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There Will Be No Winners: Latest Efforts To Preserve Peace In Europe

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There Will Be No Winners: Latest Efforts To Preserve Peace In Europe

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There Will Be No Winners: Latest Efforts To Preserve Peace In Europe

PAYPAL, WESTERN UNION etc: write to info@southfront.org , southfront@list.ru

These days, major European actors have a chance to make a good step towards a detente in Europe or plunge the region into war.

France, Germany, and Russia are trying to find common ground and avoid the outbreak of hostilities. The United States and Great Britain are striving to pursue their own warmongering agenda, without risking bloodshed within their own territories.

While French President Emmanuel Macron headed to Moscow for a meeting with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz held talks with US President Joseph Biden.

During the press conference, Putin once again stated the fact that NATO ignores Moscow’s concerns about security guarantees in Europe. The Kremlin has clearly outlined its interests and signals its readiness for any further developments, including a big war.

The recognition of Crimea as Russian territory and the provision of guarantees of Ukraine’s non-entry into NATO are necessary conditions for Russia’s retaliatory actions. Moscow seems to be ready to recognize Ukraine as a zone of Western interests. While the Donbass is a debatable issue.

Putin stressed in his speech that European countries cannot avoid bloodshed if Ukraine joins NATO and attempts to regain Crimea. “The military potential of NATO and Russia is not comparable, we understand that. But we are a leading nuclear power. There will be no winners,” Putin said, stressing that neither Russia nor France are interested in a military scenario.

Macron’s statements were quite optimistic, and expressed Paris’ hope for a peaceful path for Europe and a readiness to cooperate with Russia on the security issue.

At the same time, Washington and Berlin agreed on their positions, which are marked by a lack of unanimity.

Despite the loud statements about the growing Russian threat near the borders of Ukraine and Russia’s use of energy resources as a weapon, Germany still chooses the position of “strategic uncertainty”. The US and European leaders did not disclose the content of possible sanctions against Russia. Scholz also did not mention Nord Stream 2 when discussing sanctions and possible measures against Moscow.

The day before, Biden had a phone conversation with Putin, which apparently led to no positive results. Also at the initiative of the United Kingdom, Putin spoke with Boris Johnson.

The visit of UK Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs Liz Truss to Moscow as part of the current diplomatic round of negotiations is likely not to take place. At least the Kremlin is sending such signals.

Moscow has clearly demonstrated that it is no longer willing to listen to the moral teachings from the West, especially from London, and does not intend to retreat from its position.

Amid the round of high-level talks, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock visited Kiev. According to the results of negotiations with her Ukrainian counterpart, Berbock made ambiguous statements. “The interruption, of energy resources to Ukraine as well as the cyber attack are more serious threats for Kiev than a “tank attack” – declared Baerbock following the US agenda to clear the way to further justify aggressive actions against Russia. Simultaneously she moved away from Anglo-Saxon-style war hysteria.

Later, on the evening of February 7, Berbock refused to meet with Zelensky. She said she would not talk with the President, as the French Foreign Minister, who was also supposed to participate in the negotiations, canceled his trip to Ukraine and went to Moscow.

In general, this diplomatic carousel started by the West is being swung due to two opposing vectors within NATO. The desire of the Anglo-Saxons elite to set its European competitors on fire faces the dreams of the major continental European powers not to get burned in this fire, during the traditional Anglo-Saxon fun – dragging chestnuts with their hands and at the expense of the Germans and the French.

The role of Ukraine by all parties to the negotiation process is defined as an object, but not a subject of international relations. Putin spoke most vividly about this: “Cutie’s pleasure isn’t our measure”.

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Мстительная Матрешка

New intel: Wagner & Kadyrovtsy PMCs deployed to the Belarus/Russia border, they are waiting for Ukraine to fall to NATO and/or US, UK, CAN, UA, EU, NATO, etc. to move in and attack Donbass which will be the green light needed.

At this point all of Russia’s special forces and PMCs are moving towards the border.


Could this be real abuse inside a prison in Russia?


Last edited 3 years ago by OnTheFritzzz
AM Hants

Julian Assange is in a UK prison. 6 January protesters are in US prisons, with no legal representation, no charges against them and solitary confinement. Your point?


