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MARCH 2025

Lavrov: US Is Trying To Slow Down Return Of Refugees To Syria

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Lavrov: US Is Trying To Slow Down Return Of Refugees To Syria

AP Photo/Lefteris Pitarakis

Washington is trying  to slow down return of refugees to Syria by refusing to participate in restorcation of the country’s infrastructure, Russian Foreign Ministery Sergey Lavrov said on August 20 as he met with his Lebanese counterpart Gebran Bassil.

“The United States is trying to artificially slow down the process of the refugees’ return by refusing to participate in the restoration of infrastructure in Syria. A few days ago, Washington hosted a meeting between [UN Special Envoy for Syria] Staffan de Mistura and [US Secretary of State] Mike Pompeo, and the State Department used the phrase ‘it is premature to even discuss the restoration of Syria’ in the statement following their talks,” Lavrov told a press conference after a meeting with Bassil.

The Lebanese foreign ministery said that his country supports Russia’s initiative on Syrian refugees and hopes that it will be employed.

According to Lavrov, Russia is “in touch with the Syrian government” and with those countries that have hosted the refugees. He  further noted that Moscow aspires refugees to return their homes as soon as possible.

On August 15, Russian Foreign Ministry representative Nikolai Burtsev said that about 11m Syrians are currently considered forcibly displaced persons, 6m of those have become refugees within the country.

The Syrian-Iranian-Russian alliance is actively working to improve humanitarian situation in Syria and to allow displasted persons and refugees to return to their homes. The ongoing humanitarian efforts are one of the key factors behind a successful implementation of reconciliation deals in many key areas across the country.

People understand that in the areas controlled by the government the humanitarian situation is being improved and the infrastructure is being restored.

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Wise move Russia. Normal life must be restarted after 7 years of war, as soon as possible. Without their own people Syria can’t exist.


Given that the US destroyed almost 80% of Raqqa & all the bridges over the Euphrates shouldnt they pay for damages or rebuild at their expense, same goes for other areas they levelled

Ivan Freely

Who’s going to force them?


Iraqi population? It is not easy to be occupational force in the very unfriendly environment. But to achieve that 1st politicians in Iraq must put that subject on public debate and talk openly of total US destruction of Iraq. Before US invasions Iraq ( like Libya) was very nice place to live

Ivan Freely

I was referring to, who’s going to force the US to pay for the damages they have caused.


Yes, I understood that and my answer was; Iraqi population should “force the US to pay for the damages they have caused” If Iraqi’s see them for what they really are…. occupational force who brought only death and destruction it is not going to be easy for U.S. to stay in Iraq. So at least they must rebuild the country.


Israel may well do so eventually to dispel the hatred for the Jews that is increasing every minute of the day all over the world.

Sadly it will be mostly the decent jews who will suffer. There are some :)

Promitheas Apollonious

I dont think the countries that opposed NATOs NWO, want in any way west to participate into the rebuilding of Syria and with Lavrov saying what he says, is so the Russians and allies to use it in the future against NATO in the day the moment of truth comes.

We keep talking of americans as they are the convenient idiot in this NWO game and the bully, that makes absolute no sense, because they keep shooting their foot since all this have started with the end of WW2.

The americans remind me, of a dog with rabies, that bite its own self.


And send themselves mad and frothing at the mouth :)


US Embassy in Turkey attacked by gunman in passing car – reports

Very good. Well done Turkey. Keep doing this with pro Trump infiltrators. Trump is child butcher and Global terrorists supporter.

Concrete Mike

No bevause they will choose suppliers that benefits them, these same auppliers participated in the desteuction and supply of jihadi armies.

Prime example is Lafarge… enougg said


Lafarge has always been a twat of a company. I had a bet with a Lafarge cement salesmen a few years ago when they bought Tarmac in the UK . I said the new logo on the trucks should be LAFTAR. He said that would not happen.

It did :) I still have his £5 note today .

Concrete Mike

LOL thats great, the corporate guys were dinks for sure, but they did have nice christmas parties.


no one want their money, unless it is fines against them, for the war crimes they are committing.

Bill Wilson

The Syrian Air Force were the first ones to destroy the bridges over the Euphrates. The coalition bombed the ones ISIS repaired.

