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MARCH 2025

Lloyd Ostin Declares US Real Goal To Defeat Russia On Battlefield – CNN

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Lloyd Ostin Declares US Real Goal To Defeat Russia On Battlefield - CNN

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After the visit to Ukraine by the US Secretary of State and Secretary of Defense on April 24th, CNN reported on Biden’s change of strategy towards Russia. The US officials also announced new military assistance and the return of diplomats to Ukraine.

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin told reporters after a trip to Kyiv that “we want to see Russia weakened to the degree that it can’t do the kinds of things that it has done in invading Ukraine.” The new US goal is “to defeat Russia on the battlefield so decisively that it will refrain from any new attacks.”

A representative of the National Security Council balanced his speech claiming that the US efforts “are aimed at the Russian defense industry in order to undermine Russia’s economic and military power.”

The shift is only a change of the US rhetorics. The US officials allegedly did not speak about the real goal to weaken Russia on the battlefield and according to the CNN  they made it clear that a peaceful settlement could be reached.

Today Washington officially declares the reason of the years-long military support to Kiev that is to inflict such severe military damage to “stop Moscow forever”.

Biden administration officials are optimistic that that is an achievable goal, sources told CNN.

In fact, there is no real shift in US policy today, Washington simply do not hesitate to declare real goals, striving to play the role of a global savior, since the population of the so-called “international community” is ready to accept the openly bellicose rhetoric of the United States, especially after the staged massacre in Bucha. Washington’s tactics have not changed for years. The Kiev regime and the West openly declare their unwillingness to end the conflict by diplomatic means and that they are aimed at prolonging the war as long as possible, paying with the lives of Ukrainian soldiers and civilians.

Recent statements by Lloyd Austin clearly demonstrate the US policy that is pushing Europe towards World War III.


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Russia is a paper tiger


Khazar Agent

Russia is supporting so-called “Israel” i.e. New Khazaria

Most brutal regime on the surface of The Planet Earth – burning Semitic children alive with white phosphorus in Gaza Ghetto. Allowing hundreds attacks on their allies in Syria.

Here experts Orlov, Escobar, Saker explain this swiftly or not?


You know Sarah, you could make even more $92/hr and some guys might even like you then. And rest of us would be even happier if you just piss off from here


Yes now she can still pis !


What you say is tragic -but true.

The Russian Federation should have done far more 5 years ago in Syria to clean the “house” out… And the same holds true for post-Maidan Ukraine in 2014.

Why did it take Putin 8 years to deliver his speech last month about the Anglo-Zionist fifth column in Russia when he could have made that speech in the Well of the UN in 2014 announcing his departure from the mad house “Ca$in0” -THEN!???

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

Russia did not have the defence and weapons to take on NATO until now.


Over the years, many Jews did convert to Christianity and then were forced to become Muslims, the better Muslims who read, interpreted and understood the Q’uran differently to the terrorists. The Christians and the Muslims in Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Turkey, they may have the blood of Abraham, King David, and they will be descendants of the early Christians. Those claiming to be Jews, may just be the Khazars descendants. What makes a Jew, a Jew? Surely it is their religion. When they have no religion and are not from Abraham’s line, should we call them Jews? Non Abrahimic, non practising, self professed Jews? God brought our Messiah from the RACE and religion of Abrahams’s seed, through Sarah. He is for the light and salvation of ALL nations and ALL people. Perhaps the Holy Land should be inhabited by Christians or Christians from Abraham’s line? This muslim stuff, I think there are several authors of that Q’uran.


Why are all their pilots dressed in the costumes of builders or garbage truck workers in the United States? https://i.ibb.co/YkhNJPB/20220426-130745.jpg

Zee-sky the Dick player

are you really that retarded???

Pamfil Military Academy

He don’t realize. It’s congenital. Only one medicine for that illness: 7.62mm pill 1 unique doze.




Not sure why SF keeps tolerating this idiot pedo troll with all his fake names and retarded spamming


Ukrotards are very, very angry with Clyde. Their whole shitty fantasy is unravelling at a rate that couldn’t have been imagined ten weeks ago, so the trolling is frantic. Fuck ’em.

Joe Biden

Weird things you have on your computer. More crazy than Hunter’s laptop.


Your next lover no doubt.


The purpose of the bright-coloured suit is so the rescue crew can more easily spot the pilot on the ground or in water, after the pilot makes an emergency parachute landing.


So they can be seen by rescuers. Next question?


yep !!

Last edited 2 years ago by opereta

Why are all the Ukrainian pilots missing both unifroms and all the tissue except their skeletons?


The same color flying suit is used by the Ukro-Nazis that Sodomize nightly the Gimp Rodriguez….


That’s called a G-Suit.

F35 pilots don’t use them. They are for supersonic flight. Turkeys wear Pampers, staple dress code for NATO.


For a paper tiger they do really, really well at defeating the Ukrainian and NATO army. So far the kill ratio is 20:1 in favor of Russia. You better re-check your silly theories before you embarrass yourself even more in here.

Last edited 2 years ago by TopGum
hans raus

Nice joke, radio 20:1 ? :D

source? trust me bro? or just russia today propaganda channel ?;) try harder next time If this is true then russia would be able to capture whole ukraine. Stop with drugs my russolover firend.

