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MARCH 2025

Local Official Deny That Syrian Army Entered Manbij City

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Local Official Deny That Syrian Army Entered Manbij City


A Co-Chairman of the Executive Council of the Democratic Civil Administration of Manbij denied that the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has entered the northern city and said that units of the local Manbij Military Council (MMC) are still deployed there.

“The Syrian military deployment will be limited to the separation line between the MMC and the mercenaries of the Turkish occupation in order to counter any threat to the security and stability of the city of Manbij,” Mohamed Sheikhou added during an interview with the Kurdish Hawar News Agency (ANHA) on December 30.

Sheikhou also stressed that the MMC and security forces of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) will continue to defend the city against any threat.

On December 28, the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) announced its withdrawal from Manbij and called on the SAA to protect the city from Turkey’s threats. The army responded within few hours and deployed a large force in the outskirt of the strategic city.

The Kremlin confirmed that units of the SAA were deployed around Manbij. However, the US-led coalition denied any changes in military forces in city and activists confirmed that its forces are still there.

The army step was aimed at protecting the city and not at taking over it. The Damascus government may reach a wider agreement with the SDF to co-govern northeastern Syria, including Manbij, in the upcoming few weeks.

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Turkish Greywolves

they didnt enter manbij, Turkey will though.

You can call me Al

Unless there is an agreement, the Turks may enter, but leave in body bags AS USUAL.


Free Independent Kurdistan is the only solution for Syria and Northern Iraq. And Freedom for the 20 million Kurds in Kurdish occupied lands inside the Turkish and the Iranian borders.

YPG/PKK terrorists will die by the Turkish army, get used to it your greater israel will be destroyed by the Muslim Brotherhood and you can f* off with your saudi backed terrorists


Erdogan’s turkish regime (backed by another terror funding state, Qatar) is a dictatorship and the state he has created is a terrorist state that has put in jail anyone he doesn’t like! Donald Trump is big chicken and has betrayed the Kurds but the Kurds will manage fine without him. Every people is entitled to its freedom and the Kurds will be independent soon ! Turkey will be torned in pieces …1829-1919-2019 ..Turks, the end is near for you… Run back to Mongolia will you still can…

the YPG terrorists will die alongside with your american-backed terrorists, all of them will die.


Turkey also supports mouslim terrorists in Albania, Bosnia and Kosovo and trains, funds and provides them with NATO weapons.

those are countries who should be able to protect themselves. recognized one’s as well, those are our allies.


Of cource they are your alies, terrorists befriend other terrorists.

Those are recognized countries once again, we have trade and mutual interests in the defense sector. f* off


As of December 2018, 104 out of 193 (54%) United Nations (UN) member states, 23 out of 28 (82%) European Union (EU) member states, 25 out of 29 (86%) NATO member states, and 35 out of 57 (61%) Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) member states have recognised Kosovo. You can go and eat your shi-t kebap now mouslim terrorist.


The US,UK,France,Germany plus some other NATO nations support terrorists who they train, fund and provide the terrorists, including ISIS with NATO and also EX USSR weapons and ammunition. New ammunition for USSR weapons is made in Bulgaria and other such countries.

The US Coalition of Terror also provides satellite and other advanced ‘intelligence’ information to her Wahabi proxies.

I would agree with what you say about Turkey ,but why be silent about the other half of the equation ?


SDF have repeated the same mistake of Afrin for Manbij. Now SDF should think about East of Euphrates river.

SDF want a battle between Ankara and Damascus which will never happen.


It would appear that this guy WANTS Turkey to invade or something. Because the last message you want to send out to Erdogan, that he can use to his advantage, is that the YPG is still in control of Manbij. What a moron.

Bigaess Wangmane

From what I’ve read and observed, the Kurds want to pull an Israel by getting the SAA and the Turk-Militants/Military to fight each other in Manbij on their behalf, it won’t work, of course. The Kurds still haven’t given up on carving out 1/3rd of Syria to get their Kurdistan and never will.

s Slippy

Once again you purposely lie and you wonder why your reputation is dogshit.

