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MARCH 2025

Lebanese Army, Intelligence Clash With Terrorist Cells Near Syria’s Border (Video)

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Fierce Clashes between Lebanese government forces and terrorist cells are taking place in Wadi Khalid right on the border with Syria.

The clashes broke out on September 26 afternoon when a force of the Information Division attempted to raid a hideout where terrorists from different cells were holding a meeting.

The terrorists resisted arrest, opening fire at the force. The Lebanese Armed Forces quickly dispatched reinforcements to the town of al-Farad, where the clashes are taking place.

According to the Lebanon 24 news outlet, three cells were meeting in the hideout to plan a series of terrorist attacks in Lebanon.

One of the three cells is said to be affiliated with Abu Suleiman al-Dandashi, a Jund al-Sham leader who was eliminated by the Syrian military in Homs in 2014. Another cell is reportedly linked to Khaled Al-Talawi. The infamous terrorist, who was eliminated two weeks ago by the Lebanese military, plotted the August 21 Kaftoun attack and was responsible for the killing of four soldiers in Tripoli on September 13.

Journalist Bassam Abou Zeid revealed that the cells’ members are Lebanese and Syrians. Some of them were killed or injured in the ongoing clashes.

The Information Division and the Lebanese Armed Forces are reportedly determined to neutralize the cells today. More information on the clashes will likely be shared tomorrow.


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The LAF and Hezbollah are the same, we won’t make any difference between them in the coming war like we did back in 2006. Claiming they are fighting terrorists is a joke, they are the terrorists themselves and we will punish them for it.

Smith Ricky

One thing is for sure though. Can’t mossad the Assad. ???


Assad sits on his throne because we allow him to sit there, for now. He is playing with fire allowing terroristic proxies use his land against us and once we decide enough is enough then no force can stop our operation (unless Russia sends their forces to fight our soldiers which will have a price).


STFU terrorist.


Are you mad? sit at your corner and shut the fuck up.

Free man

“Assad sits on his throne because we allow him to sit there” – Partly true. It is in Israel’s interest that Assad remains in power. “then no force can stop our operation” – Wrong. Israel won’t do anything without prior coordination with Russia. “Russia sends their forces to fight our soldiers” – It will never happen. Things are much more coordinated between Russia and Israel than you think.


I don’t trust Russia, and I would be a fool to think they are on our side Free Man. They only care for themselves and their own interests, Assad is one of them. They need to tell him to stop the SAA from helping Hezbollah and Iran, because we can do alot more than just airstrikes and all the players in the ME know it. The safety of our citizens and soldiers comes first, even at the cost of a bad relations with Russia.

Free man

“They only care for themselves and their own interests,” – of course. “They need to tell him to stop the SAA from helping Hezbollah and Iran,” – they can’t. You will soon need the Russians to bring about a ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hezbollah.


There won’t be a ceasefire my friend, the Lebanese still have time to remove Hezbollah from power before they make any move at our border as they promised. When they do execute their plan, then I’m sorry for the Lebanese because we are going to invade Lebanon with a massive force like they haven’t seen before.


WOOPS ! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8db85a35b65b6a611640b157ab4dfbe876387adbdcfa85fe67501f7220061855.jpg


That’s part of the war, now look at it from their POV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hx6T26VPqyk

Jim Allen

Yet Israel still lost. On national television, too.

Servet Köseoğlu

Jericho boy.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBC1Qob27sM

Антон С

Whether it so pathetic that need to be advertized in comics? Stop watching this crap for teenagers.

Servet Köseoğlu

okey next time ı will ask your permission..

Антон С

Would be good.)

Free man

I estimate that Hezbollah will respond. Then Israel will punish them in a way that will lead to several days of fighting.Then Russia will step in. Since only Russia can stabilize things in the region. Look how long the ceasefire in northern Syria lasts despite the estimates of Russian critics on SF.


Russia is an important player for all sides, but I don’t see how they can stop the war once it starts. If Hezbollah kills one (or more) IDF soldiers in a planned attack, then the Israeli public will demand revenge. For Bibi, it’s the best option to start a war and to bring a final blow on Hezbollah as it would make him very popular for the elections. If Bibi orders the use of every IDF asset against the state of Lebanon, then the war would be over faster than you think, sadly for them it means hundreds of thousands of dead. Is it worth it? their choice.

Free man

Maybe you are right. But always remember that Netanyahu will wage the war and Netanyahu is very cautious. You know how a war starts but you never know how it will end. So I think Netanyahu won’t risk his political / legal future.


