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MARCH 2025

Leaked Recording Allegedly Confirms Massacre In Bucha Was Staged By Ukrainian Militants

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Leaked Recording Allegedly Confirms Massacre In Bucha Was Staged By Ukrainian Militants

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On April 7, another evidence reportedly confirmed that the ‘Bucha massacre’ was staged by Ukrainian military.

As soon as Ukrainian journalists reached the area of the Kiev region left by Russian forces, the streets of Bucha turned out to be covered by corpses of Ukrainian civilians. Obviously, Russian servicemen are blamed of mass murders when leaving the area.

Numerous evidences from the area confirmed that the Bucha massacre was another propaganda provocation by the Kiev regime. On the video from Bucha, one of alleged corpses of civilians is seen getting up from the ground. Another argument confirming that the video is fake was the fact that there were no women allegedly killed by Russian servicemen, seen on the streets. More information here: LINK, LNK, LINK


On April 7, an audio recording of the alleged negotiations between the militants of the unit of the so-called territorial defence under the command of Ukrainian Nazi Sergei “Bossman” Korotkov. This unit was one of the first to enter Bucha after Russian forces left the area and they were free to kill civilians without a blue handband, as a sign for Ukrainian military.


Some of the MSM have already tried to present the recording as a conversation between Russian soldiers who were allegedly preparing a provocation in Ukraine. However, it is evident that the servicemen are speaking Ukrainian, they discussed the exact video staged in Bucha, and that ‘Sergey’ mentioned during the conversation is likely the notorious Ukrainian commander.

At the same time, the sources of the recording have not yet been confirmed, and there is a possibility that this is nothing but another fake spread by any of the warring sides within the ongoing information war.

swear words are written with ****

– Hello.
– Hello Vasya, are you talking?! Can you f**ing hear me right now?
– Yes, I hear you well. Yes.
– Vasya, can you f** answer me one question. What the ***, Vasya, are you all really f**ed up there. Could you do anything well to me or not?!
– That is, what?!
– Shut up, Vasya. Why *** are they moving on camera, tell me, Vasya, ***. Can’t they *** lie down for five minutes?! Sergey Sergeevich f***ed me for half an hour now in front of everyone.
– I understand everything, this will not happen again.
– Don’t *** do it anymore, Vasya. Do you understand or not?! Next *** time, you’ll follow that Russian ship, ***. And I will go with you.
– Taras Grigoryevich, I understand everything, everything. Next time it will be different.
– How *** is there any other way?! Was difficult to put a woman on the road? You tell me! There was no *** normal woman?! You have *** only men in the frame lying, *** ***. I found some *** idiots in a civilian settlement.
– I assure you, Taras Grigoryevich, next time we will definitely do it well.
– That’s a *** (failure) , Vasya. I’m telling you, it’s just a f*** (failure). And tell Feder *** too, he is gonna get from the office now, ***. That’s it, ***.


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Caught but will still deny. Ukro-bots assemble


Shit… this is definitely not good. Fortunately for me westoids are fucking retarded so who cares about evidence LOL. I may be sipping Martinis on the Bahamas right now but that won’t stop me from photoshopping Putins face onto someone else and claim he molested me. And if that doesn’t cause enough outrage we’ll just round up some more Russian sympathizers in Donbass and fuckin whack em and claim it was Russians who did it. Who cares if the story doesn’t make sense, if CNN says it’s real, it’s real.

Last edited 2 years ago by Zelensky

I actually am dutch and moved to the bahamas, but i dont sip martinis, and I am pro russian, fuck nato


Mate, no decent human being can support the disgusting criminal Nazis of Ukraine cesspool. Putin has been spot on from get go about NATO lapdogs wanting endless conflict. The Jew Zelenesky is causing mayhem in the region and needs to be strung up. Russia has our full support.


