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Locations Of US, British, Chinese, French And Russian Aircraft Carriers – September 3, 2019

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This map shows the approximate locations of US, British, French, Chinese and Russian aicraft carriers and carrier strike groups. SouthFront: Analysis & Intelligence tracks locations of these aircraft carriers using the available open-source information. No classified information was used in production of the map.

Locations Of US, British, Chinese, French And Russian Aircraft Carriers – September 3, 2019

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Dick Von Dast'Ard

You have to wonder what is the point in having all those CVN carriers that the USN has?

They aren’t actually doing anything other than costing a lot of dollars the U.S. govt doesn’t have, to maintain.

You can call me Al

You have to wonder when our British carrier moves out of port in Portsmouth.


A well informed source has told me that the Queen Elizabeth is being prepared as an exhibit alongside the Mary Rose in Portsmouth.

She was planned to sit along side HMS Victory BUT all the Aircraft Carriers leaks have precluded this.

Its a shame I know,Al, but al least we wil be able to visit Three and a Half Billion of tax payers pounds that paid for the ship’, and all for a small entry fee.

It’s a bargain and far more value than about 17000 new homes for those British citizens who are in great need of one. :)

You can call me Al


Let’s make a big prison out of it ?.

God we are useless.


A prison for errant MP’s and government officials. The Queen Elizabeth ‘Prison Hulk’ as a British ring to it ,I think.

You can call me Al

Careful there, apparently we still have our empire.



You will be pleased to learn, Al, from a report in todays Daily Telegraph that the UK military are intending to ‘go green’ and replace all internal combustion vehicles with electric ones. This is partly to appeal to the younger generation whom the army needs to recruit.

This will take time of course, especially with heavy vehicles like tanks etc. Eight hours electric power, then the battery goes flat and it takes 12+ hours to recharge ( in the field of battle). That’s if the battlefields have Charging points installed of course.

Our leaders are going fucking mad, Al. :) I can hear the Russians and Chinese laughing from the UK, inside my double glazed house.

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