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MARCH 2025

Lessons From Rhodesia: Self Defense Tools For Your Property

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Translated from VVSM blog

If you want something done, you’ve got to do it yourself. When Rhodesia (now known as Zimbabwe) was engulfed in a war for independence, civilians had to invent self defense tools to protect their cars and homes. The more dire the reason, the more ingenious the solutions.

It all started with a Rhodesian named Ken Goosen building a DIY four-barrel single use shotgun to defend his homestead in Claremont (near Bulawayo). It was named Kill Quick.

Lessons From Rhodesia: Self Defense Tools For Your Property

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The device had four short 12 bore shotgun barrels lined up as a fan. While unarmed they were in a vertical position, and did not pose a threat to people farming. If unwanted intruders entered the premises, the owner would pull a rope connecting the device to somewhere inside the house, pulling out the safety pin. The Kill Quick would move to a horizontal position, striking a fixed anvil in the process, and firing out of all four barrels at the same time. While it fired at the bushes, the defenders had some time to hide, run away or call for reinforcements.

Soon enough this device with various modifications (using an actuator for striking the anvil, bumping up the number of barrels up to five and more, using longer and wider barrels and so on) was used at every remote homestead across Rhodesia

Farmers even equipped their cars with this “fan of barrels”. This did not help much with the mines, but it sure did surprise some road ambushers. Mounted on the front — and later on the sides — Kill Quick allowed the driver to clear out the nearby bushes in order to make a quick getaway. A device called Spider was on a whole new level — it fired simultaneously out of 24-36 barrels, covering the space around the car from 270 to 360 degrees. And you thought spiders in Australia were scary.

Lessons From Rhodesia: Self Defense Tools For Your Property

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One would think the military wouldn’t require such DIY solutions, as they were already armed to the teeth. That was not the case. Getting into firing position with a Fn-FAL took time. Quickly responding to an ambush with it was out of the question. In the end military engineers started mounting “sawed-off” assault rifles and machine guns on special turrets, installed in the driver’s door.

Lessons From Rhodesia: Self Defense Tools For Your Property

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Besides that, two Kalashnikov assault rifles were often installed in pickups behind the driver seat’s, firmly fixed in the body of the car. In case of ambush, the driver would speed up and trigger the guns using an actuator by pressing a button on the deck. Yes, it was single-use, but having 30 shots fire and clearing 150 ft of road was quite sufficient. Rhodesian special forces, the Selous Scouts, even used two RPD machine guns with 90 bullet snail drums instead of AKs.

Lessons From Rhodesia: Self Defense Tools For Your Property

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The civil war in Rhodesia was raging for 15 years without stop. These and other DIY weapons were sometimes the only chance to make it through and survive. Well, until the next ambush at least.

Lessons From Rhodesia: Self Defense Tools For Your Property

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Thta’s exactly what Syrians must have done way before instead of spending their time drinking some coffee and playing dominos at coffeshop. You can do if you want but if you think that other people will not go after you, you are free to think so but must face the consequences.

USA always wanted to invade Syria. Syrians must have build big weapons to prevent this to happen.

Never trust people.


do you have your pants already wet?


Who cares abput what a stupid person say ???


USA does not give a fuck about some shithole Syria. The more trouble there is going on, the more weapons USA sell to Sauds. USA is no longer so heavy reliant on Saudi oil so now the whole region os just a trouble maker but so much the point of interest for USA. So dont wet your pants. Rather be worry what Teheran and Moscow plans.


The US may not be so dependent on the Saudi oil for it’s consumption but it’s still heavily dependent on Saudi, Kuwaiti and Emirati oil sails in US$. In case more countries stop trading oil in dollars, the Americans may be in dire need of such innovations against eachother. Until then, good luck on arrogantly making fun of the countries your precious US of A destroys.

Solomon Krupacek



I rather believe the USA was dragged in this conflict by SA and Israel. USA is vulnerable and the whole thing is/was not in its interests. Hence my irony. I dont believe in russkij mir in Syria as Russia is not acting solely. Iran wants to grow its influence and this means the next war is programmed in. So what Putin needs to do is to act as a judge between Teheran and Israel. If he succeeds he will win more credit in international affairs. Just i dont believe in it. That is why one should not worry about USA now. Dont let propaganda wash your brains.


I agree with you on USA involvement because of SA/Israel. That’s the main concern, as long as these people dictate US foreign policy, nobody is safe from the US in this region. What these countries really should do is to compromise. Iran want s to increase it’s influence, it’s Iran’s right as it’s every country’s right as long as they don’t do it by destroying the countries they want to influence. So far Russia managed to have good relations with almost all parties involved, how they can do it but the US can’t? Why war and threat of destruction are the main tools in the American diplomats’ arsenal? The answer may be in it’s structure of power and the fact that more than half of it’s representatives and almost all of it’s senators and administration secretaries care for what Israel wants more than they care for the American interests. In fact as long as American leaders put Israel ahead of America we should be all worried and for good reasons.


