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MARCH 2025

Let’s Defend Al Qaeda From The Russian Aggression

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The US is now considering whether to defend the Syrian rebels from the Russian airstrikes.

Let’s Defend Al Qaeda From The Russian Aggression

It may sound hypocritical to many, but yes, the US is reportedly considering arming the so-called Free Syrian Army a.k.a. Al Qaeda with anti-aircraft systems. The news comes just days after Russia started bombing and destroying key targets of the terrorists. Those airstrikes directly threaten the existence of terrorist groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS on Syrian soil.

And when we all thought that the whole world wants to fight terrorism, yesterday we witnessed how United States, France, Germany, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Great Britain called for an immediate cease of the Russian airstrikes. This fact could mean only one thing – those countries have interests beyond fighting terrorists. Syria is a key strategic territory in the Middle East, and is nevertheless rich in oil. If the military operation is successful, that would mean that Russia will get this strategic territory, something that the US and its allies don’t want to see.

Let’s Defend Al Qaeda From The Russian Aggression

On the other hand, if they do arm the Syrian opposition that would make the conflict even more complicated. Moscow is determined to finish what it started and a possible involvement of anti-aircraft systems may turn this conflict into a full-scale war.

Author: Viktor Stoilov

South Front

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Wenn die Kesseln in Hama und Damascus region geloest werden koennen, dann Die SAA wir die truppen im Norden und fuer Idlib offensive regruppieren kann. Da wir der Zeiechen fuer dei ende des Konfliktes.

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