But but the kurd who spoke the truth is “a moron”



This confirms the SF map published one or two days ago, https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/201812301071112462-syrian-army-manbij/


Hello every1, this day USSR was formed. Please support my article if you wish :)



Checked it out.

You can call me Al

Read it. Interesting stuff.

Happy New Year.


hey thanks :)

Happy new year as well!!

Gregory Casey

Happy New Year Russifier! Interesting read.

Jon Gruntha

Hopefully the talks work out.

Promitheas Apollonious

hopefully not, other wise this war, will never end.

Jon Gruntha

I meant the talk for government to take SDF territories in return for preventing a Turkish invasion works out. If that is prevented, rebels will only have Idlib and North Aleppo, and Turkey won’t have leverage against Assad. They’ll be quickly finished.

Promitheas Apollonious

SDF are zionist puppets and guests in syria that given them refuge they dont have land in syria that belongs to them, to take or to give.Syria belong to their people and as far I know, if the turks make a move will find the SAA and allies against them may be with the exception of russia that has national interest to have good relations with turkey.

You when you think and conclude is easy because kurds did not betray your motherland and are zionists puppets that been used to destroy your country. Syrians dont think like you about the kurds or the turks and in general any one cause them more than half a million dead and destruction of their country who fought to keep her free and survive. They know who the enemy is.

Jon Gruntha

Oh shut it, they only take material and verbal support from other nations for their own survival. But they support the right of Palestinians. No different than Turkey, which still maintains relations with Israel.

Promitheas Apollonious

and I give a shit about Palestinians and their right in this equation exactly why? You support who ever supports palestinians so you not judging A SITUATION based on her reality but you are a brain less supporter, of what you support no matter what kind of shit is the other side.

Thinking is not illegal try it sometimes before you write it do you good.

Jon Gruntha

Oh so you don’t care about Palestinians? Figures. Don’t rant about getting supports from Zionists, because you certainly don’t care about people oppressed by their policies. Hypocrite.

Gregory Casey

Don’t be such an idiot. Apollonius is correct in much of what he says and there is absolutely NO doubt but that State of Israel, while led by BiBi and Defense Minister Lieberman channeled Arms & Intel & Military support to #SDF & Kurds with specific intention of Kurds claiming ownership and the new mini-State of Kurdistan stretching from N Aleppo to the Iraqi Border, taking with it the bulk of Syria’s Oil Reserves that Kurds were exceptionally happy to trade and peddle with the Turks & Turkish Ports & Refineries (ably assisted by ISIS & US) in return for the cash they needed to pay their fighters and to maintain & peddle their PR Operation in Western Europe and America. Northern & North-Eastern Syria do not constitute any part or any significant part of the ancient “homeland” of Kurds which homeland lies, primarily in Eastern Turkey, stretching from the Armenian Border southwards to the Iraqi Border. Most of the Kurdish Population of Syria represents the remnants of the Kurd Refugees from Turkey under Ataturk when Kurds suddenly realized they no longer held a special place as they did in the Court of the Ottoman Sultans and so, I strongly suggest to the 1.5 Million (maximum) Syrian Kurds that they accept their Syrian Citizenship and uphold the Syrian State & Syrian Constitution. If they really want to form a new Kurdistan, do so from within Kurdistan, in Turkey and in N Iraq and in tiny slivers of NE Syria.

Jon Gruntha

Conspiracy theory. Kurds have little actual support from Israel.



– Syrian Civil War Map 2018 –


Turkish Greywolves

they didnt enter lol


Syrian Civil War Map is usually pretty accurate, and does a good job vetting their sources. If Syrian flags are flying over government buildings. Then uniformed security to augment the plain cloths security already there probably isn’t far behind. And the Syrian government delegation probably had uniformed security with them. So if that’s true, there is already a forward element of uniformed government forces operating in the city securing government buildings.

Turkish Greywolves

they are not accurate they are stupid PKK YPG lover


I haven’t seen any proof to support that, do you have any?