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus
Mariupol Is 100% Liberated by the Russians

https://t.me/s/chub_detection Here you go buddy

Plenty of Ukrops there…


The fact that Zelensky has no one else to send to fight already tells you what really is going on. Last wave of conscripts was send weeks ago. With your total lack of of even simple military background I’m not at all surprised to see that question coming from you. Just another one of those many pretty weak and embarrassing moments for you. What a shame.


I just read a report on telegram that Zelensky is George Soros son. They seemed to be serious I think.

Tom Bombastadillo

They do look related, and I might add that Ellen Degeneres seems to be related to George Soros also. Same exact face. But she seems to have had a fairly standard American upbringing according to Wkipedia.


Zelensky is the poop, Soros flushed down the toilet.


Sadly, Russia will be more than willing and has plenty of shells to do the job. It’s a shame how the Ukrainians are so stupid as to send their sons to die for their Jew. But they love their penis piano playing Jew more than their sons. That’s Ukrainian values for you. That’s who they are.

Tom Bombastadillo

Ukraine citizens have no control over things. Same as everywhere else.


is actually 26 : 1….. 20 : 1 is used to help maintain Psychological Stability on Occidental Imbeciles. It helps them to continue Auto-Destroying themselves if you keep’em Less Crazy

NATO is laughing at you



lgbt senility cannot be cured w more sodomy

Mariupol Is 100% Liberated by the Russians

The Americans have been training Georgians for several years, using NATO weapons, as a result, they simply fled and abandoned all weapons. Ukrainians don’t have that time here, so Amer weapons won’t help. The captured Ukrainians say that they are from the third stage of mobilization, who will fight, you are our hero. The USA faded, they refused to test the Minuteman 3 ballistic missile so as not to provoke us, and we tested the Sarmat, and did not ask anyone’s opinion. So what are you cackling about, rooster?

Vlad butcha orc

The reason is, US can afford to delay their test, as it’s in a relaxed situation just watching. The Russian Sarmat test was announced before, which in fact was before the war already.

To frame that as strong orcs is a joke at best when Russian propaganda is grabbing every stray they can get. 🤷

NATO is 666

That is very nice. You didn’t make that did you?

NATO is 666


Last edited 2 years ago by NATO is 666
Tom Bombastadillo

That tiger is fatter than my spoiled orange house cat Marigold.

G2 man

You trolls are rather one dimensional and fail to understand the Llyod Austin is just a house negro and walks 3 meters behind Jew masters Blinken, but as I had originally stated on February 24th, the real goal of Anglo-Zionist NATO hyena pack is the destruction of Russian and control over its immense resources. Blinken wrote an op-ed in one of the major US right wing rags about why US and the west should grab Russia before the Chinese do. Other Jews like Kaplan have articulated this even further by saying:

1. Russia faces a demographic challenge as China moves into the far east regions of Russia.

2. The so-called “west” aka US, UK and Zionist surrogates fear that China will take control of Russian wealth before NATO vultures can due to geographical proximity.

3. The most important factor before the take over of Russia is the destruction of its armed forces and defang its nuclear arsenal.

So the slave Austin is just echoing his masters. The conflict in Ukraine was never about Ukraine, but used as bear trap against Russia. It also finally dawned on the naive Lavrov that his “partners” are fighting a proxy war against Russia, primarily from Poland and Romania and using the Zio-Nazi Ukrainian puppet regime as expendable cannon fodder. Perhaps, the Russian FM and even President Putin read Southfront to finally grasp the reality of this overt NATO aggression that may lead to WW3.

Russia belatedly is trying to destroy the Ukrainian railway infrastructure to curtail the weapons and terrorism conduit, however more than 3,000 NATO troops are not spread out all over Ukraine with the aim of targeting Russian cities. It is time that Putin recognize that his initial weakness is now becoming a mortal threat to Russia and it is time to unleash hell on Ukraine and Kiev. Russia needs to go on total war footing and commit larger number of reserves to the South, where open terrain and a pro-Russia population makes it easier to liberate and hold ground. Russia should not hasten any frontal military attacks but destroy Ukrainian C31 and infrastructure and grind down the Ukrainian puppet military and hit every major arms conduit and troop concentration. This will be a long fight, but if Russians keep their nerve and rally around the motherland, they can still prevail. However, they must impose a high cost of the Zelensky Jew regime and even target his spider hole.

Arzt Injektion

Well said.

Pamfil Military Academy

Exactly. That’s the real deal: balcanization of Russia, mean Yugoslav style. On the other words, globalist fake jews agenda to steal the enormous resources of Russia finally.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pamfil Military Academy
G2 man

I have been warning about this for years. Yugoslavia was the template for the destruction and occupation of Russia. Unfortunately, Russia, especially Putin went along with all the NATO wars against small defenceless Arab and Muslim states from Iraq to Yemen. That just emboldened these western racist Russophobes who always considered Slavs as Asiatic inferiors. The US is printing dollars and arming the Ukrainian Nazi regime also to scare China as if Russia loses than China is next as western racist hubris can can stand a powerful Asian nation. The Chinese though are far more corrupt and money hungry than Russia and their subservience to the west will be easier.

