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Latest Weapon of US Imperialism: Liquified Natural Gas

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Written by Federico Pieraccini; Originally appeared at strategic-culture.org

One of the most important energy battles of the future will be fought in the field of liquid natural gas (LNG). Suggested as one of the main solutions to pollution, LNG offers the possibility of still managing to meet a country’s industrial needs while ameliorating environmental concerns caused by other energy sources. At the same time, a little like the US dollar, LNG is becoming a tool Washington intends to use against Moscow at the expense of Washington’s European allies.

Latest Weapon of US Imperialism: Liquified Natural Gas


To understand the rise of LNG in global strategies, it is wise to look at a graph (page 7) produced by the International Gas Union (IGU) where the following four key indicators are highlighted: global regasification capacities; total volumes of LNG exchanged; exporting countries; and importing countries.

From 1990 to today, the world has grown from 220 million tons per annum (MTPA) to around 850 MTPA of regasification capacity. The volume of trade increased from 20-30 MTPA to around 300 MTPA. Likewise, the number of LNG-importing countries has increased from just over a dozen to almost 40 over the course of 15 years, while the number of producers has remained almost unchanged, except for a few exceptions like the US entering the LNG market in 2016.

There are two methods used to transport gas. The first is through pipelines, which reduce costs and facilitate interconnection between countries, an important example of this being seen in Europe’s importation of gas. The four main pipelines for Europe come from four distinct geographical regions: the Middle East, Africa, Northern Europe and Russia.

The second method of transporting gas is by sea in the form of LNG, which in the short term is more expensive, complex and difficult to implement on a large scale. Gas transported by sea is processed to be cooled so as to reduce its volume, and then liquified again to allow storage and transport by ship. This process adds 20% to costs when compared to gas transported through pipelines.

Less than half of the gas necessary for Europe is produced domestically, the rest being imported from Russia (39%), Norway (30%) and Algeria (13%). In 2017, gas imports from outside of the EU reached 14%. Spain led with imports of 31%, followed by France with 20% and Italy with 15%.

The construction of infrastructure to accommodate LNG ships is ongoing in Europe, and some European countries already have a limited capacity to accommodate LNG and direct it to the national and European network or act as an energy hub to ship LNG to other ports using smaller ships.

According to King & Spalding:

“All of Europe’s LNG terminals are import facilities, with the exception of (non-EU) Norway and Russia which export LNG. There are currently 28 large-scale LNG import terminals in Europe (including non-EU Turkey). There are also 8 small-scale LNG facilities in Europe (in Finland, Sweden, Germany, Norway and Gibraltar). Of the 28 large-scale LNG import terminals, 24 are in EU countries (and therefore subject to EU regulation) and 4 are in Turkey, 23 are land-based import terminals, and 4 are floating storage and regasification units (FSRUs), and the one import facility in Malta comprises a Floating Storage Unit (FSU) and onshore regasification facilities.”

The countries currently most involved in the export of LNG are Qatar (24.9%), Australia (21.7%), Malaysia (7.7%), the US (6.7%), Nigeria (6.5%) and Russia (6%).

Europe is one of the main markets for gas, given its strong demand for clean energy for domestic and industrial needs. For this reason, Germany has for years been engaged in the Nord Stream 2 project, which aims to double the transport capacity of gas from Russia to Germany. Currently the flow of the Nord Stream is 55 billion cubic meters of gas. With the new Nord Stream 2, the capacity will double to 110 billion cubic meters per year.

The South Stream project, led by Eni, Gazprom, EDF and Wintershall, should have increased the capacity of the Russian Federation to supply Europe with 63 billion cubic meters annually, positively impacting the economy with cheap supplies of gas to Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Serbia, Hungary, Austria and Slovenia. Due to the restrictions imposed by the European Union on Russian companies like Gazprom, and the continuing pressure from Washington to abandon the project and embrace imports from the US, the construction of the pipeline have slowed down and generated tensions between Europe and the US. Washington is piling on pressure on Germany to derail Nord Stream 2 and stop the construction of this important energy linkage.

