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Lebanese Army Receives More Infantry Fighting Vehicles From United States (Photos)

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Lebanese Army Receives More Infantry Fighting Vehicles From United States (Photos)

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On February 3, the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) announced in an official statement that its armored forces had received eight M2A2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) from the US, as a part of the US military aid program to Lebanon. The LAF received the first patch of M2A2 Bradley IFVs, which also consisted of eight vehicles, on August 14, 2017.

The M2A2 Bradley IFV is armed with a 25 mm M242 Chain Gun, a 7.62 mm coaxial M240C machine gun and a dual TOW anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) launcher. All the weapons are controlled via a day\night computerized targeting system. The IFV is powered by a 600 horsepower (447 kW) engine.

The standard US Army version of the M2A2 Bradley IFV is protected by an improved passive armor with the ability to mount an explosive reactive armor (ERA) on it. However, the ERA boxes were removed from the IFVs that had been supplied to the LAF.

The US claims that its military aid for the LAF is aimed at securing Lebanon from terrorist threats in the region. However, many Lebanese experts believe that the US is trying to challenge the legitimacy of Hezbollah inside Lebanon with this move.

These experts believe that this US policy failed as the LAF and Hezbollah are currently coordinating their anti-terrorism efforts. A clear example of this successful cooperation was the joint offensive against ISIS in the western Qalamun region launched on July 21, 2017.

Photos of the M2A2 Bradley IFVs delivery:

Lebanese Army Receives More Infantry Fighting Vehicles From United States (Photos)

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Lebanese Army Receives More Infantry Fighting Vehicles From United States (Photos)

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Lebanese Army Receives More Infantry Fighting Vehicles From United States (Photos)

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Lebanese Army Receives More Infantry Fighting Vehicles From United States (Photos)

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Lebanese Army Receives More Infantry Fighting Vehicles From United States (Photos)

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Please watch the “Pentagon wars”! You’ll laugh ur ass at these vehicles!

Didier Favre

Therefore it’s a PR operation. Nothing else.

Didier Favre

Groups in Lebanon shout loudly they want to get rid of Hezbollah. The LAF has to be much stronger to do that. US do not want a strong LAF since it could annoy IDF. So, they don’t know what to do. So would I in their pants.


For Israel Hezbollah is more annoying than LAF, a lot more LAF doesn’t have aggressive intentions against Israelis as Hezbollah does. C’est un fait!!

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Most aggressive one in the Mid East has been the Foreign illegals that arrived from Europe with their brand of terrorism. Seems you are being selective and afraid as usual you Hasbara troll as Israeli Defense Organization of Terrorist Zionists have always desired all of the region, seems they are the ones that can’t live in peace.

You can call me Al

But the thing is, the people don’t want to get rid of Hezbollah, well a large percentage of the people don’t. It is deeply divided society and those divides and tensions are fuelled and even created by outside interests.


Actually the Lebanese are quite happy that Hezbollah drove the Israeli’s out in the last invasion , Hezbollah is now considdered a part of the Lebanese Army . Lebanese Christians can see clearly how the US supported “moderate rebels” , Al Qaeda treat Syrian Christians . They don’t want to be the next “meal” .


“To get rid of Hezbollah” you’re joking or something? Hezbollah is the main defensive force in Lebanon, thanks to it ISIS could not manage to get there. Moreover Hezbollah acquired new anti aircraft missiles and anti ship defense systems, able to protect Lebanon in next conflict with Israel concerning petroleum/gas drilling off the Lebanese waters…

Didier Favre

There are groups in Lebanon who hates the Hezbollah. I suspect those people work for Saudi and Israel because they were Saudi and Israeli hopes that they erupt into violence and restart the civil war. It would have opened a new front in the Syrian war. Lebanese, besides some groups are not interested in dying again for Syria. I said some wishes to get rid of the Hezb. I did not write that I wish it.


Have a glance at the Yinon Plan. With or without Hezbollah, Israël wants to annex Lebanon in long term. Hezbollah is the main defense response to any threat from Israël. http://themillenniumreport.com/2015/12/greater-israel-the-zionist-plan-for-the-middle-east/


The tracks on these Bradley’s are rusted out… they’re just America’s garbage that they’re throwing away, they’re not even well maintained. Who knows what else it’s missing… is it missing the electronic components too ? So it’s an empty rust bucket ? What good are they then ? Maybe Hezbollah can help the Lebanese army fix them up with engineers and technicians from iran?

John Whitehot

“The tracks on these Bradley’s are rusted out”

that doesn’t mean much else than they have been used

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

US is trying to get rid of these and switch them out for the vehicles used by other NATO countries which seem more effective than US sourced only equipment.


