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London Is Capital Of Terror-Related Stabbing. Police Killed Another Attacker (Videos)

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A man was shot and killed by police officers in a “terrorist-related” incident in southern London, Metropolitan Police announced on February 2.

In a short press release, the police said that a number of people was stabbed during the incident, which took place in Streatham.

“The circumstances are being assessed; the incident has been declared as terrorist-related,” the press release reads.

Several videos of the incident were shared on social media. The videos show armed officers in civilian clothes shooting the suspect, who was armed with a knife and was reportedly carrying a fake suicide vest.

The Metropolitan Police said that the incident may be related to terrorism. Knife attacks are known to be a common development in the modern London. The British capital became infamous for stabbings in the last few years.

Last month, the Office for National Statistics said that 15,080 knife attacks were recorded in London during the 12 months to the end of September 2019.

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All I saw was a dude shot in a yellow vest feet a way from the car he was driving. Don’t start the yellow vest crap in Landon, they don’t f around.

Zionism = EVIL

Just some patsy they shot.


This loser with a knife should be given no more press then any common goon on the streets of London. Nothing say how phony the terrorist scare is in the West, then the fact that this is the best they can come up with. A retard that can’t stab straight, angry losers in the U.S. with automatics do far better job in being terrorist, like that idiot that killed 58 people in Las Vegas a couple of years ago.


There’s a shitload of false-flag info around Las Vegas which is worth researching.


True, and will look in to it, but still these mass shooters in the U.S. far better qualify as terrorist just because of some real body counts. As supposed to these pathetic stabby stabby losers who can’t even stab straight.

Zionism = EVIL

Most rational people now know this “terrorist” game to deflect the sheeple from real issue of Jews plundering the world.


No argument from me, its pathetic when even RT makes big deal report on this. Then again RT has been declining in the last couple of years. Reporting first wold western usually Eurotrash news issues that I don’t give two shits about.


More from the London Bridge playbook. It gets to the point where everything is scripted in the MSM. And why is it – like in Christchurch – that as soon as any video surfaces about the so-called attack, it’s in about 240 resolution? When every idiot video on *ewtube is in Hi-res?


Many events are being hyped and created in the world as a media smoke screen! 1. Bush fires 2. Corona virus 3. Terrorist attacks 4. Brexit 5. Impeachment And many more! But its to take your eyes off the REAL news! The elites of the world (i am not kidding either) are about to start going down for corruption and human trafficking (including children)! This is not some BS where only some middle level people go down! i am talking parliament, Lords, congressmen, senators, hollywood elites, etc! Im talking Hillary Clinton level, Vatican level, Royal family level! No shit! This is actually common knowledge if u are following the right information!

It has already begun! Im also including Corporations, banks, tech companies etc! Google, every major bank in the world! Watch the Real news, pay attention and search for it! Putin is helping too! Thats what u probably wont hear about either



We’ll see if he puts any pressure on the REAL human / child / organ traffickers. At present he seems very friendly with them


Would u like some proof? i got so much that i can show u, im scared u might actually start to like Trump! if u are serious about “we’ll see” and “IF he puts pressure on the REAL traffickers” then im sorry to do this, but you will become a fan! That would not be my fault, it would be yours! If you want proof, be prepared for a tidal wave!


Go ahead :)


Would u like 100% proof he killed John McCain via lethal injection? I AM NOT KIDDING! McCain was involved in Human Trafficking through the McCain Institute with the Rothschilds! i can show u a photo of them all together smiling from the MI website! i can show u the routes the trucks and ships took! i can show u the proof McCain did not have brain cancer nor a Ruptured Achilles tendon! i can show u McCains last interview on TV the day before he died, i can show u that MCains Future death (the date he was scheduled to be executed) released exactly one month before (30 days) at exactly the same hour and same minute in which McCain later died in EXACTLY 30 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes! McCains Funeral was nicknamed the Rommel Agreement that Hitler had with Rommel when Rommel died! Rommel was one of the Generals that tried to kill Hitler but Rommel was a hero in Germany! Hitler couldnt just kill him and throw him to the dirt, he was forced to give a state funeral! The same occurred with both GH Bush and McCain! Sate funerals to stop panic! The world and nation was not ready to know the truth YET! And this is just 1 Then i can show u a Trump aid taking 17 bullets, surviving by miracle, back at work after STARTING the Raids on the lower Pedo and Trafficking Rings back in 2017!

