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MARCH 2025

LNA Resumes Its Advance North Of Tripoli Airport, Destroys Several Vehicles

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LNA Resumes Its Advance North Of Tripoli Airport, Destroys Several Vehicles

Illustrative image, source: LNA media office

The Libyan National Army (LNA) has moved from its positions north of the International Airport and resumed its advance towards the country’s capital, Tripoli.

Al-Arabiya, a UAE-based channel, reported on June 8 that the LNA removed several barriers north of the airport. The army also destroyed at least three armored personnel carries (APCs) of forces loyal to the Government of National Accord (GNA).

“Your armed forces advanced and captured positions and post of the militias’ gathering [LNA’s term for pro-GNA forces] after infecting loses in life and equipment on it,” the army’s media office said in a short press release.

Earlier this week, the LNA claimed that its warplanes destroyed a Turkish unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAV) west of Tripoli. The army also began targeting GNA positions in the capital’s outskirt with advanced Russian-made missiles.

While the LNA’s command is clearly determined to capture Tripoli, GNA forces are still holding onto their remaining positions south of the city. This line of defense will not likely be broken easily.

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Jacob Wohl's Nose

good job LNA roast those turkish gna terrorists

You can call me Al

I will have to say “UN backed Turkeys” … that covers mine and your viewpoints.

Mustafa Mehmet

GNA government recognised internationally… lng is terrorist don’t you think Co oh?

Concrete Mike

The same.international.community thst fucked syria and dumped millions of refugees on your streets!

The same internationnal fucks that are selling slaves in Tripolli now. Flooding europe with migrants kn purpose!

I say if LNA can stop the refugees unlike the GNA wich is profiting from it, much like some in your government, that would benefit all.

You can call me Al

“The same.international.community that fucked Syria and dumped millions of refugees on your streets!”… whispering here, Libya (as well as Syria).

Jacob Wohl's Nose

lol turkey and qatar is not “international” haha China, Russia, and USA support LNA so p!ss off you turkish pussy :)

Mustafa Mehmet

UN supporting GNA.. scumbag fucking idiot. Fuck offff


Just southfront propaganda . We hear everyday this but lna is just mercernaries. They show their powerlessness .

Hasbara Hunter

And who are you?


He’s just a clueless randy without any knowledge about this war.

You can call me Al

randy ?……. hmmmm, are you sure that is the word you meant ?.


What else should I write?

You can call me Al


You can call me Al

sorry, if you meant it OK.


Muslim thanks to Allah

Brother Ma

And the Nato puppets are not? Yet ,I do agree the advance has been stppped by the Turkeys etc a long time ago. Haftar has screwed it up.


Nato puppets is LNA because france and usa supported them unofficially , they don’t have any government and recognition except from those who support them like dictatorship zionist axis compound of Egypt saudia emirates among others .You seem to be a big idiot or big hypocrit liar , don’t you know hafter is american citizen ?! He worked for CIA to overthrow khaddafi and make libya under the west domination.

Brother Ma

Yes , I know all that but who do you like? You like the Gna full of Turcos ,isis etc? Aren’t they all Cia agents and in the pay of the Yankees?

Come on man! Are you trying to fool me or something? Wake up or sell your bullshht somewhere else.


Gna are libyans and as for turks they have just arrived in scene at the opposite of emirate Egypt france wich are more atlanticist than turkey, and gna fought isis more than a time in derna for example so this argument is null . I’m not trying to fool you , cause you already fooled by misinformation! !!!!guy!!!

Brother Ma

Gna may have fought ISIS as did HTS al nusra alqaidq Turcos in Syria.That was mostly for resources and power. In the end ,both GNA and HTS turcos were all absorbed by Isis etc. Gna are still pro zionatoyanquistani,haftar is less so. I still go with LNA even though i still believe Haftar should be hung as a traitor to Libya. If I am willing to do that to Haftar guess what i want to do to the GNA dogs?

Brother Ma

Libyans who are traitorous jihadi dogs. Enough said. I have heard enough from bootlickers of the Turks.

Brother Ma

I know all that and what are you saying? You think the GNA was not in the pay of zio natoyanquistan?


Haftar is doing just fine, the GNA, and it’s Muslim Brotherhood is going down. Egypt will back Haftar if need be, they certainly don’t want a MB government to their west.

Brother Ma

Turks are unloading commados ,intelligence ,armored cars and armaments all the time with no ceasing. Haftar is losing so far re Tripoli. Any longer ,with more resupply and Haftarwill be in retreat.


You may be right, can’t see from here, but Erdogan is just saving a few jihadists from Idlib and moving them away from Turkey’s border. Haftar still controls the oil fields, and a slow down is not defeat.

Brother Ma

I love how Morsi died. Good riddance to bad headchopper rubbish.


Another deluded soul, RIP, the Eternal will sort him out. But yes, right in court, fitting indeed.


Hope LNA takes control over Tripoli soon. I really looking forward to see what will happen next… ☕


I hope after that they will liberate the Yafran pocket and the rest of the GNA-held strip west of Sabratha and then advance on Bani Walid and Sirte.



LNA is just a terrorist group armed they don’t have any government , working for the illegitimate egyptian putshists criminals

Brother Ma

You sound like what you are; a headchopper jihadi Turco or Turcophile.


LNA no legitimacy just an armed group supported by counter-revolution forces .Gna forces depend of the defense ministry of the internationally recognized government.

Brother Ma

All are useless and cutthroat and betrayed Libya. All allowed foreigners to rape libya of its resources. Yet,Haftar is the best of the bunch so i like him for the moment. The rest are Nato /ISIS and Turco stooges and bloodthirsty vampires.

Brother Ma

Internationally recognized? Really ,you want me to recognise zionatoyankees and their puppets? Haha. No way. Invaders in the pay of Israel and Yanqyistan. All I saw were qatari and saudi soldiers and moslem arab dogs brought in from the UK,France and America wearing baseball caps.


Support GNA true group

You can call me Al

Fuck you, fuck Turkey and I both laugh and spit at the presumption of a new Ottoman Empire.


Kys we already support gna with atgms cry

You can call me Al

Good, the LNA is going to crush you, with Russia’s backing (plus others).


usa support gna good luck xd


Inchaallah we will beat the unfairs soon . Allah is the greatest brother

uncle tungsten

GNA: Grovelling on Nees to Amerikkka, wrapped in fake NATO flag of the EU, peddling murder for the little nerdogan from treacherous turkish warmongering. GNA: going nuts for anatolia. etc.

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