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Lavrov: Foreign Forces Staying In Syria Without Request From Government Should Leave

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Lavrov: Foreign Forces Staying In Syria Without Request From Government Should Leave

US forces are in the outskirts of the Syrian town of Manbij

On August 22, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that all foreign forces staying in Syria without an invitation from the Damascus government must leave the country, according to the Russian news agency TASS.

“All foreign forces staying there without an invitation from the Syrian government must be eventually withdrawn,” TASS quoted Lavrov as saying.

Lavrov was commenting on a recent statement of U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton, in which he claimed that that Russia is “struck” in Syria and the U.S. has an upper hand in negotiations on the conflict.

Bolton is set to meet his Russian counterpart Nikolai Patrushev in Geneva on August 23 to discuss the Syrian settlement. The U.S. National Security Adviser insists that Iranian forces and Lebanese Hezbollah should withdraw from the war torn country before any political process.

In the last few months, several Syrian and Iranian officials said that Iranian forces will withdraw from Syria only if the Damascus government requests this. Damascus will not likely take such step any time soon due to the hostile policies of the new U.S. administration.

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Well said by Lavrov.


Wahabis, ISIS and Israel are Trojan viruses of US, UK and France. These are malicious viruses that mislead and destroy the world nations.


Exactly! They are the forces of darkness, terror, injustice and EVIL!


Bolton, Russia is not stuck in Syria, they are on a mission to crush US interests in the ME, it is US who lost the armed conflict in Syria and is stuck at Al Tanf, and a myriad of other poorly defended bases across ME.

Iran is not going anywhere from Syria, and all the meaningless saber rattling against Iran shows US military impotence that is tempered to be alleviated by economic sanctions.

Val Shadowhawk



Iran haven’t even begun to seriously put their war fighting forces there. Just a small contingent of advisor tasked to support and gain as much experience in the battle against US black ops forces. The US should really begins to seriously consider what it’s next move if it lost Iraq and perhaps Turkey before it start to worry about it’s Syrian involvement.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Yes. For years US has been threatening, trying to do everything except actually attacking iran. I wonder why? Lol :)))

Val Shadowhawk

Russia and the axis of resistance will stay in Syria until Syria says so. Yanks and their zionist proxies out!!!!


“All foreign forces staying there without an invitation from the Syrian government must be eventually withdrawn,” TASS quoted Lavrov as saying.

Too bad that he used the word “eventually”. It would be good to see an end to this as soon as possible.


Snow, it’s diplomatic language, and means: you are going to leave!!


good! :)


Keeping diplomatic relations with US, UK, FRANCE and Israel will eventually damage Russia, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, UAE etc.


you are jokeing


Rob sometimes looks a little like Mountains (upside down), bur he is not a bad guy.


The political regimes there are yahudis who want to damage this world.


Not Sergei’s finest hour. Just saying this without any willingness to do something about it only gives Uncle Sam an occasion to laugh in your face. Better keep quiet instead of drawing attention to your impotence.


Impotence, in our days, it’s an anglo saxonic matter. Good luck to you, Ma.


The Americans will not leave the oil fields east of the Euphrates unless they are forced out.


They are already now forced to leave.


After Idlib is liberated, the satanic forces of U$ & Nato occupiers in Al-Tanf will be the obvious elephant in the room! Their days are numbered!

Tommy Jensen

US forces have been invited by Syrian civilians who wanted freedom and protection. The Kurds also invited US Forces to build US bases in their areas and protect them against evil dictatorships. United States cannot leave innocent Syrian moderate rebels and civilians to Agent Orange, Phospher bombs, Plutonium granates and Chlorine gasses as we have an obligation to protect.


They left Afrin in Turkeys hands to annex it and oppress the kurds like they do in mainland Turkey for more than a century with us made weapons, why not betray the Kurds once more.

Redsky B

That’s a good one Tommy ? Just like all the other Mideast nations that the US has decided to invade. If only the US forces would answer the calls from Gaza for help and protection and for freedom and the American way. But no . . that help will never come.


In 2019 East Euphrates is going to be liberated, freed ant protected as all the rest of Syria, and pi, period. Your’s sarcasms (of the Pentagon) are killing your race, and I’m going there to see, boy.

Tommy Jensen

We know you and know how you behave. We controle everything. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/059f68e339202c281c333bec7831690898be946399f2b99991d38750ec876c67.jpg


Congratulations, it’s a good picture of the deep state.


Hahahaha, Tommy Jensen, poor guy !!! Don’t make me laugh ! It should be the first time in history that US Forces come to invade a country just to protect their civilians. They just don’t care about people, even their own citizens in America are slaves, only good to enrich the already super rich oligarchs. They think they are superior to other humans, exceptional they call themselves, but these regular racists and fascists are the most cowardice monsters you can imagine.

Because they act only when in overt or with force majeure. In all other cases, they will first, for decades if needed, first dehydrate their so-called enemies with economic sanctions and financial reprisals, which incidentally affect most the local population and hardly the so-called elite of the ‘regimes’ they mention.