Tommy Jensen

No. You sheeple have completely misunderstood the game as usual.

Syria insider


Cleverson Santos

If Assad use the policy of returning or losing it works, those that do´t come back to reclaime their porperty will lose it. But those who didnt have anythng in Syria will preffer to remain in Europe…


But those who had nothing in Syria could not afford to pay the people smugglers to come to Europe. Fleeing to Europe as a ‘refugee fleeing from an active warzone’ was not cheap.

Tommy Jensen

The Cabal paid.


But US is fed by perpetual wars how do you expect them to help reconciliation and reconstruction of Syria. They hate even to think that Assad is still there and Russians are making the reconciliation deals


by manning up and take the pain. But that be very difficult to do in between their rainbow parades and the next planned genocide and where, if they manage to survive that far.


The US does not even have the cash to reconstruct the USA that is crumbling like Italy :)


People understand that in the areas controlled by the government the humanitarian situation is being improved and the infrastructure is being restored.

But what about the areas forcibly occupied by US infiltrators?

Jim Prendergast

Given time the SDF will be brought into the fold.


Oh the hell with it. If they spent a dime they would want $50 worth of credit, award and influence. The people who matter know what happened. Teach the lessons to those next on the US list and form broad assemblies of countries ready to stop the annihilation of the next targets. Render the UN obsolete and create entities who actually protect people rather than an edifice which actively promotes and finances atrocity as some sort of life giving economic god send.

Sending in US contractors to construct highways and infrastructure to support their Empire building just institutionalizes graft and prostitution. Producing knots of organized crime that the local communities might never rid themselves of. Psychopaths network with each other to destroy any good in any situation. By rejecting Russian efforts to include them it will be that much easier to tell them to fuck off when they show up with their “help.”

Having said all that if their was a credible institution that could bring a reasonable judgment against the Empire, enforce it and collect restitution that would have my full support. Until that time arguing about how much and why is pissing up a rope, utterly futile waste of time. They are the ultimate criminals by virtue of having taken control of any worldwide body capable of imposing justice. They do what ever they want.

Promitheas Apollonious

Trying to do what ever they want yes. Lately not so easy as they been accustomed to.


In the bigger scheme of things, whether or not they reach a goal seems irrelevant. When you profit from destruction, their is no motivation to not destroy, it is unimportant whether you destroy an enemy or an ally, just detonate the fucking bombs, fly the planes. Drop the bombs in empty desert, but whatever ever you do, drop them.

To me their ultimate mission seems to be to make as many enemies as possible. The businesses of suppressing the population of the US through a police state and with industrial scale imprisonment, are making money. Lot’s of it. So every time you taser an old lady, it’s not simply an immoral act, it’s building enemies for the future.

The only way any of it has a logic to it is when you compare their actions to those of psychopaths. Then the reaction is, well of course, makes sense now. One question seldom asked. Was Viet Nam a good war?

Most people would treat you like a fool for asking that. But for a select elite few it turned out beautifully, better than they could have ever imagined. Those few cannot be trusted with wealth or our futures. Instead of in little cells, they sit at the pinnacles of our world, laughing at our misery.

Empire's Frontiers

You’re an inch away from grasping the truth behind the myth of western freedom.


I think most of us here ‘grasped’ that years ago :) I know I did.

Empire's Frontiers

Indeed, though you might be a touch generous saying ‘most’ in this case.

It seems to me most of these comments start from the Tv version of world and go from there.

Trump this, Merkel that, voters this, officials that, a sprinkle of satanic-joos for good measure, and very little talk of the movement of materials, goods, territory and the bloodlines at the front edge of the various spheres of influence.


Bloodlines that have intermarried for many hundreds of years that include the bloodlines of political cults.


grasp this! You can probably conjure up an image. Since you are so many miles ahead of us lo life dummies why don’t you spend a bit more time educating and a little less time fluffing the pillows of your throne. Or is it the couch in your mommies den?

Empire's Frontiers

Chip on your shoulder much?


Better on my shoulder than implanted in my brain. Goddamn fucking right I got a chip.

Lazy Gamer

Refugees are being weaponized. lol What is the EU’s take on this?