Further tension has been added since ENI, an Italian company that is a leader in the LNG sector, recently discovered off-shore in Egypt one of the largest gas fields in the world, with an estimated total capacity of 850 billion cubic meters. To put this in perspective, all EU countries demand is about 470 billion cubic meters of gas in 2017.

ENI’s discovery has generated important planning for the future of LNG in Europe and in Italy.

Problems have arisen ever since Donald Trump sought to oblige Europeans to purchase LNG from the US in order to reduce the trade deficit and benefit US companies at the expense of other gas-exporting countries like Algeria, Russia and Norway. As mentioned, LNG imported to Europe from the US costs about 20% more than gas traditionally received through pipelines. This is without including all the investment necessary to build regasification plants in countries destined to receive this ship-borne gas. Europe currently does not have the necessary facilities on its Atlantic coast to receive LNG from the US, introduce it into its energy networks, and simultaneously decrease demand from traditional sources.

This situation could change in the future, with LNG from the US seeing a sharp increase recently. In 2010, American LNG exports to Europe were at 10%; the following year they rose to 11%; and in the first few months of 2019, they jumped to 35%. A significant decrease in LNG exports to Asian countries, which are less profitable, offers an explanation for this corresponding increase in Europe.

But Europe finds itself in a decidedly uncomfortable situation that cannot be easily resolved. The anti-Russia hysteria drummed up by the Euro-Atlantic globalist establishment aides Donald Trump’s efforts to economically squeeze as much as possible out of European allies, hurting European citizens in the process who will have to pay more for American LNG, which costs about a fifth more than gas from Russian, Norwegian or Algerian sources.

Projects to build offshore regasifiers in Europe appear to have begun and seem unlikely to be affected by future political vagaries, given the investment committed and planning times involved:

“There are currently in the region of 22 large-scale LNG import terminals considered as planned in Europe, except for the planned terminals in Ukraine (Odessa FSRU LNG), Russia (Kaliningrad LNG), Albania (Eagle LNG) – Albania being a candidate for EU membership – and Turkey (FSRU Iskenderun and FSRU Gulf of Saros). Many of these planned terminals, including Greece (where one additional import terminal is planned – Alexandroupolis), Italy (which is considering or planning two additional terminals – Porto Empedocle in Sicily and Gioia Tauro LNG in Calabria) , Poland (FSRU Polish Baltic Sea Coast), Turkey (two FSRUs) and the UK (which is planning the Port Meridian FSRU LNG project and UK Trafigura Teesside LNG). LNG import terminal for Albania (Eagle LNG), Croatia (Krk Island), Cyprus (Vassiliko FSRU), Estonia (Muuga (Tallinn) LNG and Padalski LNG), Germany ( Brunsbüttel LNG), Ireland (Shannon LNG and Cork LNG), Latvia (Riga LNG), Romania (Constanta LNG), Russia (Kaliningrad LNG) and Ukraine (Odessa). Nine of the planned terminals are FSRUs: Albania, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Ireland, Poland, Russia, Ukraine and the UK. “In addition, there are numerous plans for expansion of existing terminals, including in Belgium, France, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Turkey and the UK.”

Washington, with its LNG ships, has no capacity to compete in Asia against Qatar and Australia, who have the lion’s share of the market, with Moscow’s pipelines taking up the rest. The only large remaining market lies in Europe, so it is therefore not surprising that Donald Trump has decided to weaponize LNG, a bit as he has the US dollar. This has only driven EU countries to seek energy diversification in the interests of security.

The European countries do not appear to be dragging their feet at the prospect of swapping to US LNG, even though there is no economic advantage to doing so. As has been evident of late, whenever Washington says, “Jump!”, European allies respond, “How high?” This, however, is not the case with all allies. Germany is not economically able to interrupt Nord Stream 2. And even though the project has many high-level sponsors, including former chancellor Gerhard Schröder, the project constantly seems to be on the verge of being stopped – at least in Washington’s delusions.