You generally seem to think the same way as I but then some propaganda does not let you write the truth. The truth is USA fights efficiently with ISIS. The second truth is Iran does not accept Israel as a state. Iran rejects to accept that Holokaust ever happened. Iran’s main policy is to annihilate Israel. Now Iran will have troops stationed on the Israeli border. That means the main danger factor for the souverenity of Syria is… yes it is Iran. In first comment I mocked the guy Realist because he wrote that USA ALWAYS wanted to attack Syria. I really advise you to inform yourself what the main threat for Syria is at the moment… yes it is Iran. Russia might be to weak to avoid the outburst of violence if Iran plays cocky here.




Yes the US of Arrogance is fighting WITH ISIS, I agree. As far as this BS about the apartheid racist state and the hollow cast of people spreading more BS about the so-called holocaust, they deserve what they are going to get. Iran is a huge stabilizer in that region. Without them, and Russia, the Oded Yinon Plan would already be in place. Fuck zionism.


Perhaps you are the one under propaganda influence? Does USA fight ISIS at all, let alone “efficiently”? If that was true, ISIS was finished before it’s inception. Sorry, not gonna buy it. Did Holocaust really happen? What Iran says is we need to research. Why not? Iran’s main policy is not Israel’s annihilation. Iran’s main policy is to hold Iran. Regarding Israel, it’s stance is that Israel stops occupation and Palestinians have a country of their own, by “dissolution” of Israel and creation of a country by the vote of all it’s inhabitants. Even if we accept that Iran’s only goal and aim in the world is “annihilation” of Israel (which is not), what does it have to do with the US?


Do you see, @Realist ?

Your friends dont give fuck about Syria. They are there in their own interests. In my opinion, the best way to minimize risk of the next conflict, is to force Iran to withdraw its foces. Not let them stay in Syria. Alawites should work closely with Russia on appeasement with Israel. Not Iran, but Russia is the only country inerested in maintaining peace in the region. Alawites should stay clear of Iranians, because Alewites have too many enemies around and it is not good idea to make ppl around you hating you.


Sure, why not? Instead of telling the aggressor to sit down, let’s tell Iranians who helped destroying terrorists to go back so Israel has peace of mind to whenever attack Lebanon or Syria it feels like it. Ever crossed your mind that countries are free to have relations with whoever they want, inside their own territories?


Iran treats Syria only as a sphere of influence. Israel can not allow Iran so close of its borders. What should Syrians do, if they want peace and not war in Iran’s interest (not their own)? they should appease with Israel, and sned Iranians home. In the same time give Iranians contracts, some trasport infrastructure. But no Iranian boots on the ground! This is graet role for Putin.To coin a deal.


No, you probably don’t know much about Iran and Syria relations. Syria was the only Arab country who stood by Iran during 1980-88 war, Iran is returning the favour. Even if you totally ignore the alliance of Iran-Syria, Iran and Russia have to stop the war in Syria, or the next one will be on their own territory.

Israel does NOT have a right to dictate other countries what to do. How is it alright for Israel to have bases in the Republic of Azerbaijan but Iran can’t be in Syria? The same goes for the US and it’s bases all over Iran and Russia borders. You want to appease to Israel? Fine by me but don’t expect others to do the same. Now you’re just projecting the US-Israeli relations into Syria-Iran. It’s the US who goes to war because of Israel’s interests, not Syria on behalf of Iran’s. Syrians are free to decide if they want Iranian bases on their soils. Israel doesn’t like, too bad. They’re going to start a war because of that? Too bad. If they attack Syria on the flimsy excuse of Iranian “boots” on Syria, they better be prepared to meet the consequences. Luckily for them, they US soldiers to die for them.


OK I am ignorant about relations Syria-Iran. But still, without showing respect to Israel and trying to appease it, it will only be worse with Iran on board. So in best interest of Syria and its people is to talk to Israel and recognize their rights. They are supported by the USA and many other countries and there is no way you can do harm to Israel. The more pressure Israels neighbors will put on it, the more troubles Isreal will do in response. It is typicall circle of violence. Accepting that Israel is there to stay is the only way to go.


Our talk wasn’t about Israel but now that you insist on it, so there: Nobody is threatening Israel. Israel’s actions are it’s worst enemy. Nobody is harming Israel but it’s actions. If Israel didn’t occupy other countries, the problem would be solved decades ago. Respect is mutual, you respect someone which is worthy of it. When you do not recognize other people’s rights, some may do the same to you.

What kind pressure do Israel’s neighboures put on it? Do they raid it? Do they enter Israel’s airspace illegally? Do they bomb Israel’s installations? Do they attack it whenever they feel like it? Do they bomb or threatening to bomb Israel’s nuclear sites? Do they assassinate Israel’s scientists? Do they unleash computer viruses and worms on Israel’s networks?

