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Leaked Photos Confirm Transfer Of Dozens Of Turkish-Made Loitering Munitions To Azerbaijan

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The Azerbaijani Armed Forces have obtained dozens of Turkish-made KARGU small loitering munitions, which will likely be used against Armenian forces in the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh. 

On October 28, leaked photos showing Azerbaijani troops showcasing at least 27 KARGU loitering munitions surfaced on social media.

KARGU, which was developed by Turkey’s defense contractor STM, can carry out reconnaissance and attack missions. The loitering munition has a range of 5 km, an endurance of 30 minutes and can carry different types of warheads.

KARGU loitering munitions can operate in a swarm and has an artificial intelligence (AI) image processing capabilities, including facial recognition.

The Azerbaijani military has been using loitering munitions, including the Israeli-made IAI Harpo and Elbit’s SkyStriker, against Armenian forces since the outbreak of the battle in Nagorno-Karabakh more than a month ago.

While the Harop and SkyStriker were used against high-value targets such as air-defense systems and armored units, the smaller KARGU will likely be used against infantry and forward posts.

Leaked Photos Confirm Transfer Of Dozens Of Turkish-Made Loitering Munitions To Azerbaijan

Click to see the full-size image

Advanced precision-guided weapons like the KARGU have granted the Azerbaijani military the better hand in Nagorno-Karabakh’s battlefield.


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Random Dude

Swarms coming in for smaller targets. Just imagines a soldier running from a copter, funny to be honest.

Mr T

I would love to see such video… armenian soldiers running away from a swarm of copters and blown up…


yeah..sofa keyboard “warrior”..

Death to Turks

Quiet boy before you end up like this piece of trash https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/08b0a21421291e901fbbf70ceb4724750d34c6c6a2ee258320594697ab0ee16e.jpg


hmmmm according on turkish propaganda , Azeri soldiers are imortal and mongolo turds can fly

Jens Holm

Azaris cant die. The muslim heaven is full. Even selfdetonaters are adviced only to kill themselfl

Jens Holm

Nice selfie.

Death to Turks

Next will be you and your mother


Next keyboard touch? https://media4.giphy.com/media/Nm8ZPAGOwZUQM/giphy.gif

Death to Turks

How much are you paid by jihadists and aserbaijan to be their whore?

Jens Holm

He is not. You probatly is this https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b756bc17be46698dfa570eb6d625a637fec4341560eda991977a501fd353e3a0.jpg

Death to Turks

He was a great leader.

Jens Holm

No, he was populist of the worst kind and spread out too much and were closer to leding the country 100 days then 1000 years.

Death to Turks

He should’ve finished the job he was doing.

Jens Holm

He cpuld not, because he was unrealistic and stupid.

The mistake already was in jail, where he was wrong in his “Merin Kampf”. I have controlled it twice as well as it goes.

His warfare in east should have been an ecoonomic one. So in Barbarossa he shoud have taken Ukraine and Moscow and fast and then wait with Leningrad taking it slow mainly by letteing them foprm ther atteck and kill them in good defence systems(fx Model or maybee Kesselring)

Germans(Preussen) didnt like Poland slaves inside their country. The old bigger enemy was Russia meant as Moscow and Peterburg.

BUT Ukraine could be a new big country. Not many liked Bolsjevics there and showed it well and was treated very hard by the Communists.

By taking Ukraine helpong them to regain and arm them with russian weapons as self defence forces, they would produce for the nazis for own benefits and for their own freedom produce food, coal, nikel and iron. By that the Nazis did not need to be guards there and risk sabotage from the Comunists.

Nazis already knew, they had to industrilaize more and better. So they should regain the Russian industrial complex in Rostov, Donetsk, Kharkow and Krovoj Rog and produce what they could there.

That would give filled up train tranport both ways and shorter and more safe supply lines towards Caucaus oil as well as Stalingrad. By being string and faster there and at Moscov they could have besieged moscow 100 km north of it.

Moscow itself woikd take 3 years to eliminate. But by that they wopukd be well established before the winther and having defence against the “Sibirian troops”, which they didnt exist.

They also couldtake the 3 oilfields in northern Caucasus. Russians most likely has destryed them but germans the same year even in the wintertimecould start new drillings.

Another thing was Germans just killed and killed slaves. They should let them work and use them instead of just starving most of them to death.

