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Locations Of US, British, Russian Aircraft Carriers – November 12, 2018

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This map shows the approximate locations of US, British and Russian aicraft carriers and carrier strike groups. SouthFront: Analysis & Intelligence tracks locations of these aircraft carriers using the available open-source information. No classified information was used in production of the map.

Some developments:

  • The CVN-75 Harry S. Truman carrier strike group recently particiapted in the Trident Juncture 2018 war games near Russia’s northern border and is now deployed near the coast of Portugal.
  • The CVN-76 Ronald Reagan carrier strike group participated in the Keen Sword 2019 war games in the period from October 28 to November 8. The Keen Sword 2019 is a large-scale joint drills by the US and Japan. The drill came amid the growing tensions between Washington and Beijing in the sitaution in the South China Sea.
  • According to reprots, planned repair and modernization works have been resumed at the Admiral Kuznetsov heavy aircraft-carrying missile cruiser (TAVKR) after the October 30 incident with the floating dry dock.
  • The HMS Queen Elizabeth is conducting drills off the east coast of the US in order to test its F-35 jets.
Locations Of US, British, Russian Aircraft Carriers - November 12, 2018

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CVN-75 Ronald Reagan, Home Port Yokosuka, Japan. Sad to see the extend of US colonialism.


Because colonialism abolished cannibalism

Promitheas Apollonious

so beside two easy targets have all their navy assets within their ports. And this been happening for close to a year now. are they with the idea that will be spared because they are in home ports, or that they can be protected when the shit hit the fan?


They can’t afford to deploy them.

Jens Holm

None of that. They are as soldiers, which You rapidly can call in for war.


I’d like to see Admiral Kuznetsov making a trip around the world :))

Henry Swarey

I love your sarcasm.


Well, I bet Nikolay Kuznetsov would love to know that his descendants keep his memory as close to the mother Russia as possible.

Henry Swarey

He’d roll over in his grave if he knew the reason why.


Maybe he was not so butt hurt as they are nowadays.


Lets be honest, Russia has always built crappy ships. The best fleet they had, was built in Germany. But ships are out of date, thanks to missiles, and Russia builds the worlds best missiles.


I can’t contradict you with the missiles, though their surface fleet is a joke.

Jens Holm

Kursk was a sub.


Actually their frigates and corvettes are good and very capable, their submarines are the best in the world… their aircraft carrier is old but imo ac are only good when fighting nations with no capable AA and/or air force… you use a ac against an equal foe and you will lose a ~10 billion dollar ship, billions in aircraft and 3000-5000 personal…. AC’s are the new Battleship, obsolete.

Jens Holm

Its a carrier, they might carry it -sorry spelling. I am carried away by Your ironi.

But Russians has the wettest dry dock as support vessel …


The dock wanted to revenge those planes the carrier launched into the sea.

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