The most disturbing part in your comment is that you imply Israel has some kind of special right and privilege which others must recognize and appease to Israel for whatever they want to do inside their borders or else.

Many countries have problem with Israel’s occupation. That’s why BDS started and will gain more popularity because now countries like US try to outlaw it instead of solving the problem which created BDS in the first place.

I’m sure Syrians are aware of what’s best for their country’s interests, more than you and I do. Remember Lebanon, if it wasn’t for Hezbollah and Iran’s helps we probably couldn’t see a country named Lebanon on today maps.

Iran’s presence in Syria is not Israel’s or anybody else’s business but Syria and Iran and that’s a backfire Israel receives because of it’s policies and decisions to help terrorists. If terror groups didn’t attack Syria, there was no need for Iran’s help. There are very little countries who value other countries’ interests more than their own, like the US which puts Israels wants above it’s own needs. Syria is not one of them.

Israel should accept other countries have certain rights based on international laws and agreements within and without their borders, if it expects to be recognized by all.

Wow! What a lengthy comment it became. Sorry about that.


The main threat to Israel right now , is Israel . Regardless of whether the holocaust happened or not , any people , who really were oppressed , would be careful not to oppress other people . The Israeli treatment of Palestinians is not acceptable to anyone who is even half civilized . There is an old saying “what comes around , goes around ” or “as you give so shall ye receive “. The Law of Karma Trying to keep the Syrian Golan Heights has turned all of Israel’s neighbors against them , not only Iran . Israels respect of borders , and its neighbors , or lack of it , will determine its survival .

Panthera Pardus

We could use some of these ideas in the western Europe of… say 40 years from now.

You can call me Al

Say today.


Always be prepare for the worst.

Bush War Kid

I was born during the Bush War so I love articles like these showing how ingenious my people were especially given global sanctions meant we could buy very little and had to be creatively resourceful. A couple of great reads include: A Handful of Hard Men by Hannes Wessels and Rhodesia’s Death, Europes Funeral by Mike Walsh: https://europeansworldwide.wordpress.com/2017/10/17/the-great-betrayal/


It’s better to be creative in peace time to be ready when some warmongers try to go after you.


Yes, and THAT is why all ethnic-European nations have enforced gun-control – to prevent them defending themselves against a bolshevik revolution style future government! Our governments have been ‘captured’ by the international Zionist financiers. Disarm us first, then its open season on all those resisting the New world Order in a One World Government.


In the end you got kicked out! Stinking white fuckers!

Bush War Kid

More than 70% of our Police and Army were black Africans… our fight was against communism and hell. This website seems to endorse the suffering that followed. Anyone who celebrates Mugabe is questionable and has limited knowledge of tribal and communism issues of the day. As whites leave, the nation falls apart for all. Cui bono? Consider the jewish masters of communism… not white just white washed for who’s benefit? Don’t forget who took over England in the 17th century and then the BofE. Easy to white wash history. Easy to ignore our fleeing and suffering. http://sunray22b.net/jews_in_south_africa.htm


I’m from SA. If I’d known then what I know now, I would have fought to the death against the communists. Nelson Mandela isn’t the good guy everyone thought, and the marxist / jewish proxies continue to commit atrocities to this day. We gave up too easily.

You can call me Al

Absolutely agree about Mandela.

Necklace killings, decapitation etc. etc. !!

That skank of a wife of his was even worse.


Now I know what you are! A fucking boer


Ha says the stinking jew https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e509414528d6f9438af4b33383981fda8f81fb24b78c705f25580eebcd607a3d.jpg


Go F*ck yourself, Russian troll


You smell just like the pigs you eat


Pork chops, delicious! Bacon and egg, even better!


And PROUD to be one. Rather a nation builder than a blood sucking parasite.


Proud to be a failed white oiece of trash criminal that could only “build” something on stolen land?!? Whahahaaaa, you are soooo UNTERMENSCH


Nothing worse than a Hasbara troll


no. He is a Russian troll pretending to be a Nazi


Read “The Myth of German Villainy” by US retd Navy Pilot BENTON BRADBERRY. Also “The Six Million: Fact or fiction?” by Peter Winter. Nothing is as the Zionist controlled fakestream media portrays it.


‘stolen land?” You must be talking about Isra-hell stealing Palestinians’ land. Palestinians have been there for 7,000 years.