i can show u Trump on Video ANNOUNCING who they busted! Who they have power over! ON VIDEO! IN HD! Those Bigger names than McCain are:

The British Royal Family The Vatican Ehud Barak (Director of Mossad: Former Israeli Prime Minister) Saudi Royal Family Rothschild family

Much higher than Epstein!


Is this high enough for u? Head of Mossad? Royal Family? The Vatican?

if its high enough and Trump is 100% attacking and taking them down…..

Then buckle your seat belt Dorothy, because Kansas is going Bye bye!


my only problem is which one shall i prove first, because the information is HUGE! Shall i start with McCain first?


The Art of War: Sun Tzu The Art of the Deal: Donald Trump

PLANNED since the 1990’s! Military planning! The plan to save the world! Putin is working hand in hand with Trump!

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f9a9552a561e7843a649d3e68f1e782365e527a1b20aae68c9c26acd99a32e9a.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7b365ec214eb19d00f05cf5e229bd2cea938fe72f7f2a9f5431f8aa72dcaad6b.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d125777dfdfe41cc900344f0062cc2859c18ac4bf760cd44ddfc2da48070a077.jpg

(Below…. think Israel! Can Jews hate u/ fight against u if u make them THINK u are on their side?) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d4d5cfb0d80070bb158795848ee7540f61474066eae43313ddc322774b87f9e0.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7eb7d7471e3d1bb9ef7adbddcffb01c07ab8fa30b6b337bf1ce5ec2eb59f5bb9.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/516149ed237ca5a0caae2fe2f4fcd63233b7e7b5577423b305eb3ca6ea438966.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7920a8fb1abb1972d9c260dd22c4806bc3181d5e6107c59abe6b8986300ca870.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3e4cd22cbc6141ce8e9eb4586d1bf8a5c876a7ca1c48e40afd2efbe7e7323cb5.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5b6f20100a9a7fad9d7224a772788f3b7e6479cb28c852aa413a3edbd406a983.png

i will say this again! This has been planned since the 1990’s. Putin has always been Russian intelligence! Brought back the Orthodox Church! What u dont know is that Trump has always been Military intelligence (doesnt drink, smoke or take drugs, gave to both political parties and attended ALL parties and functions of the Elites and hollywood!

Before i begin u must do one thing! Find out who John G Trump is and what he did! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4975e03dc9752f69e3847c87b113476b28e21856f6165e1aa011aeb65838c065.png

Hint: All Royal Families and wealthy families marry back into the family to keep secrets and bloodlines! So too do intelligence agencies!

Black hats : Bad guy intel agents White hats : Good guy intel agents

Secrets must be kept! But they are now planned to be released to the world in order to save the world! The military industrial complex is not in power anymore, it is now the servant of the MILITARY intelligence agencies! (White hats are in control)

Information is power! Those who hold the information are known as “Wizards and Warlocks”! I am sorry to be speaking in riddles! but u will understand later if / when u allow me to explain this MASSIVE story to u! And its all happening now!

But u must first research who John G Trump is! Hint: Tesla Hint: Area 51 (S7) Im not kidding! Trust me u are in for a trip down a rabbit hole! but if u choose not to take this trip or be serious about it, thats fine, let me know! u will save me a lot of time!


The Art of War: Sun Tzu The Art of the Deal: Donald Trump

PLANNED since the 1990’s! Military planning! The plan to save the world! Putin is working hand in hand with Trump!

