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MARCH 2025

Lavrov Accuses US Of Psyching Up EU Armies For Use Of Nukes Against Russia

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The Russian state-run news agency TASS reports (source):

US military specialists are making European countries’ armed forces ready for using tactical nuclear weapons against Russia, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told the disarmament conference on Wednesday.

“Nuclear disarmament is hindered by the remaining presence of US non-strategic nuclear weapons in Europe and the accompanying destabilizing practice of ‘joint nuclear missions’. Within the framework of these missions NATO’s non-nuclear members in crude violation of the Non-Proliferation Treaty participate in planning the use of US non-strategic nuclear weapons and are involved in mastering the corresponding skills. It should be clear to one and all that the US military thereby prepares the European countries for using tactical nuclear weapons against Russia,” Lavrov said.

“Russia has no deployed tactical nuclear weapons. Nor does it hold any training to practice methods of how to use it. We have accumulated the available warheads at central storage facilities in our national territory,” Lavrov said. “In this situation the existence in Europe of US tactical nuclear weapons ready for use is not just a Cold War rudiment, but an outspokenly aggressive stance.”

“I hope that the European citizens will manage to say a firm ‘NO’ to the deployment in their territory of weapons of mass destruction that belong to a country that had already used them once against the population of Hiroshima and Nagasaki,” Lavrov said.

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US is creating more useful idiots.


And more whore to entertained and satisfies them.. ?


Truly a novel way of “making America great again and returning manufacturing jobs back into the Rust-belt” – by nuking Europe, Russia and China in a conflict US has been preparing for and trying to provoke desperately for the last year. “Dream team” running the White House has a supply part of the equation well sorted out – problem is that making half the globe a nuclear desert might decrease the demand for US goods, somewhat…


Not to mention that the resulting fallout will poison the US as well. And that’s excluding that unless a miracle happens Russia and Chine will nuke the US in return.


Neah , that’s planning way too much ahead for a marine general that never tasted pussy…

Boris Kazlov

For LGBTQs their anus is the only sexual organ they need

Boris Kazlov

USAIPAC is already poisoned with fracking, Monsanto and frankenfood

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Putin put it very succinctly if you attack Russia even with limited nuclear missiles it will be regarded as a nuclear attack and all out nuclear war will ensue as they have successfully developed a missile to bypass all defenses.


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Reminder that the US is nothing. The problem are the countries that support them and their aggressive behaviour.


This happens because Russia is passive and does nothing. For the love of god, please Russia, DO SOMETHING.


Russia is not resposible for something that those countries allow US do on their territory, it’s their responsibility and their burden of being a donkey, it’s their choice of being destroyed for the glory of US.


If that so..?! then(Russia) should stop complaining about it..!


We are not complaining, we are warning :)


you do nothing


We wont start nothing but eventual response will grill you


you are cowrds to use nuclear weapons. the world saw this in cuba.


There was no need to use neclear weapons in Cuba but in case we’ll be attacked we will use them, we never start the fight first:) The real coward are the europeans, they bow to everyone, today they are communists, tomorrow, nazis, capitalists, monarchists, lol, especially those eastern european prostitutes, give them a bit of money and they will sing to your tune, who gives them more, owns them.


you were attacked. the american ship fought on russian. and coward ruskies left cuba.


They left cuba after they made deal with the amies, so they would remove their nuclear weapons from turkey.


yanks wre shitting their pants back then, now, they will eventually will break their teeth, they are just overconfident fools, nothing more and you are their testicals massagist and toilet cleaner, i bet you really like to boast about someone else’s accomplishments, cause you and your country are insignificant. :)


hahaha.. seems like another dejavu upon another one..! The facts are there.. A neck chained bulldog will never be the same as claimed.. Bear.. cub..? lol..


Chained, hardly, it’s you who is chained and occupied, you have been brought with an idea that you special and suprior but that’s hardly the case :) It’s the dejavu from all of the beatings you got from us ?




The yanks.. (our partner/s) will stripped down your womens’ panties sooner or later.. hehehe


It’s candy you will never get, the yanks can strip your men, since you are all progressive and all :)


your “parthers”will use you like a cannon fodder, they won’t ber starting a nuclear war because of you, who would over garbage :D


emm.. a freelance pundit you are..! ?


lol, no, just fun


Not in europe, women in europe are like men,lol.


We are not complaining, we are warning :)

so, you’re not as claimed..? sounds like one..! European are worse then Russian.. hehehe.. most of the shares their women and men too.. hehehe hahaha


that “warning” sounds like dejavu..! lol.! Strategically.. only idiots will let their country being contained and surrounded closed to their backyards then only starts complaining..! While their own pundits are selling cheap stuffs like.. “ohh we are avoiding ww3.. kihkah.. just like a neck chained bulldog..! Strategically, if someone stalking & harassing my wives.. I would just go and look for that bastard and make sure his on a wheelchair permanent..! I wouldn’t wait until he got the chance to stripped down my wives panties..! And that’s how critical of Russia situation currently.. lol..


Ah but you are wrong, Russia just started to break the encirclement, they are doing it slowly but surely, thus this incursion into Syria, if you have noticed russian influence has been rising over the past two years both in europe and middle east, and american declining, our media has been running anti- western propaganda for a couple of years now but nothing has swayed the public opinion in Russia in favour of our govmnt. as the western actions, i remember that before ukranian coup i could in into an argument if i would talk bad about west, approximately 45 % of people were pro western, now it’s about 2% or so, lol, so Putin has been securing his own backyard first, eventually slowly but surely we will force the US out of our zone, it’s also very costly for them to have so many bases around the world, even those pillage missions don’t help that much, they expected to get everyone on board of NATO and attack us and China, Chinese also don’t like being surrounded, slowly but surely we will drag more countries over to us. Like i said we are not complaining we are warning and you really should take notice if you don’t want to become a useful idiot, it’s your country where the battle will be fought :) We are not going smash with our hands on the table and rush off to war like we did in WWI. :)


Russia IS responsibel. This is the game of power. IF russia is weak, or does not show hardihood, auntlessness, the enemies will piss on it.

Russia did not learn from ww2.


LOL, resposible for European agression against us , lol, ok then, well then Putin is doing good by arming the country, it’s always good to have weapons, the coward nato wont attack if the know that they can get fucked, lol.

Boris Kazlov

Putin just responded to you


Fantastic. Thank you President Putin


The question for European vassal states should be, how soon do you wish to terminate all life on Earth?

svenne svensk

Exactly. Russia or the Soviet have never used theise we ponds. But the US have


Lavrovich, Make 4-5 nuclar bases in Cuba. With 300 missiles. Or are you coward?


So now US has made all their European allies nuclear states in one stroke. What happens if Russia does the same to It’s, Syria,and other allies to be nuke ready ?

We know what double standards will be with Nikki pulling her hairs


A US driven NATO war against Russia would occur across western, central and eastern Europe – just where US planners want the majority of the devastation to occur – across the European continent. Wake up Europe.


C’mon Sergei – there is no way in hell that Russia doesn’t have nuclear weapons deployed! That would be military suicide. I am absolutely certain that there are nuclear-armed missiles, bombers and subs on instant readiness.

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