Well over 4000 Boer farmer family members have been brutally tortured then murdered and at present this has been escalating. It is a political assault not crime driven and genocide is the purpose as well as collapsing the food supply. This is being censored by the South African government who themselves are encouraging the killing of Whites. NOTHING in the international Jewish controlled mainstream fake media. They focus only on sewing hatred against ethnic-Europeans and plan our genocide by flooding every ethnic-European nation with non-Whites to breed us out. They will FAIL. https://europeansworldwide.wordpress.com/2017/10/30/an-african-reflects-on-a-lost-paradise/


You are absolutely right. It is a genocide. And white south africans have been schooled to accept it because of apartheid. Apartheid is SA’s “shoah” i.e. the reason for every bloody thing, literally. Same as happened in Kenya and Rhodesia and anywhere else where europeans dared to assert themselves. Same is happening in the USA, where antifa is the means. The only europeans who are allowed to assert themselves – and who aren’t subject to mass invasion – are the Khazarian mafia in Israel


kalergi plan eh. Should see how that’s going down with the Hungarians. Closed their borders, and suddenly everything is easier. Not everyone in Europe is going to play dead. The scandinavians are still asleep, but some are starting to wake up (about the same time that Norway / Sweden become shariah states).


Nelson was the good guy, but mayebe he should have killed all the boers, some low life white trash less on this planet is always nice!!


Ok matt – you are an israeli troll and I’m blocking your arse. If you want to see white supremacy, need go no further than israel where they resort to forced depo-provera injections to keep the black jews under control


You are an idiot. I am from Europe!


Perhaps a hasbara troll from Europe, or at best a sayan


Since we’re into ad hominem attacks


You Khazarian converts are EVERYWHERE!


Atheist! Religions are for dummys


Is that a fact?? If you can confirm there doing that to Black Jews I will share that info as its very significant and devious. We need to let that info go viral to stop that so that the Black Jews can breed up and take over Israel through ‘democracy’.


Too easy. You’ll note this is from The Independent. Maybe YOUR sources are the corrupt ones. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/israel-gave-birth-control-to-ethiopian-jews-without-their-consent-8468800.html


Your deluted view on history is PATHETIC


Then the Jews created the Reserve Bank in the US, owned by private international Jewish bankers. He who controls the money supply…….these Zionists captured the US government starting with Woodrow Wilson, their puppet. Kennedy did not obey so was removed and done brutally in public to ‘set an example to others’…….like Zimbabwe, the US is a one party State run by Government Sachs.


Star of David avatar, before you get all holier than thou, with your anti-white colonialism narrative, suggest taking good look at who really controlled the hard economic power of colonial mining in South Africa and beyond during the twentieth to twenty first centuries. That would be the De Beers diamond mining conglomerate – that still operates across numerous African states – a company owned and chaired for over eighty years by the staggeringly wealthy, and ethnically Jewish, Oppenheimer family concern in South Africa. Your anti-white colonial narrative is rather selective – skipping over the more inconvenient historical facts.


The flag has two stars, look more carefully before you draw conclusions!!


Only Jews show the star of david. The bolshevik revolution was a Jewish revolution – created, led and funded by Jews – against Christian Russia. Sixty-six million starved and murdered. Since Jews own over 90% of the media they censor this fact. Almost ALL the Commissars were Jews and the death gulags were – surprise, surprise – controlled by Jews. The Holohoax is used to prevent criticism and to parasite the German and American working people. Nuremberg was a farcical kangaroo court ignoring evidence and accepting fake witnesses, since disproved. Six million lies.


ySure, and the Protocols are really true. Like most of this publication, you are obviously a Russian troll.


Hasbara trolls roumeli and matt.

Bush War Kid

The World Conquerors – The Real War Criminals (1958) by Marschalko, Louis (Lajos); translated from Hungarian by A. Suranyi.


page 39:

“On June 26th, 1933, the Federation of Jewish Communities of Switzerland and the Berne Jewish Community brought an action against five members of the Swiss National Front, seeking a judgement that the Protocols were a forgery and a prohibition of their publication. The procedure of the Court was astounding, the provisions of the Swiss Civil Code being deliberately set aside. Sixteen witnesses called by the plaintiffs were heard, but only one of the forty witnesses called by the defendants was allowed a hearing. The judge allowed the plaintiffs to appoint two private stenographers to keep the register of proceedings during the hearing of their witnesses, instead of entrusting the task to a Court official.”

A lot of effort went into criminalizing a ‘fake’ document….


The Swiss example does not mean much to me, and this anti Jewish stuff is absurd. I must say that everything I have read about Rhodesian SAS operations is fascinating. This article reminds me that I owe it to myself to read some of the books mentioned above


I guess you don’t think the anti-Boer ‘stuff’ of ‘Matt’ is absurd??

Is this also okay? :-

Jewish Harvard Professor Noel Ignatiev states here that he wants

White people genocided. I guess if you are Jewish its not ‘hate speech’

and okay to push this agend. Listen yourself here (just 40seconds):


2) Jewess Barbara Lerner Spectre says ‘we Jews’ are behind the Muslim

invasion of Europe. Listen to her say it here:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFE0qAiofMQ (1 min)

In her own words:

“I think there is a resurgence of anti-Semitism because at this point in

time Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we

are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must

take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies they once

were in the last century. JEWS ARE GOING TO BE AT THE CENTRE OF THAT.