Russia made a lot of fatal mistakes, like not arming Iran, not supporting the anti-US resistance forces in the Middle east, selling weapons to Turkey, its mortal enemy since Ottoman era. However, in realpolitik it is never too late to alter facts on the ground. Russia’s biggest advantage is proximity to western Europe and ability to raze European cities if Russia is attacked. The US is basically thousands of miles away and bankrupt and its soldiers are third rate and have fought an army that can fight back. They avoided even taking on Iran, due to the fear of high casualties. So Russia, still has many aces up its sleeve but needs to be more aggressive and alter its defence and foreign policies as the Jews have yet again proven to be sworn enemies of the Russians and Orthodox. The most logical step should be to create a Russian-Iranian, Syrian, Algerian etc alliance. The Muslim street is very pro-Russia and that is why even in US puppet Pakistan, their PM Imran Khan was overthrown by the CIA controlled military for his pro-Russian views. US is universally hated in the Arab, Persian and Muslim street. Russia needs to openly support Palestinian and other resistance movements, even the Kurds in Turkey. Its relationship with China is not that solid as the Chinese are opportunists and can not be depended on.

Last edited 2 years ago by G2 man
Johny cash

With such pathetic leadership with zero strategic skill making mistakes in every turn, are they still worthy of being cheered on?


Only American think tanks and government parasites could be that deluded. Remember, America has a history of high hopes being shattered all the time Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq. No country is ever so wrong so consistently.


you are right on the objectives of the Anglo Saxons but wrong on the approach. first, the Americans planned, trained and are running the conflict by infiltrating Russia’s intelligence way up to the kremlin. this can be seen from their predictions. taking a large Amy will be suicidal for Russians because the Anglo Saxons will know who and where they are.

G2 man

That is largely correct analysis, Russian society, government, business and Jew oligarchs who were the first to flee and now sitting comfortably in Turkey, UK, Spain, Cyprus and France with their super yachts has been totally infiltrated with US and CIA soft power and NGOs. I have read numerous reports oh how the Russian intelligence services deliberately gave Putin a totally wrong and upbeat assessment of Ukraine situation, much like the GRU and KGB did to the Soviet Politburo on Afghanistan circa 1980’s. Then too Russia made the fatal mistake of not attacking the CIA arms conduit and terrorist camps in US puppet Pakistan, much like Poland and Romania are today. Russian societal cohesion has eroded substantially due to western media and business penetration since 1992, but then again the US and most NATO vassal states themselves are hardly the beacon on a shining hill and are morally, politically and financially bankrupt themselves. The Anglo-Saxon Zionist nexus of evil is not that powerful as many multi-polar power structures have sprung up in the past decade. Russian foreign policy and intelligence largely failed or was compromised, so perhaps this mess in Ukraine may have a silver lining and Russia will auto reset it policies towards a more Eurasian focus. I see this conflict dragging on for quiet some time, unless Ukraine or Russian militaries collapse. I still don’t see a Russian collapse if they re-configure their battle plans, inflict mortal infrastructure damage and also try to decapitate the Kiev regime. A few weekly air or missile strikes in Kiev will be a good step towards keeping the grinning Jew rat Zelensky bottled up in a spiders hole and serve as a reminder that Russia is no pushover. The most important goal should be TO IMPOSE A VERY HIGH COST ON THE UKRAINIAN ZIONIST-NAZI nexus.

Tom Bombastadillo

I have never seen either Putin nor Lavrov either: 1) make a mistake; 2) say something stupid. In contrast, just look at Biden, Blinken and Austin. There is no comparison.

Putin is ready to thrust a red hot poker into the ‘all-seeing’ eye of the Satanist Anglo-Zionist NATO Sauron.

Jean Paul France

Russia’s Gordian problem right now is that the skies are closed for its heavy bombers and furthermore precision missiles, apart from being expensive, only tickle the great infrastructure, the great troop formations and the great fortified areas.

And if Russia gets bogged down in Donbass for too long, a matter of 2 or 3 weeks, a gigantic threat is being created in the West that can come catastrophically.

So it is possible that Russia can only come out on top and win this war if it decides, because it has no other choice, to use its special long-range, variable-yield weapons.


I wish Putin could read the end of this comment, for as you rightly have pointed out hell on Ukraine and Kiev now needs to be unleashed. Some good old Shock and Awe in other words. Russia has all the weapons and man power needed to take this war to Nato, so why all this hesitation? Stalling isn’t going to help the Russians, but only make the enemy bolder.

Cornelius Pipe

Surely a depiction of NATO? What has NATO done so far in this conflict except provide a smorgasbord ot snacks for Messrs Kalibr and Khinzal? Lol.

Tom Bombastadillo

NATO is a 20th Century dinosaur.

Yamil Perez

Is that why glorious Ukropisstan together with whole NATO is getting their rear end handed to them?

Flush goes the natiion

Loyde Austin is a Pantie Tiger.


If you really believe in winning the war using Memes, you are a Dimwit…..

Putin bitches tears taste like heaven

Russia is done. Welcome to the shithole countries like north korea


Drugs all gone?


