything except what they can see in the 15-20 ft circle of their immediate zone.
No accuracy needed really – consider the distance and angle the rounds were taking, every shot that landed inside the audience area would be expected to hit at least two people and maybe more unless/until it hit a large bone dead-on. Even then it might keep going with enough energy, or fragments of the jacket might still be able to penetrate lightly clothed individuals.
Much like the Pulse and Sandy Hook shootings, you would expect multiple wounds per slug under those conditions.
It was definitely doable. I just haven’t seen conclusive proof that it was. If 500 people were shot with thousands of cameras present, there’d be proof on the internet. And there isn’t any.
I just posted some on this thread.
So, did you guys happen across an evidence? Because nbc/cbs/abc does not seem to have any actual evidence to present to anybody at all. Not even pictures. No bodies. No wounded. No bullet holes. No shell casings. Their interviews are with people who either admit they were not there, or are clearly uninjured. They have shown video of people running around (while not bleeding) and audio of what sounds about like firecrackers, and that’s about it. So minus the testimony of ‘the lady that gets paid to talk on the news every morning’ there’s not really much there that would be worth hanging anyone over. Oh, btw, did I mention that we haven’t been shown any picture of the gunman’s body (who conveniently shot himself before the cops got there, even though the cops show up to concerts before the band does)? Because we have not. So if you guys happen across any photographic evidence (or any type of evidence at all) of people being shot, running for their lives, or the dude shooting at them that would be awesome, because we would love to see it. Thanks.
Yes, I posted a video and picture on this link. It looks real to me.
seek for better
It may not matter much what actually happened, or whether anything actually happened. Once the media accepts a ‘narrative’, it becomes history. The interesting things are ‘cui bono’ and who controls the media and the politicians with the bureaucrats reporting to them as well as the ‘deep state’. Snap! You Know Who.
This looks real:
Damn sure ain’t crisis actors…
No, I don’t think that they are.
“Stephen Paddock ‘Death Photo’ Posted by Alex Jones [Graphic]”
That photo could easily be faked. Or he could be a “crisis actor” patsy, especially since someone awfully similar to him in appearance was at Sandy Hook
Do you have evidence that the photo is faked that disproves that it’s genuine?
No I don’t. It may be genuine. It’s just that the whole thing is so patently weird that we have to consider all versions of the story.
The evidence that I’ve looked at indicates that the government version is correct. When evidence disproving that becomes available I’ll look at it.
Still a lot of energy buddy. Plenty enough to kill a person, even with a 55 grain bullet https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2becaed3e3cb0007014c21853a88b4ca00f8fa8a034dd858f182180db20841ba.png
At close range a .223 can rip you apart. At 500 yards it can’t, and would have to hit a vital area to be lethal. Not counting bleeding out from untreated wounds.
“The Route 91 Harvest country music festival has been held annually since 2014 at Las Vegas Village, a 15-acre (6.1-hectare) lot used for outdoor performances. The venue is 450 meters (490 yards)[5] from the Mandalay Bay hotel in Paradise, Nevada,[6] on the opposite side of Las Vegas Boulevard”
A 30-06 like I’m running for ET contact work is a different matter:
A 30-06 set up for anti material work:
I dunno. Shooting a crowd of people doesn’t kill everyone (ask any WW1 soldier). In Syria we regularly see major confrontations with MLRS, mortars, tanks, 30/20/14/12mm and small arms, and the body-counts are 10-15 per battle. I also haven’t seen any footage showing the incredibly horrific wounding caused by 5.56 (head exploding, spontaneous amputation, multiple fracture, blood spray). Perhaps some people died. Cui bono? Who benefits from talking up the number of corpses? Will we be able to check if they died, or if it was staged? What happened to all the corpses from the Paris concert attack or the Gay nightclub? From outside they all seems formulaic, almost like ritual sacrifices rather than terror attacks
You should look at my other posts on this thread on this topic. At 500 to 600 yards there’s been a 80 to 90% drop in the energy left in the bullet compared to muzzle energies. At close range a .223/5.56 can do a lot of damage, but not at 500 or 600 yards. It can be lethal at those distances if a vital area is hit. But it’s not going to inflict major trauma injuries like at close range. That’s why so many people who were shot survived. A vital area wasn’t hit and they received treatment stopping the bleeding before they bled out from an otherwise non life threatening bullet wound.
The shooting aftermath photos and videos are being suppressed on the internet. A lot of sites aren’t permitting the people who have them to publish them. But enough have been published to show what happened. Including by me on this thread.
This whole thing smells to the high heavens. An accountant, wealthy, no criminal history, no political affiliations, no religious affiliations, all round nice guy type of white American … the perfect scapegoat ..
Do you have proof that he didn’t do it?
If I had proof of anything, Southfront would be the first venue I would post it on. A lot of wool can get pulled over our eyes if we don’t question the bizarre inconsistencies of a news story. Multiple sightings of more shooters, muzzle flashes from lower floors, the main video of the shooting was taken by someone who was calm and collected, didn’t even shake the camera as people were getting shot all around him. Even several retired detectives have commented on the improbability of someone staying so calm as they videoed an event like this. Like I said above …it stinks..
