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Long Range Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Ukraine-Russia Armed Conflict

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Long Range Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Ukraine-Russia Armed Conflict

Ukrainian long-range UAV Sokil-300

Written by Prof. Vladimir Prav exclusively for SouthFront

In April 2024, the German newspaper ‘Bild’ claimed, citing its own sources, that in 2024 the Ukrainian Armed Forces will be able to strike Russian facilities in the Urals, and even in the Arctic Circle, with the help of long-range unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). According to the newspaper, these long-range UAVs will have a flight range of more than 2,000 kilometers. Moreover, these long-range UAVs, and components for their assembly in Ukraine, will be supplied by 10 Western companies.

The Ukrainian army, using such UAVs, will be able to attack targets at a considerable distance from the territory of Ukraine. In particular, it was reported that there was a possibility of attacks on the territory of the Murmansk region of Russia, where a large number of military facilities of the Russian Armed Forces are located. According to the media, it is from Murmansk airfields that strategic bombers take off and take part in bombing attacks on Ukraine. In addition, one of the interlocutors of German correspondents expressed the opinion that missile strikes are a thing of the past, while the future lies with UAVs.

It is important to understand why this information has come to light and why there is such a focus on long-range UAVs.

1. The collective West is not yet supplying large quantities of missiles with a range of several hundred kilometers, much less missiles of short (500-1000 km) and medium range (1000-5500 km). Such deliveries would very likely lead to a regional war – Ukraine-NATO with Russia, with the possible use of tactical nuclear weapons (TNWs).

“Only demonstrative TNW strikes can in this case ensure de-escalation of the armed conflict in Europe. Of course, the use of TNWs could lead to a global nuclear war. However, such escalation is unacceptable for the US.  Preventing a world war is a red line not only for Russia, but also for the United States.”

By supplying long-range UAVs, the collective West is trying to avoid a regional war with direct involvement of NATO countries and to continue the Ukraine-Russia war to ensure the depletion of Russia’s resources necessary to achieve the goals of the special military operation. The armed conflict in Ukraine is part of the hybrid war being waged by the US against Russia.

Hybrid war is a geopolitical struggle (confrontation) of states in the system of interconnected geopolitical spaces, in which geopolitical subjects form their policies and conduct practical activities to develop (seize) spaces and control them in order to ensure their national interests, or search for an optimal place in them, when active actions are impossible or inexpedient. Hybrid war is the most acute phase of geopolitical confrontation in modern conditions, which necessarily involves indirect and direct military violence. For the U.S., “hybrid warfare is a tool for solving geopolitical problems, eliminating (downgrading) existing threats, and eliminating incipient threats.” Hybrid warfare is one of the tools that ensure US leadership in the international community, as well as active influence on the formation of the world order of the 21st century.

2. The USA and NATO countries have formed Ukraine as a terrorist state within the structural framework of international terrorism.

International terrorism in the XXI century is one of the most dangerous phenomena, which carries an increasing threat to the security of the individual, society and the state against the background of economic, political, religious and spiritual instability in various regions of the world”.

For Ukraine, long-range UAVs are the ideal weapon for committing terrorist acts on Russian territory. The purpose of these terrorist strikes is to kill peaceful civilians, and to destroy the social, energy and military facilities of the Russian Federation. In this case, it is clear that the U.S. and NATO countries are direct sponsors and technical accomplices of terrorist acts by supplying long-range UAVs.

Long Range Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Ukraine-Russia Armed Conflict

Ukrainian UAV “UJ-22 Airborne”

Long Range Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Ukraine-Russia Armed Conflict

Ukrainian long-range kamikaze drone “Beaver”

Long Range Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Ukraine-Russia Armed Conflict

Click to see the full-size image

An important feature of modern terrorism is that it has become a serious factor in the initiation and formation of hotbeds of military danger, and the militarization of a number of regions of the world. Previously, there was a more definite line of demarcation between armed conflict and terrorism. Now, through the efforts and endeavors of terror ideologists and practitioners (in particular, the United States and UK), the distinction is becoming harder to establish. There is a kind of mixing and substitution of the causes and goals of terrorist acts and armed conflict.

Currently, there is a threat of nuclear terrorism from Ukraine towards Russia, and the level of this threat is quite high. This is clearly demonstrated by Ukraine use of conventional weapons to make repeated attacks on the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant (currently controlled by Russia).

Nuclear terrorism (in the narrow sense) is the use or threat of use of a nuclear explosive device of any type by an individual or group of individuals for terrorist purposes. Nuclear terrorism (in the broad sense) is a socio-political phenomenon, which is a confrontation of political subjects through violence or threat of violence, carried out with the help of nuclear explosive devices, radioactive materials and impacts on nuclear facilities by individuals or terrorist organizations in peacetime.”