I agree, he plays it safe against Hamas which is why I criticize him alot, but I can also understand he tries to avoid a huge death toll in Gaza. However in Lebanon we have no interests, and we are not responsible for the Lebanese population. That makes the choice to act against Hezbollah / Lebanon easier, when the time comes.

Free man

“in Lebanon we have no interests” – I don’t see it that way. They are your neighbors. I think Netanyahu won’t take the risk, unless Hezbollah’s response will leave him no choice.

Servet Köseoğlu

Bro,hezbollah returned to a middle-state-power in all around the world. Even insurance companies working with lebanon companies underlines that every passenger entering the Beirut Rafic Hariri International Airport is blacklisted by hezb. They are governing Lebanon,thousands of hezb. members crossing the border to Syria not even asking permission from Lebanon government.All pro israel-usa analysts now advising Netanyahu to compromise with Hamas and focus only to hezbullah.In 2006 israel managed to limit war in south of lebanon.But now Hezbollah can strike from east-west-south-north from the sea even from Beirut.Usa and israel miscalculated the syrian war..yes Syria lost his generations,army and none can re-build but hezbollah is stronger than ever like level-end boss at computer games.its far more effective and dangerous than Syria.They are making decisions with syria and İran.I hope both sides can find common language other wise it will be devastating.


We’ve killed one of their guys in Syria, after he was working with other Iranian militias to hurt us. Then Hezbollah claims they want to respond, I say if they want to do it then do it and don’t bark on the media for weeks. I prefer them to make the first move as they promised, the Israeli public will see the retaliation as self-defense with a huge support in the IDF. It doesn’t matter how strong they are Servet or how many rockets they have, it is always up to us how far we are willing to go in order to end the war quickly. The faster we decide to end it – the more Lebanese would die. It is their choice to remove Hezbollah from the government, or go down with them.

Servet Köseoğlu

Thats what ı am talking about Lebanese government and avarage lebanon people will suffer in all scenarios..This is what happens when a state is failed…anyway İdf will enter lebanon,no second thoughts..


True, but nothing will happen as long as Hezbollah doesn’t kill an Israeli, but I know they will. When it does happen, Lebanon will go 50 years backwards. As one Israeli general has said: If Israelis stay in shelters, then in Lebanon there won’t be anything left of their shelters.

Jim Allen

Nasrallah say, we will respond when it makes us feel good to do so. Given the popularity Hezbollah enjoys with the Lebanese people today, largely due to the militia whuppin’ your ass, Lebanese are probably going to vote in Hezbollah’s favor. All talk you are. I’d kinda’ like to see you pretenders take actual action, instead of braying about wars you haven’t fought, and are quite unlikely to fight, and will be defeated, again if you’re foolish enough to attack. Israel is not fighting Syria, your bully, and it’s pet enemies are. Israel makes silly little pinprick attacks on what it claims are Iranian targets. That Russia told Bibi to stop this silliness. Yet IAF persists. Israel is not prepared for war, US military is less prepared for war, and it’s NATO allies are not going to put much effort into backing US military up after the US “diplomacy” they’ve recieved recently. So, where does that leave Israel ? Facing the countries it’s spent decades teaching to hate Israel, that ARE prepared for war. That’s where.


As much as Popeye’s enemy is the swee pea so much Hezbollah is Israel’s enemy..


Servet Köseoğlu

Reality has exiled you. You are no longer bound by its laws.


ha ha ha Fortunately, the Western way of thinking was based on Greek … otherwise there would be no reality. Those who created ISIS, and the mujahideen and all the terrorist organizations … created and built both Hamas and Hezbollah. TOOLS in the hands of the few.

Servet Köseoğlu

dont tell this to İranians..


ha ha ha I do not care what the Iranians want to hear or not.

Servet Köseoğlu

they will apply Scaphism to you..lol.. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/65fbd365326f364de283d1339677232869bf1c341c64fb96dba14903bac9e9e4.jpg


xa xa xa it is known that the Battle of Salamis was the Prevention of the invasion of the barbaric Asians / Persians in Europe and that this is how the Greeks saved the World Civilization.

Servet Köseoğlu

until we arrived…


Get ready … I will come to the walls of Troy / Turkey … and I will kill your leader. And then I will drag him with my chariot


Servet Köseoğlu



… “The future is for the most part similar to what has happened”… Aristotle.


During the periodicity, repetition of our closed solar system, when the “crew of time” comes, of the mirror -… then archetypes are recalled due to entropy, in Space. This recall of the archetypes you pay with energy, this energy is the blood; I always incarnate at the end of the Cycle.

