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MARCH 2025

Latin America: New Old Hot Point On Geopolitical Battlefield

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Written and produced by SF Team: J.Hawk, Daniel Deiss, Edwin Watson

Latin America has long been regarded as the exclusive stomping ground of US economic interests, US military, and US intelligence services for much of the 19th and 20th centuries, to the point that the US public has grown to view meddling in its neighbors’ domestic politics as some sort of birthright which is still faintly rooted in the 19th century “white man’s burden” racialist policies. That the majority of Democratic Party presidential candidates supports the military coup in Bolivia, the escalating repressions in Chile, and the plundering of Brazil by the Bolsonaro regime is actually unremarkable in that regard. Such policies have long been the norm.

However, if one were to take a quick survey of recent developments in the “information battlefield” in the United States, one would be struck by the rapid elevation of Latin America to a place where direct US military action is needed. It is not just Trump who, in the aftermath of an apparently cartel-related murder of an American Mormon family in Mexico, “offered” Mexico the “help” of the US military in fighting the cartels. The latest boy-wonder of the US Establishment, “Mayor Pete” Buttigieg likewise allowed that he is “open” to the idea of sending US troops to Mexico. Neither of these statements was seen as in any way controversial by the mainstream media—even though the US public is broadly anti-war and skeptical of additional international entanglements, the Washington Establishment views the sovereignty of other countries as nothing more than legal fiction.

These politicians’ statements do not stand in isolation. Hollywood has long been “joined at the hip” with the US national security establishment and can always be relied upon to propagate the latest set of Washington talking points. While Russian villains remain the staple of US movies and video games, Latin America is gradually reclaiming its role as a battlefield and source of threats to the United States – a status it had lost after 9/11. There are now at least two currently running US TV series which specifically focus on direct US interventions in Latin America. America’s favorite CIA analyst Jack Ryan (who, it should be noted, became President on the pages of Tom Clancy’s novels after the rest of the US government was conveniently eliminated by a Boeing 747 flown into the Capitol  by a suicide pilot) is now bravely thwarting Russian plots in Venezuela. Going considerably further, Last Ship’s current season actually posits the emergence of Gran Colombia, a veritable Latin American empire which launches a Pearl Harbor-style surprise air raid which destroys the just-rebuilt US Navy with the assistance of a cyber-strike. In retaliation, the United States employs the full range of its conventional capabilities, starting with CIA covert operatives working with some modern equivalent of the Nicaraguan Contras whose connections to the drug cartels are not even concealed, and ending with US Marines landing on the shores of Latin American countries in order to “liberate” them from their own governments.

There are other indications that the US establishment is bracing for a major deterioration of the political situation “south of the border”, up to and including a major refugee crisis comparable to that which Europe has experienced. While Donald Trump has been roundly condemned for his immigration policies, particularly the deportations of Latin American refugees, the construction of a major barrier on the US-Mexico border, and the efforts to transform Mexico into a holding tank for refugees seeking admission into the United States, no senior Democratic Party politician or candidate has promised to reverse these policies.

The rekindling of interest in Latin America is a logical consequences of the drift toward a global multi-polar system. It means, first, a retrenchment in the Middle East due to the demonstrated power of Russia and China which has proved sufficient to thwart not only covert US plots but also overt uses of economic and military capabilities. This power transition has meant that even long-standing US allies such as Turkey and Saudi Arabia are adopting a multi-vector foreign policy no longer wholly centered on their relationship with the United States. It certainly does not help that the United States has proved of limited utility in resolving the many international conflicts and rivalries in that region, not only the obvious Iran-Saudi Arabia one, but also the lower-intensity Saudi Arabia—Turkey one. Since Russia is literally the only international power capable of credibly negotiating with each of these three regional rivals, its reputation as an honest broker backed up by non-trivial “hard power” has elevated its standing in the region to the detriment of the United States.

The second implication is an even closer binding of Latin American countries to the United States, with the remarkably compliant Organization of American States (OAS) which has never seen a military coup it did not like, serving as the overt instrument of control. Conversely, regional organizations which have proven resistant to US control such as the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of our America-Trade between Peoples (ALBA-TCP) and  the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR), both of which actually condemned the coup in Bolivia in strong terms, will find themselves the target of US pressure. Post-coup Bolivia’s announced departure from both of these organizations is unlikely to be an aberration, particularly since it follows on the heels of Lenin Moreno’s Ecuador’s departure from ALBA in 2018. The remaining ALBA states include Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela (in addition to several small island states), all of which are continuing targets of US regime change policies.

UNASUR also appears headed for extinction. As many as six countries, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Paraguay and Peru, suspended their membership in 2018. Chile moreover launched PROSUR, an organization explicitly intended to target Venezuela, with the initial states invited to join the new organization being  Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Uruguay, Paraguay, Peru, Guyana and Suriname, none of which can be described as pursuing policies contrary to US wishes.