Nope. Russia is not done with Ukraine yet. So far they did a great job at demilitarizing them. Mopup still going on. Western weapons are being taken en masse and brought to DPR/LPR. Without the support of it’s backers Zelensky would be finished. So far it looks like WW3 is on the way. US is broke, EU can’t cope with the high energy prices, also UK is looking into poverty for most of it’s citizens. They all need WW3 to cover their failed states.

Last edited 2 years ago by TopGum

In that case, there will be no more states.


Now we do experience what happened about 90 years ago. Some people see the same patterns developing right now in front of our eyes … at least I do. 90 years ago US was in the same situation. They were broke and about to default on their enormous debt. Poland was pushed to poke Germany and was given assurances by France and UK that they will stand with them. Of course they did not help Poland but imposed sanctions on Germany. They started WW2 back then that way. It went slowly first but more and more governments were pushed to take a side and after that the war was full on. For me it is the same scenario right now. US/EU pushing countries to take side and threaten consequences if they don’t or choose the “wrong” side. Sanctions are in place to weaken Russia. NATO stepping up arms shipments to make sure there will be no room for peace. WW3 is on.


US was not broke 90 years ago, and did not have “enormous debt.” Poland was manipulated Britain and France. In spite of FDR who was an interventionist who surrounded himself with Jewish advisors, the broader public consensus in America still favored isolation until the attack on Pearl Harbor (which Japanese leaders had been induced to undertake by Soviet influencers, and which Roosevelt cabinet member Harry Dexter White, a Jewish crypto Communist in direct contact with Stalin, knew was coming but revealed nothing).

US establishment seemed to be very Russia friendly under Yeltsin, and briefly under Putin, but then Putin prosecuted a politically ambitious Jewish oligarch for tax evasion, and Jews in America went berserk. There has been nothing but anti Russia propaganda since then, which was ratcheted up to a new level of intensity with the election of Trump whose enemies immediately tried to portray him as being in “collusion” with Russia.

Tom Bombastadillo

Roosevelt is a Jewish surname, as is White. Cryptojews mucking up America.


Basically you are right. Poland refused all German proposals to settle the corridor and Danzig questions because it was pushed and reassured by UK, France AND US. When Germany (and Soviet Union) invaded Poland, UK and France were obliged by their treaty with Poland to intervene, but failed to do so. They actually DECLARED WAR on Germany (but not on the Soviet Union!) and thus started WW2. Let’s not forget what kind of state Poland was back in 1939. They had invaded Germany in 1918 and conquered Western Prussia, cutting off Eastern Prussia from the rest of Germany. They had responded to a Soviet invasion of Poland in 1920 by invading parts of current Ukraine et Belarus which belonged to Russia. They had invaded and conquered Lithuanian capital Vilnius. Lithuanians had to move their capital to Kaunas. They had grabbed the Teschen region from Czechoslovakia in 1939 under war threat. They had persecuted Jews so much that in 1937 750,000 of them fled to Germany. They had inflicted numerous atrocities on the German population living on their land. So much with the ”Poland the poor victim of German aggression” story which has been continuously repeated ever since. Now they are trying to do the same with Ukraine, portraying it as a poor, innocent victim of the Russian aggression. In 39, the goal was to destroy Germany. Now, the goal is to destroy Russia. Both countries (had) tried to extricate themselves from the domination of international finance.


That’s actually bullshit. First Czechia stole that part of Poland during Russian intrusion. Jewish story is also fake. Poland didn’t invaded Prussia, they get the territory because Germany was defeated during WW1. Ukraine and Belarus didn’t belonged to Russia, Russia lost WW1 too and was fighting itself (white and red russia). The only thing you get semi right is attack on Wilno. But you forget to tell how many Polish people were there, hint: vast majority. And Russia attacked Poland, so hitting them back was fair game. Not to mention they occupied Polish soil for far too long time, along with Prussia (Germany) and Austria. So any aggression against those occupiers was fair game, fuck them.

Pamfil Military Academy

Also agree. But the game changer is China.


There will be two new states. That is true. Donetsk and Luhansk.


If you prefer, there will be neither Paul nor Jorge nor anybody.

Pamfil Military Academy

Not only, Zaporodzie and other 2 regions from south Ukropistan will be ‘federalized’ alongside Krimeea. There russians are 55-65% majority.

G2 man

As I have stated, never underestimate Russia. It is still a major power with nuclear weapons, however, the post Soviet era corruption, weak leadership and Jew 5th column have weakened it. Putin has not done a good job in selling Operation Z to the Russian people or the world. The reality is that NATO is now directly attacking Russia and the Russian people who are historically hyper nationalistic will support Russian goals if they understand the magnitude of the threat their country and Orthodoxy faces. This fight will be the biggest threat posed to Russia since the advent of Kievan-Rus in 863 AD. The Russians are in for the fight for their land and soul and may they prevail against the most evil collection of NATO criminals and Jews in human history.

Last edited 2 years ago by G2 man

I’d say Mongol invasion was way higher threat.

Florian Geyer

Your assessment is very correct. The UK’s Great Western Reset will be a de facto return to the British public being Indentured Servants of the state.

Tom Bombastadillo

If WW3 happens, they will all disappear within an hour.

Jean Paul France

What a huge load of nonsense, ostriches like you seriously discredit this site. If the Russians don’t react and are as stupid and blind as you are, they will be finished.