Even Eni’s discovery of the gas field in Egypt has annoyed the US, which wants less competition (even when illegal, as in the case of Huawei) and wants to be able to force its exports onto Europeans while maintaining the price of the LNG in dollars, thereby further supporting the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency in the same manner as the petrodollar.

The generalized hysteria against the Russian Federation, together with the cutting off of Iranian oil imports at Washington’s behest, limit the room for maneuver of European countries, in addition to costing European taxpayers a lot. The Europeans appear prepared to set whatever course the US has charted them, one away from cheaper gas sources to the more expensive LNG supplied from across the Atlantic. Given the investments already committed to receive this LNG, it seems unlikely that the course set for the Europeans will be changed.

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klove and light

good article

Douglas Houck

Bad article. The author shows little actual knowledge of the topic.

1) While yes, Europe has a lot of LNG import facilities, the utilization rate is low. (Between 2008 and 2014 European LNG terminals experienced low utilisation rates, some below 20%. 2016 saw an average utilisation rate of 20%).

2) Russian piped gas is more around 50% less than US LNG.

3) European natural gas demand is projected to be flat out till 2050. It is the fact that mainly the Dutch and Finnish gas fields are drying up that means some amount of new gas might be needed in the near to mid-term future. What is still unknown is how much renewables (primarily off-shore wind) will impact the demand.

4) All the Russian pipelines talked about in the article do not add capacity. They simply allowed Russia to bypass a highly contentious Ukraine transport system.

5) The Egyption gas fields will add some to the European needs, but it is more important to Egypt than Europe.

6) The hoped for US LNG market was Asia, primarily China. Without China, the need for all those US LNG gasification facilities worth $billions are simply not needed. If the trade war continues the US gas business model is in serious hurt as China will not import much of any US LNG, and because the US has so much extra gas, the price is very low and the drillers are losing money. Europe is not the answer to the US gas industries problems, but can make it a little bit less severe.

7) Of all the issues that Europe has with Russia, it wants it’s piped natural gas due to it’s price and the fact that Russia has been a reliable provider for decades. Russia has never used natural gas as a political weapon (not to say they couldn’t but it would be highly unlikely.).

Jens Holm

Very good reflexions. From Hitler and until now the Russians has sold us, what they had. Today the need that income just as much as we need their products incl. bread.

Ukraine is same thing. They sell a lot of relative clean coal, a lot for iron product and nikkel and food.


“4) All the Russian pipelines talked about in the article do not add capacity. They simply allowed Russia to bypass a highly contentious Ukraine transport system”

However the Russians ARE expanding! U didnt think they would just lay the same capacity pipes did u? Nord stream 2 was mentioned! thus its an expansion! So you are WRONG! Turkstream is not only a replacement pipeline for Ukraine pipe routes but also an expansion! Southern Europe is in high demand especially Austria! Therefore u just made up some of your own bullshit!




shut the fuck up u old cunt and die of a heart attack already! u served Evil in vietnam! your a piece of shit traitor too! just kill urself and make the world a better place!


Justin, suck my patriot dick!


And u defend this Scum bag!!! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a1b6749c68fd9c1539727ae2fe077a613d00a24d0882251b1856649fe5ec18ee.png




Did u know this guy loves China and Communism? did u? Be careful who u follow and support! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d3e55af9a3105a7b2ff6077fb6abe65e19821e6b27d6c75c37761ca422a01cf3.jpg


Dude, i support Trump and Putin! China and the Deep state are the scum! Understand that Sinbad hates the USA and loves China and loves communism!