It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a

multicultural mode and Jews will be resented BECAUSE OF OUR LEADING

ROLE. But without that leading role and without that transformation,

Europe will not survive. 16.09.2010 Barbara Spectre” (No

‘multiculturalism for Israel of course!)

3) Chief Rabbi of Moscow and Europe Rabbi Goldschmidt admits Jews and

Muslims are working together to take down the European Christian


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zsxrc_2AfI (3mins)


Look, anti white and anti -“Boer” racism is intolerable. I have known White South Africans throughout my life, and they are mostly the nicest people out there(that goes for Anglo and Afrikaner and Jewish) I had military training, and when my service was up I used to think of going to Rhodesia and trying to join a the security services(I am that old), but I never did because of inertia and I became too busy with my real career It is absolutely true that Russian trolls are provoking divisions in target countries all over the world, including the US, Turkey, Britain(Brexit) One technique is disinforfmation like Southfront, the other is trolls who take opposite sides of different issues such as race. Now I do not care to spend much time on it, but if you are really a Boer or American or whatever, I can’t convince you that there is not a vast Jewish conspiracy. I detest many of Matts comments as well, but yours seem especially virulent

Bush War Kid

Can you dispute the Swiss example? This is the entire point. A bizarre court case that apparently proved the Protocols were lies is dismissed forever – without any evaluation. Why would anyone automatically dismiss a serious question with extreme implications?


we could debate on this Russian Propaganda journal all day, and nobody would change their minds.

take care


The truth is the truth, neither pro or anti Jewish or anyone else. That’s just a tactic to avoid discussing the FACTS. Pathetic.


All true but, don’t miss the Best part: “in view of these and similar irregularities, it was not surprising that, after the case had lasted just on two years, the Court pronounced the PROTOCOLS to be a forgery and demoralising literature on 14th May, 1935, BUT IT WAS ANNOUNCED IN THE JEWISH PRESS BEFORE it was delivered by the Court!! (now this part is censored….): ON NOVEMBER 1st 1937, the Swiss Court of Criminal Appeal QUASHED THIS JUDGMENT IN ITS ENTIRETY, Jewish propagandists, however, still declare that the PROTOCOLS have been “proved” to be a forgery. [The World Conquerors, Chpt III, ‘World Domination in Three Stages’]


Anyone can tell you are a hasbara troll.


The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion have almost already come true. Jewish organizations went to court claiming the Protocols were fake and they at first ‘won’. However, the Supreme Court in Switzerland through it all out because the court system had been grossly corrupted such as denying witnesses to speak etc. Yet another kangaroo court just like the fake Nuremberg Trials, since exposed completely. I must be the first ‘Russian’ who can’t speak Russian – by the way, how’s the weather in Tel Aviv today?


Only pathetic failed white trash believes in that rubbish


I don’t ‘believe’, I have done the research. I know.


The jews were also the ones behind bringing in ANC rule to South Africa, then the first ones to flee to Australia and the UK – these parasites destroy wherever they go.

Bush War Kid

Also remember Illena Mercer author of Into The Cannibals Pot From a Jew family that actively protested for Mandela’s rainbow nation then fled to….Israel. Where are the non-jew white allowed to flee to? Now she argues for Israel apartheid. Her articles are on a few questionable “alt right” sites.


Look carefully at the star of david avatar. He is not typical Jewish poster. And even if he was, don’t blame Jews for the internet posts by a few


Jews control all US governments. Israel instructs the US what to do.


why all this communication after 6 months? You just got out of the mental hospital?


I have more interesting and more important things to do with my time than waste it on Hasbara trolls.


Whited sepulchures, is what Jesus called you.


Jesus, some fairytale figure…what is your point?


You mean Jehova don’t you.




No, mashiach, the one whos name you dare not speak lest you are cursed.


Jezus is a JEWISH name ; )


But you won’t say Jesus :)


I despice the abrahamic religions, a cancer for humanity


As long as you’re not just a hasbara troll in disguise. I am familiar with the concept of the sayanim, after all.


Don’t be ridiculous, what purpose would our stupid conversation have in zionist politics????


Can’t really comment – we have them, and we don’t know what the world would be like without them. Thus we have no objective basis to consider how carcinogenic they might be.


Kunty, we were never “kicked” out… we won the war easily, on one op we killed over 2000 communist terrorists for ONE of ours killed… we had a yank joined our company, claimed to be a Vietnam vet… what a jerk he was, he lasted exactly ONE 7 day patrol.. was scared shitless and even called for help because there were crocs in the river..

Politicians gave the country away… I spent 3 years in the army there and we had a fantastic time, something you will never know.