As Focus states: This certainly suggests that the murder of civilians – AS IN PREVIOUS WARS – is part of the Russians’ war strategy. First they say that the executed people are actors, then they say they have footage of conversation of their killing. And they keep silenced about the hundreds other civil victims shot and exhumed today in Bucha. And they silent about the thousands in the other ones occupied villages who are found today. Mark my word the 64 , who was staged in Bucha will be sent to the center of the fight with Ukrain force in the hope that the murders die and those who witnessed also. Russia executes those who are not willing to kill civilists, and get rid of those who did follow the rules. So good to surrender like the Russian who fled to Ukraine with his KH-52 or something and now he gets his price 500.000$ and the possibility to become Ukraine.



Last edited 2 years ago by Andrey

Maybe you can give at least some evidence to your words. And I would also like to see a video (photo) of the K-52 in the location of the Ukrainian army.


Were you born stupid or did you learn it along the way?

stephan williams

You are indisputably an evil person. I mean it – deep in that blackened and charred soul of yours lies a kernel of pure evil. It’s almost frightening in its intensity.

When this is over something is going to have to be done about you and your fellow psychotics.

William F Neal

Your right but our good old Western Media is lying for Zelensky and our worthless President Biden is in bed with him.


I think Russian propaganda should be more credible if it made sense


hillbilly in arkansas cannot think


And moving “corpses” makes sense?

Socratis Giannis

Moving corpses only in your head. Get real.


You mean, such as “Tonking incident”, “incubator lie”, presentation of Iraq’s alleged weapons of mass destruction presented by Powell before the UN (may he roast in hell) and other truths of the peace-loving USA?



You always accuse anyone who doesn’t fall in-line with your stance on the matter of being a bot or liar.

Russia still imprisons people who point out Communist atrocities during the Second World War and prior. Both Russia and China have been propped up by Western powers ever since the time of the Bolshevik revolution, and the formation of the Chinese Communist Party.

Beyond Russia v. Ukraine https://odysee.com/@ApollonianGerm:a/beyond-russia-v.-ukraine-and-an:e

Is Russia Anti-Globalist? What’s Putin’s Objective? – Apollonian Germ https://odysee.com/@redicetv:1/is-russia-anti-globalist-whats-putins-objective:5

Mission to Moscow https://wearswar.wordpress.com/2018/01/18/a-wears-war-movie-review-mission-to-moscow-the-factual-movie-president-roosevelt-wanted-made-the-russian-people-thought-was-a-comedy/


‘A brand-new edition of the classic work by distinguished English historian F. J. P. Veale, dealing comprehensively with seven of the most enduring and appalling lies created by the “Allies” during and after the Second World War.

The seventh lie deals with the case of Grand Admiral Eric Raeder and his imprisonment in Spandau Prison on the charge of “waging aggressive war” for arranging the invasion of Norway in 1940. The author reveals that the Allies at the Nuremberg Trials could not decide on the proper definition of “aggressive war”— because any definition they could think of would include their own aggressive wars, particularly those of their fellow judges and allies at Nuremberg, the Soviet Union. In addition, the author shows that the British had in fact been the first to draw up and physically implement an invasion of Norway before the Germans had even started with their plans. Thus, Admiral Raeder was sentenced to prison for doing exactly what the British had done in 1940, namely arranging an invasion of Norway.’

Last edited 2 years ago by Gunth3r

poko molo nazi hillbillyin alabamy trailer park desperate for attention—the lying nazi that fabricates CIA lies swallows sperm in trailer parks —impregnated with inferiority and envy

stephan williams

Yuri, GROW UP! You’re not helping the cause by insulting those who disagree with you. Deal with the issues he brings up. Please.


History, sadly more often than not, is written by the victors. One side or the other will often lie their asses off if it will keep the populace ignorant and obedient.


In case you just born yesterday, here are the answer to all the questions you nerver ask yourself because you are simply unable to do it…



See the problem with modern germany is we didnt hang enough of you sausage sucking krauts when we should have hung you all. Nazi euro trash will be the first to vaporize in the flash. and you ALL deserve it.