I love Trump and Putin both! First Putin stuffed Obama’s plans, and now Trump is correcting it all! Thats why Trump hired Rex Tillerson first! (Trump mentioned at the G20 that the USA will invest in Russian oil exploration and extraction) BOOM! USA and Russia are about to become allies (officially after the 2020 election) Together they can rule the world and get rid of the cabal! Trump brought back Merry Christmas Putin Brought back the Orthodox Church Russia’s intel agency got one of their own guys back into power for Russia because it was being sold out! US military intel got Trump into power because the USA was being sold out!

Patriots win!



. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/756420e110c4fc9a4618c695d32513ff6d0c47b6650463db42c3987ec0078646.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a1b6749c68fd9c1539727ae2fe077a613d00a24d0882251b1856649fe5ec18ee.png


Yes I defend him because he’s just a suicidal kid and I don’t want to have him on my conscience for the rest of my life… lol joking. Ok kill him, I don’t care :))


in that case, tell HIM he’s a piece of shit! u need to know who the scum bags are on this site!


Ohh c’mon I bet they are just kids with problems


Nope! check it out! Not a kid and definitely not a “wise old man”! Just a nut bag who wants all Americans over 18 to be executed! oh but not himself! nah, he only fought in vietnam and lives in a country (Australia) that fought alongside in every war!

This is the kind of MORONS on this site! They hate so much, they cant think straight!

I try to give them logic aaaaaand, they go crazy!

Please dont defend these people again! The only time they shut their mouths is when u fire back at them! They are like dogs, only an Alpha can shut them up!

when i threatened him back, he shut his mouth REAL quick!




Good job for triggering and exposing the retard.

Look at this one posting Russian Nazis in Moscow, calling them Ukrainians



lol. If they are Russian nazi’s they are idiots because their country was invaded by them! If they are ukraine nazi’s then it makes sense (not his comment but the fact they exist in ukraine)! Most of them live in western ukraine and had a history of supporting and fighting with the nazi’s seeing them as liberators!

If these guys in the picture are russian, then it seems that their hate for jews outweighs their love for their country!

I find it hard to believe that Russian nazi’s can even exist in russia simply because they’d get beat up on a daily basis lol! russians HATE nazi’s!


Hahahaha the black-yellow-white flag on the left is the Imperial Russian flag, used only by Russian nationalists. Also right click -> search with google or your preferred image search engine and find source of image. My point is Russian cheerleaders are supposed to know basic stuff about Russia before cracking the keypad.

As weird as it may sound Russia is a neonazi heaven, it’s not uncommon to see swastika tattoos among the people, just walking in Moscow (a friend told me). But since people still love Stalin in Russia, I don’t see a problem with Hitler, after all Stalin killed more Russians than Hitler.

Alike Neonazis paradox, Russians hate the Jews and love Putin while the richest Oligarchs around Putin are Jews. They are always cursing Rothschild but never say a word about Deripaska.


yeah i totally see your point! its a weird phenomenon!

I notice the younger ones dislike stalin in russia (ive been there twice and have russian friends) and the older ones say “stalin was good, even tho he was a Jew he was a good leader for Russia”!

my 40yo Russian friend (and highly educated friend) says that the older gen are totally brainwashed! The younger gen hate the Jews and are nationalists (not necessarily Neo Nazi’s tho)

So u are right its weird! When i saw that flag i thought, “damn it looks kinda like the Ukraine flag, maybe this picture was taken in Ukraine”!

Anyway, from what i have discussed with my russian friend is that some Jews in Russia are too powerful for putin to fuck off! And those Jews in the Kremlin are actually pro ukraine jews (which seems more weird) But some of the other Jews in the Kremlin have interests in Eastern Ukraine! (its all about money) So its like a stalemate lol!

Anyway, id like to ask these Russian neo nazi’s what do they think of the “Great war” where Russia fought to defend itself from Germany! Id like to hear their answer!


