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MARCH 2025

Lavrov: ‘Rest Assured, Russia Won’t Tolerate’ West’s Obnoxious Conduct

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Originally appeared at TASS

Moscow won’t tolerate Western countries’ crassness and will definitely respond to the expulsion of diplomats, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Tuesday.

“Rest assured, we will respond,” Lavrov said in reply to a TASS question. “The reason is that no one would like to tolerate such obnoxiousness and we won’t either,” he added.

The decision by some Western countries to expel Russian diplomats comes as the result of a colossal blackmail campaign and pressure from the United States, he went on.

“The conclusion that readily offers itself is that we were quite right when said more than once that truly independent countries in the modern world and in modern Europe are very few. When one or two diplomats are asked to leave this or that country, with apologies being whispered into our ears, we know for certain that this is a result of colossal pressure and colossal blackmail, which is Washington’s chief instrument in the international scene,” Lavrov said. “This is what we hear in this situation and in relation to the Palestinian problem. ‘We will not be giving any money to the Palestinians until you say you will agree to the idea we have not formulated yet.’ In other words, ‘take it for granted.’ These ‘take-it-for-granted’ statements (charges against Russia in connection with the reported poisoning of former GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia – TASS) are an insult to the system of Anglo-Saxon, British justice,” Lavrov said.

In his opinion, this decision by Western countries “reflects the determination of the ruling elites to ignore the voice of the people.”

“I’ve been shown some related publications. Germany’s daily Die Welt has conducted a poll to ask the respondents if more sanctions should be taken against Russia. More than 80% said NO. Such mechanisms of direct democracy should be used more often,” Lavrov said.

Skripal incident and expulsion of diplomats

A number of EU member countries, the United States, Canada and Australia earlier announced the expulsion of Russian diplomats over the poisoning of former Russian military intelligence (GRU) officer Sergei Skripal, which the UK blames on Moscow without providing any evidence. In particular, Washington expelled 60 Russian diplomats, including 48 embassy staff and 12 members of Russia’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations. In addition, the US authorities decided to close Russia’s consulate in Seattle.

The Russian Foreign Ministry stated that those unfriendly actions would not remain unanswered.

On March 4, ex-Colonel Skripal and his daughter Yulia suffered the effects of an alleged nerve agent in the British city of Salisbury. British Prime Minister Theresa May said the substance used in the attack had allegedly been the so-called Novichok-class nerve agent developed in the Soviet Union. London expelled 23 Russian diplomats. Moscow rejected all of the United Kingdom’s accusations, saying that a program aimed at developing such a substance had existed neither in the Soviet Union nor in Russia. In retaliation to the UK’s steps, 23 British diplomats were expelled, the British consulate general in the city of St. Petersburg was closed and the British Council had to shut down its operations in Russia.

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As with Iraqi WMD’s and Russian election hacking I’m still waiting for any actual evidence to be presented, other then ‘trust us, we have intelligence tell us that…..’. In which case maxim 30 applies ‘A little trust goes a long way, the less you use, the further you will go’. Nothing about this case makes any sense as presented in the media, not when you apply pesky things like ‘who has the motive’ ‘why would anyone do things like this’ and ‘who stands to actually gain from this’. Naturally, as with Iraqi WMD’s and Russian election hacking the media never asks these questions. Well, occasionally someone does, as I’ve noticed, but such inconveniences are quickly glossed over.


On the mass expulsions of Russian diplomats, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov accused the US of “colossal blackmail” and said there were “few independent countries” left in modern Europe and he is exactly right. Lavrov said,

“..When one or two diplomats are being expelled from this or that country, all the while whispering apologies in our ear, we know for sure that this is a result of colossal pressure, colossal blackmail, which unfortunately is Washington’s main tool now on the international area..”

This is was indeed a clossal blackmail orchestrated by the US imperialistic neocons and Russia should definitely expel 60 or more US personnel and close down US consulates in Russia. The question is how should Russia respond to the little vassal states like the Czech, Croatia, Romania etc, states that the US pressured to participate the expulsions? Shouldn’t Russia respond in such a way to plant some seeds of future division in the empire?



Maybe not count the tiny states in the equation and increase the number of diplomats expelled in relation to main movers here (US/UK/EU).


You are exactly right. That will also sow division in the evil empire as tiny states and even some bigger ones start questioning the obvious motives of the evil empire.


Russia perhaps should just ignore it….stay friendly to “their” Ambassadors….stay friendly & ignore…wtf…..them is just fools….

Mario Ceva

Zionist west is colosal lie.


“More than 80 % said no. Such mechanisms of direct democracy should be used more often”, but this decision by Western countries “reflects the determination of the ruling elites to ignore the will of the people”. So we thank you Right Honorable Lavrov, for your measured response to western attempts to ignite a war.


They are Brainwashing the People here in HOLLAND 24/7….constant attacking Russia in the HOPE They can Convince THE DUTCH PEOPLE…MK-Ultra in FULL EFFECT!!!! Pityful Bastards….


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BWAHAHAHAHAAAA….Google Fuck Offff!!!! with your assbuddies…..Facebook will soon be NOTHING ANYMORE!!!! They’ll be CRUSHED!!!!!!!!


These EU governments does not realize or just ignoring the facts that they’re being pulled down together with that sinking Satan empire..! What surprised me is that none of their citizens put any effort to stop all these nonsensical scenarios/situations of Russia phobias that came one after another.. lol..! Their stupidity is beyond repairs.. just like when they accept all refugees in their block when they knew the muricunts are the caused of all the chaos around the world but still willing to bears the consequences..! lol..!


They are zombies acting automatically out of the programming of the satanic empire that is running their lives!


A lot of people in Europe still don’t believe what they are reading…but they know… I have spoken many..many…They know about the Lies but can’t believe it YET or don’t even speak about it but are pretty angry…and there is a large group that does not Care & will probably never believe’m for they are Living in their Own Reality Soap and are made Braindead my Brother….


May be they need a rude awakening! Hahaha! But then it could be too late!


I show everyone this….. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5cdd8f7db07974f430ad24976b3a8339d2bef47607b88fae3026bc6d1c942939.jpg

If that ain’t enough….you’re definitely lost…


I really hope ur right brother.. and I’m aware of, that, not all EU citizens are ignorant.. that’s for sure..! whatever I wrote are in general.. as I believed not everyone is an ignorant.. and can be easily be duped.. tx

You can call me Al

“A number of EU member countries, the United States, Canada and Australia earlier announced the expulsion of Russian diplomats” …????? – non-EU I think you mean.


The entire world can see who are the vassals of the Anglo/Zionists. The Anglo/Zionists are pushing Russia and China in a close alliance.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Mr. Lavrov ever the consummate gentleman and wizened political strategist in the game of politics with screaming children and the schoolyard bully, they are all chanting “fight, fight , fight !” ,typical with these little brain farts intimating with their demagoguery. The demagogues will all ways will lose against an consummate pedagogue every day of the week, many more people are rational thinkers are becoming more aware.


For once the NZ government didn’t follow the sheeple, and decided NOT to chuck out the Russian embassy staff. But they are under pressure, and are being called names for this act of disobedience


Western countries are disgracing themselves. I have an inkling that somehow this action is going to benefit Russia in the long term. The short-sightedness of the western politicians is quite awful to watch.


“our peculiar anglo-saxons system of representation by locality excludes most classes of society from influence and is therefore a subversion of democracy.” Perly Doe (1918)

Neo Onh

There are no “free” EU countries any more….

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