Breaking; 60 men from the same battalion who are no longer interested in Putin’s war and rejected to fight against Ukraine. They are not just any old army unit, but elite soldiers from the Russian Airborne Division stationed in Pskov. Even family agreed with their decission. Shogun is forcing them.

Last edited 2 years ago by Johan
Hoods are optional

They’ll be useful in Elensky’s criminal tribunal. They can even get to pull the trapdoor lever.


No link, no proof.

Jog on.

The Bossman

Westoids are definitely retarded and even for the few that aren’t, it makes no difference. They’re our useful duraks. We could say the moon’s made of green cheese from Lviv and they’d publish it. Those fu** ISIS volunteers from Idlib said they had to work a lot harder to fabricate sh** than it is for us. We never had it so good. Next time, you cu**, make sure you drop some women and kids on the street or I’ll personally put an orc issued knife through your eye and post the video on our tube, understood? Least you’ll be good for somethin’.

Slava Ukraini, Alahu Akhbar , Sig Heil, God bless America and all that sh**.

Last edited 2 years ago by The Bossman
William F Neal

Zelensky is a criminal


Two things-

1) USA and so-called western nations are the predominant war criminals on the planet. The REALITY of US war crimes over the years would not need to be staged! They are real. It is sickening to me that lies, OBVIOUS ones, can keep wars going for years with the resultant death and destruction. And most importantly, who profits by massacres like these? Certainly not the “perpetrators”, and Putin and Russia are well aware of the humanitarian aspect of winning any war. They are not THAT stupid.

2) The reality of false flag terrorism is slowly spreading to people’s awareness, and it would take a BIG false flag to distract from the suspicious aspects of it. Just take those young people who were attacked in Vegas at the music festival, a big and shocking false flag is getting tougher because EVET ONE of those thousands of people who were shot at know that the official story is a fairy tale! The same goes for EVERY false flag contrived and carried out- the collateral damage awakens in people a quest for the truth.


Funny… how shortly after the Germans announce they intercepted radio comms of Russians talking about killing civilians and soldiers Russia digs up a recording of their own LOL How pathetic are the Russians at this?


Recordings only work one way? Guess so.


afterotis intercept you in arkansas prison leroy and cleofos sodomize you–thinking now like all submissive lgbt


Do you understand what is a fake, ir your believer brain only work in two modes ? Believing or not believing…

Dude, as long as you will be only binary, and unable to loo on both sides, you will only be the slave of only one narrative. I’ve never seen a criminal recognizing by his own his crimes. He will always lie, and your criminal minds seems to have chosen the criminals. Ask you why or maybe when you will end in a jail, you will understand why your life is only made of shit and you will never have anything else here than the hate your spreading yourself, narcissic perverse idiot…


Breaking!! It is not Russia who invaded Ukraine, it is Ukraine who invaded Ukraine. It are not Russians who killed and raped unprovoked Ukraine civilians. it are not russians who raped young girls they did them self and burned them-self afterwards. All those massa killing in all former occupied villages as Obukhovychi, Bucha, Irpin, Borodyanka, Mariupol, etc they are not killed by Russians, Ukraine forces shot them. putin did not invade Ukraine he came to liberate them. Russian do not shoot refugees it are the Ukraines them self. Russians do not think it is Putin who thinks for all of them. Russians are remote controlled killing machines without a own will the Russian laws and media are the manuels to make them move. War atrocities and Killing from civilians – like in earlier wars- is a classic Russian war strategy – .Stop Russian aggression https://t.me/c/1714107189/3509

Last edited 2 years ago by Johan

For those with a real functionnal brain that don’t think everything in life is binary, and really seek for truth, not like this piece of shit that take pleasure annoying other peoples, here is the real story of why Russians attacked Ukraine, and this little mad brain would never be able to understand…


Lesco Brandon

Do you think this will make one iota of difference? When the OPCW whistleblowers clearly demonstrated the “gas attacks” in Syria had been staged by ISIS/Al Qaeda did the UN do anything about it? No! They claimed it was Russian disinformation despite the evidence being overwhelming.

