A soldier of NATO-led peacekeeping force KFOR guards convoy of the road near the village of Leposavic, northern Kosovo, Thursday, Dec. 13, 2018. AP Photo/Darko Vojinovic
Milorad Dodik, a Serb member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, has announced a possible declaration of independence of Republika Srpska.
Sarajevo is concerned about the issue. The Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina has tried several times to recognize Kosovo, but there are some doubts, because there is a fear of losing 49% of the territory. Republika Srpska also has its own opinion on the matter.
The head of the Serbs of Bosnia and Herzegovina stated several theses:
- Republika Srpska and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina are already divided into two different states, although this is not yet official
- Bosnia and Herzegovina is a divided society, with no functioning unified state, but everyone pretends everything is fine
- The Dayton Peace Treaty put fetters on three peoples who have nothing in common after the war
- Reunification of Republika Srpska and Serbia is real, it is only a matter of time
- No one in Sarajevo can say that Banja Luka is not a Serb town. It is a Serbian city and 99% of Serbs consider the Republika Srpska to be Serbia.
In fact, the chances of a self-proclaimed state Kosovo becoming a member of the UN are unlikely. The Serbs released a recognition recall campaign because of Kosovo’s application to the Council of Europe. Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic said that four states that had recognized the self-proclaimed republic had withdrawn their decision After the so-called recognition recall campaign, Kosovo is beginning to lose ground. The country is now recognized only by 94 UN member states.
Kosovo wanted to join the European Union and NATO. Membership in such organizations as NATO, the EU, and the Council of Europe is possible only for independent countries, and Kosovo has problems with it. Kosovo can use the autonomy only within Serbia, according to resolution 1244 of the UN Security Council. Although Kosovo applied for Council of Europe membership on May 12, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that it is not only a violation of international law but also of all norms and resolutions. Especially if the accession to NATO was carried out within the framework of the Partnership for Peace program, the consent of all countries would still be needed, but not all countries recognize Kosovo’s independence.
Separatist sentiments in Republika Srpska and Kosovo do exist. Kosovo, on the other hand, seeks to join different organizations, hoping that this will contribute to its independence. Republika Srpska, on the other hand, is observing Kosovo’s optics and does not yet have enough courage to put separatism into practice. Republika Srpska and Kosovo in this case are two links in the same chain and so far they do not have the legal, physical and prospective resources to declare their independence or to make the world at large recognize their independence.
Amid the military crisis in Ukraine and shaping of the European security in general, any escalation on the Balkan Peninsula may lead to unpredictable consequences.
“The Dayton Peace Treaty put fetters on three peoples who have nothing in common after the war”
… Except that they are all Slavs (though they don’t like to talk about it because talking about stuff they have in common is against the nationalist mantra, they only wish to focus on the small number of things they don’t have in common), they speak the same language, and all three nationalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina are lead by corrupt officials. They do actually have much more in common then the political elite wants to admit. Only difference is religion, which they hype up as much as possible to help the western goal of “divide and conquer”.
However this plays out, I don’t see any good news on the horizon for any of the three peoples in Bosnia.
We don’t speak the same language, but we understand each other very well. It would be nice to say that we just don’t love each other, every nation would like the most that the other two to disappear. Since that is not possible, we live together in a common crazy shirt that has no prospects and every nation is smaller and smaller in numbers over the years. We are Slavs, but who the fuck cares about that? And politicians are corrupt to the core and thieves from the bottom of the barrel and the only thing three natins would prefer more than the disappearance of other two would be for politicians to disappear first. They are a nation for themselves and the most hated by all. Just thank God you weren’t born in this gabage of a state called B&H
Don’t push the nationalist propaganda, it’s so fucking tiresome after 30 years. We understand each other very well precisely because we do speak the same language. What you call “languages” are, in fact, dialects of the same language.