I’ve been through Vegas with weapons running ET contact ops up south of Area 51 more than once. At 59 I could have easily done what Paddock did. I wouldn’t, but with his money and capabilities, and with all of the proof that I’ve seen, quite a bit of which I’ve posted here. I would say that unlike 911, I agree with the government version so far on this case.
Jewmerica and their Israel firster swamp slaves do to innocent people everyday what Stephen Paddock did. The majority of voters in 85% of the counties and land in the US voted to stop these criminally insane wars and regime change machinations. And the Jews and their collaborators are blocking it and the rest of America First that people voted for.
Unless it’s proven that he was some kind of MK Ultra mind controlled zombie, which I don’t think is going to happen. My guess is that his motivation for the mass shooting was revenge for all of the innocent people that Jewmerica kills unnecessarily everyday. And to show America what it’s like to have innocent people slaughtered like the US does everyday.
Well….someone who looks an awful lot like Stephen Paddock was also at Sandy Hook.
I don’t think that crisis actors were used. There are no first responders contesting the government version of events like in 911. The crime scene and shooting aftermath photos look genuine to me. I don’t see a lot of loose ends. The shooting could of and probably did go down the way that the government says that it did. I think that the government version of events is what happened.
What is interesting is that he wired thousands of dollars to the Phillipines, a country with active ISIs members in it, and probably has dozens of sleeper cells across the country
That is where gets interesting and very confusing. There seems contradictory claims, insofar as, based on reports of found material, the shooter was domestically US Antifa linked, whilst separately, ISIS have openly laid claim to the event. But where it all gets really weird is the possible nexus between the two, as turns out some Antifa extremists have been volunteering and training with YPG and or PKK – fellow anarcho-communist ideologues – in Syria, an inherently radicalizing experience. That sort of activity by US citizens, even on minor scale, surely has not gone unnoticed by both broader US intelligence operations in region and within the specific US agency relations with SDF. This sort of fringe and terror group inter-mixing has distinct precedent in 1970’s, when seemingly disparate, and variably competent, western terror factions like nationalist IRA and communist Red Brigades had mutual contact and training within (again, variably politically orientated) Palestinian training camps in mid east region. The common factor that can align these seemingly disparate groups is the covert and criminal nature of the activities they are engaged in – combat training/arms procurement/hidden finance/smuggling routes – creating aligned networks with quite differing goals but common criminal requirements.
Good observations re the anarcho nexus. I’d imagine the actual numbers are extremely small though, and dominated by Euro Antifa (which is far more robust than the US versions). Folks will go for training wherever the expertise is, assuming its available. And, YPG/PKK is currently in bed with US, not sure why that would trigger this sort of attack.
Red Brigade did receive arms from PLO and possibly Libya but as with IRA the overwhelming bulk of training and capabilities were domestic.
IRA main base of $ support (and weapons) was the US Irish Catholic community.
Back in the day those European terror networks were also obtaining Semtex explosives manufactured in Czechoslovakia – through a really complex web of intermediaries both state and black market. The point being, terror and criminal networks are really interlinked and really convoluted once they begin to be fully established.
He sent his GF there and wired her $.
But they were in Dubai – a travel hub into middle east previously.
I don’t know anything about that, they probably travel all over the place like many wealthy folks – I know I would too if I could afford it.
I do know his GF returned from Philippines to talk to authorities. He put her on a flight there and wired her a bunch of cash before going nutters.
So far I have heard zero to indicate he was any sort of Islamist.
If you were looking to frame someone, that’d be a cool way to do it.
I don’t think that crisis actors were used. There are no first responders contesting the government version of events like in 911. The crime scene and shooting aftermath photos look genuine to me. I don’t see a lot of loose ends. The shooting could of and probably did go down the way that the government says that it did. I think that the government version of events is what happened.
As far as him working with anarchists or Islamist’s. I haven’t seen anything other than unsubstantiated reports from people like Alex Jones. Who claims that LE told him that there was Antifa and Islamic material at the crime scene. But none of the crime scene photos that I’ve looked at show any material of that nature.
Selling guns to psychiatric patients on psycho shooter drugs known to be present in almost all mass shootings and many other violent crimes needs to be looked at legislatively to get this problem corrected. These mass shootings were rare before these unsafe dangerous drugs were legalized and pumped into society in large quantities. You can’t get a commercial drivers license in the US if you’re on or have ever used these drugs. Selling guns to people on these drugs doesn’t make a lot of sense. Many of these drugs are reportedly legalized using fraudulent big pharma studies showing that they’re safe when they’re known to be dangerous.
The fact that we’re having this debate should tell you how bad things are, where we have to actually justify the veracity of any news. I’ve trolled through the interviews, and man some of the people interviewed are weird (like shirt-off dude and giggling bottle-blonde). The alignment of the shooting – bang in line with the obelisk and pyramid – does fit the whole illuminati / masonic trope too. I don’t think he was a) ISIS (they’ll claim anything) b) ANTIFA (they’re pro-gun-control). Did he actually do the shooting, or was he shot in the mouth by the person who DID the shooting, and dumped there?
The evidence that I’ve looked at indicates that it was a psychiatric drug fueled mass shooting. Just like almost every single other one over the past 20 or 30 years. Before that these drugs weren’t legal and mass shootings were rare.
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that when over 90% of the shootings are carried out by psychiatric patients on dangerous drugs, when “only” 10% of the general population is using them. That the drugs are the causal factor.