Promitheas Apollonious

only his imagination.

they are not in manbij


Syrian flags flying over government buildings in Manbij: https://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/inline-images/Manbij%20Syrian%20Flag.jpg – As US Exits, Syrian Army Raises Flag Over Kurdish Province For 1st Time Since War’s Start –


Turkish Greywolves

That is Arimah, not Manbij and second of all they’re not in Manbij


Can you prove that? This article says otherwise:

“Syrian pro-government channels indeed showed the national flag raised over municipal buildings in Manbij early Friday.”

– – As US Exits, Syrian Army Raises Flag Over Kurdish Province For 1st Time Since War’s Start –


Gregory Casey

Idiot. It’s not just that you don’t believe that Syrian Forces are in control of Manbij it’s that you refuse, point-blank to accept the sight of your eyes, the wind in your ears or the bullet through your skull as Turkey sends it’s Salafist Friends into Manbij to conduct Jihad.


And Grey Wolves imagination is somewhat limited as we know :)

Turkish Greywolves

lol stupids they are not in manbij lmaooo


The people running Syrian Civil War Map disagree with you and have a good track record of accurate reporting. I’ll take there word over regime change terrorists.

Turkish Greywolves

Videos show otherwise, they havent entered LOL


Feel free to post them with an explanation to support your contention.

s Slippy

Never go full denial…. Its pathetic

Gregory Casey

What videos? Where are they?


If the Syrian government coalition forces are on the outskirts of Manbij, and the Syrian government is raising the Syrian flag over government buildings in Manbij, then these statements by the Kurdish regime change terrorists have to be put in perspective. They are allowing the recovery of the land that they tried to take for the Jew world order to set up Israelistan to implement the Yinon plan for the evil Jew blood sucking baby rapers without a fight. Which will continue with or without hostilities.



Goodbye Israelistan, and good riddance.



Who Supports ISIS ? Who is the real terrorist ?



The Kurds want their independence from Turkey (20 million living in Turkey).

The Turks hate the Kurds… but somebody else has to do the dirty job (Hense ISIS — Daesh is created).

Turkey provided Daesh with NATO weapons, military equipment and chemical weapons such as sarin.

Turkey Supported Daesh Financially Through Purchase Of Stolen Oil and assists Daesh recruitment.

Turkey Offered Medical Care To Daesh, Daesh militants go to Turkey frequently to rest and take a break from fighting.

Turkey Provided Transport And Logistical Assistance To Daesh.

Turkish special forces have fought alongside Daesh and helped Daesh In the battle for Kobani. Turkey And Daesh Share A Worldview. Erdogan’s bank accounts in Switzerland and elsewhere are made of Kurdish and Yazidi blood, stolen Iraqi and Syrian oil and the money made by human traffickers smuggling illegal immigrants to the EU through the Greek islands of the Aegean Sea.

It shouldn’t really come as a surprise these dirty Turkish tricks … they are the ones that committed genocide against the Armenians, the Greeks, the Assyrians, the Bulgarians and against the Kurds in the past :

Armenian Genocide. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armenian_Genocide The Greek genocide, including the Pontic genocide. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_genocide Bulgarian genocide – Batak massacre. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batak_massacre Assyrian genocide. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assyrian_genocide Kurdish – Anfal genocide. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anfal_genocide#The_campaign


Amazingly I agree with the Huffington Post Article BUT this all points to a US campaign to engender Western public opinion support ,in order to isolate Erdogan internationally and replace him with a NATO friendly stooge.

2019 looks to be a turbulent year :)

You can call me Al



Two of my Libtarded friends are still in denial but we have moved from the ‘debate’ stage to the ‘ignore the subject ‘ stage.

If they progress to the nect stage of ‘ realising they have been duped by the state ‘ ,the final stage of anger will arrive.

Its no different really to the process of denial in a failed relationship :) Some take a long time to accept the facts .

You can call me Al

I have just spent a week in the UK over Christmas -> those libtarded friends for me, is my Father and Brother in Law unfortunately; I was absolutely dumbstruck at how little they knew …… I showed them the common image of the Nato bases around Russia and both didnt believe it; the Brother in law, calling it BS, my Dad calling it propaganda.

It was absolutely f’ing insane. Added to that, my sister believes that all the immigrants should be welcomed into Europe……..

Oh what a laugh we had that one night !!!!!