I don’t want to know how to be an UNTERMENSCH


Stinking Arab-Jew… you are ALL Arabs, just different tribes, idiot.


Dirty white trash pig eating son of a WHORE!!




tsk tsk. You’ve lost it finally. Just like the other matt.


It is the same Matt, and i never lost it. White trash is the worst kind of people on the planet, even worse then daesh.


The majority of today’s Jews, the Ashke-nazis are NOT semitic. Isra-hell Zionists came from Khazaria (now a part of Russia) and were all Jewish CONVERTS in the 7th century ie they have no origins whatsoever to the Holy Land. They created communism and are working toward a world revolution for world domination. See author DOUGLAS REED’s “The Controversy of ZiON”, their whole history is in there.


In 2006, you invaded Lebanon and were soundly beaten, screwed over and you RAN away, scum yids.


What’s with the six-cornered shit stain for an avatar?


There are two “stains”, you know damn well what they stand for


Sith Emperor Palpatine: Initiate Order 66

Clone Troopers: Yes my lord! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a5befc1c2f95acf283927a9d197d5202afd4ce231c8d8bb33de2e251c9caa3b6.png


I dislike antisemitism as much as much as anyone else on planet earth, despite the evangelist and antisemitic nature of this Youtube channel. The videos of Texe Marrs podcast interviews have a weird intro song.

Caanite pagan god of child sacrifice, according to biblical sources. Also the modern day Bohemian Grove and the Moloch statue there.









You can call me Al

You retarded fuck; look at those Countries now.

You are now blocked.


Much better now!!


Communism is a Jewish creation. Let everybody know who it is behind marxism. Let everybody know who the bolsheviks were that killed 66 Million Christian Russians. Almost all the Commissars were Jewish though they were under 2% of the population and they were funded by international Jewish Bankers such as Jacob Schiff (Rothschilds related).


Bullshit, ridiculous story, far to simplified. They should have killed ALL christians, by the way….


So you are for mass murder are you and religious intolerance are you. As for the jewish bolsheviks ruling Russia being B.S. I see you are a Denier – here is the evidence to prove it:

Robert Wilton was based in Moscow as a Journalist for the Times of

London throughout the period of the Bolshevik revolution. In 1919, the

Soviet Press provided a list of 556 of the top figures of the Soviet

Government, identifying their ethnicity. Wilton obtained this list and

included it as an “appendix’ in his book, “The Last Days of the

Romanovs,” 1920.

The list included 17 Russians, 2 Ukrainians, 11 Armenians, 35 Letts

(Latvians), 15 Germans, 1 Hungarian, 10 Georgians, 3 Poles, 3 Finns, 1

Czech, 1 Karaim (Jewish sect) and 457(!) Jews.

Jews, in fact, totally dominated the government of the Soviet Union. I have the individual names (source “THE MYTH OF GERMAN VILLAINY” by Benton Bradberry.


you are a racist worshipper, i hate whites that think their culture has ever been better then others


How’s the weather in Tel Aviv today?


The proof that you are a pathetic imbecile. I have never been in Israel, and have no intentions to go there. I would rather go to Iran, Russia, Peru, Mozambique, Philippines, and loads of other countries i have not been yet


Everyone report this matt fellow for targeted harrassment


Just block his arse. He’ll hate that


I served in the Rhodesia Regiment for 3 years until the politicians gave it all away.. Rhodesia now the Zimbabwe Ruins.

You can call me Al

South Africa is a mirror image now, actually name any old colony and it is the same.

White genocide or change of plan and tactics ?


They are both great books – I have them both. Another Rhodesian bushwar book that is excellent is “Winds of Destruction: The autobiography of a Rhodesian born pilot covering the Rhodesian bush war of 1967 – 1980, Involving the Rhodesian Air Force – C Squadron SAS-RLI-RAR-Selous Scouts-BSAP- and other units”. It is very detailed and includes the highly respected Petter-Bowyer’s genius designs toward the war effort. An interesting bit in it about helicopter pilot Cocky Benecke who was indeed cocky both to his superior (who admired him) and to the terrs. Cocky had a special eyesight and could see the enemy hiding in bush from the air when others could not – a courageous warrior and there are many more stories about such as him.

Regards Mike Walsh, his is a great website for ethnic-Europeans and he always remembers his people from Rhodesia and from South Africa in it. His articles are quick to read and excellent photos. Also listen to his interview with Andrew Carrington-Hitchcock of THE BARNES REVIEW RADIO here: https://barnesreview.org/michael-walsh-ethnic-european-mike-andy-1/ and Carrington-Hitchcock of TBR has an interview with South African Karen Smith here: https://barnesreview.org/karin-smith-south-africa-past-present-future/

Like Mike Walsh on his website https://europeansworldwide.wordpress.com/ , Andrew Carrington-Hitchcock never forgets his people, the White Rhodesians/South Africans.


what do you mean civil war, when Zimbabwens were fighting for their country stolen by the evil british, thank god they got it back.