Elisabeth Jenders

Refugees are being capitalized. Turned into a bond / obligation / asset upon registration, assigned a value, resulting in a balance sheet extension for the receiving country (making it more credit worthy) and a balance sheet contraction for their home country. These assets then can be traded. This delays the crashing of dollar and euro. This is why we won’t let the refugees return home. Humanity – what’s that?


nononononononnonoo noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

balance sheet????? how stupid r u folks here…. them satanic jews own the monetary system the reason why those infidels r let into the eu, is to demolish the last pieces of white christian culture on orders of the satanic jews…….stop writing nonsense………..

money?????balance sheets?assets? those things DO NOT EXIST donkey….its an illusion….created by satanic jews……

Elisabeth Jenders

Commercial law rules everywhere. We’re all assets or human resources for the state (all states (except 3 or 4, one of them is Syria) are commercial companies !), which were created when our parents registered us at birth. Check “strawman”, e.g. http://www.freedom-school.com/aware/your-straw-man-is-an-artificial-person.html or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ME7K6P7hlko.

Tommy Jensen

Its actually possible to get out.

You stop voting and send a letter to the Ministry of Justice and declare yourself legally an independent adult citizen directly under God with full ownership to your own values and Gods creation.

Remember when you vote, you declare yourself an underage who needs Gods appointed authorities to manage everything you have and do.

Empire's Frontiers

I recently described this to some individuals on another disqus board at The Federalist.

The Americans there weren’t ready to accept that when they vote they are endorsing the social contract, in fact they were unaware of such a thing existing. They imagine they’re voting for a particular candidate rather than casting a vote of confidence in the system that operates over them.

They also weren’t ready to accept that when they sign their name on a tax return, they’re also endorsing the social contract by accepting a small bribe in exchange for their compliance.

Yet they slumber.

Lazy Gamer

Yes they can be an asset if they work, are skillful and integrate. If they are none of these, they just drain welfare and can be a source of disturbance and regression


EU????????????????????????????????????????????????????? they take ORDERS of them satanic jews……….


Sticking heads in the sand I think as more EU citizens are attacked on the streets :)

leon mc pilibin

Aggressors must always pay reparations,OH i forgot that only applies to non zionists.

Tommy Jensen

Whats your problem? We Americans now occupy and own 1/3 of Syria and we said Assad must go. When we see someone in the way we remove them. Thats why we are a winner nation…………LOL.

The land Assad and Russia occupy West of Euphrate, the rest 2/3 of Syria, is precisely the area needed for great Israel, and you already know who paid Washington to carry out all the ME wars.

All is going acc to our plan.

Why should America participate in “restoration of infrastructure” and ” Syrian refugees” when we havent finished the job yet??…………………………………….LOL. You hope too much Lavrov and thats the problem with all of you non-American deplorables. You hope.

Lena Jones

Silly words from a puffer fish loser lol! Facts on the ground baby: Russia/Syria/Iran/Hezbollah have annihilated ‘our’ massive army of alquaida/ISIS terrorists and ruined our expensive jewy greater israel plan. No amount of delays can change the facts on the ground and the facts on the ground indicate that our 2000 soldiers don’t stand a chance when, soon enough, the Axis of Winners start moving east towards the Euphrates.


he is beiing SARCASTIC idiot

leon mc pilibin

I suppose you are one of these modern day liberal american transgender zionist supporters?You are so full of shit and ignorant arrogance that it defies logic.Just cant wait for your shithole of a zionist regime to collapse,and your rothschild counterfeit dollar.


“We Americans now occupy and own 1/3 of Syria and we said Assad must go.”

That’s what the US voted against. Most Americans don’t support what Zionist shills like you are trying to do. Which is one of the reasons why you’re losing, and losing badly.


he is beiing SARCASTIC idiottttt


Why are you being such an obnoxious anti social miscreant?

Promitheas Apollonious

much that he want to hide his upbringing, his subconscious always take over and then the defective dna of his shows.


You amerikans, had your asses kicked, in all locations on earth you went and as all amoebas you are, never failed to repeat, the same self destructive mistake only bigger now, than in the past. Unfortunately for you, no longer defenseless victims left for you to destroy with out have to pay a very heavy price.