Yeah, the weird things just start: The European Jewish Council leader, Moshe Kantor is on the US sanctions list along with other business men close to Vladimir Putin, for involving in Ukraine conflict. Two of the key Putin supporters, Roman Abramovich and Lev Leviev are Israeli citizens and are the greatest sponsors of a Jewish sect called Chabad, from which Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump are official members.The Ukrainian Jewish tycoon Ihor Kolomoyskyi is the main sponsor of the Ukrainian volunteer units that oppenly declare themselves Nazi sympathizers to fight in Donbas.



i TOLD YOU that North Korea was a CIA black site! I TOLD YOU that the CIA (Via clinton and obama) gave Iran and North Korea US Uranium!

Intelligence wars! China is going down!!!!! These wars and trade wars are about Globalist intel agencies! Black hats vs White hats (good guys vs bad guys)

CIA vs NSA! You have no fucking clue whats going on do u! u just sit in ur chair like a dumb cunt cave man thinking USA bad! Moron!

CIA bad! CIA and deep state getting fucked in the ass by good guys! Transfer of industry and tech to china? Not no more! BYE BYE China! Australia goes into DEEP recession now! Because we backed China and we Spied on Trump! Yes we did!!! Alexander Downer and our own intel services! We work for China! Dont worry Sinbad, China loves u, your Huawei NBN modem / router knows everything u do! Such a dumb cunt u are! Thats why u hate me! because im right and youre wrong! aaaaa hahahahahahaha


Hey fuck stick! Did u hear what Trump said at the G20? USA will be looking at making a deal with Russia to invest in oil exploration and excavation!

I told u they were going to be allies! i fucking told u u dumb cunt! i told u china was stealing and buying US tech! (they copy Russian too)

ure a dumb cunt! get off this site! u dont belong here! God doesnt want u on this earth no more!

Douglas Houck

Justin, Thank you for your thoughtful comments. It’s always interesting on how to respond to someone who obviously not only has no idea what they are talking about but are willing to shout it out at the top of their lungs.

For the other readers who may be interested in the topic, I will give some more references on Russia’s long term attempt at getting away from Ukraine’s natural gas transit system.

“The outlook for transit of Russian gas to Europe, and in particular transit across Ukraine, in 2020 and in the period up to 2025, is considered in this paper. The outlines of the problem are well known: Gazprom is aiming, by constructing transit diversification pipelines (principally, Nord Stream 2 and Turkish Stream), to minimise transit across Ukraine, and eventually to reduce it to zero; Naftogaz Ukrainy aims to retain the transit business as an important source of revenue.” See: https://www.oxfordenergy.org/wpcms/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Russian-gas-transit-through-Ukraine-after-2019-Insight-41.pdf

“On December 31, 2019, the existing long-term Russian-Ukrainian gas contracts and Gazprom’s deadline for completion of two bypass pipelines, Nord Stream Two and TurkStream both expire.

The double deadline is intended by Moscow to maximize its pressure on Kiev either to lose all transit and revenues from it or accept Russian terms for using Ukrainian pipelines as a residual, backup option.” See: https://www.forbes.com/sites/joharper/2019/02/25/ukraines-changing-gas-fortunes/#11db2ab211bd

There is a wealth of information to anyone who wants to go looking.


Shouting? did i use Full caps? Did my Bold highlighter make u think i was shouting? You are already on the back foot getting all defensive and playing victim!

i already know u are wrong because i heard it fromPutins own mouth (on TV)! Are u going to tell me that u know more than Putin?

Southstream which became Turkstream is AN EXPANSION of the already supplied gas to europe! Think logically for one second and u will know im right! Do u assume Europe needs the same amount of gas in the next 10 to 50 years? Or more Gas? Or less Gas?

Logic states “More” right? i heard it in 2016 (austria is using 16% more gas than it did 5 years a go!) Germany has vied for more Gas from Russia thus the SECOND PIPELINE


is being built for Europes HIGHER and GROWING demand for energy and heating! (especialy since Germany is beginning to de-commission its nuclear power plants)

So not only did PUTIN say it on RT but logic states i am correct!

Hence “u didnt think they laid the same capacity pipes did u?”

Think white and get serious!

