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Less Violence And More Changes While U.S. Protests Continue

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Less Violence And More Changes While U.S. Protests Continue

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On June 9th, protesters in Seattle took over City Hall and demanded the resignation of Mayor Jenny Durkan.

Protesters had City Hall under their control for about an hour. The protesters were led by City Council member Kshama Sawant, who had keys to the building.


“If Mayor Durkan refuses to step aside, it will be the responsibility of the City Council to remove her, by introducing articles of impeachment,” Sawant added last week.

“The police have inflicted tear gas, mace, rubber bullets, flash-bang grenades, curfews, arrests and other repressive tactics on Seattle activists and residents—including children—in an attempt to bully and silence the protest movement,” she said.

After facing backlash, Durkan and Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best tweaked crowd-control tactics, including ordering officers to display badge numbers and banning the use of tear gas for at least 30 days.

After occupying City Hall for about an hour, the protesters retreated to the self-declared “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone”—an area outside the police department’s East Precinct where demonstrators have established a quasi-camp by night, arrayed with memorials for George Floyd, before mostly dispersing.

Earlier in the day, a Black Lives Matter group sued the Seattle Police Department, alleging that the city has violated the constitutional rights of demonstrators by using harsh crowd control tactics.

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti said the United States past few days have been “traumatic” while addressing the demonstrations in the city over George Floyd’s death.

“Powerful, peaceful, passionate protest is who we are as Americans,” Garcetti said. “No change has ever come to this country without the power of that protest, without our collective voices saying, this is our nation, we belong here, this is a part of it and we demand that this nation treat us all equally for the justice that we deserve.’”

Garcetti previously announced that Los Angeles will invest $250 million in communities of color. He added that $150 million in cuts from the Los Angeles Police Department’s budget “is not enough,” as he addressed the need for advancing police reform.

The Boston Red Sox apologize to star baseballer Torii Hunter had been called racial slurs, he was joined by Adam Jones.

The baseball issued a statement apologizing for the past experience.

The A&E television network is stopping production of “Live PD,” a show that follows police officers around the nation, amid the ongoing protests, the network said in a statement.

“This is a critical time in our nation’s history and we have made the decision to cease production on Live PD. Going forward, we will determine if there is a clear pathway to tell the stories of both the community and the police officers whose role it is to serve them. And with that, we will be meeting with community and civil rights leaders as well as police departments.”

A&E’s decision comes shortly after “Cops” was canceled after a 30 year-run. A spokesperson for Paramount Network said that it has no “current or future plans for it to return.”


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stolen land burning.

Lazy Gamer

Every land is stolen if we go back in time far enough. Do we use an arbitrary time point or do we forget everything in the distant past?


Land can’t be stolen, it’s conquered, the nomads don’t own land anyway. Those crying ‘stollen land’ just want free stuff.

Harry Smith

Oh! Never thought you recognize the Crimea reunion with Russia.


I never used the word ‘stolen’ refering to Crimea. Also America was not reunified with Europe.


Rioters burn down cities, kill people and then bitch about being ‘oppressed’ by the cops. Some people today really do have zero ability for introspection.

Porc Halal

What is going on right now in US is exactly the same think happened in Russia during the bolshevik rev…


The difference was that bolseviks were able to get shit done.

Porc Halal

for everyone sake i hope they will be less successful this time..


People with guns always prevail over people with stones and arrows

Harry Smith

Bolsheviks used civil war for that.


They used guns unlike these cunts that piss their pants when they heard of ‘assault weapon’

Harry Smith

Well, they already use it in Seattle.


I don’t think so, by the casualities

Harry Smith

Meantime, Hendrickson voiced concerns over public safety. “We’re not real easy with the autonomous zone. My understanding is they’re patrolling and protecting, but they’re just random guys and they have a gun,” Hendrickson said, referring to reports of armed people on the Hill. https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/welcome-to-the-capitol-hill-autonomous-zone-where-seattle-protesters-gather-without-police/

Harry Smith

Not quite. USA now is more like Ukraine not Russian Empire. They even use same technologies: people mass jumping, statues destruction even piano playing! It’s just amazing how similar the algorithm is. The only thing which hold USA from fall down like Ukraine are the 2nd amendment and self defense legislation, at my point of view.

cechas vodobenikov

just like amerikans erase their history by removing their statues, so do Ukrainians—having removed the statue of Stalin in Kiev—even the Georgians retain statues of Stalin—their most notable political figure

chris chuba

CNN John Harwood said that Trump is repeating a Kremlin misinformation conspiracy theory, that the 75yr old geezer that cracked his head after being pushed by a Cop was some sort of activist. The Kemspiracy, is that it was a setup. 1. John, his arrogentness, said this with full authority as if it was a fact, no disclaimers regarding the source. 2. Does anyone even know the source of this latest lie, pinning this on Russia? I have heard this theory but I have only read this on the FOX and like minded websites. I have not heard it on the good Russian connected websites :-)

Pave Way IV

The Autonomous Republic of CHAZ (Capital Hill Autonomous Zone) lives another day. His excellency, rapper and Air BnB tycoon Raz Simone (pictured below) , runs the breakaway republic. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss… https://twitter.com/Piglet_scooter/status/1271087370381688833

Pave Way IV

Looks like “The Warlord” hype was just MSM bullshit. This guy is there and was running his mouth off, but the protesters are mostly just ignoring him. He isn’t leading anyone, and neither is anyone else. No checkpoints or anything like that. It’s more like a bunch of modern-day Seattle hippies just hanging out in the park. Businesses were open all day with people are coming and going. Plenty of places to eat or buy food, even though they’re asking for donations. If nothing else, people can just go home to get something to eat and come back.

