An Army AH-64 Apache helicopter © U.S. Department of Defense
Russia considers the US-led coalition actions against pro-government forces in Syria an act of aggression and rejects the justification for the Tuesday attack issued by the Pentagon, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Wednesday.
“Of course, this is an aggressive act, which violates the sovereignty and the territorial integrity of the Syrian Arab Republic and which voluntarily or involuntarily targeted those forces that represent the most effective forces struggling with terrorists on the ground. This causes our concern,” the Russian state-run news agency quoted Lavrov as saying. “There was information and I believe that it was close to reality that these pro-government forces were advancing to the relevant area to prevent the destruction of two bridges linking Syria with Iraq.“
The Pentagon justified the attack on government forces saying that they were advancing inside some kind of de-confliction zone.
Lavrov rejected this claim.
“I don’t know anything about such zones. This must be some territory, which the coalition unilaterally declared [de-confliction zone] and where it probably believes to have a sole right to take action. We cannot recognize such zones,” the minister said.
Earlier this year, Russia, Turkey and Iran signed a deal to establish de-confliction zones in several parts of Syria. This effort was coordinated with the Syrian government. However, no de-confliction zone was establsihed in the area claimed by the US.
Syria and Russia are taking the matter up with the UNSC, wise move, it then becomes a legal documented action. Syria also demanded the UN to intervene against US and coalition air strikes killing civilians. When this gets heard then the Syrian government under International law and UNSC resolution in regards to de-escalation zones the Syrian government can demand US and coalition to leave Syrian territory and if they refuse Syria can legally remove them by force having the UNSC as support. Maybe this is what Putin planned all along hence the hesitancy to react.
First, this will never happen UNSC resolution to remove americans and alliance from Syria or stop bombing Syria. Second, UNSC has no more credibility and became the americans tools for wage wars and spread fake information
True Joe but if the UNSC does not respond they will descredit themselves completely. Also, the Syrians and their allies will have International Law behind them even though it has been seriously eroded by the US and NATO. Russia abides by International law as does China, Iran and Syria.
The law this days is measured by power
Only by America .
This would be the best plan. Let the whole world see who is the aggressor, warmongerer and supports terrorists.
Russia is playing chess. America is playing checkers.
Are you sure about that? It appears Murder Inc and the War Racket are playing “Kick Them In the Groin” while Russia is playing “Thank You Sir, May I Have Another?”
This will never be brought to a vote in the UN Security Council. If any of the five holders of veto power say in advance that they intend to exercise their veto, the matter is usually not brought up for a vote.
Usually. No longer. Veto provisions to uphold international law? You declare yourself an exceptional hypocrite. Publicly. It will not be forgotten. It will be brought up and used as a stick to punish you with. Again and again and again.
Veto upholding international law often enough and you are globally shamed; and your own people will spurn you; they will not trust you ever again; they will chant at you “not in my name”! Your ears will burn. Your face turn red.
Then the politicians will sniff the wind. The wind of change.
Then document also the previous two attacks on Syrian forces, the missile strike on the Homs airbase and the bombing of the Syrian garrison in Deir-ez-Zor.
Fuck off useless troll..
Go fuck yourself sideways and upside and downside. Walmart cheap eater
Go fuck yourself, Zionist.
Go fuck yourself little fool
Report this ^ insolent and deluded kid. We don’t want useless spammers like his sorry ass here.
You should first learn how to respect people.. You thought you can just throw stones. get the fuck out of here you filth casual
People? You are hardly worthy of that title.. As for respect..Sure, I will show you the same kind of respect I would show a pile of manure..Actually, you warrant much less.
Butt hurt?
Enjoy your block and go spam somewhere else little troll. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Respect? You don’t have the slightest clue what the word means.
You really are a perverted little moron. Whatsa matter? It hurts your little empty head to hear the truth? Butt hurt?
I’ve got news for you, shithead: nobody here respects you. Just the opposite. Now read that over and over again so you understand. It might take a while. NOBODY RESPECTS YOU. Got it?
Lmao at this drunkard. If you took a blood test of him he would fail 99 times out of 100 due to vodka in his blood.
I don’t know where his been at and what his talking about but the US has been present ever since 2014 which is before they stepped into this battlefield..