And Russia has very concrete and viable options to defeat Ukraine without going to the third world war, so do some research on Russia’s arsenal, you damn irresponsible and provocative cretin.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jean Paul France

YouTube Pyongyang and have look on videos from people that have been in N.Korea. Again, skip the MSM rubbish

Michel LeBlanc

Biggest shothole in the last 8years was ukraine. Thanks to you!

Enjoy your mess nazi pig!

hans raus

Russia is weak, US need few weeks to destroy russian troops in ukraine but to be honest… russian troops will surrender if they hear that US army is coming ;)

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus

Yeah, that is why US, UK and all the other NATO troops run away in February when Russia entered Ukraine. They are just itching for their mercenaries that are hiding is Azovstal. They don’t want the word to see and hear what they have done to Ukrainians the last couple of years.

hans raus

run away? just like moskov warship ? ^^ US want to bleed out russia, no need to fight with them at least for now ;) Nice copium my firend. Ukrainian people fight for their land and sovereignty. Russia cant offer anything to any country in europe and that’s why ukraine decided to be western country with economic and military ties. It was same story with latvia,estonia,czechia,poland or romania. Western world can offer economic growth. What russia can offer? just poverty.

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus

Hans, in the next couple of years you are going to have a lot of surprises.


Ukrainian fight because they are threatened to get shot if they don’t. That is the reality and you know this too. Many end up with that shot in the head by refusing.

EU is not providing anything to those countries besides more debt and rules to control their entire life an privacy.

Russia is by far the richest country in the world, measured by their resources (feel free to check it out by yourself). They offer plenty to anyone. Many countries are very happy about that, take Germany for example. Last week German government stated to the world, that they cannot exist without Russia like they do now. Without Russia’s support the whole EU is doomed to poverty and that is what they will eventually learn soon enough. That my friend it the truth. That is why Germany will never agree to ban Russian gas and oil. All facts. Where are your facts?

You really surprise me how dumb and shallow your statements are. It only shows your desperation in coping with reality. No wonder you have to tell so many lies all day long. You are so wasting your life, it would be so hilarious if it wasn’t so sad.


Who has more to offer is a false dichotomy. Any politically neutral country can trade with both Russia and NATO countries, or certainly that was before NATO’s puppet government in Ukraine forced the war by being both intransigent and belligerent. I feel sorry for the Ukrainians. It’s not their fault. Their government is totally under the control of foreign powers and Jewish oligarchs. They are pawns. I wonder whether they realize this.

Tom Bombastadillo

They are too busy making a living.

Michel LeBlanc

Bullshit ukraine never shot at that ship.

If yall shot it why didnt you finish it off?

It was an internal fire as can be seen with the smoke ring all around the torpedo tubes.



“Russia cant offer anything to any country in europe…” Natural gas? Oil? Wheat? Metals? Timber?

Tom Bombastadillo

“Russia cant offer anything to any country in europe”

Oh yeah, like gas, oil, coal? You are so stupid.


They run aways from Afghanista, Vietnam, Somalia, Cuba, Nicaragua, Iran, Venezuela. Anglo-american good only to kill civilians.


moar crack for the toothless crack head already

Mariupol Is 100% Liberated by the Russians

The Americans have been training Georgians for several years, using NATO weapons, as a result, they simply fled and abandoned all weapons. Ukrainians don’t have that time here, so Amer weapons won’t help. The captured Ukrainians say that they are from the third stage of mobilization, who will fight, you are our hero. The USA faded, they refused to test the Minuteman 3 ballistic missile so as not to provoke us, and we tested the Sarmat, and did not ask anyone’s opinion. So what are you cackling about, rooster?

G2 man

US military is casualty averse and most cowardly and just ran in the middle of the night from Afghanistan killing women and children just for spite, I doubt it that a drug addicted US rapist criminal three meal a day and a roof over the head mercenary “soldier” would be a match for a well led and motivated Russian soldier. The problem, that Russia has created for itself is to have mistakenly believe that the Jews were their friends and Ukrainians and Russians were the same people. Russian intelligence or lack of it created this myth that NATO will not intervene in Ukraine, not realizing thousands of NATO soldiers were already operating in Ukraine and the Jew clown Zelensky was their mere puppet used to fan anti-Russian hatred and vile propaganda. Putin and the Russian military high command really need to wake up and reassess their situation as this is a bigger threat than Hitler’s invasion of 1941. This time 32 NATO vultures and assorted Russophobic criminals are attacking Russia. They will only stop if the cost of too high. Polish prostitutes need to know that if Russian cities are attacked then Warsaw and other NATO warmongers will be nuked.

hans raus

Then russia cities will be nuked as well……great deal. To be honest , empty threats with nukes are just boring and its very first sign that NATO doing good job and rusia getting desperated. Dont blame polish for fact that they want to be part of west, their economy is one of the fastest growing economy in the world….they made good choice i guees ;)

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus

If a nuclear war occurs between Russia and the US, Russia wins because it’s population is dispersed, they have prepared, and they will get a first strike. They are also less dependent on other nations. When the war is over, the Russian population is 100 million, as is Americas. And so Russia wins.