A little while and that era is also over, the fall of the petrodollar is becoming more and more likely every day and can not be reversed. I cannot wait that day!

Tommy Jensen

There is no fall, only small limitations on the petrodollar. As long as Europe dont have an alternative Swift system it will take decades to get out of the US iron grip…………….LOL.

You guys were sleeping too much while you walked around in US Nike shoes and masturbated on US facebook with your US Apple Iphone…………………………………….LOL.

Too late little boy.


The American indigenous people appreciate the loving care received at the hands of the US gummint and peeps. Thank you for playing our game.

Hideo Watanabe

You can say anything you like, Mr. Heather Nauert.

Concrete Mike

Lol what kind of fucked up reality do you live in?? What the hell is plutonium granate??? Radioactive pomgranate?

The syrian civilians you claimed ask for help…where are they?? Is it the same saudi supported pigs??

Oh you must mean the fsa pretext to funnel arms to al nusra?

Your a liar and your advocating for war. Your a fool


Tommy Jensen • a day ago “”””US forces have been invited by Syrian civilians”””

so the scumbag traitors of a country decided to invite the warmonkey nation america…


US will eventually have to leave, unless it succeeds in supporting the creation of a Kurdish state in Syria to invite them to have basses there. Otherwise the US is done in the region.

Ivan Freely

It’s easy to create a “state”, but the most important question people need to ask is, “Can they keep it?” IMO, no.

You can call me Al

Actually the most important question is “Do the Kurdish people want it ?” and the categorical answer is NO.


I bet they can, with some us-israel (maybe others) help


Kurds do not have the population to create ‘states’ and they’re even more short on necessary manpower to run a states. They can be a tribal military leader but that’s just about what they can managed right now.



Manuel Flores Escobar

USA&Allies have lost the war…and ” the USA has an upper hand in negotiations on the conflict”…

Tommy Jensen

Contrary. US won the war. US also won in Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Ukraine. The sheeple just dont know it…………………….LOL.

Fred Dozer

Lavrov has made similar request in the past. John Bolton must have been put in place with Neo-Cons holding a gun to Melania head. President Trump has no say in Middle-Eastern Wars. Me think, it would end abruptly, if China sent 10,000 troops and equipment, including their latest fighter planes. They would get a good testing ground for military.


That would quickly escalated things out of proportion. Remember in Jerusalem there’s a fragile protected animals that just can’t handle even the slightest stresses and by the noise it make due to big big bad Russian presence it may even just about to die from stress. China moving in would killed it from stress.

Fred Dozer

I read about China, but has not happened to date. If their relations with the US continue in a downward spiral, they will be in Syria. China to move troops to Syria? https://chinadailymail.com/2018/08/08/china-to-move-troops-to-syria/


china????? wowo u folks ….is LSD having a comeback…….

Only the AGENDA counts, and they are all in into it, Russia,USA,UK,China,EU etc… The AGENDA:

A One world government, with Jerusalem as its capital under satanic jewish leadership.

Only those countries that DO NOT RECOGNIZE the illegal entity called israel are NOT part of the agenda, including iran,iraq,syria,lebanon,malaysia,jeman,NK…….(the downing of several malaysian airliners..was a message of them satanic jews to malaysia”play ball or else”)..ps. jews are forbidden to even travel to malaysia.

There is no good USA or good Russia or bad USA or bad Russia, there is only the AGENDA u donkeys.

peace love and harmony to all non jews and non jewish slaves


That’s too harsh statement for US Imperialism haha.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

This has been said a million times, even by lavrov previously, and they are still there!!!


because that is the plan from day 1…….

Tommy Jensen

The chances of anything coming from Mars are a million to one he said, but still they come.


Statements by BoltOn suggest the US plans a gas attack in Idlib.


They apparently have destroyed Syrian chemical factory and storehouse last time. So i don’t know where their worry come from. The hell they can’t even stick it with their lies. Who would believe them ?


check out about 3 weeks ago…news…also on this site..” big turkish convoy with chlorine heading for idlib”…..


U$ and its jihadist proxies are clearly cooking up another false flag ‘chemical’ attack in Idlib and this is already in the pipe as soon as the SAA and allies attack to liberate, BOOM, chemical attack by Assad! This is time there should be a stiff response and if it leads to WW3, so be it!

Watch as the dog known as ‘Bolton’ gives green light his “White Helmets” and other Al-Qaeda jihadist proxies in Idlib to go ahead and create the expected false flag chemical attack:


Tommy Jensen

Incredible all these Western politicians can continue 18 years after 9/11 to lie so openly over the same fake concept. I find it extremely disgusting and embarrasing when someone in front of me openly lie up in my face. A weak non-attractive person.

How can the puclic stand these idiots in so many years?

Concrete Mike

Interesting…source please. Its highly plausible though.




John Bolton, and Israel want Iranian forces, of any kind, out of Syria. They want Russia to effect that. But their leaving Syria isn’t on the table? That duck is well-ruptured, right out of the egg.


same true for california, where trump should not come without being invited.

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