Jens Holm

Mainly sober article but its highly biased telling we are in Hysteria as if the Gazprom Northstream 2 is a gift from the Russians.

At the North stream 2 there already are too small pipelines, but danes dont want any pipelines at their territorial line. Its acccepted the next pipeline will be out in our economic zone(fishing), which also is an international zone because we cant avoid that.

Its a long article, but its as if it shadow the many hard players on all levels and also dont include fx EU try to replace oil and gas in exspensive but cheeper and more clean energy production and have succes even its delayed by coalproducers as the ancient dirty coals and semi-coal in fx Poland and Latvia. By that its very much about that too inclusive invensions for saving energy and solar power.

Those are important players too by companies as well as countries and decissions at the EU level. As a privat person in Denmark, I dont want the smog back, which I lived in many years ago. I will prefare the much cleaner air here should improve, and we also avoid heat at least local one, where we can.

Its hardly mentioned in the article.

As usual USA is descriebed as if Trump is Dictator in the same way as too many countries. Its not descriebed that United states actullay is based on 52 different states, which in many matters doing well replacing soil energy. Its not mentioned, that Trump is no owner of the private companies but millions of big and very small stockholders are. Many of those are worldcompanies and often dominate more then even USA. Those have their own politics in short and long tem.

So these many disputes is based on that. ME dont need all the proposed pipelines. They are in competition and the winners gets the profit, but as fx Northsteream 2 has to pay the cost for it and not just overrun the smaller ones. A minimum shoud be they invest whats needed as well as paying some sober rent and finally also clean up for themselves.

Another part of course is, if those pipelines are used a open spylines, because fx Russians will be there often to inspect, which also can make them come there and inspect our few secrets like Internet and Nato. ‘

Europeans also are not one and jump as an EU team. We do need gas as well as oil at least for some decades. Europeans instead try to make some good compromizes, which work for us and dont make anybody more mad, then they already are.

We are in the Western Ecomics and do produce a GDP as high as USA. Telling USA are running us is far out. Its well known, we also support and limit sanctions around countries in moderations and in own versions.

Its bvery strange the article dont mention the many times Trump is mad on us, because we dont jump up and down.

As an example Denmark being in a windy area today even today ofte produce 50 % of our electricity by mills. Sometimes its more then 100% and we export it.

It doesnt say we dont use a lot of gas and oil, but the politics is to install more windmill farms, which we do. And why: Well we the realistic plans are, we gradualy wil use batteries for cars as well as most trains should go by electricity instead of diesel. We also DEMAND our heavy industrial sectors to use less power as well as drinkingwater.

Its ok to renew and even build pipeline, but the main investments should be in using other kinds of energy and reduce the waste. Hard to negosiate with poles as well. They probatly still use steamengines as well at do many fireplacing of theirs pollute the whole world. I think its the same for Latvia.


The US wants more leverage over Europe, making Europe dependent on American gas makes it easy to control Europe. Everything the US does is designed to enslave others.

Jens Holm

USA being dependent in American gas is no option, They need it themselves. USA has promised help if Russia should close the pipelines.

In the other hand USA and others look for possible gas distribution from Saudis. They have a lot, but its difficult to distribute and its very expensive.

There has been so far unrealitic wishes for a pipeline by Israel. There is true American companies have influence and of course would like parts of the cake and remain influence.

USA cant stop what we already do buing Russian gas. No way. We already has a very good distribution net but the western european gas is almost used, so we do need something else and better.

Thats why EU as almost the only one has a big plan for using other sources and try to lower the use of oil, gas, coal and brown coal. The results for those plans are visible, but also slower then the plans say, they should be.

So we do need coal, oil and gas for decades. In the other hand the investments mainly are doing fine. Parts also are like You dont just throw an old expensive car away until You have to buy e new one.


Russia will not bow down to imperialism, in case USA will convince EU to stop importing Russian gas and oil, Russia can always sell parts of country or all Siberia to China and will refuse to starve to death!

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