And one more thing. Gerrmany was in lack of every kind of material, so why did they burn all those villages in east down. They needed any kind of building materials, they could get.

I dont say Nazis could win, but they have improved their chances a lot and at least had lost slower in an honorfull way.

Hitler did so many mistakes in warfare in the east. He was lucky Stalin in the start of Barbarossa was even worse. After that this Hitler took over more and more of the warfare and wasted 100.000 of soldiers and their equipment for nothing.

I also dont likeStalin but by the losses made by himself by killing and removing the best keaders for the armed forces he learned and by that let the Stavka military clever ones taking over.

Hitler had no succes by taking over the other military industrial complexes, which by that didnt produce or lowered in production. He also plundered, which was short time thinking and not 1000 year thinking.

It was more like Venezuala, where they eat the old cow after not feeding it, and still expect iit should give milk.


Two blisters of captagon per day and two of viagra per night.

Jens Holm

I hope You have a good flashlight. She has been dead for a while.


Armenian special service: trying to enter Zangilan: whole group annihilated !!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NosHztk2lgE&t=12s

Death to Turks

Look through my comments to see what has become of Azeris. I rest my case haha. May your mother get a big dick in her ass


Don’t worry your mother and sister will serve Azeri with all the holes ..

Death to Turks

Your mother and sister will have a SCUD missile drop on their burka on their way to the market in the morning :)


Armenian women are well-known for serving all holes like Kim Kardashian and Cher.

Death to Turks

And she still has more power than any Azeri man ahah imagine that, one Armenian slut girl has more power and money than any of you could ever have and has bought so many weapons to kill your people. Must be humiliating.


Yup .. without serving all the holes they are helpless and powerless. so many missiles (dildo) fired in all their all holes…

Death to Turks

How embarrassed you must be that her money kills aseri soldiers. You are worthless pathetic scum.


How embarrassed you are to know that the money from your prostitutes to buy weapons, has been confiscated and used by the Azeri soldiers to kill the Armenians.You are worthless pathetic scumbag.

Death to Turks

Confiscated by you and used by you? I thought bAYraKtaR iS oNLy weAoPon wE nEEd


Armenian Anti-Semitism has made Israel supply IAI Harop to exterminate your troops…

Death to Turks

Too bad Hitler didn’t finish them off. We will finish off the jew run turkazeri parasites ourselves. We will keep flattening your buildings and making videos with your corpses on the battlefield.

Jens Holm

If Trump wins, You probatly will be replaced with mexicans making tequila https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/716d4c6ea7540ca888c74aec9611260e207b14f6d888d526a8f727d3c1a71454.jpg

Death to Turks

Whatever that means?

Mustafa Mehmet

Bend down now BAYRAKTAR behind you will hurt your asss do not scream

Death to Turks

We shoot them down every day

Mustafa Mehmet

you can’t even shot fly.. idiot

Death to Turks

Learn English sheep

Mustafa Mehmet

My English is not to bad. I was driving and try to a tape same time which is wrong. mosquito like you just buzzing nothing else no 1 taking any notice of you

Death to Turks

Hopefully you crash your car and die.

Mustafa Mehmet

After you maggot https://media1.giphy.com/media/3o6oc8cqoUVETPEHUQ/giphy.gif https://media1.giphy.com/media/3o6oc8cqoUVETPEHUQ/giphy.gif

Death to Turks

I thought Turkey wasn’t involved stupid little cumboy

Random Dude

With your logic all the countries are involved, I saw a video of soldier putting President butter on his bread. France apparently is also involved.

Mustafa Mehmet

Death to your mama ?

catalin zt

Nothing funny when a goat lover of muhhamad the PAEDOPHILE is “talking”…

Random Dude

Your attempt is way too obvious. You need to start subtle, find out what opponent is sensitive about only then move in with sensitive insults. Like this you are like the guy with aluminum foil had screaming about alien invasion

Mustafa Mehmet

Go on f*** your own mum. you cu.. t scumbag


Just dont fall down to their level. He has pain, frustration and anger. He knows that they are fucked up and that their situation is nearly hopeless. Therefore the insults.


Using drones has come a long way from being targets during military exercises.

I figure the next war will probably see UCAVs dogfighting manned aircraft?!

Jens Holm

Yes, it innovates a lot. Protection will too.