Jim Allen

Brilliant idea, then the fake State of Israel, will have nothing to defend itself with. Go with that.

Smith Ricky

Russia number #1

Free man

In the region.

Jim Allen

After several days of fighting Hezbollah, Israel won’t exist.

Smith Ricky

Please tell him to stop helping Hezbollahh ???

Jim Allen

But not nearly so cozy as you wish to believe. How cozy was it after IAF lied, breaking a deal Bibi had with Putin, and causing the loss of Russia’s surveillance aircraft, and crew as it landed at an airport IAF told Russia it was nowhere near at the time. That’s why the fake State of Israel, is staring at an S-300 with integration technology in Syria. Bibi is terrified of having S-300 missile defense system operated by Syrian air defense forces. With good reason. Besides one should never interrupt one’s opponent when they’re blundering. Russia does not want war, it’s position with Israel is the same as with the other belligerent’s provoking war. Why doesn’t the brave fake State of Israel, go ahead, and attack Iran as it incessantly threatens to, and you two pitiful trolls start braying at high volume each time the threat is repeated ? You keep bragging how you’re gonna’…. yet you haven’t. Talk is cheap.

Jim Allen

President Assad leads his country because you pretend Jews are not up to the fight in Syria. You’re dependent on the US military to fight your wars, and protect the regional terrorist organization, and supporter of terrorism in the Middle East. You arrogant lunatic burnouts couldn’t beat a Lebanese militia, even using nuclear weapons in 2006. Your fake State of Israel, just blundered a nuclear false flag attack on Lebanon in a futile attempt to project blame for your terrorist crime against humanity onto Hezbollah. The militia is twice the size it was in 2006 has branched into Lebanese politics, holding 12 seats in the Government that just saw it’s Western puppets resign over your foolishness. In all probability Hezbollah will win even more seats than it was expected to before the ill advised attack on civilian infrastructure. A terrorist attack by definition. Clown.


So that’s why Israeli weapons were found in ISIS, HTS hideouts, yes indeed! I bet Israël also support those terrorists in Lebanon so to hinder Hezbollah. These guys are your friends, you dumb! Be nice with them as you guys have been receiving HTS/ISIS wounded terrorists in your hospitals… So pathetic desperate Israël?


We should ally with the Sunnis and the Christians and help them clean Lebanon from your terrorists. Don’t worry, we will meet when Nastallah makes his move, you wanted me right? you will feel me good.

John Wallace

What a fukin joke. Spoken like a twelve year old that has been watching too many rambo movies playing with his nerf gun. ‘You will feel me good ” WTF ? Making gay movies or what.

Jens Holm

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngf1KF2_kPI from lebanon

John Wallace

Thanks Jens , so kind of you. I actually missed this concert when it happened. You wouldn’t believe me if I told you what I was doing so I will let your imagination run wild. Making gay movies and a gay making brilliant music are poles apart. Talking about poles apart I refer you too your comment the other day ” There was no America-Filipino war. ” The war that never happened that also killed a MINIMUM 200,000 civilians and up to possibly 1 MILLION Filipinos that fought against American colonisation. Oh dear Jens another comment of ignorance. How about sticking too putting great music videos and leave the comments to everyone else.

Potato Man

“You will feel me good”, he is not gay if is transgender :) It’s that time of the month for him. ohhh sorry, her*

Some years later if Zion still in Palestine, their flag would change to LGBT. BTW now you know why ISIS, Daesh and Al-Qaeda LOVE ZION. LMFAO

John Wallace

What ever it is it is a queer cunnt so every day is that time of the month with its naive bleeding bullshit .


“and we will punish them for it.” Like in the Port of Beirut explosion. ;(


It wasn’t us, when it will be us then the world will know it.


Mossad does not advertise their operations. What a surprise. :/

John Wallace

The Lillehammer affair r, Norwegian: was the killing by Mossad agents of Ahmed Bouchikhi,[1] a Moroccan waiter and brother of the renowned musician Chico Bouchikhi,[2] in Lillehammer, Norway, on 21 July 1973. The Israeli agents had mistaken their target for Ali Hassan Salameh, the chief of operations for Black September. Six of the Mossad team of fifteen were captured and convicted of complicity in the killing by the Norwegian justice system, in a major blow to the intelligence agency’s reputation.

