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MARCH 2025

Lebanon’s President Says The Country Is Prepared To Defend Itself Against Israeli Attacks

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Lebanon’s President Says The Country Is Prepared To Defend Itself Against Israeli Attacks

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Lebanon is prepared to defend itself against Israel’s attacks, which are in violation of the 2006 UN Security Council (UNSC) resolution, Lebanese President Michel Aoun said on Saturday.

In a televised address, the president said Israel’s attacks in southern Lebanon had once again flouted UNSC Resolution 1701, which calls for full cessation of hostilities and Israel’s withdrawal from southern Lebanon.

Aoun declared that Lebanon remains willing to abide by the resolution and to resolve all disputes under UN supervision.

“We are committed to defend ourselves, our land, our water, and our authority. We will not compromise on this matter,” he said.

The president’s comments come after Israeli forces bombed the border town of Kafr Shuba on July 27 alleging a “security incident.”

On the same day, Lebanon said it would lodge an official complaint with the UNSC.

The Israeli military claimed it had “thwarted an infiltration attempt by Hezbollah” in the Jabal Ros area.

Hezbollah, however, denied the claim, saying: “There was no clash or shooting on our part in the events that took place today on the southern border in Lebanon, but rather it was only one party which was the fearful, anxious, and tense enemy.”

Hezbollah has vowed to retaliate for the killing of one of its members by an Israeli airstrike in Syria’s capital Damascus last week.

Israel has substantially increased the number of troops along its northern borders in anticipation of retaliatory attacks by Hezbollah. LINK

Meanwhile, on Friday the US House of Representatives passed an aid package to Israel valued at $500 million designated primarily for assistance to Israel in missile defence.

The financial aid will mostly go towards the Iron Dome, David’s Sling and Arrow missile defence systems.

“$500,000,000 shall be for the Israeli Cooperative Programs…for the procurement of the Iron Dome defense system to counter short-range rocket threats…for the Short Range Ballistic Missile Defense (SRBMD) program… for co-production activities of Arrow 3 Upper Tier systems in the United States and in Israel,” the bill proclaimed.

The funds allocated are part of the 2016 MOU between the countries, worth $38 billion over a decade.

Out of the total budget, $47.5 million will be allocated towards anti-tunnel technology cooperation, $4 million for new US-Israel collaboration on coronavirus research and $6 million for joint US-Israel cooperative programs in energy and water.

The bill has not yet been considered by the Senate. LINK


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Zionism = EVIL

Zionist cowardly cunts have been exposed as weak as piss by Hezbollah and now there open season on their bluff that has been called.


You have up-voted 100% pro-Israel comment (together with Jew Iron-ZION) yesterday made by Lone(Jew)Ranger. I just wanted to inform you that he has DELETED many of his comments including that one. So pleas do continue your usual would be “fight” against “Zionsts”

Peter Jennings

So the USadmin is to give the apartheid isreali regime half a billion dollars so that the regime can procure weapons from themselves. Let’s hope that US citizens don’t mind too much. It’s not as though america is short of dollars after hyperinflating their currency.

johnny rotten

The old colonialism has never left, it has only pretended to do so by changing its name, but the disasters it has produced will have very long-term consequences, the struggle of peoples for emancipation must continue every day because the nefarious presence of the ex colonial powers continues to do damage even under trace, this does not concern only the MO but wherever the former colonial powers have planted their poisonous claws, and israhell remains the most harmful colonial experiment ever even if it is perhaps the most recent and hopefully it will be also the last.

Free man

The Lebanese president’s reaction is equally sad and ridiculous. I remember an interview in 2006 with a Lebanese guy who mourned his uncle who was killed by the Israelis. The uncle was a Lebanese soldier who fired an anti-aircraft gun on an Israeli plane. The nephew said in an interview – what damage an old anti-aircraft gun can do to an Israeli plane ? Why did they have to bomb him in response ?


Let them Free Man, you can not change it. The IDF is also prepared to deal with the Lebanese army at the same time. If destructon is what they want, then destruction is what they shall have.