As for Syria, you will not remain there for much longer.


i think u r missing the point tommy is making….donkey…. tommy is not pro israel or pro usa…but he is writing 100% truth…..he is beiing sarcastic….and all on orders of satanic jews….thats his point….lol


satanic jews……………..and that coming from a hasbara, who desperately trying with throwing the jew word to deceive and misinform. And I definitely don’t need a moron to explain to me what I read.

Is this understood broken condom or should I explain it to you via your mother.


spot on….ty


Some here may not understand your satire :)

Prince Teutonic

There is only a fraction of Syrian refugees in EU but much more economic migrants from Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Maroko, Algeria,…


I think that for the ”worrying” numbers of former FSA members like in the case of Daraa and also in Homs who joined as informal units in the Syrian Army they want to avoid the risk that also there is a reconciliation a second chance for the refugees to return to Syria trusting once again in the government, in a few words, they still support the ”Assad must go” but they have not good ideas.


The Russians are beyond deluded Putin also was saying to Merkel the Syrian refugees have to return.

This war was not exactly family reunion christmas night arguments that turned into small fight. Milliions died and cities levelled to the ground and into rubble there is nothing to return to literally.

5-6 Millions have fled the country permanent and have resettled in other countries. They will never return nor will their descendants maybe their grandchildren may return as vacations from time to time. Thats like 50-60 years from now.

Syria is completely broken and destroyed there is nothing left because people need properties and they are all destroyed


“the Syrian refugees have to return”

Ordering people around is an American thing, Russia has manners and grace, and doesn’t shame itself by acting like a thug.


I’m not talking about these nearby in Lebanon who return but these who have permanently fled and resettled in multiple places like Germany, Swedan, US, Canada, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey, gulf countries etc etc. +6 Million has completely left the country 7-5 yrs ago and managed to successfully resettle and they are not coming back nor will their descandants.

The Americans levelled only Raqqa and some other cities on the eastern side of the euphrates but russia is the one who levelled 90% of population centers to the ground. There is literally no housing option for these who fled to return to

Carne João Pasta



False even the UN has stated more than 600,000 Syrians Have Returned Home In 2017. More will follow as Isis/militants are eliminated


Refugees are just part of the great American plan. The EU is a threat to the American empire, so the “how to destroy a nation recipe book” that the US uses, always starts with destroying social cohesion within the target. Usually the US pays some malcontents to stir the racial or religious pot in a country, like they did in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Syria Ukraine etc. With Europe, so as to appear almost innocent, they herd large numbers of really poor and uneducated people from Africa into Europe. They actually trialed this method in Sudan, by herding Arabs into what was traditional African areas.

What I find most disturbing, is the EU leadership knows the US is attacking them, but they simply accept the attack, and don’t even try to defend themselves. Is the EU leadership as cowardly as they appear, or are they traitors, working against their own people for American bribes? The British are worse, they play Igor, the willing servant of the evil one.

Tommy Jensen

EU leadership is appointed by those who rule US.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I already know what the US government thinks about the reconstruction of Syria with Assad still in power, but I don’t know what Trump actually thinks about it. They’ve become 2 different entities lately, and just because the official government narrative is saying one thing, it doesn’t necessarily mean Trumps not thinking something else, even when his lips are miming the same official narrative. I can see Putin selling the idea of a new Trump tower built right in the middle of Damascus, the huge amount of cash that will flow through the Syrian economy after the Iranian gas pipeline is built, will be a huge incentive for a money hungry property developer like Trump. I’ll bet we see a softening of Trumps stance on Syrian reconstruction at some time in the not too distant future. After his presidency finally ends, he’ll need a new lucrative project to immerse himself in, and a new Trump tower in Damascus might be on the cards, as well as all the other cheap properties he could make a dollar on. Didn’t PEW research center and the UNHCR state that 13 million Syrians [more than half the population] were living outside the country, that’s being contradicted in no uncertain terms now, ” Nikolai Burtsev said that about 11m Syrians are currently considered forcibly displaced persons, 6m of those have become refugees within the country” that means only 5 million living abroad as refugees, not 13 million. I always say you have to halve any estimate given by the UN or it’s lackey members and this proves I’m wrong, I should be saying divide their estimates by 38% instead.

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