Face it, these organizations are corrupt as they get. They don’t want the truth. They have their agenda and they will get what they want at any cost.


Same with the UN Human Rights kicking out Russia. It shows the UN’s true colours, and they can no longer be trusted as a legitimate organisation.

Timmy Temperance

Absolutely agree Lesco and James. The industrial military complex in the US and by extension UK and other NATO countries is a colossal vampiric force and presents an existential threat not only to peace but life on earth. Playing chicken with nuclear war cannot be justified.

Last edited 2 years ago by Timmy Temperance

I can easily see a more credible union being created in Eurasia.


I think that Russia should establish its own UN organisation, since old-UN does not represent the world anymore. I am sure that many of countries are tired of US pressure and fake money without any value. BTW do you know that UN building is on a land owned by Rockefellers? UN is not a world organisation, it is rather a private company. As FED and WHO. Don’t let them to fool you. Global names like “United”, “Federal”, “Central” are owned by a few families.

Where there's smoke......

LOL, was that the same organization that was bribed to let the Saudis chair it in the middle of their war on Yemeni civilians?

Last edited 2 years ago by Where there's smoke......

More evil, they are defending the Nazis! What a disgrace.


When the world marched lockstep to the Covid lie is it any surprise?


The West get their power(economy) by loting other countries resources, exactly like in the old times, nothing have changed. Everyone is on it, if not in on it their economy will be trash.

US is Europe¨s dog. When US loting other countries European countries also benefit. Many times European countries and companies(Yes even Europian companies have learned by US to loot other countries) also loting other countries. It is litle hiden like the Swedish company Lundin Oil / Lundin Petroleum leaded by Swedish foregin minister Carl Bildt. What they did was paying/hireing militia to take controll of oil rich land by killing/genocide people and looted the oil.


Truth is always important. Remember Gernika: when the fascists pretended for 40 years that it was devastation caused by “the red-separatists” but everybody knew that was fake. Remember Piltdown man, the legend of Creation and all those lies that have been debunked one after another. Truth does matter a lot, lies, as they say in Spain, “have short legs”. Goebbels was wrong and that’s a major reason why he lost and died.

stephan williams

With respect, you have misrepresented Goebbels’ beliefs. Goebbels stated repeatedly that the best propaganda was the TRUTH. He detested the (((British))) and (((American))) methods of propaganda where they lied about everything.

To learn who Goebbels really was you should read David Irving’s biography of him. Here’s a link to a free PDF version online:


Last edited 2 years ago by stephan williams

To be honest, I haven’t read Goebbels, nor I will; the simple idea of reading what those criminals thought (or pretended to think) makes me vomit. My family is from near Gernika, you know, that was the local capital of my ancestors and where my people celebrated our millenary democracy, only interrupted in full by 20th century fascists. But I know the nazis used lies all the time (Reichstag fire and border incindent for invasion of Poland are clear examples, and Goebbels was surely not absent in them) and I know that the notion of a lie repeated one thousand times becomes “truth” is attributed to Goebbels.

Just in case I’m wrong, because sometimes quotes are misatributed, I went on a quick Internet search and it pretty much confirms what I thought. The exact phrasing attributed to Goebbels (Wikipedia: “Big Label”):

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”.

It may be a lie or distorsion (the source is undocumented) but it’s clear that the Nazis lied, including in Gernika, which they razed (the only town in Biscay without an old quarter, as everything, absolutely everything had to be rebuilt anew, my own prole home of 95 years is older than anything built in Gernika proper) and then pretended it was destroyed by us, the Basque reds.


These proofs are made to be distributed to the world, for the people to see. For example, indians are split between west and east. These informations will give them a clear picture of who the real bastard in the world is. Russia has already lost hope in the western nations and the UN. But at the end of the day, the west and its minions amount to no more than 25% of the global population and a lot less of the global commodities and land. Russia has no problem living in a country split in two parts.

Where there's smoke......