One thing these armours can do and that is spy on Labenes land. In these vehicles satellite trackers have been fit by which Israeli terrorists can easily locate and target these vehicles from Palestinian soil. The Russian, Turkey, Iran, Pakistani does not do these dirty things in their vehicles. These states does not know that Zionist terrorists technology helps only the Zionist terror network headquarter Israel. God give them wise.

al quaida

So somehow, you know that these armours are fitted with satellite trackers, but the Lebanese Armed Forces do not. Yeah right.


They want Lebanese to get HEZBOLLAH in the vehicles and easily blasted to bits. Look those Houthis, they burnt the captured vehicles


You are absolutely right.


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They did the same with humvees and saxsons lol. http://defence-blog.com/army/ukraine-volunteer-forces-could-purchase-decommissioned-british-armoured-vehicles-at105-saxon.html

You can call me Al

Yeah, they are rubbish – some old used-out crap that has been badly pained over in the cheapest shop paint.

I have a bad feeling about this, I reckon it is some sort of double cross / set-up.

“Hezbollah gets hold of recently shipped Bradley infantry fighting vehicle, poses a direct threat to Israeli civilians, therefore the IDF have a right to invade” ……some crap like that.


Really what a bad paint job , must have been the cheapest paint shop . Good enough to run by remote in front of a tank column to trigger any IUD’s .

Gary Sellars

Once the Lebanese army relegates them to the junk pile, they should donate them to Hezbollah for target practice.

That would be very fitting symbology for the way the whole US strategy ME is heading!

jim crowland

Hopefully Lebanon one day will be free of Hezbollah and Syrian terrorists. Thank you USA!!

Samuel Boas

Are you joking or something? Go troll somewhere else.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Just a troll using a racist username.


Might be of use against Israel ,, but eight , only eight , why did they bother .

Cheryl Brandon

1960’s “Even though Israhell already enjoys a clear military superiority over it’s Arab neigbhours, singly or combined, acquisition of a Nuclear capability would greatly enhance Israhell’s “SECURITY”….. Israhell’s policy toward it’s neighbours would become more rather than l;ess tough. Israhell would seek to exploit the psychological advantages of it’s nuclear capability to INTIMIDATE the Arabs and to prvent them from making “trouble on their their borders>”. In spite of this assessment by the USA, they were still giving them more HAWKs antiaircraft missiles, which was advanced at the time,.USA still continues to over weaponise this very tiny strip of land agaibst the less armed ARABS? CIA Sherman Kent’s report.


The transponders in the machines will broadcast their location to the those peace loving Americans and the Zionist every seconds of the day. Would you buy a used fighting vehicle from these warmongers? Worse, beware of warmongers bearing free gifts!


wonder about why idiots are buying or accepting donations all these junk from Mafia/Terrorists country..? No wonder they’re bound to it..!


First of all I would like to specify I appreciate American people. But what I think about the US as Goverment is that they are both bitch and rapist, they make it on both side. They also often combine it with bestialism.

Hide Behind

Delivery of rebuilt US made armor, is one he’ll of a lot better than none at all. In US one can see 1 and 2 mile long trains hauling them into storage or some port of exit. Not just 1 train but hundreds of examples in last few years. Even on new tracks they are bare steel months old before installation. Yes you operate any Puter hardware on any Russia China Nato, Braxillian and German Austrian and satellites got your location, have abolity to disrupt operation of vehicle, stop in tracks. Ex: Go way back to first US/NATO air war on Iraq. ARMCHAIR pundits called Iraq pilots cowards for flying all its planes to Iran, SYRIA WAS HAPPILY JOINING US SLAUGHTER,. Reason for Iraq.fleeing, every one of their foreign built aircraft had its instrumentatio, navigation and weapons control systems shut down. Those Iraq pilots were flying line of sight unable to fight back, mostly at night, NOT COWARDS BUT LOTS OF GUTS. FRANCE, ISRAEL, RUSSIA, GERMANY, GAVE US CODES, FOR THEIR PC BACKDOORS. All flipped the switch for US. Israel replaces all US and foreign computer equipment and install own programming. Israel codes tightly held, and no back doors. This bodes bad for HEZ, very bad.

Ricky Miller

I doubt the Lebanese Army ever makes a move on Hezbollah. That might tear the bandage off the deep wounds of the civil war. And vehicles like these are of limited value. If the United States really wanted to weaken Hezbollah, especially the group’s military wing, than Washington would pressure Israel to respect Lebanon’s border and negotiate in good faith on the major outstanding territorial arguments. If Israel ceases to be a threat to Lebanon than Hezbollah has less reason to be an effective militia and much more incentive to continue as a social movement. But Washington has a serious deficit of both wisdom and morality so count on Hezbollah to remain an armed resistance force for a long time to come.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They will remain a a militia as this is the norm in the Mid East for political parties to have a militia wing in today’s modern world there.


Anyone who’s ever seen a video of Ansarullah against the Saudis will know that Bradley IFVs are crap, even WITH ERA. Without ERA they’re a death-trap. Should stick to M113s or BMPs which are at least good value for money

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