Syria completely destroyed and it has no sovereignty while more then half of the populations have fled the country to elsewhere. There is bunch of factions in there and no real authority. The US don’t recognize Assad so do all most every country in the world except very few allies who have made a bet on Assad and by few I mean really really few.
Assad is at best a warlord and this is unfortunately how the world views Assad. Ask the EU, the Arab world, far east asia except China or Latin America and even Africa. they don’t recognize the man period.
The world views Assad as a warlord.. Thats his official status on the world stage currently • Edit•Share ›
The US military are dirty trainers and armers of Wahabbist Jihadists. Whereas Assad is the duly elected President of Syria. The US military has never fired a shot at ISIS, but the gutless US air force attacks those who fight against ISIS. Donald Trump is a spastic dummy rigged into the US Presidency by the CIA.
Wake up. ISIS is over and I repeat over.. This is the end game race and it has started couple of months ago. ISIS military threat in the region is over. The rest is just formality. Why do you think they are pushing these Al-tanf and not ISIS. It’s about resources
But those are Syrian resources, not Jewish American resources. That is Syrian territory.
There is no sovereignty anymore as I have said before. Have you seen how the country looks. It don’t exist anymore. There is no ruler in there by the way the US is legally invited by the local tribes who live there out of their free will
So the US policy is to break up Syria to get some of the Syrian pie, eh. Me thinks the US is gonna end up with shit in its mouth.The dirty US military trying to put Syrian resources in the hands of Jew Capitalism, using a CIA network of Jihadist dummies.
Look the Kurds invited the US out of free will and so did the local Arab tribes in Deir ezzor and Raqqah and in the eastern part. Assad is not recognized by the united nations. His a warlord and could be dragged to International court at anytime
US war crimes in Syria and Iraq need referring as war crimes. US bombs anti-ISIS civilians, often with white phosphorous. Western activist stage fake false chemical weapons charges against the correctly elected Assad Government.
What do you mean by elected? Syria have always been a monarchy. Assad inherited the throne. Believe it or not his a warlord now and that is exactly how the world views him.
His not getting back the south-east desert, Idlib, Eastern Syria (Raqqah and Deir Ezzor) The kurdish liberated territory these are all gone and not to forget the turkey occupied territory will also never be handed back and also Israeli occupied territory are also gone officially.
Face it you fool Assad is the legitament government just by studying the zones controlled by each side you can easily tell which side most civilians prefer and in that case France, Belgium,Netherlands,etc. Wouldn’t have continued to exist since in WW2 they didnt even have control of their own capitals so by your definition most of western Europe is without a government
Assad is the head of State of 70% or more of the Syrian population. If the revolution would have grounds to succeed it should be hegemonic to be a real alternative. I did not. Now it is being fuelled only by religious radicalism and greed. To have a laicist leader in a country as Syria is paramount against fanaticism and shows the world that an Arab is not synonymous to a religious fanatic and can live and interact with all creeds. Respect for the Arab nation and people! No more colonialism. Now!
So you are telling me that if Russia stated that the US president is not legitimate, that gives them right to bomb the United States? Nice logic Sherlock! By the way, the US funded jabhat al nusra, Syrian branch of al qaeda, and “accidentally dropped Isis supplies with arms as such”. Also, the only reason Kurds invited the US is because they are American proxies by official recognition and need arms. Why gives you right to say who Is legitimate or not? The US has caused 3 million deaths since Iraq war and all under false pretext. Chemical weapons, WMD, dictators etc… Wikileaks revealed that the US pressured allies to fund jihadi groups and a recording was released in 2014 where john Kerry said that Obama let Isis grow to force Assad into negotiating. You libtards are to stupid to realize what’s going on. You think you have power over others? Take a look at your election. Foreign lobbyists elected your presidents. Hillary by saudis, trump by Israel etc… you are a laughing stock of the world. Your moral high ground is beneath my feet. Russia will deploy special ops in these areas and the US will stop bombing them because if they did bomb them, it would be considered a direct act of war and that would escalate into something the US can’t afford right know.
Dont feed the attention seeking whore-troll..