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f9a9552a561e7843a649d3e68f1e782365e527a1b20aae68c9c26acd99a32e9a.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7b365ec214eb19d00f05cf5e229bd2cea938fe72f7f2a9f5431f8aa72dcaad6b.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d125777dfdfe41cc900344f0062cc2859c18ac4bf760cd44ddfc2da48070a077.jpg

(Picture / Quote Below…. think in terms of Israel! Can Jews hate u/ fight against u if u make them THINK u are on their side?) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d4d5cfb0d80070bb158795848ee7540f61474066eae43313ddc322774b87f9e0.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/516149ed237ca5a0caae2fe2f4fcd63233b7e7b5577423b305eb3ca6ea438966.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7920a8fb1abb1972d9c260dd22c4806bc3181d5e6107c59abe6b8986300ca870.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7eb7d7471e3d1bb9ef7adbddcffb01c07ab8fa30b6b337bf1ce5ec2eb59f5bb9.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3e4cd22cbc6141ce8e9eb4586d1bf8a5c876a7ca1c48e40afd2efbe7e7323cb5.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5b6f20100a9a7fad9d7224a772788f3b7e6479cb28c852aa413a3edbd406a983.png

i will say this again! This has been planned since the 1990’s. Putin has always been Russian intelligence! Brought back the Orthodox Church! What u dont know is that Trump has always been Military intelligence (doesnt drink, smoke or take drugs, gave to both political parties and attended ALL parties and functions of the Elites and hollywood!

Before i begin u must do one thing! Find out who John G Trump is and what he did! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4975e03dc9752f69e3847c87b113476b28e21856f6165e1aa011aeb65838c065.png

But u must first research who John G Trump is! Hint: Tesla Hint: Area 51 (S7) Im not kidding! Trust me u are in for a trip down a rabbit hole! but if u choose not to take this trip or be serious about it, thats fine, let me know! u will save me a lot of time!

Hint: All Royal Families and wealthy families marry back into the family to keep secrets and bloodlines! So too do intelligence agencies!

Black hats : Bad guy intel agents White hats : Good guy intel agents

Secrets must be kept! But they are now planned to be released to the world in order to save the world! The military industrial complex is not in power anymore, it is now the servant of the MILITARY intelligence agencies! (White hats are in control)

Information is power! Those who hold the information are known as “Wizards and Warlocks”! I am sorry to be speaking in riddles! but u will understand later if / when u allow me to explain this MASSIVE story to u! And its all happening now!

ivan cohen

the terror strategy will continue for decades, developed by MI6 and Cia for decades and will be no long period of calm in England, Usa and European countries until imperial Usa and ENgland will implode on their mistakes. The perseveration in their geopolitic crimes will be their tomb

Zionism = EVIL

100% FACT, I was expecting this the minute the Brexit BS started yesterday. They killed some patsy the MI-6 keeps on their books. The Brits are the most evil of the backstabbers and liars.

ivan cohen

and this is an undeniable fact!!! Mi6 with Mossad and Cia are the principal terrorists all around the world, and despite the complete evidence of that also enemies seem to not combat them with all possible means. why?

Zionism = EVIL

Wow, what a surprise to deflect attention from Brexit shit! The fucking limey git liars must think we all fell off a turnip truck and have an umbrella shoved up our arse. Fucking liars.


So let me get this straight. There are fatal stabbings all over London on an almost daily basis. Most of them go unnoticed or just get some minor coverage in the news, yet as soon as one is announced as being ‘TERRORIST RELATED’, the whole fucking country comes to a standstill?!!!


When the suspect, released from prison just a few weeks ago, jailed because of terror related charges, back on the streets under anti-terror monitoring, stabs some people while wearing a fake suicide-vest, yes, then it is called an terror-related incident.


Yes, I know that this particular incident would be classed as ‘Terrorist-related’ given the circumstances. But at the end of the day it is just another stabbing in a city that has numerous stabbings every week! The media are in a frenzy over it because it just so happens to be ‘Terrorist-related’ and as someone who has studied media patterns over the last 2 and half years, I can assure you that the Media LOVE ‘Terrorist-related’ incidents!! We will hear about this for weeks now! As I said in my previous post, any other stabbing be it fatal or not, would either get very little media coverage or none at all!

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Attacker apparently let out on early release after being originally convicted on terrorist related charges.

Once again the British parole system now called into question under the governance of the ruling party.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Globalist city (London) shows once again everything bad about socially incohesive internationalism.

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