The Objective

That’ll be pure evil of Israelis. Hezbollah is beyond the Lebanese government to control. What do you expect the LAF to do? Fight Hezbollah and start a civil war in Lebanon. The Lebanese army are just doing their job. They have been infiltrated by the Shiite militia. Lebanon is not the only country facing this problem. Iran’s army of Shiite militias extend beyond the middle east.

Iran has already set a time bomb for the Middle East. Unfortunately, this time bomb will eventually explode. But Iran should blame itself if its people are massacred in a genocide by the U.S and its allies. The middle east will only get worse from this point on. There is no undoing the damage cos its too entrenched. So Israel too is in big trouble. Israel is facing a real existential threat just like Iran. While Iran does not have nearly as many nukes as Israel, I belief they have a few. Even without nukes, they can still destroy the Israeli infrastructure, and cause mass death. So it’s not as if Israel is completely immune from the dangers of this looming war.

My only blame on the Lebanese government is that they haven’t done much effort to disband Hezbollah. They could at least try. If Hezbollah refused, the government could threaten to seek international help. I’m sure many countries will be willing to deploy their military if the Lebanese government requested such help.


I agree with you Objective, but the fact is Hezbollah decides about the PM and the rest of the ministers, nothing can be done without their approval. So why should Israel doesn’t point a finger to the Lebanese government and its armed forces? they are working closely with Hezbollah in SL.

The Objective

Well, did you know that Shiites make only 30% of the Lebanese population? How can 30% be allowed to hold the other 70% at gun point. Why didn’t offer Lebanon a peace treaty if Lebanon were to disband Hezbollah? Surely the remaining 30% can do it. If Hezbollah refuse, then the other groups (Christians and Sunnis) should be allowed to have their own separate militias. Will Hezbollah like that? Not at all.

So whatever happens, I think all of Lebanon, Israel, Iran, Saudi Arabia, U.S.E., and Iraq will suffer massive deaths and destruction. I hope the leaders of these countries, especially Iran, will realize early enough that the present situation in the Middle east cannot be sustained much longer from now. They either disband these militias or risk a region-wide war that is HIGHLY LIKELY to lead to nuclear strikes on Iran.

Iran doesn’t want war, yet it wouldn’t give up these militias which other countries feel very threatened by. That’s what’ll likely cause this war.

I feel very sorry for the Lebanese.


Well said, Israel would rather avoid war because we have other domestic problems to deal with right now. The Hezbollah terrorist was killed in Syria, it has nothing to do with Lebanon or Lebanese. If they want to respond from a Lebanese soil and risk their own population then nothing I can do to stop it, but me and tens of thousands of IDF troops are ready for a retaliation which would destroy Lebanon. We will be hit too during the war – it is very likely that thousands of Israelis would die too, but in the end it will be alot worse for them and everyone knows it even Nasrallah. Also Iran is provoking a regional war with their proxies and their nuclear program and for us it’s a redline we won’t let them cross, whatever the cost may be we can not allow a fanatic regime to have nukes so they can give them to Hezbollah or other militias whenever they want, so I expect something big in the coming 6 months.

Toni Liu

Try that again it will be last of your fake country, your fake army are so scared that they need to deploy decoy along the border rather than kick hizbollah ass, what a shame fake choosen army shit you are


Don’t miscalculate between the political decisions and the military ones, we are very much ready for them when given an order as you might get to see. Also don’t tell others what they need to do, unless you’re a Lebanese. If not – then shut the fuck up.

Jens Holm

Hard times to be Aoun. Lebanon are divided in sects.

cechas vodobenikov

not homogenized like colonized Danes w no individuality

Jens Holm

Its probatly easier to be more homogene. By that and consensus Our Goverment is doing very wel having only 25% of the votes.

But there are other things. A main one is trust and enough control by tax, police court and laws fpr it. By that we are number one in low corruption. We do have corruption. We just fight it better then most.

If people cant even agree in an extra powerplant for electricity in stead of private owned dieselgenerators its not about being homogene. Just as for Iraq, Syria. Iraq and Iran its the wrong people, they put in power.

Its as Our politicians listen more and talk a litlle less and by that do more things better.

Potato Man

LMFAO, Lebanon have Shia-Sunni-Christian and some Zion. I can see them being divided, but I can also see that in US.

cechas vodobenikov

amerika Israel only can murder civilians–2006 was a humiliation for Israel. If they challenge Hisbollah haifa, Tel Aviv will be targeted by Hizbollah…now in possession of more advanced missiles


Hostilities break out between Armenia & Azerbaijan over disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region, both countries say


Hijau Dan Hemat

Terrorist must be eliminated from Lebanon

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