Pamfil Military Academy

Absolutely agree on military perspective. This imbecile nazi homo don’t know nothing about nuclear strategy. A perfect dork in it’s glory. He don’t know that the most urbanized and dense populations will suffer the most. Russia with its Siberia and east Ural density will survive on a 2/3 ratio losses in 1 day, 1/2 in 1 month and 1/4 in 10 years. There where military classified analysis in cold war era in former Warsaw Pact countries. ‘My’ military academy had these. Romanians were interested in such things. But for the West, situation will be much more desperate: 1/3, 1/4 and 1/20. So, russians will have about 40 million peoples left and entire west barely 10 millions. It’s exactly same COVIDiot or any other pandemic pattern: more modernized, compact, urbanized and dense the population is, the more casualties will have. As a rule of a thumb here: the more ‘ruralized’ a nation is the more to survive the chance is. Do you someday ask your 1 neuron imbecile brain WHY Russia construct the most powerful atomic missiles, monkey ? For that express goal !!! To ‘catch’ as many ‘density’ it can, idiot. Understand you fucking banderist faggot ?

Last edited 2 years ago by Pamfil Military Academy
kogda mi byli na voinye

u right! i can see the 101 airbone and the marines on the frontline,for sure they ‘ll fight till the last gis,a movie is going on the project…top gun stop the pill vealass…

hans raus

No need marines to be there, our superior technology will work for us. Russia is 30 years behind NATO army. Russia lack of any advanced technology and their corruption is on african level. I am not surprised that their invasion in ukraine is one big fail.

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus

Not in the missile department.

Tom Bombastadillo

Russian nukes are up to date. American nukes are 50-60 years old.


The US army has to hide behind proxies. And if American people are propagandized enough (because we know they’re plenty dumb enough) to send their army, the nukes are going off. And since Russia is more prepared and has a more dispersed population, Russia wins the nuclear war.

Pamfil Military Academy

Exactly. On the long run, Russia will win the nuclear conflict because they will have more survivor, a lot more by far. Cold era Warsaw Pact countries ALL had analysis of that, with very complex mathematical equations.

Tom Bombastadillo

The US Army–you mean that bunch of fags and trannies?


the sub intelligent lgbt amerikans sodomized by taliban, Vietnam and every civilized peoples on earth cannot defeat pygmy military—a true international joke! bye bye amerikanazistan a nation of stupefied ugly obese automatons…


LGBT and BMB and … is true democracy. You are with us or die


I’m an American. And you are correct.

Tom Bombastadillo

Me too, and I agree with both of you.


US efforts “are aimed at the Russian defense industry in order to undermine Russia’s economic and military power.”

WTF this coming from a Pentacon adrenachrome slurping raving pedovore whose angloZionaZi empire of shit owes every nation on the planet more money than all Slumville USSA is “worth”. A collection of snaggle toothed demons that has destroyed more counteries and lives in the last century alone that all other bouts of genocide combined. Mental illness is not pretty and when thugs are runnin g haywire calling the shots…you know “your” country is phukked.

Get that ape another shot of da crackpipe already.

tick tock up to our wobbly asses in hock….


and these clowns are going to “bankrupt” the resource richest nation on Earth? WTF

Bobby Twoshoes

“Pentacon adrenachrome slurping raving pedovore” You sir are a poet :)


The term would be pentacoon in this case.

Tom Bombastadillo

The pentacoon and his pentagroomers.


fuck u, pro rus nazi rat. u are the real neonazi scum. what shithole r u from scum? u rat shit

hans raus

A photo of the two most powerful towers of the radio center in #Transnistria, which used to broadcast #Russian radio which were knocked out.

time to make transnistria ukrainian again. Russian rapists will just watch and there is nothing they can do ^^


NATO is 666

Trannynistra and Moldwhora. Quality people.

Vlad butcha orc

Still better than a hateful orc like you. 🤷

But, why so much hatred? Didn’t you get your rape today? Or wasn’t even something there to loot? Was the boss orc taking away the rape you found for torture?

Anyway, your comment just shows what a sad being you really are. 🤷

Tom Bombastadillo

Skip the ad hominem and make some salient points instead.

Vlad butcha orc

You are at the bottom of a salient. 😂😂😂

An ad hominem attack would require a human being, not a being that went to the orcs by its own decision. 🤷


How is Ukraine doing there days? Not so good I guess. They attack another country and the whole world will see who the real aggressor is/was. How about that? Zelensky seems to have lost it completely. That is what happens if you have no way out. So sad!

Vlad butcha orc

Ukraine cannot fight Russia, as it already lost according to you. Did you already forget the nonsense you wrote just days ago? 😂😂😂


The US dreams of Russia fragmented into small nations. The next step would be China. Then the Americans’ wet dream would be absolute hegemony! This is not just a battle of Russia!The US dreams of Russia fragmented into small nations. The next step would be China. Then the Americans’ wet dream would be absolute hegemony! This is not just a battle of Russia!


Then India, then Brazil, then….

What these imbeciles drug addicts don’t understand, is that by talking this way they are showing to the rest of the world how evil, vicious and dangerous they are. Obviously the elites of the “global south” will take notice and will start preparations for a big war.

We will see the muricans + eurorodents + japbukkake + kangaroos against the whole world. These nazi imbeciles are going down the same route their rotten freak Hitler did. The 12-13% of the population against 80%+ of the world’s population. What could go wrong for them? The west is going for total extinction this time.

