0 $
2,500 $
5,000 $
1,200 $

Less Than Half Month Left To Secure SouthFront In October

Support SouthFront

UPDATE  [21.09.2017]: Since September 1, the project has collected 2297 USD. This is about 45.9% of the minimal budget [5,000 USD] needed to continue the project.

Less Than Half Month Left To Secure SouthFront In October

UPDATE  [20.09.2017]: Since September 1, the project has collected 2155 USD. This is about 43% of the minimal budget [5,000 USD] needed to continue the project.

Less Than Half Month Left To Secure SouthFront In October

Less Than Half Month Left To Secure SouthFront In October

Dear friends,

SouthFront is a public analytical umbrella project that operates only on your donations.

Since September 1, the project has collected 1896 USD. This is about 37,9% of the minimal budget [5,000 USD] needed to continue the project.

Less Than Half Month Left To Secure SouthFront In October

The project does not receive any funding from corporations or governments.

SouthFront faces systematic ‘false flagging’ on YouTube from people that seek to oppress the freedom of speech on the platform and to damage SouthFront’s capabilities to provide an independent look at the geo-political and military issues of our time (MORE HERE)

In late August, SouthFront released a 23-minutes long documentary “Popular Mobilization Units: Military Capabilities, Their Role In Iraq and Middle East“.

In September, SouthFront released a 11-minutes long analysis “China’s Maritime Strategic Realignment“.

Now, the team is working on a long documentary about Hezbollah, its structure, military capabilities and role in the region.

The number of content, which the project is able to produce, depends on your donations.



Account: southfront@list.ru

Less Than Half Month Left To Secure SouthFront In October

Less Than Half Month Left To Secure SouthFront In October

Tinypass (Piano)

This systems accepts all types of cards, PayPal, Amazon Payments, bitcoin (FAQ is under the main text, in P.S.)

You can subscribe for a monthly donation of $15 (or any another amount) OR make one time donation by clicking buttons below

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Less Than Half Month Left To Secure SouthFront In October Less Than Half Month Left To Secure SouthFront In October Less Than Half Month Left To Secure SouthFront In October Less Than Half Month Left To Secure SouthFront In October Less Than Half Month Left To Secure SouthFront In October


Donate via SouthFront’s Patreon account (click here)



Sincerely yours,

SouthFront: Analysis & Intelligence Team

If you have technical problems with making donation, please, write to info@southfront.org to get detailed help.

P.S. How to donate via Tinypass (Piano):

1) One time donation

Less Than Half Month Left To Secure SouthFront In October Less Than Half Month Left To Secure SouthFront In OctoberLess Than Half Month Left To Secure SouthFront In October Less Than Half Month Left To Secure SouthFront In October

2) Monthly subscription

Less Than Half Month Left To Secure SouthFront In October Less Than Half Month Left To Secure SouthFront In October

Less Than Half Month Left To Secure SouthFront In October

Less Than Half Month Left To Secure SouthFront In October

Less Than Half Month Left To Secure SouthFront In October

Less Than Half Month Left To Secure SouthFront In October

Less Than Half Month Left To Secure SouthFront In October

Support SouthFront


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Why does the budget has to be $5000, what happens if it’s 2000 or 3000. You will stop post stuff, or you are just 3-4 or 5 people in that room, that you need for your monthly paycheck. You are good in all this but sometimes you remind me as US government that ask their taxpayers to pay certain amount of time and they are just living from that amount, same here you are living from our donations. But no offense I will stop to fund you guys, because all this can be achieved without money or some small amount of it, but you are making monthly payments(paychecks) for yourselfs.There are tons of websites and youtube channels that gives the same Intelligence as you are some even 300% better from you, and they never asked for $1, so can you explain what you are achieving with $5k, monthly me as your taxpayer I want to know what you do with 5000 $ in a month.Please just give me an answer ?!

Moussa Saab

SF, please explain to this guy that $5,000 is not much provided all the info you release.


Dear friend, 1) First of all, you receive content for free. SouthFront relies on the audience’s support in its work. Everybody is free to decide to donate or not to donate. 2) There is a clear relation between the number of produced videos/graphics and the amount of donations. No donations = no videos. 3) SouthFront is not a “website” or a “YouTube” channel. SouthFront is a public analytical project uniting experts and volunteers from many countries (the US, the UK, Russia, Germany, Austria, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Syria, Egypt, Iran etc). 4) The project budget is just a joke in comparison to content which SouthFront provides on a constant basis. The only reason why the project is able to survive is lots of a volunteer work made by various people from around the world. 5) SouthFront produces over 900 content pieces per month, including videos, graphics, maps, texts etc. All these are available at the project’s Youtube and website southfront.org. 6) Feel free to provide links to “tons of websites and youtube channels that gives the same Intelligence as you are some even 300% better from you”. It will be nice to see your examples of projects that make at least comparable military and geopolitical analysis on a constant basis (don’t forget about almost daily video production) with SouthFront’s budget or less. Sincerely yours, SouthFront Team

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