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MARCH 2025

Leaked Documents Reveals Israeli Preparations For War With Hezbollah In Lebanon

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Leaked Documents Reveals Israeli Preparations For War With Hezbollah In Lebanon

Click to see full-size image. Source: the Israeli Air Force.

Israel is preparing for a possible full-blown war with Hezbollah in Lebanon according to official documents that leaked on the internet on May 31.

The leaked documents, which were sent from the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) to the councils of northern cities and settlements, includes emergency instructions in case war breaks out on the front with Lebanon.

On May 29, the IDF launched a large-scale two-week-long drill across the country, simulating a potential multi-front war. In the framework of the drill, the air force will conduct simulated “strategic” strikes deep in enemy territory in an all out war scenario, while the navy will carry out mock offensive and defensive actions.

The IDF said troops from the standing and reserve army, from nearly all units, would participate in the drill, codenamed Firm Hand. The emergency instructions were likely distributed as a part of the drill.

The leaked documents explained the “dangerous” nature of a possible war with Hezbollah and calls for drastic emergency measures that will need days to implement, including preparing shelters in the northern region.

“You have to evacuate the settlement as quickly as possible, there will be a small window of time when it will probably be possible to evacuate, and then the roads will be closed,” the IDF says in the documents.

In another part of the documents, the IDF explains ongoing preparations for a full-blown war and the scale of attacks expected.

The IDF drill comes amid heightened tensions with Hezbollah, whose Secretary-General, Hasan Nasrallah, threatened Israel with a “grand war” very recently.

Just a few hours before the IDF’s documents were leaked, the Liberation of Palestine – General Command held Israel responsible for a mysterious blast that killed five of its fighters and wounded ten others in the Bekaa Valley in eastern Lebanon, near the border with Syria. Tel Aviv denied the accusations made by the front, which is allied to Hezbollah.

All in all, it appears that the IDF is preparing for a full-blown war not only with Hezbollah, but also with other members of the so-called “Axis of Resistance” which is led by Iran.


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Peppe il Sicario

israhell is dying and it’s playing its last hand. mighty hezbollah and the other resistance allies will swarm over it in days. keep in mind that iran and saudi arabia are in the process of normalizing relations.


ok peppe with israel gone you tink “mighty” hezbollah will finally give up its arms entirely and lebanon can be a notmal country with one army and one government. you think the millions of syrian and palestenians getting paid by the dollar refugees will go home. you think hezbollah will finally stop all illegal activity and assasinations in the country? do tell peppe i want to know.


muslims are only united until there is no longer a nonmuslim to fight.

Emanuel Gomes Bueno - Brasil

estúpido hósdepe a falar mentiras, morra com teu israel seu porco


yes, hezbollah will win and end all illegal actions (land grab, apatheid etc.) and assassinations as carried out by the zionist entity. h doesn’t assassinate anyone.

Last edited 1 year ago by Dave

poor dave here doesn’t live in lebanon and ge thinks he knows better than lebanese what hezballah isand what they do. he also think aanta is real.

Uncle Ho

any distraction to keep the people from figuring out how they have been poisoned by their politicians.


the terroristic, racist, genocidal apartheid state of israel is planning for war against its neighbors. what’s new?


“israel is preparing for a possible full-blown war with hezbollah in lebanon according to official documents that leaked on the internet on may 31.”

the heeb kills old men, women and children. like its slumville golem in ussa, the heeb does not fight real armies….so a big yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn on this bs. z


yeah kill those hezbollah bastards once and for all!!!


lol like 2006?

Last edited 1 year ago by TomB.

please idiot. israel almost destroyed hezbollah aka her-balls. nasrallah’s still hiding in his bunker.


lol du saudumes hasbara hurenkind. if hisbollah was almost destroyed, so why they now have much more troops and much more and much better weapons than 2006 you fully moron?


dream on fuckass…


good luck zionististan. you got a huge arsekick last time in 2006, now hezbollah had at least doubled theyr troops and trippled theyr rockets and arms arsenal, than lets see how this will end


so why hasn’t the mighty her- balls hasn’t invaded israel yet? why’s nasrallah’s been hiding his fat, beardy ass in a bunker for 17 years? why you so stupid?


the ziokhasarian whore who shit you out is stupid, you too, du hasbara hurenkind. than lets go and start an all scale attac against hisbollah, but than send also an reservation for a few thousand coffins and bodybags to your next factory too.

Chris Gr

yes they have but we europeans shouldn’t leave muslims to control jerusalem.


what europeans have to do with jerusalem ?

Chris Gr

because of religion


if jews were really the chosen people they would chose to leave israel now.


well, they haven’t. they decided to stay put. what you gonna do about it maccie-boy? except yap crap of course.


is that how globalists think of highlanders

Emanuel Gomes Bueno - Brasil

o hezbollah vai destruir israel, o fictício estado fabricado pelas família judías banqueiras rotscheilds e roscfellers.


bullshit. so why hasn’t it tried yet? why is its fat stupid “leader” hiding in a bunker for 17 years? all the corrupt scumbags in hezbollah can do is rob and ruin lebanon. it’s no good for anything else.

Emanuel Gomes Bueno - Brasil

porque não tentou ainda? estúpido arrogante de merda, é porque hezbollah escolhe o melhor momento para começar e terminar a guerra, é hezbollah quem dita as cartas do oriente médio seu frouxo de 15 anos. porco sionista de merda. teu israel é fraco.


in reality, hezbollah doesn’t want a war; at least not right now. time works for them. sayyid nasrallah said … if israel would commit the error of attacking hezbollah in lebanon, the whole region would be set ablaze. not quite sf‘s spin of „threatening a major war“. the currenr is (rael)i government could opt for an aggression in order to stay in power. it would, in all likelihood massively backfire, but they’re liable to make such a mistake.

Chris Gr

hezbollah is not strong enough to take it alone they need help from outside.


the us and the countries it dominates keep propping up this failed state. in the end this will prove futile. this whole colonial enterprise should never have been started to begin with. no supremacist state ever endured for long time. this one is also guaranteed to fail. it destabilized the whole region and cost numerous lives. most of the population is radicalized and they are sitting on hundreds of nuclear weapons. how could this not go wrong?

Stephan Williams

truth is always the first casualty in any war.

it appears pissrael has hired some of the hollyweird script writers who are presently on strike to make up shite that allows them to puff out their chests and screech idiocies into the wind.

hezbollah will kick their asses in the real world.

Emanuel Gomes Bueno - Brasil

o hezbollah vai massacrá-los! israel verá a maior vergonha da sua história! dimona indo para os ares junto com o knesset.


i hope i won’t be there when the shiite hit the fan …


the illegal entity off israhell is on the way to suiside. the last charge and then over and out. if they use nukes, they will get nukes back.

poko molo

hizbollah has improved capacity to defend; they can stalemate but not defeat—among regional militaries israel can only be defeated by iran


the heeb is going down with its deranged ussan golem. nothing can stop the sickness that is eating the bowels out of the anglozionazi vermin. go hezbollah….the world is with you as it is with mother russia destroying the orginal khazar filth in rump ukrpland.

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