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Locations Of US Carrier Strike Groups – September 10, 2024

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This is the newest update of the ‘U.S. Carrier Strike Groups Locations Map’ exclusive series showing the approximate locations of U.S. Carrier Strike Groups. SouthFront: Analysis & Intelligence tracks locations of U.S. aircraft carriers using the available open-source information. No classified information was used in production of the map.

Locations Of US Carrier Strike Groups – September 10, 2024

click to see the full-size image

Carrier strike group (CSG) is an operational formation of the United States Navy. It is centered on an aircraft carrier and a carrier air wing of 65 to 70 aircrafts. It’s composed of roughly 7,500 personnel, an aircraft carrier, at least one cruiser, a destroyer squadron of at least two destroyers and/or frigates. A carrier strike group also, on occasion, includes submarines, attached logistics ships and a supply ship. Carrier strike groups comprise a principal element of U.S. power projection over the world’s oceans


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the us navy has become a globalist navy not an american navy. losing favor with americans the globalists have begun to import voters from haiti with an average iq of 65 they are expected to become loyal to the globalist system however cat lovers have begun to complain because the haitians are eating their pets.


hopefully all globalists plots fail completely

Last edited 5 months ago by Captain

when they stopped calling them the usa they stopped being american they’re an extension of the united kingdom and they re under the popes command as their authority for rule of law.


the people who are complaining are just bigots and racists. once they try that delicious haitian cuisine, they will appreciate all the diverse cultural enrichment that haitians bring.


traditional cat stew, yum, yum!!

el che guevara

judging by those 2 carriers so close to iran, it looks like the brandon regime wants to commit political suicide for the sake their master bebe the chickenchit war criminal ñetañahu. trump-vance2024 is a slamdunk. russia is our friend. nato is kaput. viva putin! viva maduro! viva assad! viva xi jinping!


totally true and confirmed, as trump is expected to win


neither trump nor komalot are military trained


iran is doing the right thing by delaying retaliation. let the american ships in the mediterranean stew in their own juices until they have to sail back so the american seaman can load up on more condoms and anal lubricants.


be careful what you wish for.


britain was going to send its aircraft carriers there as well but unfortunately they’ve just broken down again.

James Connolly

yes funny how a few months ago they had one csg in the eastern med and one close to yemen. at the time it was said that the septics (i.e. septic tanks = yanks) were moving their precious carrier out of reach of iranian missiles while the other steamed off back to z-usa. so now they must definitely be in a suicide pact with mad dog johnny zio and the nappy gang.

Skip 59

ukraine carried out a drone raid on moscow and its suburbs overnight involving at least 14 uavs, officials said.

the attack damaged several apartment buildings and resulted in at least one fatality and multiple injuries, according to moscow region governor andrey vorobyov. a 46-year-old woman was killed while three people, including a child, were hospitalized following the incident, he added.

Skip 59

10 sep, 2024 12:55 homeworld news kremlin responds to ukrainian attacks on moscow region

drone strikes on apartment blocks have nothing to do with military action, dmitry peskov has said


send in the village people. we can always use some more diversity. in any case it’s good for the comic value.

ivan ivanovich

my name ivan ivanovich, i moscow scrap dealer. i have contract to melt down all ukie tanks, have many leopards and abrams in my scrap yard, but i melt these down now. please president biden, you send all your aircraft carriers attack russia. leopards no good, only 70 tons scrap. i melt down now, need more. i get big contracts for scrap aircraft carriers, 100,000 tons each. please mr. biden, you nice guy. my guys have families to feed, need more scrap, big bonuses.

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