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Location Of F-16 Fighters In Ukraine Revealed

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Location Of F-16 Fighters In Ukraine Revealed

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The Ukrainian military cant stop bragging about the handouts of its Western patrons. Another glorifying report about F-16 fighters helped to reveal the airfield of their deployment.

Commander of the Air Force of Ukraine Mykola Oleschuk published the footage of the foreign fighters hidden in hangars on the official sources of the Ukrainian military. Russian military experts made an analysis and revealed that at least some of F-16 aircraft supplied by NATO are deployed in Western Ukraine. The identified airfield is located in Kolomyia in the Ivano-Frankivsk region, almost 800 km away from the front line. The Ukrainian military built concrete shelters for precious Western fighters. Earlier, the largest aviation group of Ukraine was deployed at this airfield.

Location Of F-16 Fighters In Ukraine Revealed

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Location Of F-16 Fighters In Ukraine Revealed

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Various reports claimed that Kyiv deployed its first 10 aircraft in Western regions of the country in an attempt to hide them from Russian strikes. However, Russian military experts warned that the MSM reports and the ‘accidentally’ leaked location of the F-16 could be aimed at assuring the Russian military that NATO fighters were deployed in Ukraine and would not launch operations from NATO military airfields. In fact, F-16s may be hidden on the territory of NATO member states and launch strikes with NATO missiles from NATO military airfields, making them legitimate targets for Russian strikes.

At the moment, Russian missiles are heading to Western regions of Ukraine, in particular strikes were reported in Ivano-Frankivsk. The results of the devastating attack are being revealed, they may include damage or destruction of NATO fighters in Ukraine.


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Banging Ukrainian Widows

the real reason for these f16’s to be donated to ukropistan is not to bring defeat on russia. but to convince owners of this fighter jet upgrade to the f35.


what an upgrade……….lol. a multi rolled expensive piece of sh-t.


an upgrade to the bank accounts of the us military industrial complex.


did some one say f35? any one for a glass of lemonade for $120 million a glass


1 ¾ cups white sugar

1 cup water

9 medium lemons, or more as needed

7 cups ice-cold water

ice as needed

when lockheed martin sells you lemons all you can do is make lemonade

Last edited 6 months ago by FOAB

even still, why are they not in flames yet?

Am Hants

patience, will not be long.

Am Hants

have they sorted out the 100 primary faults of the f35 yet? in the meantime, there is a video of a russian su-34 playing cat and mouse with a patriot system, that is doing the rounds.


it could be that the us is incentivising the other nato nations to give up old f16s in order to get them to then buy f22’s and f35s . plus as we have seen the ukes are kinda stupid and perhaps the f16 is as much of a plane as they can handle. they have managed to fuck up all the other western gear they have received.

stupo von germ

looks like gay germ decoys

Hot Potato

just to be certain a preemptive strike with drones should be carried out on the airfield and followed up by a complete destruction if they turn out to be real.


what happened to the greatest kursk offensive? it ran out of steam mwahahaha


it will be mentioned in history books as the great kursk suicide kamikaze disaster🤡


hmmmm. leopards could be in moscow in 5 hours.


“could” being the keyword here. we all know they won’t, so do you. stop yapping

Last edited 6 months ago by Patrick

yeah, once they stop burning, they can be cleaned up and put on display in moscow, right outside the german embassy.

Am Hants

yeah, didn’t adolf say similar when he sent his tanks to kursk? how did that work out? what does this mean, with regards the treaties that were signed between russia and germany, with regards dismantling the soviet union?


russia ran out of level 1 – 18 year old conscripts. most of them surrended to ukraine.

Niccolo Machiavelli

oh dear oh dear….. reminds me of the number of times that gerry claimed to have sunk the hms raleigh and the hms drake in ww2 – both of them shore batteries……


and that’s why the ethnic cleansing ato of the failed ukrainian cia project has successfully driven the last of the moskals from donbas. bandera days circle jerk in mariupol this january! happy days, fellas!


lol, must be watching french news or cnn.


oh yeah, he’s on a diet of strick bs. and no doubt he believes that all the kidnapped civilians are also “recruits”.

Am Hants

is that why ukraine is relying on the handicapped and terminally ill, to die for zelinsky’s mansions?

Am Hants

now a big cauldron, with no way out.


for three years putin sit comfortable in his office and threaten without action.people were killed in a club,belgorod and kursk were invaded.weapons were brought in jets were supplied.crimea bridge damaged.


lol, have you not seen the economic decline in just about all of europe. governments spending hundreds of billions on ukraine with no actual results worth remembering? why not sit “comfortably in your office” when your opponents are destroying their own economies?


and that’s just the europhiles. americans gave ukraine half a trillion dollars of taxpayer money that could’ve been used on their veterans, infrastructure, education and homeless citizens. but they hate russia so much they rather waste it on a failed state like ukraine.