I kind of wonder if the cops didn’t abandon the station just like in Minneapolis hoping people would begin looting and starting fires. Excuse for the cops to go in with force for a riot baton beat-down. Not happening in Seattle. The protesters/occupiers are sitting around watching an outdoor movie and some guy is playing his flute in the park. Other people are cleaning up.


The incompetent and malevolent county prosecutor attacking the US Constitution Second Amendment hasn’t charged a single rioter who attacked the security guard on Capitol Hill in Seattle on his way to work that led to one rioter being shot in self defense. Who was grabbing the guard’s steering wheel and punching the guard in the face. Putting pedestrians in obvious danger. And is instead charging the security guard with felony assault in an obvious miscarriage of justice. When it was clear that the guard was in imminent danger of injury or death at the hands of craze rioters.


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/54a5eaf8d02e8b91ca2bc3207dd29316c218c2323d948091761b16364a4579a9.png https://twitter.com/KCProsecutor?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor


There is no evidence in the police report or prosecutor’s charging document that the security guard provoked the attack. To the contrary the evidence indicates that the guard was in imminent danger of injury or death and rationally acted in self defense.

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3e95df87c86e85b36cd114f1ec7198f2edce3f576ea9100e64f25916c33123b1.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1e964cf76cd5df414699c289c78232d3c54af5d83b102179e9534acaa3a4af37.png https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mZDMj0TeN92Ez7Cb9gxp7Y7fvPZv67Al/view


The security guard’s car had already been damaged by the rioters when he turned the corner. He was clearly trying to extract himself from the situation while avoiding hitting pedestrians in the process. His car was being swarmed swarmed by crazed rioters attacking it.

Soon after turning the corner the rioter who ended up getting shot jumped on the car and tried to enter and take control of it and the driver. The assailant then gets dragged down the street as the driver accelerates slightly and the assailant drops off the car and runs after it, catches up with it, and enters the vehicle through the driver’s side window grabbing the steering wheel and punching the driver in the face when the driver in obvious self defense shoots the rioter.




This incompetent prosecutor couldn’t find a single rioter to charge in this melee. This person is incompetent and fueling the instability by letting the rioters impeding traffic and attacking a motorist go uncharged. And blames the victim for the crime that he was being subjected to. Does she also charge rape victims for provoking the attack and let the rapists walk free? What exactly does this moron think was going to happen to the driver that was being assaulted in the driver’s seat once the rioters got him out of the car?

The actions of the crowd were crimes, blocking traffic, throwing objects at a vehicle, hammering it with instruments, placing a barricade in front of it, assaulting the driver driving at half the speed limit who didn’t hit anyone, etc.. The conditions were that the driver was caught in the middle of multiple crimes committed by protesters.

These weren’t tourists at the local open air market. These were violent protesters and rioters with a long history of looting, violence, arson and other crimes. The streets are full of riot police and National Guard trying to maintain order and protect the public. And not a single rioter was charged in this melee. It’s an abdication of responsibility on the part of the authorities.

“Senior Deputy Prosecutor Karissa Taylor wrote in charging documents. “It is apparent from the reaction of the crowd that the defendant was driving at an excessive speed given the crowd and conditions. As protesters yelled at him to stop, and even put a metal barrier in his path, he continued to drive forward.””

– Prosecutors say man who shot protester on Capitol Hill likely provoked the incident –



“Gregory described the driving as “insane” and yelled at the driver to stop. … Gregory held onto the steering wheel but let go and punched the driver in the face, then the vehicle came to a stop, the statement said.”

– Felony assault charge for Seattle man accused of shooting protester after driving into crowd –



The City of Seattle and County are conspiring with the rioters to expand the insurrection and are a threat to US national security.


I took these today at and in the blocked off protest area. It doesn’t look like the protesters have gotten inside the police station yet.

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1140dfc9930a3b9dd42e6b9950adecb3ef0bd52b8786896493af88e92f488a88.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5ce60f5cb0258e519532a75296583f48ba5a4e9a294bf5a2dcf079157d8cf738.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7a33e7e171f69df5e360f31cf03f55e0d594eb0c7f941a65c55a11e9caf87cab.jpg


There are thousands of people inside the blocked off protest area. There are still police inside the boarded up police station. Which is probably why the protesters haven’t gotten inside of it yet. Though they do have it surrounded. There was a confrontation after I took these pictures between the police still at the station and protesters that resulted in protesters being pepper sprayed.


This is a picture of the incendiarys being used Sunday night two blocks from the police station. After the security guard on his way to work in his car was attacked by a group of rioters and had to shoot one of them to avoid being dragged out of his car and getting the sh– kicked out of him by the rioters.


cechas vodobenikov

the people get the govt they deserve J de maistre the amerikans will burn down their empire

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