PS That last para in intriguing – what’s up ?, or has my wife been gobbing off ?.

Happy New Year.


The same sort of ignorance abides here in Ireland Al. My daughter who was brought up to challenge the status quo, has swallowed the msm narrative lock, stock and barrel.

You can call me Al

and there you have the common theme.

My Dad – University Professor in Mechanical Engineer (retired). My Sister – Some administrator in a Junior School.

The education system is now just a political, PC, propaganda outlet.

Brother in law – a dumb-as-hell cockney wanker.


Al, you will see my reply to Gregory above so will not cover the same ground. You are right, education for the last 30 years has been a relentless exercise in pushing a right wing narrative all over the world. One of my favourite authors, Michael Parenti was sacked from his post as lecturer because of his alternative views on how society is organised. He is of course a best selling author and has been for many years. He reveals as do others how in the USA universities smother out the alternative. And have been at it since the 50s

Gregory Casey

Similarly with many of my own friends & family. The “truth” of what has been happening throughout the past 8 years is the “truth” that drips slow from the rancid-breathed mouths of a media that has swallowed the think-tanks, the universities, the ‘expert’ panels on TV chat-shows, the flaky intel fed to them with sources never to be known on basis of threat that there will be no more ‘stories’ in the future unless today’s “truth” is what is published today. There’s a lot to be said for programmes of compulsory mass-education …….. an education predicated upon a reprogramming of the human mind and a removal of all prejudices infecting that mind. OOh well ……..


I would go back a lot further than 8 years ago, Gregory. I visited my Alma Mater, UCC, Cardiff, 5years ago, where I read Sociology and Politics 82 to 85. These were two of the largest departments on campus. They are now part the Social Science department. My son did a degree in TippInst 16 years ago and one of the elements was Sociology. The only required reading was by Anthony Giddens, it was seriously right wing. Another part of that degree course threw up another Prof., John Baker in Law again as right wing as you could get. Both of the above were knighted. Dare I say, for pushing a right wing agenda in education.


I can easier understand now why men rushed to enlist up and get killed in WW1.

As I have oft said, any variety of cults are powerful propaganda tools. The worst afflicted die in ignorance and also from the ignorance of the ‘High Priests’ acolyte’s.

Follow me chaps, God is with us :)


A strong probability, unfortunately there is another possibility. A days few ago the YPG according to themselves were leaving the defence of Manbij to the SAA and its allies. They were going to fight ISIS in the Eastern Euphrates. Everyone at that time seemed to agree that this was happening. The SAA raised a flag and we saw a convey with SAA troops and civilians driving along a street scape which we all presumed was Manbij. Now the situation is completely changed and for the worse. AS tensions mount and they will, the SAA will have either to attack Manbij or withdraw and allow the Turks to attack it. The former seems more likely as the latter would be a de-facto surrender to the Turks. If the former then the Yanki cockroaches and their turds will be screaming Gas attack.With a big cruise strike on the SAA. With the potential to start a very serious regional war if not worse.


The FUKUS 3 are dirty enough to do that I agree.

However another possibility could be that Turkey and the SAA unite against the US clowns and their proxies.

get the f* out of here with your propaganda lol


Propaganda ?

Lets have a look who are these people you support shall we ?

The ones you use their name as your nickname…mr Turkish Greywolf…

Grey Wolves (organization) :


The Grey Wolves (Turkish: Bozkurtlar),[19] officially known as Ülkü Ocakları (Turkish: [ylcy odʒakɫaɾɯ]; “Idealist Clubs/Hearths”), are a Turkish far-right ultranationalist organization. They are variously described as ultranationalist and/or neo-fascist. A youth organization with close links to the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), it has been described as MHP’s paramilitary or militant wing.

Established by Colonel Alparslan Türkeş in the late 1960s, it rose to prominence during the late 1970s political violence in Turkey when its members engaged in urban guerrilla warfare with left-wing activists and militants. Scholars have described it as a death squad, responsible for most of the violence and killings in this period. Their most notorious attack, which killed over 100 Alevis, took place in Maraş in December 1978. They are also alleged to have been behind the Taksim Square massacre on May Day, 1977. The masterminds behind the Pope John Paul II assassination attempt in 1981 by Grey Wolves member Mehmet Ali Ağca were not identified and the organization’s role remains unclear. Due to these attacks, the Grey Wolves have been described by some scholars, journalists, and governments as a terrorist organization.