Free man

The response of the Lebanese president is a tragic expression of the situation in which failed countries such as Syria and Lebanon are in when facing an advanced country such as Israel. Tragic because neither Lebanon nor Syria has an interest in fighting Israel or vice versa. The mullahs regime is pushing Lebanon and Syria to confront Israel. And ordinary citizens in these countries pay the price.


I know, but maybe they need a reminder what a war against Israel means. I’d rather them not to do it, we are only after Hezbollah. But if they want to assist them, then nothing we can do about it. The intl community won’t be on their side if their army fights us, which for Israel is a good thing. Lebanon has been a failed state for a very long time, they are a pure mullah puppet.

Free man

He is just pretending that Lebanon can fight Israel. Because his Arab pride doesn’t allow him to do something else. Lebanon, like Syria and Israel, does not need another war at the moment.


DEATH to ISRAHELL and DEATH to ALL JEWISH PIGS including Lone-Jew-Ranger!


Israel is dying a natural death and is a global joke now.


Joke for whom? Israeli relevance was built upon US influence and their threatening shadow only. Locally they are very bad “joke” for everybody, a nuisance.

I don’t see Palestinians laughing either.


Don’t bark motherfucker, I already invited you to face us, piece of shit coward.


You think Iran is danger, you haven’t seen real danger yet. Israel is country without future. Only idiots have children in such country. Run away fulls while you still can !


I’m not running from anything, I never do. I win or I die, and that means me and my unit.


Israel is a fake entity and a very scared one at that. It is on borrowed time on the stolen land of Palestine.


Lone (Jew) Ranger talking to his Zionist friend Iron-Zion

Lone Ranger <<Iron_Zion>> • It will be a better world dont worry. Aside from that… Who said Im an American. Im not. Im Hungarian. Im also part jewish.


So what if he’s Jewish? he is not your problem. I am your problem motherfucker, I will put an end to your sorry ass life. Now go to Lebanon so we can meet.


Fuck off JEW PIG ! (and I was very polite)


Why should I fuck off? you are my target. You think this is Europe here? we know how to deal with scumbags like you.


Ha ha ha! We have kicked FILTH LIKE YOU OUT OF Eastern Europe long time ago and don’t you ever come back ! Moon is the place where you pigs should go and take Lone Jew Ranger with you!! And now I’ll block you pig.


So block me, the times you’ve killed Jews when you wanted is over. Piece of shit.


It is an interesting comment. I take it as they are going to support whatever Hez does.


Exactly John, they are the same for us. I think it’s a good thing, in my own way.

Traiano Welcome

Kind of like Women, children and old people are the same as enemy combatants for ‘you’. Fools who cannot distinguish fighters from civilians are doomed to defeat.


It’s not about that Triano, here’s my explanation: When they shoot rockets on Israel, they aim to kill Israeli civilians. Each time they succeed, another Israeli family lies in ruins because they lost their loved ones. I want them to feel the same, I want them to lose their family members too, their children, their wives, their grandparents, everyone. I want them to suffer as much as Israelis do when they lose the ones they love, and make no mistakes – Hezbollah fighters WILL lose their family members in SL as a retaliation. After the war if they stay alive, they would have nothing to live for.

Traiano Welcome

“Hezbollah fighters WILL lose their family members in SL as a retaliation”

Aside from you proposing war crimes, remember that this sword swings both ways.

Beware of legitimising retaliation against civilians, it leads to Holocausts …

Free man

“I take it as they are going to support whatever Hez does.” – Do they have a choice?

