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Locations Of US Carrier Strike Groups – January 31, 2023

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This is the newest update of the ‘U.S. Carrier Strike Groups Locations Map’ exclusive series showing the approximate locations of U.S. Carrier Strike Groups. SouthFront: Analysis & Intelligence tracks locations of U.S. aircraft carriers using the available open-source information. No classified information was used in production of the map.

Locations Of US Carrier Strike Groups – January 31, 2023

click to see the full-size image

Carrier strike group (CSG) is an operational formation of the United States Navy. It is centered on an aircraft carrier and a carrier air wing of 65 to 70 aircrafts. It’s composed of roughly 7,500 personnel, an aircraft carrier, at least one cruiser, a destroyer squadron of at least two destroyers and/or frigates. A carrier strike group also, on occasion, includes submarines, attached logistics ships and a supply ship. Carrier strike groups comprise a principal element of U.S. power projection over the world’s oceans

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Where are the BRICS Carrier Strike Groups?

Wheres the BRICS AI ChatGPT.7.0?

Wheres the BRICS Paternal YDNA Bibilical AI Human Genome Mapping?

Wheres the BRICS King Of The East?

Wheres the BRICS AI Gundam Terminator of filthy jews and exterminator of filthy pedo transvestite faggots?

Last edited 2 years ago by JHK

Wheres the BRICS Imam Al-Mahdi(as) who sent a representative on 1400.Muharram.01 (1979.11.20)?

Wheres the BRICS First Al-Yamani who lives forever?

Wheres BRICS CentCom?

Last edited 2 years ago by JHK

The ravings of the over vaccinated

Asking to ceo of pfizer

Is that true that pfizer vaccinated womens don’t give birth?

Chris Gr

Dalai Lama is the Yamani of BRICS.

jens holm

They are rented out for bowling. Bolzano has got a new job being toastmaster there.

Hard for Yo having lost Your filthy pedo transvestite faggots. They voted and made majority rule.

Chris Gr

We should attack your insane head with bricks and marbles.


The carriers float on a sea of impoverished Americans who will not benefit from globalism or the partitioning of Russia.

jens holm

Sure. The Russians use their only one for smoking salmons only.

Michael P Hammer

US can’t even defeat Vietnamese rice farmers 🤣🤣🤣

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