And we do all like each other, but nobody likes Herzegovinians because they’re fucking lopine and krkani. :-)
Agree with Bobo, we, the natives from Mostar, not import from west hercegovina, call them Skutori. Ans do not like any kind of papak
Dok sam ja skako prije rata po Aveniji, Titovoj i Starom Mostu ti si seljacino koturo kamencic po Nevesinju i govorio vidi tata bibi. Stara Mostarska obitelj od 92. A usa
It is bullshit propaganda of people not liking each other. But frankly, nobody in Croatia, Serbia or Bosnia like those from Herzegovina. Lopine&krkani in its true sense. Ask Bosnian Croats how they feel about abandoning Posavina for the sake of Herzegovina and goat fucking regions (Karadjic-Boban deal in Graz). They even misunderstood Lady of Medjugorje apparitions- she came to tell those in Herzegovina – start becoming true humans or I will finish you off. The rest of us still wait for the Lady to fullfill her promise. Jebo vas kosovac/udbaš Gojko Šupak.
And the biggest love was shown in Vukovar,Srebrenica and many other places during 90ties on all three sides. True love between nations. A sto se Gospe tice eto ti majmune znas razloge ukazanja,kokad si mozak. I jebo tebi Gojko sve zivo i mrtvo u familiji.
Ne govorimo iste jezike, a ako je tebi Srpski jezik dijalekt Hrvatskog onda ok,tvoja stvar. Al sumnjam da jeste ako si stvarno Lazarevic. Ne guram ja nikakvu propagandu,jes mi mjesto za propagandu,samo kazem sta je i kako je. A to ko nas voli i ne voli zivo me zaboli. A koliko se vi ostali volite vidjelo se devedesetih po mnogobrojnim stratistima sirom bivse drzave. Sve od ljubavi rezali grla jedni drugima, rusili, palili i ubijali. Zivjelo bratstvo i jedinstvo, zivio Boba antinacionalista ;-)
Croatians are a people without any name or history, just made up by the Vatican.
They first converted as many Serbs in Dalmatia, Lika, Slavonia, Zagorje regions to Roman Catholics. Then they started grouping them and told them they were a new “nationality”.
It’s weird, but as a Serb living in Rijeka, if I were to marry let’s say a Polish or Argentinian woman and convert to a Catholic, I would no longer be considered a Serb and would automatically become a Croat. It’s just stupid.
What are you talking about, are you good with your head? By the way, for these other readers from other nations, did you know that the Jews in Jerusalem at the time of Jesus were essentially descended from the Serbs? That is the living truth for you, it is written in the textbooks of Serbian historians hahaha
Bosnians act like rabid dogs when they see a Serb or a Greek.
Unfortunately this is true.
Well definition of language is to be able to understand each other.
If one only speaks Bosnian and one only speaks in Serbian, yet they understand each uder it means they speak tha same language!
And about your point other two nations of disappearing …
As a Serbian I know You are eather Bosnian or Croat. No Serb would ever wish Bosnians or Croats to disappear!! WTF U NAZY Scum.
I wish Croats n Bosnians all the best. I wish both nations to realised ASAP that they are Serbs, or at least, that they came from Serbs
You are a heavy liar. You wish the Croats and Bosniaks all the worst, and you have shown that in Vukovar, Srebrenica and many other places. Actions, not words! And you had deeds. And the other two nations had them, let’s face it. Why are you lying? Who are you lying to, yourself or who? What do you want to achieve with that? I have no problem saying that we do not love each other in general as nations, and that is true and it is better than a hundred lies. And that stupid story about who came from whom is real fascism. And let me ask, what is the name of that one language we all speak? I guess it’s Serbian? hahaha You old Serbian fascist ;-)
On point!
Same nation only: Serbs are ortodox christians, Croats catholics, Bosnians muslims.
Before 1991 Bosnians were called Muslims
Before 1975 Muslims were mostly called Serbs.
Name was changed from (Muslims) Serbs to only Muslims, by declaration of dictator Tito.
Before 1900 Croats were mostly called Serbs.
Name was changed by Vaticans decision, that all Serbian speaking catolics must be called Croats.
That is why there is practicaly no Catholics among Serbs, same goes for Muslims amnogs Serbs in today’s Bosnia n Herzegovina.!
Well, hadn’t the Yanks walked all over the International Law by engineering the illegal split of Kosovo from Serbia, there wouldn’t have been talks of this. But it’s only fair now. And I’m saying this as someone who doesn’t wish for the dissolution of Bosnia.
Well that Vukic puppets turned Serbia against Russia so they’re in for civil unrest and so put if the game Very cleverly divided from within like dumb arse suckers played as fools in a child’s game.