The lucky ones will be sold as slaves to some black african landlord.

NATO is 666

Surely Azov and other neo-Nazi groups will reject his words becuase he is a colored?


There is only one chance left to save Mariupol — a blow to Transnistria” – Butusov

In Ukraine, they openly declare preparations for an offensive on Transnistria. obviously nato thinks this is a good plan to mess up russia , so attacking your neighbours is ok with nato

“Ukraine has the legal right to demilitarize the military facilities of the Russian troops threatening us…This will make it possible to capture Russian prisoners for exchange, eliminate the threat of a breakthrough by Russian troops, seize large arsenals of ammunition, and release two Ukrainian brigades that stand on the Ukrainian-Moldovan border,” said Butusov

Zee-sky the Dick player

and here start the carpet bombing…


There is only one problem, that Transnistria is seen as moldovan territory by Moldova. So an attack on Transnistria is an attack on Moldova. Considering that moldovans are ethnically close to romanians, Romania will get dragged into this mess.

The ukrops are completely deranged and on drugs.

Pamfil Military Academy

Exactly that I told above.

Arzt Injektion

Apparently the largest Ammo Depot in all of Europe is just 2km away from the Ukrainian border. Russia had better send reinforcements and fast. This is what “Going Slow” gets you.




ukrop terrorism will instigate full destruction of political. and military command centers in Kiev, Kharkov, lvov etc….ukrappy land will become medieval

Pamfil Military Academy

He is wrong. Deeply wrong. Off course they can try but that means a political international huge scandal because officially TransNistria is part of Moldavia. You cannot enter a sovereign country declaring war on some of its ‘federations’, for example. All UN organs told that many times…..would be a DIRECT violation of the UN resolutions. But can happen, and was happened. I think in this case China will react promptly.

Yoni Reinon

Well, now its clear. Nobody in Russia will deny the empire’s true intentions. The preventive Russian move has guaranteed the country’ sovereignety for another decade at least.

Last edited 2 years ago by Yoni Reinon
Peppe il Sicario

Yeah, OK Lloyd Austin, you Affirmative Action Secretary of Defense, true house niggah to your Jew mastah! A disgrace to your race. There will be little left of paper tiger nato when the fat lady has stopped singing.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peppe il Sicario

The policy of weakening Russia has existed since 1917 and was reaffirmed by the Wolfowitz doctrine in 1992. This stated that the US must prevent the emergence of any power that threatened its military or economic dominance: https://www.nytimes.com/1992/03/08/world/excerpts-from-pentagon-s-plan-prevent-the-re-emergence-of-a-new-rival.html Preventing another big power like Russia (and now China) challenging USA economically means trying to prevent their economic growth and impoverishing their people through trade policies, sanctions and so on. What else would it mean?

We all thought the Cold War was an ‘ideological conflict’. Why did it carry on when Russia ditched communism and the pro-western Yeltsin was in power? This has always been about weakening Russia and trying to plunge its people into economic misery. Putin is right. Russia is fighting for survival. But to be frank he does not really seem to be responding in a proportionate manner to the actual threat to his country. You would think there would be total mobilisation by now.


Be cool, Jacob.

Last edited 2 years ago by jorge
Pamfil Military Academy

I agree. A too soft approach for such a satanic menace.


This is of course something that never is going to happen as it is a well known fact that Russia cannot be defeated by any army of any kind on their own territory! (to Russians Ukraine is still very much part of the Motherland) Or is Putin gonna prove me wrong? Apart from that, a large chunk of land in the south and east are right now under Russian control, and it will remain so for ever. They will furthermore add even more land in this area before too long. The Indian general Bakshi stated that the Russians will keep the areas they have taken. Hopefully the Russians now start to see sense and decide to go all in and take everything! Because this is no longer about the Ukraine, it never really was anyway, but about Russia itself. Therefore the demonic beast of Nato has to be destroyed, or at least be brought down a notch or two, before being kicked the hell out of Russia for good!

Brockland A.T.

Russia hasn’t lost many wars; General Delusionally Woke certainly isn’t capable of inflicting a Russian defeat. Its just that the Russians are surprisingly good at defeating themselves.

The withdrawals from Kiev and Chernihiv were real defeats (even as the worst executed feints/diversions in all military history), but those were self-inflicted wounds. Russia isn’t losing in Ukraine.

Russia’s odd fighting of real war as a ‘Special Military Operation’ has led them to suffer and inflict far greater human suffering and property damage than fighting ‘normally’ ever would have.

Russia in Syria, for example, mostly routed the IS in a month using air power. Even the mediocre Syrian Arab Army could retake and hold ground against the surviving extremists, though it was a painful slog.

The abandoned white ribbons in Bucha trusted the Russians to protect them, and were murdered as ‘collaborators’ when the Russians left. Just left without so much warning to like, take off the white ribbons we’re leaving.


another moron amerikan that comprehends zero even USA expert, Jacob dreizin shows Russia completely victorious

Brockland A.T.

The latest from Jacob Dreizin does not support your position.

“Russia’s Plan A and Plan B, explained by Jacob Dreizin” – The Duran, Youtube, Apr 25, 2022.