Stop pretending your own puppet leaders don’t have blood on their hands either. https://odysee.com/@NordLuxBellator:6/Alea-iacta-est—Surf-that-Kali-Yuga-Whiteboy-Roundtable:8

Last edited 3 years ago by OnTheFritzzz
Marcelo Rodriguez

Cómo sabemos de antemano de que la política hostil y expansionista de la OTAN tiene como fin lograr la hegemonía mundial y esto se lograría solo si puede someter y desmembrar a Rusia y China que son los dos únicos poderes que se oponen a tales planes hegemonicos. Por lo tanto es muy probable que el conflicto en el este de Ucrania se intensifique cada vez más. Es hora de que Moscú saque su as bajo la manga para poder lograr equilibrar la paridad estrategica y lograr mantener su seguridad Nacional, para ello debe comenzar a trasladar rápidamente su infraestructura militar cerca de las fronteras de EE.UU instalando misiles ofensivos de crucero tipo Kalibr con cabeza nuclear, sistemas de armas hipersonicos, y de lucha radiolectronica en países como ,Cuba, Nicaragua y Venezuela en ese orden.


Doesn’t excuse the fact Cuba was more prosperous under Batista than Castro, you can’t blame others forever. Former Rhodesia & South Africa were prosperous nations, all whilst under international sanctions.

The multitude of misinformation against them painted a different picture from reality, now they’re third-world countries turned into globalist puppet states ruled by Communist terrorists that openly preach White genocide, whilst moving towards a new apartheid.

Even blacks and Indians were much better off before Robert Mugabe and Nelson Mandela started destroying these countries. The blacks there today are not native to the modern territory of South Africa and started occupying it around the same time that Dutch settlers were fleeing from religious persecution in Europe.


Communist Lies & Hypocrisy: https://odysee.com/@DanTheOracle:d/Massacre-in-the-Katyn-Forest-Dr-William-Pierce:7

Herman Rosenblat: “It was real in my mind.” (statement made after he was caught falsifying his holocaust acccounts, like so many other jews caught making similar lies) https://worldtruthvideos.website/watch/holocaust-stories-vs-science-how-does-open-air-cremation-work_CRNXjLKxBF4ZvFh.html

Carlos Whitlock Porter – Made in Russia: The Holocaust https://worldtruthvideos.website/watch/carlos-whitlock-porter-made-in-russia-the-holocaust_x7rWW1dfppJSrGr.html

Last edited 3 years ago by OnTheFritzzz
Chris Gr

Mugabe and Mandela supporters support Bashar. Mandela was more libertarian though. Mugabe was very authoritarian. Castro was more authoritarian than Mandela but less authoritarian than Mugabe.


Let’s see how many times we can say Anglo Saxon. Let’s create a new phantom boogie man.

jens hoIm

I hope Ypou have a rather long one. Im tall. Remember umbralla or raincoat.


Mala idea.

Restaurar la destrucción mutuamente asegurada no beneficia a nadie.

Mejor hacer las paces y expandir el comercio y el comercio en beneficio de todos.

La guerra y la amenaza si la guerra no es camino a seguir.

Veritas Vincit

While the prevention of war remains a priority for Russia and China, the policies and actions of the US-NATO-Israel-allied bloc are largely focused on the waging of war (and forms of warfare). As such, it would be prudent for Russia and China to develop integrated operational plans for various war scenarios that are the logical product of US-NATO-allied objectives.

US moves to develop Taiwan as an allied military-missile platform are moves towards the enforcement of the Anti-Secession Law of the PRC.

US-NATO-allied plans to build-up military-missile architecture on the borders of Russia (associated with the pursuit of nuclear primacy/close proximity fast first-strike potential with multi-layered multi-phase retaliatory missile interception capabilities) with concurrent plans to forcefully change the status of the Russian speaking LDNR and Crimea, will logically result in an eventual war scenario (when limits of restraint are exceeded and a more potent form of reaction is required).

Unfortunately many do not recognise what is gradually unfolding. When the many active and approaching wars of the US-NATO-allied bloc progress to direct kinetic stages of conflict against Russia and China (the hybrid warfare domain being active and intensifying), there will be common recognition. Importantly, this gradually developing world war scenario is occurring in a nuclear era.

As missile warfare is a key component of modern wars, the potential for a nuclear warfare event should be self-evident (particularly as times from detection to response are now a matter of minutes). While a nuclear warfare event is likely to be the product of reaction rather than calculation, nonetheless it would be prudent for Russia and China to similarly seek the attainment of nuclear primacy as a matter of priority.



Last edited 3 years ago by OnTheFritzzz
andre zulu

there is nothing heroic in dying of cold, covid, and starvation…

andre zulu

van mááásik, hehehe….

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