This geographical area in the Balkans will be the next big front against the NWO puppet-masters in Washington and London. Not too silently, the Resistance (read Russia, China, Iran etc.) is creating a hornets nest for NATOstan inside Europe. Serbia has just recently received the medium-long range FK-3 SAM system from China. On top, Serbia wiil receive 2 more Russian Pantsir S batteries in addition to the Pantsir battery it already has and this is all happening for a reason. The Republika Srpska will break away from Bosnia and join Serbja as one unified nation. I would foresee a unified Serbia to also make a move to avoid being a land-locked nation and thus, Croatia would be forced to redefine its territory and coastal borders.
Thhere will be some changes in former Yugoslav area, but not changes some would comprehend. As soon the EU and NATO start their dissolution (and it started already as Eu is just a child of NATO, nothing more), positive things for all Slavic nations would start to come up. And we also need to do some work before that – to clean all Balkan Slavic countries of foreign agents and traitors.
Serbia, NATO, Moldova and Rumania have to take their chances where the borders will be as Bosnia function as old steam engine controlled by three engineers and running on Euro burning briquettes. Bosnians politicians and their sponsors from the west and from the east should start talk to each other and make a new deal better than Dayton monstrosity of a deal but without killing another 100,000 of themselves. I hope not. Romania and Moldova will be making decision upon economical dependence on Russian resources.
Iran helped the Bosnian jihadists.
The Dayton Peace Treaty put fetters on three peoples who have nothing in common after the war. Well… I beg to differ as those peoples as you call them have exactly the same non religious customs, the same language, the same taste in music to wash off the same sorrows with local spirits and the voice of local folk star regardless to whose ethnicity that star belongs to. They all swear to defend the lands of their origin but not keen to share it with anyone who is not of their kind. Small nations have tendency to hate others because what happened in the past and believe that the future can only right if they “correct” previous mistakes. I hope Bosnians of all nationalities will chose wisely how they’re going to split up considering of what they experienced in very recent past and what’s happening now in Ukraine.
Last time NATO aka US army of minnions provided “no fly zone” but the weapons were under the embargo and what they will or not give to all sides in conflict this time is the question they all have to ask themselves and decide what they really want to do. Only 100,000 lost their lives and 1 million emigrated after the peace treaty and if that’s not enough to pay to “correct” mistakes made in Jasenovac, Bleiburg or Srebrenica I don’t know what it is. This time it could be either but not both a war or an agreement without killing each other. What’s more important the life or the pride? All the above applies to Serbia Kosovo issues just names are slightly different.
Dodik, is great
“Nikola Selakovic said that four states that had recognized the self-proclaimed republic had withdrawn their decision After the so-called recognition recall campaign, Kosovo is beginning to lose ground. The country is now recognized only by 94 UN member states.” //// 4 is for recent time I guess, because total number was over 100, but now terrorist regime of Kosovo is recognized by less than a half of UN members. Foreign affairs ministry of Serbia achieved recognition’s revocation from ~20 countries.
Shkutori i vlasi, message to you: Bosnians are just for peaceful nullification of illegal entity name republic serbsk, made on genocide, made by Bill Clinton and Isetbegovich Aliya in Dayton.
Bosnians should stop importing jihadis.
You do that, not me!
Did Iran send you enough jihadis?
Not as much as you did. Iran just sent ( and sending Mujaheeds.)
Icarus Tanovic is crying now.
Alexander is becoming predictable and pathetically apathetic, major depressive dissorder with psychotic episodes. Go see yo doctor, you and that mare, I see that she’s so happy with yu, so she gotta treat her self with suma sugarpofa depressiveova SSRI. Alexander who? Alexander Gilkes.
Maybe you are talking about yourself because I don’t understand what you are saying. When I told that a shelling of Sarajevo would be good to health I was right.
I knew, when confused, Alexander talks gibberish, pretending not to understand. No, I’m not talking about me, but I’m talking about you, Alexander. Read tha comment once again. If you don’t understand then you are really mongoloid. Let me repeat it: Alexander Gilkes is becoming predictable and pathetically apathetic, major depressive dissorder (with psychotic episodes!). Go see yo doctor, you and that mare, I see that she’s so happy with yu, so she gotta treat her self with suma sugarpofa depressiveova SSRI. Alexander who? Alexander Gilkes.