Nobody in their right mind believes Western disinformation anymore. It’s been too obvious and too debunked for too many years.

Oleksiy Arestovych

I really wish I had not given interview in 2019. I have not been able to shit normally since February.


Problem is that nobody believes anything that comes out of Russia anymore. The Russians have lied so many times about the most important issues. Lying is their state policy. Disinformation only works if your opponent thinks you’re telling the truth. Once it is revealed that you’re a serial liar even against all evidence stacked against you, then you need some really gullible and loyal idiots to believe you. For most people it is enough to be lied once or a few times in order for trust and credibility to collapse. Clever people never trust by default, but give their trust as something to be earned. But the Russian populace have given their trust to putin for nothing in return. A nation of great naive idiots and sheep. Now they’re paying the price for that.

Last edited 2 years ago by BangderaSteponPutin
Bandera Took It In The Ass until 1953

I agree. This is why Putin’s approval ratings are below 40%. Oh wait…

SF = fake news

Just as credible as Assad or Saddam winning with 98%. If you go dictator, then go all the way like Kim with a approval of 100%


They have not been officially suspended as yet,even if it be the case,then there will be a new board of international collaboration,because without russia the world would get destroyed by fake news +co! Are these cia slimes worth it,fk no! the vast majority of the peoples didnt fall for the ukrappas lies, its only those sadistic sodomised owned midgets put in there by their establishment whom agreed, irrelevant lands mainly useless eu controlled states and of the commonwealths also useless woke n shit this too will be yet another proven concept of cias 911 excuses,now the worlds catching on much faster!

Last edited 2 years ago by ANTI LIBERAL BIO WEAPON LABS

Problem is that nobody believes anything that comes out of Ukraine anymore. The Ukrainians have lied so many times about the most important issues. Lying is their state policy.

stephan williams

“Lying is their state policy.”

It’s their TRIBAL policy.

Q: How can you tell when the juice are lying? A: Their lips are moving.


Damn right mah boy. Russia bad, CNN good. The ONLY reliable news source is the one that mah homies are financing. Say it with me, RUSSIA BAD CNN GOOD YEAAAH.

CIA if you’re reading this, I’ve been compliant the past couple of months haven’t I? I have noticed that my latest paycheck has not come in, are you angry with me for some reason? I-if it’s because of all the sloppy work we’ve been doing as of late, I am sorry, I will step it up… I’ve already instructed my paid trolls to do better work in the future… it will get better I promise.




Come on dude quit peeing straight into the fan your getting all wet.


Problem is that nobody believes anything that comes out of glorious Ukropisstan anymore. The Russians have lied so many times about the most important issues. Lying is their state policy. Disinformation only works if your opponent thinks you’re telling the truth. Once it is revealed that you’re a serial liar even against all evidence stacked against you, then you need some really gullible and loyal idiots to believe you. For most people it is enough to be lied once or a few times in order for trust and credibility to collapse. Clever people never trust by default, but give their trust as something to be earned. But the ukropbot populace have given their trust to putin for nothing in return. A nation of great naive idiots and sheep. Now they’re paying the price for that.


Very true, but people are to scared to hear it. I don’t believe much from what come from the western MSM medias either, often same manipulative crap and lies. But what come from the Russian is even worst, just stereotypes, like most of the comments on this site. It’s what happen when governments, agencies and economic interests decide to own the press and medias, the truth and freedom of thoughts are lost. Just stay, lies, manipulations and insults…

The world in full color stereovision.

Stereotypes? Like nazis? Shucks, I don’t need Russia to tell me Ukraine’s full of them.


you are nobody crack head—got it!


Actually… what we find, and is even making headers in the media is that people has stopped believing the NATO propaganda altogether. They may not have the full picture but they know they are being lied.

I just refused (for the nth time since the covid hysteria began) to answer an opinion poll. Previously I used to answer, I hoped that my opinion was at least minimally important, but now I just don’t answer to anything. I told the pollster: “I’m not replying to any poll until the NATO dictatorship is over”.