Jihadi Colin

And they’ll have a distinct advantage too. Smaller size, no need for a life support system or even self preservation, greater endurance, and so on and so forth. The era of the manned combat aircraft is over.

Jihadi Colin

Just over a hundred years ago, with the First World War on the horizon, the French army was still dressed in dark blue coats and brilliant red trousers. There were demands to switch to less gaudy uniform, but the generals refused. “Give up red trousers? Jamais!” As a more intelligent French politician said at the time, “this stupid adherence to the most visible of all colours will have tragic consequences later.” By late 1914, the French were desperately attempting to change to the much less visible (by the standards of trench warfare) horizon blue.

At the same time, the cavalry was the most glamourous arm of the armies. The aristocracy sent their sons to the cavalry. The cavalry regiments got the fanciest titles. The infantry was a distant second, and as for the artillery, it was the branch shunned by ambitious officers. “Artillery is likely to be effective only against inexperienced troops,” a British general said.

And in the seas the battleship was the queen. Countries raced to build bigger and heavier armoured battleships with larger guns.

And right under their noses a few things happened that wrecked their precious cavalry and their fancy uniforms and their mighty dreadnoughts all at one go.

The first of these was the truly effective machine gun. A cavalry charge against a couple of machine guns dug into the earth? A horse is a pretty big target for something firing a couple of bullets a second.

The second thing was air reconnaissance. (Newfangled) areoplanes directing the (despised) artillery on to your horse and foot from fifteen to twenty kilometres away? Let’s see how your blue blood looks on the mud.

The third thing was the torpedo. Your battleship could be a 50 thousand ton metal monster capable of duelling another battleship at thirty kilometres. Fine! It means less than nothing when the other side deploys a two man torpedo bomber or a primitive submarine and sends your famous battleship right to the bottom.

Now all this took time to percolate through the ossified thinking of military brass. By WWII they were still building even larger battleships, they were still using horses, they were still relegating artillery to the fringes of military thinking. And yet the military revolution had already occurred. They just had not acknowledged it, though it was happening right in front of their eyes.

A similar thing is happening now.

Self-important blowhards like Andrei Martyanov keep talking about how hypersonic missiles have made warfare fundamentally different or even impossible. That is like saying the dreadnought made warfare fundamentally different or even impossible. The only utility of hypersonic missiles is in an all out, major nation versus major nation conflict, which is now the least likely kind of conflict.

In this day and age the face of war isn’t military, it’s propaganda and economic, backed by relatively small scale conflicts in the enemy’s periphery, waged by proxy forces like jihadi headchoppers or Ukranazis. Hypersonic missiles aren’t of the slightest use in these situations, any more than a nuclear arsenal is. Will, say, Russia launch an all out hypersonic missile attack on an Amerikastani aircraft carrier group that blockades the Black Sea or the Gulf of Finland?

No, the real revolution in military affairs is the advent of drones and artificial intelligence. Sixteen or so years ago I recall that drones were at best a curiosity, mostly treated with indifference or contempt. The contempt was wholly justified by the Amerikastani Empire’s use of UAVs to murder civilians in villages in Yemen and Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan, Syria and Somalia. But that missed the point that the Amerikastani Empire was not fighting, in fact did not dare to fight, people who could shoot back on equal terms. Once drones became widely available to such people it became a different matter entirely.

Look, for instance, at the way Yemen’s Houthis have used drones to strike at Saudi Barbaria. Even if a drone is shot down, it still forces the Barbarian headchopper regime to employ a wildly disproportionate asset in terms of cost and effort to destroy the drone than it costs the Houthis to use it. And if even a few drones get through, they can cause havoc, as seen in the strike on the Barbarian refinery a while ago.

This process seems to be reaching its logical culmination in the Nagorno Karabakh war. It’s the first war where drones have been employed as the first line of offence by a regular modern military at war with another. And the cost benefit ratio seems clear: a drone, even if a very sophisticated and expensive one (and most aren’t), can be sacrificed in order to take out a tank or an artillery emplacement. It costs no blood for the drone using side and the reward is out of all proportion.

I know that China is already investing very heavily in drone development, including swarm tactics. Iran is too, I’m sure. These are countries that are not blindly wedded to refighting WWII and realise that fundamental changes have taken place. So, apparently, has the Ottoman Empire, which used drones successfully in Syria and are extremely effectively using them in Nagorno Karabakh.

The end of traditional war is here. Further automation and dronification is just the next step.