A staunchly Pan-Turkist organization, in the early 1990s the Grey Wolves extended their area of operation into the post-Soviet states with Turkic and Muslim populations. Up to thousands of its members fought in the Nagorno-Karabakh War on the Azerbaijani side, and the First and Second Chechen Wars on the Chechen side. After an unsuccessful attempt to seize power in Azerbaijan in 1995, they were banned in that country. In 2005, Kazakhstan also banned the organization, classifying it as terrorist.

The organization has also been active in the Turkish-controlled portion of Cyprus. It has affiliated branches in several Western European countries with significant Turkish populations, such as Belgium, the Netherlands, and Germany.

Tudor Miron

It is good that you mention Armenian genocide. Do you know who exactly was conducting it? Kurds on Turkish behalf.

You can call me Al

That is mentioned in his first link. Happy New year.

Bill Rood

I took a look at that first link to Wikipedia. Yes, the Kurds are mentioned twice, but I believe they had a much more central role in the genocides than presented in the Wikipedia article. Their role was simply so large that it can not be denied.

You can call me Al

I must admit, so did I, but it is Wikipedia, so take it all with a pinch of salt.

Have a good one and Happy New Year to you and your family.

Gregory Casey

And quite extraordinary that throughout the past 8 years and the war in Syria, our media in Europe and America has failed to mention, even once, the role played by Kurds in the Genocide of 1.5 Million Armenian Christians. Kurds were the Tip of the Sultan’s Spear in 1915 and for many decades before then and following the break-up of the Ottoman Empire and the withdrawal of the Kurds special status within that Empire, to be replaced by an ordinary everyday-ness role of equality with every other Turkish Citizen in Ataturk’s Democracy. Poor Kurds believing they are much maligned ever since by their once beloved Ottoman Masters. Poor Journalists who cannot read or understand the actual history of the Kurdish People within the Ottoman Empire. Poor idiots we, the ordinary people who despite the vast arrays of knowledge available at the touch of a button on a keyboard fail, refuse and otherwise disbelieve the lessons of history including what actually happened.

Bill Rood

Gregory, thank you for mentioning the “special status” of Kurds within the Ottoman Empire and the loss of that status. I was aware of their role in the genocide but had been unaware that they had once been privileged and have now lost that privilege within Turkey. Naturally, during the period of privilege, they would have learned to think of themselves as “exceptional” or “chosen.” They would subsequently resent the rising status of non-Kurds. That explains a lot.

Bill Rood

Also, Assyrians were victims of genocide by Kurds at the direction of Ottomans.


Turks never hat Kurds. There are many members of Turkey Parliament from Kurds.

Even in the Erdogan AK party there are many Kurdish members. Turks only against the enemy of Turkish state that work for CIA and Israeli child butchers.


You either dont know history or you are promoting the Turkish propaganda.


Kurdish Genocide by the Ottoman Empire.

Leading up to and during World War I, the Ottoman Empire conducted a number of genocidal campaigns against the Christian minorities living within Turkey as well as other provinces under its control. The most well-known is the Armenian genocide. There were also lesser known, but no less brutal, genocide campaigns against the Assyrian Christians in Northern Iraq.

After World War I, the newly declared Turkish Republic leader Kemal Atatürk repudiated the Treaty of Sèvres which proposed a referendum be conducted in the Kurdish homeland. As a result, conflict continued between the Turkish military and the Kurds. This conflict still exists today, as the Turkish Kurdistan area has been depopulated, thousands of villages have been destroyed and a state of martial law has been implemented.

Throughout the history of this area, the Kurds have revolted against the Turks, Arabs and the Persians in trying to establish an autonomous or independent state but have always been defeated.


I’m not misguiding you just look the Turkey parliament that how many Kurd members are in AK party of president Erdogan and how many Kurds ministers in Turkey Parliament. In each country separatists are supported by CIA, Pentagon and by other bullshitts.