Believe or not believe are only for “believers”. It’s not a choicie between black or white wich only makes you the slave of someone else you decide to believe or not, and never by the search of truth, something you seems mentaly unable to do by your own, so why you are juste believing one narrative… And that’s the main reason for why you will never have a good job, friends or responsabilities, because in fact, you only love to be slave…

Last edited 2 years ago by TacoLoco

Yawn))) So do them other 99 nations whom rejected to approve the nwo/lgbtqs fake narrative! Russia will live,even trump rejected un wokey element of inhumane false flag,fake news approval board members!

Last edited 2 years ago by ANTI LIBERAL BIO WEAPON LABS

Armenian wokey suck suck in produce department of grocery lick balls with happy fuck fuck


The man “standing up” in the video is an optical illusion. It has been discused a number of times already.


No, he became a Zombie!

The world in full color stereovision.

Z’s banned, he became an Ombie. Or maybe a Bombee, as opposed to Bomber. Unless he’s bombing civilians and blaming it on orcs, then he becomes a living piece of shit.

The world in full color stereovision.

If anybody knows about optical illusions, it’s the ukrops. They built a nation around one.

Last edited 2 years ago by The world in full color stereovision.

You have to laugh at how incompetent the Ukrops are!


Incompetent? AFU have captured 100 T72br, T80u, T-90A, lots of pantsir tor and BUK biggest donor to Ukraine has been Russkies

Anus SS

Go back to your bunker and put a bullet in your head, no one cares.

The world in full color stereovision.

LOL. He should at least pass eva airhead around to his bunkermates, so they can all go out with a bang.

Last edited 2 years ago by The world in full color stereovision.

Yet you’re still losing ground and no one is coming to save you.

Jan Hölmö

Oh no, next troll to denazify


polo molo sodomized by Otis and leroy in arkansas prison for 10 years—diarreha from rectum and mouth

stephan williams

I figure that anyone posting here with the handle, Gruppenfluffer-SS, has to be a hasbarabot or some other slimy appendage of the TRIBE.

Another way of mocking/insulting Germans by the pissraeli brigade and their low IQ minions.


You’re such a little crack whore.


almost as incompetent as arkansas hillbillies humilited by taliban




Trained by Britain surely, they also botched several of their false flag fake attacks.

The world in full color stereovision.

Why do they call them Ukrops? Because wherever one bites the dust, a patch of dillweed grows.

Those dillweed fields will feed the normal Ukrainians, the few that Ukraine has anyway, for generations to come.

Last edited 2 years ago by The world in full color stereovision.
Cpt Pervis

off topic, but still regarding psyops: https://researchusukraine.wordpress.com/2022/03/04/maxim-yarosh-azov-battalion-linked-to-usa/



apparently Russkies have been the biggest donors of tanks and air defenses to Ukraine! HAHA

-AFU have captured 60 T72B3 obr 2012/2016, 30 T80U and 10 T90A (100 advanced tanks) -AFU have captured 4 Pantsir-S1, 3 Tor-M1, 5 Tor-M2KM, 4 BUK-M2 and 2 BUK-M1

HAHA. So anything AFU lost they replenished thanks to Russkies

Gruppenfluffer SS

Yawn…your still losing!

Burning Russian soldier

These guys would like a word with you: https://russoldat.info/category/poteri-rf/tela/


And the 30,000dead hohols with you…

The world in full color stereovision.

Zelensky says that was just a hohologram.


arkansas lgbt in trailer park will sell their sperm for2500 roubles

Gruppenfluffer - SS

Ukrainians have lost most of their tanks, you’re a fool and a liar.


This wannabe Hitler believes idiots propaganda.

The world in full color stereovision.

Where is Bandera’s grave? I’d like to take a piss on it.


Nato is biggest donor to DPR! HA HA HA !

DPR has shot down a number of Ucraps Helicopters, that were trying to rescue your Wannabe-Hitlers, some are now grilled Chicken-Hitlers! HA HA HA HA

Your Azov crap shitlers are becoming squatted now!