The military system has been warned.

Jihadi Colin

Just over a hundred years ago, with the First World War on the horizon, the French army was still dressed in dark blue coats and brilliant red trousers. There were demands to switch to less gaudy uniform, but the generals refused. “Give up red trousers? Jamais!” As a more intelligent French politician said at the time, “this stupid adherence to the most visible of all colours will have tragic consequences later.” By late 1914, the French were desperately attempting to change to the much less visible (by the standards of trench warfare) horizon blue.

At the same time, the cavalry was the most glamourous arm of the armies. The aristocracy sent their sons to the cavalry. The cavalry regiments got the fanciest titles. The infantry was a distant second, and as for the artillery, it was the branch shunned by ambitious officers. “Artillery is likely to be effective only against inexperienced troops,” a British general said.

And in the seas the battleship was the queen. Countries raced to build bigger and heavier armoured battleships with larger guns.

Meanwhile, right under their noses, a few things happened that wrecked their precious cavalry and their fancy uniforms and their mighty dreadnoughts all at one go.

The first of these was the truly effective machine gun. A cavalry charge against a couple of machine guns dug into the earth? A horse is a pretty big target for something firing a couple of bullets a second.

The second thing was air reconnaissance. (Newfangled) areoplanes directing the (despised) artillery on to your horse and foot from fifteen to twenty kilometres away? Let’s see how your blue blood looks on the mud.

The third thing was the torpedo. Your battleship could be a 50 thousand ton metal monster capable of duelling another battleship at thirty kilometres. Fine! It means less than nothing when the other side deploys a slow cheap two man torpedo bomber or a primitive submarine and sends your famous battleship right to the bottom.

Now all this took time to percolate through the ossified thinking of military brass. By WWII they were still building even larger battleships, they were still using horses, they were still relegating artillery to the fringes of military thinking. And yet the military revolution had already occurred. They just had not acknowledged it, though it was happening right in front of their eyes.

A similar thing is happening now.

Self-important blowhards like Andrei Martyanov keep talking about how hypersonic missiles have made warfare fundamentally different or even impossible. That is like saying the dreadnought made warfare fundamentally different or even impossible. The only utility of hypersonic missiles is in an all out, major nation versus major nation conflict, which is now the least likely kind of conflict.

In this day and age the face of war isn’t military, it’s propaganda and economic, backed by relatively small scale conflicts in the enemy’s periphery, waged by proxy forces like jihadi headchoppers or Ukranazis. Hypersonic missiles aren’t of the slightest use in these situations, any more than a nuclear arsenal is. Will, say, Russia launch an all out hypersonic missile attack on an Amerikastani aircraft carrier group that blockades the Black Sea or the Gulf of Finland?

No, the real revolution in military affairs is the advent of drones and artificial intelligence. Sixteen or so years ago I recall that drones were at best a curiosity, mostly treated with indifference or contempt. The contempt was wholly justified by the Amerikastani Empire’s use of UAVs to murder civilians in villages in Yemen and Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan, Syria and Somalia. But that missed the point that the Amerikastani Empire was not fighting, in fact did not dare to fight, people who could shoot back on equal terms. Once drones became widely available to such people it became a different matter entirely.

Look, for instance, at the way Yemen’s Houthis have used drones to strike at Saudi Barbaria. Even if a drone is shot down, it still forces the Barbarian headchopper regime to employ a wildly disproportionate asset in terms of cost and effort to destroy the drone than it costs the Houthis to use it. And if even a few drones get through, they can cause havoc, as seen in the strike on the Barbarian refinery a while ago.

This process seems to be reaching its logical culmination in the Nagorno Karabakh war. It’s the first war where drones have been employed as the first line of offence by a regular modern military at war with another. And the cost benefit ratio seems clear: a drone, even if a very sophisticated and expensive one (and most aren’t), can be sacrificed in order to take out a tank or an artillery emplacement. It costs no blood for the drone using side and the reward is out of all proportion.

I know that China is already investing very heavily in drone development, including swarm tactics. Iran is too, I’m sure. These are countries that are not blindly wedded to refighting WWII and realise that fundamental changes have taken place. So, apparently, has the Ottoman Empire, which used drones successfully in Syria and is extremely effectively using them in Nagorno Karabakh.

The end of traditional war is here. Further automation and dronification is just the next step.

The military system has been warned.

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