He explains how ‘Plan A’ did not work, and describes Plan B, which is more conventional warfare, as working far better.

Russia simply does not have enough soldiers committed to quickly defeat Ukrainian spam-trooper tactics.

Russia is now stuck using slow attritional warfare against an opponent that freely uses civilian human shields and shelters in civilian areas. Russia also now has to destroy dual use civilian infrastructure like railroad power centers.

This is not the definition of ‘completely victorious’. Russia has weeks to go before Ukraine forces are degraded enough to attack securely.

In the meantime Ukraine civilians will suffer, and NATO plots more mayhem like expanding the war re-igniting the Moldovia-Transnistria conflict.

The Wiki Russo-Ukrainian War detailed maps also do not support your position.

Russian forces have had to retreat from Kiev, Chernihiv, and Sumy Oblasts. They may have to withdraw east of the Donets river in Kharkiv Oblast as well.

They have made no moves on Odessa, while Russian Kherson is under pressure from Ukrainian Mykolaiv.

Taking out the Donbass Ukraine forces, overseen by neo-Nazi extremists, is no easy cakewalk for Russia.

This is a real war. Whether one calls it a ‘Special Military Operation’ or not, it has to be fought as a real war.

Pamfil Military Academy

No, Kiev and Chernihiv was a political movement blunder. If they truly would want to seal off these region militarily, they could without any doubt. But that wasn’t in their agenda and for that reason they didn’t commit enough resources there. The real problem which I berate the russians was the lack of a viable preconceived plan in that situation.

Brockland A.T.

Technically we don’t disagree significantly except on willingness to call a military defeat a military defeat.


So why hide behind the drug addicted f@*got dwarf? They are suppost to be the most powerful country in the world according to themselves!? If they want to pick a fight with Russia, get on with it, and show those tranny balls!


Satan is with America. The luciferian ZOG


Russia nuked the Pentagon now !!!

Pamfil Military Academy

The very wet dreams of the cabal khazarian US fake jews and its prolongation armed terror organization NATO, is to take Russia resources by all means possible. They grasp the opportunity when SSSR disbanded and from 1990 continuously try to enter Kremlin by the back door aka nazi Ukraine. The only problem of russians is that fucking ‘silk gloves’, which I hope they will drop and kick NATO Pinnochio long nose with an iron fist. That means VOLUME FIRE, which I didn’t see till now. Also Russia MUST enlist a new batch of reservists by contract to enlarge the army and move the KALIBR hits more to the west, as near to west Ukropistan borders as it is possible. Also, railway and railway bridges MUST be targeted on a daily basis till all west Dnipr will be impracticable by railway.

hans raus

,,It would be acceptable for Ukrainian forces to use Western weapons to attack military targets on Russian soil, a UK defence minister has said. ”

New NATO 480 km range missile system is now in ukraine. Cant wait to see how russian airfield are destroyed ^^

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus

you nazi already defeated

hans raus

dream on backward ruskiey

Pamfil Military Academy

I don’t see any blue zones inside Russia but see very much red inside banderisran, motha fucker syphilitic nazi

Pamfil Military Academy

That means Russia struck Banderastan infrastructure very hard and it hurts. A perfect motif to level some areas of Kiev and Lvov Reich. Huge stock of FOAB still awaits its targets. 500, 1000, 3000, 5000 perfect match for administrative and military buildings. How long I awaited to see that !!!! Maybe the bear will take down the soft gloves and punch with the claws.


Washington does not believe that Nobody can damage those who are supported by God.


In UA Russia appears militarily weak and General Command Officers as incompatible to prepare good strategy. Russian solders maybe brave, but manage under bad command.

Russia operation in UA shown, Russia can’t win conventional war with US or NATO and US and NATO already knowing. From now on Russia will be seen as weak and risky protector.

Russia dominance in the world will decline and find friends will be difficult. Therefore, US will dominate in Europe and not much Russia can due, just sit aside and watch.

Putin weaken Russia during operation in Syria. Operation in UA was the final nail to the coffin


stupid hillbilly loser senile in oregon nursing home

Tom Bombastadillo


Pamfil Military Academy

An imbecile who don’t know the last word of any conflict is: SARMAT. Having nuke means you are no weak anymore; North Koreea is the perfect example. US Empire of Lies and terrorism can do nothing against such a small state. Stay put and take 1 ton of popcorn, you”ll see how Russia will tear apart Ukraine like a piece of old fabric. Obviously you don’t know nothing about military stuff, Sun Tzu art of war said something about that.

kogda mi byli na voinye

we americans shall figth bravely till the last ukrainians…oops! when you miss corones…

Tom Bombastadillo

cojones not corones

Johny cash

As much as it hurts, us is on anorher level compared to russia especially iq level. Yanks causing great problems to russia whilst russia canr do nothing to us. Us is toying with russia right now and russia is struggling

Tom Bombastadillo

As an American, I don’t see it that way.


Loyd Austin s parents are nameless entities on his wiki Bio His mother raised him to be a devout Catholic like her. Austin is no African name. It’s English. Why are his parents secret?


I would laugh if it wasn‘t so sad and dangerous. Terrible thing is, they want to fight this war in Europe – so as to destroy it. Now, it might just happen that China says stop (as in exports). That would hit the US empire hard.

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