Jim Allen

I don’t know about “whatever Hezbollah does,” but currently the Lebanese military is working with Hezbollah,, however grudgingly that may be. Hezbollah is gaining political influence in Lebanese Government, as well as being on the right side of the issues. Lebanon’s Government’s probably tired of US Government destabilization, and the pretenders plinking at SL, intruding on it’s airspace to attack Syria using Lebanese civilians as shields. IAF knows very well SADF will not engage it’s aircraft in Lebanese airspace. IAF launches it’s missiles above the villages along the Lebanese/Syrian border. Shooting down an IAF aircraft will bring wreckage crashing into the villages. SADF hesitates not in engaging IAF aircraft found in Syrian airspace, or has a clear shot at. This left an IAF pilot scrambling for cover one night, demonstrating great cowardice in choosing to hide inside the radar signature of a larger aircraft. Taking advantage of the incoming S-200 launched missiles programming to switch to the bigger radar signature automatically. The plane was by chance a Russian surveillance aircraft that was landing at the airport that IAF had advised it’s fighters were at a different location, minutes before it’s attack. There were civilian aircraft taking off, landing, and waiting to land. The IAF pilot would’ve chosen any of these planes to hide inside their radar signature to get the locked on missile off his ass. Unfortunate choice of plane to save his ass with. Not only breaking an agreement between Bibi and Putin that delayed delivery of it’s S-300 to Syria in 2013 in exchange for timely notification of IAF attacks on Syria. (Syria didn’t need S-300 for it’s defense, and was more than holding it’s own with existing air defense, so not so big a deal to shut BiBi’s incessant sniveling about S-300 delivery. Bibi was clearly terrified of Syria having this system deployed. The threat of the system being deployed remained, in the mean time Russia had S-300, and S-400 systems operating in Syria, these are integrated with all “S” air defense systems. S-100, and up. Older systems of course are upgraded to today’s standards. I’m sure Assad was aware, and approved. Russian allies all wisely deferred to Russia’s command, capabilities, strategies, to better assist the alliance. Practical, reasonable, and logical, decisions. Given Russia has the best intelligence services in the world currently, and as a world power that outguns the Western powers. Not an opponent the West is going to attack despite its lunatic behavior) The loss of the Il surveillance aircraft, and crew, really pissed off Russia’s MoD Shoigu. He had the latest version of S-300 loading on Il-76 IL military cargo aircraft, when he called the press conference to express his displeasure with Israel’s stupidity, and his Commanding Officer’s handling of the event to this point. Very eloquently, the showed a detailed animation of the sequence of events leading to the loss of his plane, and crew. Showing Israel responsible for the loss. Then explained Russia’s response, including the gift of a piece of technology only available to Russian forces. Marked “Not For Export” as Putin watched from the side. I watched the entire press conference, including Putin observing, and small interaction from his office. Impressive. This would not happen in US military interactions with it’s Commander. To do this is to end one’s career instantly, possibly resulting in being sent to Siberia. That’s how US Government leads. The video is worth watching, BiBi’s response predictable.

Traiano Welcome

Great post. I disagree that the the Lebanese army is assisting Hezbollah in any meaningful way though.

Jim Allen

Disagree is fine, it doesn’t change facts. I was surprised when I learned this, but it’s the best option for Lebanon, if it wants to be free of Western entanglements. Hezbollah is a proven force, the militia handed Israel it’s first defeat protecting Lebanon. Lebanese military did nothing. Israel wants Lebanon Syria, too.


Hello Jim. I know about what you have set out. I watched it happen piece by piece. What Hez can do is anything it wants. It probably can do enough damge by itself, to bring the Israeli econmy and much of it´s military to shambles. They have a huge missile stockçile and they know what to do. The question for them is, what works the best. It´s their call as to what happens to Israel, not the other way aorund as publically thought. My take.


Its about time,as i remember in 2006 it was Hezbollah who confronted the Zionist thugs while the Lebanese army were drinking beer in Beirut,at least Aoun who is Christian supports Hezbollah in their resistance,times change.


The Lebanese army and Hezbollah are the same at the moment, so they are about 100K troops. We still outnumber them and have better weapons, one Israeli rocket can wipe out a shia village with everyone in it. We will make good use of it.


I notice you didn’t say you could wipe out a Hezbollah battalion,your default position is to kill civilians by wiping out a village.


I thought it was obvious? we will wipe out the Hezbollah bastards and their family members so they won’t reproduce anymore in SL. Problem fixed.

Traiano Welcome

IDF SOP is to shoot random civilians because they can’t target Hezbollah.