With stingers supplied by Nato to the Azov Shittlers

The world in full color stereovision.

All the NATO commanders left over from Vichy France are (were) gathered there.


Ukrainians have kind of the reverse Midas touch. They take a good tank and get it turned into scrap metal. I guess they’re contributing to the new green world, by recycling.

Jewish scrap merchant from Odessa

I got first dibs!


According to Disney news network


Ukraine lost 700 tanks sofar.

Jewish scrap merchant from Odessa

And another 1000 when our tank trap works was hit in Kharkiv.

I got first dibs on that too. Kolomoisky’s my backer. Don’t even think of messin’ with me.

Marc Rich LTD

Where you going to send all the scrap to though. All the Asian countries except Japan and maybe S. Korea won’t deal with you and their labor’s too expensive.

I’ll take it all off your hands at 2% of pig iron prices on the LME.


Leroy and Otis sodomize you in arkansas prison—need better lgbt drug dealer to address mental illness


I would never trust the side that tortures, executes, POWs, and civilians. Never.


The corrupt and immoral US and western vassal states does this. They have no shame or dignity left. Pretending to care about Ukrainian people while sending more weapons to a Nazi regime to fight for them in this proxy war, till the last Ukrainan.

A Nazi regime that doesn’t give a shit about its population. Taking their own citizens as human shields, excucate pows and torture civilians who criticize the the corrupt Ukraine government. Zelensky the acting puppet with his 1,5 billion in Cayman islands, suspended the opposition parties to shut down critics.

This world is truly fucked. The good guys are treated as bad and the bad ones as the good. WW3 is inevitable, whether now or later, because these US and it’s western fuckers don’t want give up on their hegemony. And many die-hard paid cia-trolls and brainwashed sheep’s 🐑 are only contributing to that. Let’s see if you are that cocky when the nukes flies and you get roasted while these western puppets politicians fuckers and the Elites take shelter in their underground bunkers and cities.

Last edited 2 years ago by DSB88
Ted Cruz

You’re not an American Patriot then.

Jan Hölmö

Oh Jens, where art thou?


Zelensky himself should go there and give them a couple of acting lessons.

Jan Hölmö

Having an actor as president, the rest of the actors are performing shockingly poor.

Muhammad your Prophet

My mother leaked it and said it was Vladimir Putin who orderered his cockroaches to murder as many civilians as they can.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet

Not surprised. We hoholtrash are compulsive liars. Myself included. And Im proud of it. Praise Adolf and Bandera. Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦


Russian fakes are always so lame. No-one believes a word.


“obama’s job is to lie to a nation of liars”. Kiese Laymon

Mike Pompeo

We lie, we cheat, we steal and we train all our allies to do the same. Anything worse than that’s strictly on the hush hush between friends.

The Ukrainians though are one in a million. They train us. We’re very thankful we’ve finally managed to link up.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mike Pompeo

I don’t know man I don’t give much credence to ‘intercepted recordings’ from both sides. It could just be me recording with someone else and post it online. The best proof is still video or pictures.

They had a drone photo of the corpses …. so you would think they would have a drone video of the moment Russians supposedly executed all the civilians, firing squad style?


This looks really staged. Not that the Soviet Union (Russia) hasn’t got a history of lying about massacres. But I think today’s Russia is different. This is quite obviously staged by the Ukrainian side. Aided, I think by the British. Why, they even chose the name of the place “Bucha” to sound like ‘butcher’ in English. Yes, that’s how it works. Psy-ops.


Interesting observation! Yes it does seem the Ukrops/NATO chose this town deliberately for that name. It seems fitting that the Ukrops couldn’t pull off a simple psyop hahaha!

History is very warped and your right, not everyone was a saint as we were told.


NO ****** Oscars for ****** Ukropper *****NAZI$

Ukroppers are the new Polak$ for **** sake.


All one group.