Last edited 6 months ago by Boris
Am Hants

what i find ironic, is the fact that in 2022 russia was spending around $75 billion on it’s defence budget. just about a $billion more than the uk. over in the uk, we cannot even defend ourselves from the dinghy tourists and we are looking at getting hms warrior out of dry dock to secure our borders. the us spends $750 billion on defence, excluding what they have given to ukraine. yet, russia has made nato impotent.


why wasn’t putin in that club instead of behind his desk? any leader worth his salt prevents all attacks, decades before they occur using pre-crime telepathy.

Am Hants

really? at least he spends time in his office. where is zelinsky hiding out? is the wife driving him around in her latest new toy?


after seeing smoke above kiev it is now time to see these birds fall from the sky. let the games begin🚀🚀🚀

Zionists Are Nazes

if ukronazes fly they will be toast.


why is there still an airfield working in ukraine?


oh no! not the invincible f16s!! putin is doomed!!! as soon as the ghost of kiev and tom cruise climb into the cockpit it’s all over!!!! game over!!!

Am Hants

seranaded by the phantom of the opera, playing the piano. zelinsky and the ghost of kiev, make such a good double act, for those who like ‘grimm fairy tales’.


these are probably decoys. very convincing, but decoys if they weren’t they would already be destroyed otherwise, russia wouldn’t reveal this “finding” and organize an attack. the russians know that they are indeed decoys and by this leak they wait to see where will the ukranians relocate them……. i believe the true f16 are far away, not even in poland, maybe in germany

Am Hants

bearing in mind you are talking of ukraine, who love their ‘selfie’ images and not the brightest bulbs in the box.


lol – sf is a bunch of dummies

The Fall Of Ukropistan

awww you mad keep seething and smashing your keyboard maybe mommy will come to your basement and bring your chicken nuggets.

gestapo mctaco

“maybe mommy will come to your basement and bring your chicken nuggets”

or an extra diaper to soothe his manchild snowflake arse


only here to laugh at ruzzian propaganda


can you write english? you have the spelling of some inbred migrant.


do you have an approximate date for the bandera days circle jerk in donetsk city this year to celebrate the successful wrap-up of the ethnic-cleansing ato?


for what? showing an article? should they make a theater performance our of it? your argument is not very well thought out. it’s okay to accuse someone but least provide us with some context, right now you seem to be the only dummy here mate.

Take the L

it is reported that hangars with equipment containing f-16 fighters were hit in ivano-frankivsk

the information requires confirmation.

Conan M

i sure hope that russian drones and missiles are finding their locations as much as cameras. because if it is just cameras the question like the “bridges” in the western half of it that are getting himars delivered is “why”?

Last edited 6 months ago by Conan M

more pentacon ussan garbage chucked onto the rump ukrapper dumpster fire. when the snafu is over and natostan gone the way of the dinosaur all this western scrap will be used for canning fish and vegetables from mother russia’s rescued territories. ain’t karma just grand.


how the three days special operation going? hahaha

Dead Ukrop Stinking up my yard

how are things in donbass? from the latest news it seems you are getting your ass kicked on all fronts and fertilizing kursk with your dads and brothers corpses that will never return home. 700k dead ukrop neo nazis so far. i hope this smo will last a little longer so that number will grow tenfold.


do you mean the ethnic-cleansing ato of the failed ukrainian cia project? we’re in the eleventh year now.

Am Hants

who said it was going to last 3 days? wasn’t it the nafo bots/trolls? i remember the speech by president putin, emphasising the aim was to de-militarise ukraine, de-nazify ukraine (why is the un so mute on the nazi problem in ukraine, when europe was meant to have been de-nazified and kept that way?). not forgetting to ‘removal of the military threat to russia’. seems to be going well.

Skip 59

interesting as to why russia has allowed them into ukraine at all. make me suspect this is a “clown war” .. all for show and tell and killing of people mean nothing to all sides..!!


frankly the pics look more like mig29’s or su27’s

V for Victory

definitively yes, they are fulcrums not falcons! look the tail: they have 2 engines! also present an old l-39.


yup, that is what i saw too , the tail configuration and some of the body shape as well.


whatever they are, time for russia to take them out


knowing who runs the show, i would tell them,”if you blow a nuclear facility we will blow the bankers city in london”.


mr kinzhal and mr iskander will soon pay a visit…

Lance Ripplinger

show me some real images, not potato images. those aircraft in the supposed satellite images look like completely different planes. they don’t look like f-16’s. one of them almost looks like it could be a french made dassault mirage fighter jet even. enough with the crappy, highly pixelated potato images.


i doubt they are f16s. maybe there is one hidden in there. but if i had billions of dollars of assets, i would biold a dummys to conceal them amongst.


i doubt it. if it is true, russia should destroy them without hesitation. unless russia is waiting until they start bombing russian civilians.


prolly a balloon and pony show. nothing says “kick me” like a row of tightly packed planes, or rather, decoys. this is a typical british intelligence tactic, and the us has a ballon decoy factory. remember the taliban running down the airstrip with a fake balloon transport plane… no one got sucked into the fake engines, imagine that. great media fake.

Am Hants

only ukraine. what was it the us air force general charles brown said about ukraine being the most expensive ‘selfie’ production company? how are ukraine and the nato pilots going to fly those airplanes, with zero air defence in place?

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