The Trump Administration’s regional trade war that resulted in the launch of USMCA – a new trade pact by the US, Mexico and Canada intended to replace the North America Free Trade Association (NAFTA) is indicative of the future course of US policy. It’s doubtful that many in the region failed to note the new trade pact’s abbreviation is exactly the same as that of the US Marine Corps which has a long and dark history of invasions and occupations of Latin American states. Consistent with the plot of “Last Ship”, the US, Mexico and Canada will find themselves once again the final arbiter of trade arrangements in Latin America in the #MAGA era, an era that will not end with Trump.

Economic developments in countries that have suffered right-wing regime shifts in the last few years show the direction in which Latin America will evolve. In Brazil, Boeing was allowed to acquire the commercial aircraft division of EMBRAER which hitherto was able to compete, as an independent actor, against both Boeing and Airbus even in their own home markets. The move strengthens Boeing by making it more competitive against Airbus in certain niches that it lacked, and strips Brazil of a major industrial asset. Bolsonaro also aims to privatize another of Brazil’s economic “crown jewels”, the Petrobras energy firm which is all but guaranteed to fall into the hands of Washington-favored energy companies.  US interest in the lithium reserves in Bolivia and neighboring countries has also been well documented. Preventing Morales’ Bolivia from entering into a development deal with China was one of the main motives behind the coup. Like Bolsonaro’s Brazil, Moreno’s Ecuador is pursuing plans to allow oil drilling in the Amazon region.

The famed Argentinian revolutionary Che Guevara suffered a heroic death in Bolivia, attempting to mobilize an indigenous rebellion against the post-conquistador elite. The inevitable backlash to the ever more evident US efforts to ruthlessly exploit Latin America in order to compensate for the loss of influence and business elsewhere in the world means that the United States will find itself with several insurgencies and refugee crises not halfway around the world but in its own geopolitical backyard. Their intensity will eclipse the Cold War-era struggles.  Should the United States insist on pursuing its current course, it risks losing power and influence in Latin America in the same way  it did in the Middle East.

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South America, if you please.

Mehmet Aslanak

Murika… Fact yeah! Kiss of the devil.

Tommy Jensen

Pure bs. Everybody in the Latin America welcome the United States to re-organise their societies in a more modern way with green clima change. With an American as friend the Latins get access to freedom, rap music, hollywood films, whoppers and a winner nation with winner strategy. Everybody loves an American and our dollares, otherwise the Latins wouldn’t invite us to buy their shit.

Ron Demarco

What a con Artist you are.

Ryan Glantz

Kinda true, America (USA) is the gamechanger for the better- the new Atlantis of this age. That’s why the cabal and offworld nazi’s try so hard to get the free race of men (anglo-saxon indo-europeans) to genocide themselves, twice, in world wars. We fight for our independence and establish Republics that stand the test of time, even during attempted coups, shadow civil wars and economic warfare. Thank God America came around and is steering the ship back towards the path set out upon by the original founders.

Frederico Vieira de Lima

Sorry but this isn t true. i’m brazilian, and i tell you that much of us recognize that united states, are using its industries and soft power trying to destroy our country or making us a slave of you economic system and politcs. The example of the boeing embraer “partneship“ is explicit. Go to a brazilian forum or site and you will see how we see this so called “joint venture“. Clearly, US dont accept that another country in his continent is making technological products, specially in aerospace area, that can rivalize with american products. For US is a question of economic and technologic power. You see us like a reserve. A colonial place to serve you.


The God-given right of America to intervene seemed real in the last century. Americans had more faith in the bona fides of our government so were less inclined to object.

In view of the immense cost and futility of intervention, I hope Americans will object to further stupidity and arrogance and oppose intervention. Trump, however, seems oblivious to these realities and likely to cause great damage.

Personally, I think if Latin American countries want to drink the socialist poison they should just do that till the cows come home. Go your own way but carry your own burdens. Revolt all you want. Ally with whomever. See how it works for you.

PS – Che didn’t die a heroic death. He tried to negotiate for his life when captured. Then he was executed. Like he executed so many others. Don’t idealize that swine.

St. Augustine

I agree that these nations need their sovereignty, even if it’s with the poison of socialism as the other commenter noted. It’s a criminal mistake to abandon Catholic economic teaching; all you have to do is read Qadragessimo Anno.

It’s hard believe the Bolivian coup succeeded. Maybe Morales wasn’t good enough in the information war.


I’m amazed that this piece didn’t even mention the widespread popular upheavals, such as in Chile and Ecuador.

AM Hants

It is an interesting article and funnily, I read it, just after reading this article, over on Stalker Zone.

No doubt, it is not just the Yugoslavian model for war or regime change, that Russia is upto speed with.

Shoigu: Russia’s Ministry of Defence Has Created a System of Forecasting Armed Conflicts…https://www.stalkerzone.org/shoigu-russias-ministry-of-defence-has-created-a-system-of-forecasting-armed-conflicts/

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