Traiano Welcome

Sorry, “Shoot” implies get within firung range of Lebanese civilians. “Bomb comfortably from a distance” is a better word.

Traiano Welcome

“The Lebanese army and Hezbollah are the same at the moment,”

WTF? Are you on crack?


Am I? they’re the ones wanna help Hezbollah.

Traiano Welcome

They’ve never helped Hezbollah. They don’t “wanna” help Hezbollah. They CANNOT help Hezbollah because it means they’ll have to face the US, EU and IDF directly as a unified political force rather than an unhappy mix of Maronite, Christian, Sunni and Druze.

Not going to happen this Century.


Sure, sure..you’ll defend it with Hezbollah so we can knock down both the Lebanese army and the shia puppet militia. Also, I don’t get why so many articles about this issue. Hezbollah promised to retaliate, and still no response. When the war starts, I don’t want to hear a peep from the world about our actions in SL. Let us solve the Hezbollah problem our way, for good.

Traiano Welcome

Why should Hezbollah retaliate now? They’re still enjoying watching you shoot at shadows.

Jim Allen

Give Hezbollah your location. They seem to have misplaced that information, and stubbornly refuse to to respond without it. You weren’t spawned until after 2006, were you ? Or, were you a test tube baby ? Your fearless leaders just announced the fake State of Israel would not attack Hezbollah anymore, and is sorry it killed one of it’s fighters in Syria. Further, that the fake State of Israel wishes a peaceful solution to the conflict in SL. (presumably this means IDF will stop shooting up it’s own forces, then attempting to project blame on to Hezbollah) It appears you didn’t get the memo, as we find you here incessantly braying (the voice of an ass) all the mean stuff you pretenders have claimed they’re going to do for the last 30+, or so years. In contrast Hezbollah has kicked your pretender ass resoundingly, and responds to every act of stupidity made against it. No one is concerned that Hezbollah will not respond to this stupidity, history shows it will. I think everyone is waiting for you to show us all the mean stuff you can do. Apologize to your grandmother for putting her at risk of losing her home, for her kindness in allowing you to live in her basement. (she doesn’t know about your armchair Generals commission in IDF, does she ?)


Becareful when you talk to me like that you roach, I have little patience for assholes like you. My response will come at the battlefield, you’re just another annoying voice for me.

Jim Allen

Oh, …. I must be terrified ? How dare me test your patience, and provoke such a dangerous threat from a great pretender warrior like yourself ? What was I thinking ? The audacity to annoy the most highly decorated Armchair General in history. I’m sure I’m suitably skeered from you, now. Absurd little sub-adult wannabe troll. You’re pitiful.


Great, then don’t talk to me or waste my time. I have other trolls I need to deal with, I don’t need fuckers like you aswell.

Jim Allen

Oh, shut the fuck up stupid. You don’t get to tell me what to do, and you are the troll. Talking so much bullshit. None of which you can back up from your grandmother’s basement. Or, any other location in the world. Well dumbass you’re embarrassing yourself in a public forum, begging for comment overstating the obvious. It’s not as if you’re busy, or socially successful. maybe you go to the dentist have your braces adjusted, now, and then. Take the short bus to school, unless you must be home schooled to protect the public from you.


Another SF idiot talking like you know me, join the list.


If Lebanon didn’t compromise on their sovereignty then what are the israelis doing in Southern Lebanon? Start finding a way of shooting down those israeli jets that violate Lebanese airspace.

Peter Moy

Actions speak louder than words Mr. Aoun. Start shooting down those bastards! Your country is played for a bunch of sniveling, spineless, weak little worms! Genug ist genug!

King Cliff

about time the Christian and the Muslim stand together in Lebanon to fight the curse zionist jews…


Go back to Africa you ape.

Traiano Welcome

“Jew” is not a race. Neither is Christian or Muslim, you illiterate fool.


Well you do live in the most racist fake state on the planet.


Lebanon could not defend against a fireworks rocket from a 10 year old. Actually, that applies to all the loser Arab counties.

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