Go fuck yourself.. Go post elsewhere and forget my number
Your “number”?! What are you blathering about again you walking manure?
i have to agree with Drinas and others who take you for what you really are: a troll and a zio shill. Please, now go do what you would like Drinas to do: go fuck yourself. Then do it again and again. I’m sure you’re used to it by now. Maybe you should write a book.
You are clearly in nervous mode, once Syrian finish/success with this ‘ISIS’ things, they will move to Golan for sure, Or at least Israel dream to take Golan for free is destroyed, this is the biggest thing that you scary about.
Don’t feed the troll..
The Saudis have killed you in thousands yet in greed your president bows in front of its king! The Israelis are using and killing you in theirs every little plot, yet your president must ask them for permission before it may be re-elected.
Where did the Saudis kill us? stop this nonsense weak propaganda and for your information they are all the same but right now IRAN must be stopped before they go nuclear. ASAP.
They haven’t gone nuclear yet and just look the mess they have created and imagine them with Nuclear weapons? That would be a very dark world
“Where did the Saudis kill us?” Answer: 9/11
“They haven’t gone nuclear yet and just look the mess they have created and imagine them with Nuclear weapons?” Answer: Not even worth responding except shortly mentioning what has been going on during last two decades. There is a country that has (according to their own statistics) directly killed tens of thousand and indirectly (No unified statistics but intuitively based on how many people have died in different countries such as Iraq since 2003) maybe millions from Central Asia (Afghanistan and Pakistan) through Middle East (Iraq, Syria, Yemen) to Libya in North Africa. If anything you surly see that what ever Iran is doing is incomparable with what I have mentioned here. But hey keep repeating everything you hear, metaphorically speaking everything happens in our heads.
So tell me, Molehill, does being an Israeli shill pay very well or do you just broadcast fertilizer out of the goodness of your heart?
It’s easy… Add 1 Russian soldier to every 9 Syrian pro-government fighter as adviser. Inform the US army and its US-backed militants about that fact and also inform them Russia will strike back in case of any russian casualties. I can imagine then these US-backed militants and US forces going to withdraw from the area.
It’s not about how large the russian army is, but nobody wants to escalate that war further and start the 3rd world war.
This is a good plan. They could also bring in some Russian operated anti-aircraft units, and also have some Russian aircraft flying above. And , for good measure, airlift a few SAA units over into the Iraqi side of the boarder, join up with some friendly Iraqi militia and drive back into Syria with the Syrian flag. The actual boarder crossing at al-Tanf is actually about 3 miles inside Syria. They say that Norwegian coalition soldiers occupy that crossing. There is nothing actually at the boarder, except over on the Iraqi side, where there is a very small town. The US rebel training base that the US claims is in al-Tanf, is actually about 10 miles away, over in Jordan. The US and the Saudi’s are attempting to partition Syria and break up the “Shia Crescent.”
Your mistake is that you seem to think that Russian nationals and soldiers are not embedded with Syrian armies and other groups. The fact is that they are and have been killed by US bombs. The Deir Ezzor Mountain bombing was an example. The question is at which point will Russia React. It’s making people like myself sick that they keep taking Shit and Swallowing it. At what point will they realize that they are gradually committing suicide.
Some Kalibr missiles would do the job in Al-Tanf. Of course, such attack would be “unintentionally”, an error or system malfunction.
This is another US sleight of hand and a trap. The US and its toadies (read terrorist organisations) are now getting desperate as Russia, Syria, Iran and Hezbollah are winning hands down. Now the US has to resort to desperately bombing the soldiers of a Sovereign Democratic State in a country to which they have not been invited by that Government and therefore have no legal right to be there. The bombing of the SAA troops is a war crime and just another to add to the immense list of war crimes the US is guilty of. The world’s rogue States are 1) the USA 2) Israel; 3) the UK, and 4) Saudi Arabia.
Lavrov does not seem to get it. Murder Inc and the War Racket do not need no stinkin badges.
Our mistake is that we seem to think that Russian nationals and soldiers are not embedded with Syrian armies and other groups. The fact is that they are and have been killed by US bombs. The Deir Ezzor Mountain bombing was an example. The question is at which point will Russia React. It’s making people like myself sick that they keep taking Shit and Swallowing it. At what point will they realize that they are gradually committing suicide.
SAA needs Verba MANPAD