Yes and now without the whites, they achieved their destiny: violence, lack of education and poverty. Under the rule of Mugabe…


illusion and white arrogance, go to Zim and see for yourself.


Why would I go to Zimbabwe, to get stabbed or raped? No, thanks, it’s a BIT better here in Europe. But hey, if you are there and you are happy, then fine by me.


then you in no position to pass comments based on rumours and gossip.

You can call me Al

You are not there because you write rather well amd of course you have a computer. YOU ARE FAKE, probably living in Europe.

Are you South African ?

You can call me Al

Click here avatar (the picture bit) and read all her comments, noticing how many and the tone of them; all aggressive -> it is a troll, version Rev 1. or a very demented character.


https://europeansworldwide.wordpress.com/2017/10/30/an-african-reflects-on-a-lost-paradise/ An African reflects on a lost White run paradise. Says it all.


Their biggest mistake was to try to have and manage a country with no education or experience. Rhodesians had that experience. Why the Zimbabweans didn’t have that education and why they were kept in that situation is entirely another matter .


Tell me a Black African country that isnt a war ravaged shit hole? Could it be that Africans are just like that? Certainly the Arabic nth Africans do markedly better – Whites need to stop sending food and medical aid to Africa and let them figure stuff out for themselves, assuming the Chinese dont just take it and go Tibet on them.


It could be because of that, or it could be because the black Africa was under rule of colonialism for centuries, kept uneducated and ignorant. Anybody who is remotely able to change that situation is removed, like Lumumba.

Even if black Africans just love darkness and killing each other, why the colonial powers don’t leave them alone? Let them kill eachother, don’t give them arms and don’t accept refugees. Perhaps African oil/minerals/gold/diamonds are too sweet to resist.


Africans were educated before colonialism? No they had sticks and dung huts – thats why they are now begging for the colonialist opressors to come back.


No. As you wrote, they had sticks and dung huts, and content with that. Whatever they did or wish to with their own resources and way of life is not our business. Why is it so hard to leave people alone? Should we force them all into progress, the way ISIS forces others into their version of heaven?


Yes I agree non interferance should be an absolute priority – dont feed the bears

You can call me Al

whahahahahaha, what a crock of libtard BS.


Now they get to starve to death.


The Blacks were foreigners as well. They came from the north (to escape the slave trade of the Jews and Arabs most likely, and according to an Elder) and Lobengula was a Zulu whose tribe fled Shaka and headed north. Learn your history


I lived there as a journalist 78-80 initially as a subversive. (Authorities put reporters on the next plane out so I entered as a student, then applied for work and received an immigrant visa marked journalist when the Bulawayo Chronicle hired me as a sub editor.) Originally I was as “left”as could be but by the end of the war my views become more nuanced. I respected the whites’ ingenuity and street smarts. Alas holding out for 15 years set the stage for extreme black radicalism. I also figured out my Jewish identity. It was good to live history. Will return with family as tourists this December to visit Victoria Falls and Hwange (Wankie). I’m sure things will be much deteriorated.

William Obrien Jr.

I enjoyed to read your comments. Myself …I am a US citizen I …well Zimbabwe has a significant part in my life having visited over so many occasions over so many years throughout my life .. beginning in and mostly the time spent during the ’80’s … lately I been facing the challenge of dealing with impact of further memory of Winter months of ’83 in Matabeleland …of course ..my deepest respect for you Sir ..your Family … surely Dear Beloved Friends of Yours and the True Place that I know Zimbabwe Africa Zim/Rho to other’s must/ does have to you …..I was so incredibly blessed and lucky to have a lot time in my young adulthood/failed-out-from-university-days-to-go-a-wandering again ..and … again ..huh. Yeah. But absolutely as every bit against the staggering raw beauty of Her was …brutal truth of man’s folly dumb Violence against himself as I not just witnessed enough to shock my brain to amnesia but …yeah even felt myself (( and comes returned sometimes at nights in recapitulation of .. Anyways ..I remain determined to support good decent people of conscience like Changweri and guys and gals from Zim and NGO’s of all nations and the Zim/Rho/rsa diaspora who maintain a Faith in Goodness Best regards best wishes ..I think of Africa every day … really .. Bulawayo…hmm the Natural History museum…those crazy stuff fauna specimen collections …. the breakfast buffet on Sundays at the Sun Hotel … God bless you … maybe I tag along with you ? Always strength in numbers ))


Interesting – was there much jewish involvment in the destruction of Rhodesia as there was in South Africa? Internally I mean, the American/Kissenger and City of london involvement is well known


Rhodesia is an amazing example of how innovative and fighty whites can get when backed into a corner, their example may well be one other western countries may soon be following. Rhodesia with its 30 000 whites feed the whole of Africa, with black rule and the genocide of the remaining white population the place has off course collapsed and is begging for food aid from abroad. This will buy half a loaf of bread –



I don’t think there is any value in asserting a “Jewish conspiracy” line — there are cultural values and ethos towards a high level of intellectual and personal achievement and so Jewish people show up disproportionately in various influential places. (As an example less than one per cent of the world’s population is Jewish, but Jewish people have won 20 per cent of the Nobel prizes).