Is that so !

OK…If Erdogan likes the Kurds so much (never mind what he is doing to them in Syria and Iraq) … How do you explain this :

Since the thwarted coup, nearly 50,000 people have been detained, including many soldiers, journalists, lawyers, police officers, academics and Kurdish politicians.

Turkish parliament strips status of two more pro-Kurdish lawmakers.


The move further reduced the parliamentary strength of the Democratic People’s Party (HDP), the second largest opposition party in the chamber. The party’s seats fell to 50 from 59 it won at the last election, and nine other HDP lawmakers are in detention and could also be stripped of their status.

Turkish Parliament to ban word ‘Kurdistan’


..and why do western media give instructions on : How to survive tyranny: 10 pieces of advice from Turkey.



I think you are pro PKK member.


You think I like members of the PKK ? ? ? LOL ! Because I posted the links of the free western media that proves I m right ..?

I like whats fair. And I like people who fight for their freedom against their oppressors.

But lets see, why would you accuse me of liking PKK members…? …Could it be cause you love Erdogan ? …

…A brutal dictator that has seized power in Turkey and is putting everyone that’s against him in jail…?

Thats your own words :



Without doubt President Erdogan is genius and a capable leader. He could lead the Muslim world. Washington, London and Israeli child butchers cannot control him.


Yeap, undoubtedly you are a fanatic muslim!

You like Erdogan, a dictator that is an affiliate of the Taliban and he him self has butchered thousands of Kurds, women, children and the elderly in their homes.

So you like terrorists and you like terrorists bosses…

For people like you getting the death penalty would be doing you a favour…



Israeli child butchers state 1948 to 2019.


I m not advocating for Israel here pal, why you talking to me about Israel ?

I dont like Israel and their ways either.

I believe Palestine should be free and independent just as much as Kurdistan.

But you are wrong about Erdogan. He is a deluded dictator, a stolen oil smuggler and an illegal immigant pusher just to name a few of the things he is.


Palestine has occupied by UK and US while Kurdistan is UK and US plan to build. If you like you can divide Syria, Turkey, UK and USA but in dreams. In future UK and US will take loans from RUSSIA AND CHINA with soft conditions.

Concrete Mike

Hey its Mister Kurds are the best fighters against isis bs!!

Not so tough now without uncle sam behind you.

Your previous claims of objectivity are laughable.

SAA will beat you without firing a single shot!.


Hey its mudswamp Mike !

What is laughable here is your pathetic effort to make some kind of impression without really saying anything in your comment.

…In fact looking at your other comments in other articles I m now certain that the only difference between you and a bucket of shit is the bucket !

Tudor Miron

Another Kurdish slow learner.


Seems to me it is a Kurdish characteristic.


Okay, in the south (Daraa and Quneitra), even in Eastern Ghouta, in many districts the SAA also didn’t entered the towns, making agreements with the local councils. And what the man said is that LOCAL “units of the local Manbij Military Council (MMC) are still deployed there.” There, in the town of Manbij, not in the front line, so they have to do the security work there and, if needed, they will be reserve troops.


Syrian flags flying over government buildings in Manbij: https://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/inline-images/Manbij%20Syrian%20Flag.jpg


“Currently, the Syrian Army has deployed around the city saying it stands ready to protect it from nearby pro-Turkish forces. This as the Syrian Arab Army announced it “raised the flag of the Syrian Arab Republic there” as confirmed by Russian television footage from on the ground.”

– As US Exits, Syrian Army Raises Flag Over Kurdish Province For 1st Time Since War’s Start –



“Damascus, SANA – The General Command of the Army and Armed Forces said Friday said that stemming from the complete commitment of the Syrian Army in assuming its responsibilities to impose sovereignty to each inch of the Syrian territories and in response to calls of locals of Menbej city, the General Command of the Army and Armed Forces announces the entry of units of Syrian Arab Army to Menbej city and the hoisting of the Syrian Arab flag.”

– Army General Command announces entry of Syrian Arab army units to Menbej city, Syrian flag is hoisted –




– Syrian Army Liberates Manbij While Turkish Army Lays in Wait miles away –


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