Edgar Zetar

Russia expelled from UN Human Rights because of ‘BUCHA’… few things about this new… 1. Will allow Westerners US UKI to commit any atrocities against Russians and dont get punished. 2. Expel Russia so he cannot complains about. 3. Gain some ground in UN against Russia and USA will pushing on this dimension to try to cut Russia little by little at UN. Russia should be aware of this and work to contain USA diplomacy agression. Work closer with partners and have daily communications about to improve international relations

Carl Johnson

if someone claims without evidence that the video was not fabricated in order to accuse the Russian forces, then the recording therefore already gives a reason that it was all conceived by the Ukrainian forces, you still need to understand that all the press that spread this fake, none of them paid attention to the sadistic tortures that are posted in open access where Russians are brutally killed. From this I conclude that the United States and NATO are interested in continuing this conflict as long as possible


NATO are looking for any opportunity to unleash the Orcs of the West. Short of writing it in the sky for the Western audience, Russia can only do so much diplomacy before it becomes pointless.

People of the West are the ones that need to wake up to the truth of their so-called ‘governments’ and the atrocities they either commit and loosely apologise for, or blame on others to cover up the real culprits. It’s either that, or they’ll line up on the border of some distant nation to get a bullet in their head.


As Focus states: This certainly suggests that the murder of civilians – AS IN PREVIOUS WARS – is part of the Russians’ war strategy. First they say that the executed people are actors, then they say they have footage of conversation of their killing. And they keep silenced about the hundreds other civil victims shot and exhumed today in Bucha. And they silent about the thousands in the other ones occupied villages who are found today. Mark my word the 64 , who was staged in Bucha will be sent to the center of the fight with Ukrain force in the hope that the murders die and those who witnessed also. Russia executes those who are not willing to kill civilists, and get rid of those who did follow the rules. So good to surrender like the Russian who fled to Ukraine with his KH-52 or something and now he gets his price 500.000$ and the possibility to become Ukraine.


submissive parrot earns 1 cracker from US nazi party


Hi, what about Odessa? I received a message yesterday evening stating that ukrop troops dressed as russian soldiers, with Z painted on their armored vehicles were amassing on the outskirts of Odessa. This morning I wake up and the news is that the russians have bombed the crap out of the outskirts of Odessa. Coincidence?

The message said that there are a lot of western mercs in the city too. Sadly it is not simple to take them out with missiles.


Ukrops killing their own civilians is no surprise. Allow history to look back on the West with astonishment and disgust.

hans raus

pathentic and cheap russian propaganda. Whole world know that russian are civilian killers and child rapists. Repressed memory will not change facts and things you have done. Russia will be issolated for nexxt 50 years.


in your nazi Oregon trailer park world know that sodomy produces new species—ukropi-chimp


The problem with your argument is, that it is not true! Nearly the whole Western world believes the Ukrainian narrative of Bucha. The rest of the world obviously not. And with good reasons.


“Whole world know that russian are civilian killers and child rapists.”

Realy? As Mme Albright (may she roast in hell) said when asked if 500000 children killed by the US were worth it: “They were worth it”.

Marcelo Rodriguez

Sabiendo de que Ucrania utilizará todos los medios de propaganda de desinformación para culpar a Rusia de las masacres que ellos mismos cometen contra su pueblo. Las fuerzas Rusas deben estar preparadas para este tipo de montajes, todas sus unidades de combate deberían tener camarógrafos o filmar todas sus operaciones en territorio Ucraniano, ya sea a la hora de entrar en los pueblos y ciudades o cuando se repliegan de alguna zona, todo debe quedar documentado y filmado para que no pueda existir ningún tipo de falsificacion o montaje por parte de las fuerzas Ucranianas. Para ello las fuerzas Rusas deberían tener camarógrafos de guerra en todas sus unidades de combate sean grandes o pequeñas, esto evitaría que se falsifiquen escenas y servirían de prueba a las tropas Rusas ante la comunidad internacional de su accionar en el campo de batalla.

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