Near the end of my time there (early April 1980), I visited Tjolotjo, and saw the signs of what would become the Ndebele rebellion and brutal (genocidal) brutality in the early 80s. I was there at a time however when there was an eye in the storm, and the people were happy and celebrating a brief peaceful respite after years of violence.

In my case, after living through the Rhodesia/Zimbabwe transition, I realized that I now had a much better understanding of the world and its wonderful diversity and complexity, and would do well in life. As for Zimbabwe, it is still a beautiful country (I was able to visit once since my youthful days five years ago). It is much poorer than it should be because of government corruption but even Americans, if they look to their early post-revolutionary history, will find a nation with plenty of problems.


I am more concerned about anti-White racism in so far as the Jewish Supremacists are attempting to genocide the ethnic-Europeans (THE KALERGI PLAN) and say so. In 1912 ethnic-Europeans were 36% of the world’s population, today they are below 9%:

1) Jewish Harvard Professor Noel Ignatiev states here that he wants

White people genocided. I guess if you are Jewish its not ‘hate speech’

and okay to push this agenda. An asid – I wonder how he received his

professorship without ever doing a degree first. Listen yourself here

(just 40seconds):


2) Jewess Barbara Lerner Spectre says ‘we Jews’ are behind the Muslim

invasion of Europe because we don’t want Europe to be ethnic-European any longer. Listen to her say it here:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFE0qAiofMQ (1 min)

In her own words she says:

“I think there is a resurgence of anti-Semitism because at this point in

time Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we

are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must

take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies they once

were in the last century. JEWS ARE GOING TO BE AT THE CENTRE OF THAT.

It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a

multicultural mode and Jews will be resented BECAUSE OF OUR LEADING

ROLE. But without that leading role and without that transformation,

Europe will not survive. 16.09.2010 Barbara Spectre” (No

‘multiculturalism for Israel of course!)

3) Chief Rabbi of Moscow and Europe Rabbi Goldschmidt admits Jews and

Muslims are working together to take down the European Christian

civilization: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zsxrc_2AfI (3mins)

If you are ethnic-European here is a great new website just for you: https://europeansworldwide.wordpress.com/


Shulamit Aloni, former israeli minister, admits that the “holocaust” and

the “antisemite” accusation are used to manipulate into silence and

self-censorship those who criticize Zionists.

When asked, “Of course! Its a trick!” she says. For the U.S., she says,

they use ‘anti-semite’, for European nations they use ‘holocaust’.

If that doesn’t shut everyone up, another ‘trick’ they use in Europe is

imprisonment for questioning the ‘facts’. For example the German courts

have just put a courageous 89year old German gentlewoman Frau Ursula

Haverbeck in jail for 2 years(!) just for querying the facts of the

‘holocaust’, the lack of evidence. She will be 90 years old on release.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uW3a1bw5XlE&t=0s (1min40secs)


there is no point in responding in rational logical posts in a this publication. This is a Russian disinformation platform like Sputnik and the Posters are not even real racists or anti Semites(maybe some are, but not most), just Russian Trolls sowing chaos and division

Solomon Krupacek

As an example less than one per cent of the world’s population is Jewish, but Jewish people have won 20 per cent of the Nobel prizes



Lol jewish nepotism and tribal behavior is the only reason they are anything, why could Harvey Weinstein rape all those “Shiksa” actresses with impunity for so many years – I wonder why? Oh yeah everyone running Hollywood is jewish, what a coincidence!


Rooshes Return of Kings did a write up on the Selous Scouts not long ago, very interesting read. http://www.returnofkings.com/118561/valor-of-rhodesia-selous-scouts https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b95a87eb3031ee6c198af373d1468db07d5751092dbce3d2aef94acbf7169b68.jpg

Bush War Kid

I am thrilled that I made a comment and received a mix of responses. To the haters: I THANK YOU the most!

You inspired me to finally write material I’d been thinking about for a while for other authors & websites that also reach a significant audience of “not-sure-but-questioning” folks on various platforms. The material is powerful and I would have taken much longer to get serious about connecting the dots without the revolting comments. Thank you deeply Matt and I forget the other vulgar persons name.

Bush War Kid

Anyone interested in what Mugabe did to 40,000 blacks after he was given Rhodesia should listen to this. Not for the feint hearted: It is Dr Peter Hammond talking with Audrey Russo around 20 min of the true historical narrative.


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