3. Long-range UAVs cannot be used without geodetic, navigational and meteorological support, as well as intelligence and target designation. Such information support allows direct control of long-range UAVs, or the generation of input data for autonomous onboard control systems, as well as planning for terrorist attacks. It follows that the United States, by providing informational support for Ukrainian long-range UAVs, participates in terrorist acts on Russian territory.

Long Range Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Ukraine-Russia Armed Conflict

Ukrainian drones attacked residential buildings on December 22, 2024 in Kazan, Russia

Long Range Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Ukraine-Russia Armed Conflict

Ukrainian drones attacked residential buildings on December 22, 2024 in Kazan, Russia

4. The conclusion of some Western experts that missiles are the past and UAVs are the future is controversial. Such a message is made for Ukraine to justify the lack of supplies of short- and medium-range missiles. Long-range strike UAVs will not be able to fundamentally affect the level of even crisis strategic stability. But short-range missiles, medium-range missiles and strategic missiles (over 5,500 kilometers), which may have nuclear warheads, directly affect the level of strategic stability and the geopolitical situation.

5. Within the framework of Ukraine’s use of long-range UAVs, the United States is practicing informational support for its strike capabilities, which are planned to be used in a possible preventive (pre-emptive) global strike against Russia. The armed conflict in Ukraine is a testing ground for NATO countries to practice new means of defeat, information and control systems, communication and target designation systems. Thanks to the creation of a unified information and control space, information superiority (information dominance) on the battlefield is achieved, which makes it possible to realize the combat potential of groups of troops (forces) many times more effectively during military operations. It becomes possible to pre-empt the enemy at all stages of preparation and conduct of combat operations. The opposing side may be deprived of the opportunity to make adequate retaliatory actions and, ultimately, may be completely demoralized.

Ukraine is a training ground that provides for the development of tactics of U.S. and NATO armed units and their interaction in offensive and defensive operations.

6. By striking deep inside Russia with long-range UAVs, Ukraine wants to destabilize the internal situation in the country, cause discontent with the state authorities, undermine the state economy, and affect the moral and psychological climate in the country. Such strikes according to US experts can be a catalyst for a “color revolution” in Russia.

Color revolution is a process of preparation and change of the ruling regime of the state through non-violent protests of citizens with the support and in the interests of opposition homegrown elites, as well as an external international actor. Color revolution creates an illusion of legitimacy of decisions and actions taken under pressure from the crowd, and also masks the forceful illegal activities of foreign residents and betrayal of the national interests of the state by elitist groups”.

In conclusion, it should be noted that long-range UAVs are atypical targets for the traditional air defense of Russian objects – small, low-flying, with low radar visibility and low thermal radiation. The tactical and technical characteristics and methods of use of long-range UAVs allow them to penetrate the territory of Russia at a distance of 1,000-2,000 km from the border. They move at low speeds, at low altitudes (50 – 75 m), so they are often invisible to long-range detection radar systems and, accordingly, can hardly be hit by zonal air defense systems (like S-300).

Russia needs a new air defense structure and supplies, in the necessary quantities, to provide new means of defeating air targets. For example, long-range UAVs are an accessible target for Pantsir air defense systems. The gradual saturation coverage of varied air defense systems that can destroy a range of different weapons is already having an effect. Electronic warfare provides another means of functional defeat, in addition to special small arms and specialized UAV-interceptors. The equipping of dozens of potential targets with UAV interceptors is also a realistic task. Acoustic airspace control systems can be used to detect long-range enemy UAVs at a distance of several kilometers. With the help of such special systems, it is possible, at a minimum, to warn the defense forces of objects in advance of a possible strike by long-range UAVs.


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new weapons come and go in warfare. gunpowder, machine guns, tanks, submarines. all have an impact in their time but all can be countered. tanks appear and give rise to high velocity anti tank guns, mines, hollow charges, wire guided missiles, dedicated anti tank aircraft. there are no panaceas. drones have certainly had an impact in armenia and ukraine, but this is probably overblown. most are very slow and vulnerable, and even made of wood and cardboard.


they can be jammed and even brought down with sporting shotguns .and because they are cheap and expendable they are available to al the world and his dog. nobody has a monopoly. like western countries lording it over 3rd world nations in recent years with air power. they may even provide a substitute air force for weaker parties. in 1957 the british defence plans predicted missiles would replace manned fighter aircraft. didn’t happen.


the first world does lord it over the rest totally in every way legally ” morally ” financially militarily .

Just me

the ukrainian government doesn’t have any long-range missiles, so they use these things. and these toy planes are much cheaper than the anti-aircraft missiles that have to be used to intercept them. and i think the radar operator doesn’t know whether it’s a small plane whose radio and transponder have failed, or one of these toy planes.

Grab Your Gat

browse at alibaba’s. replica of downed f/18 can be found there.


war is war.. common sense would dictate to cut the supply line prior to getting much into the border, and destroying all the infrastructure of the enemy on day one & two. to prolong the war beyond a few weeks in ukraine shows a weakness on russian leadership.


naive gullible attitude s aren’t competent of assessing reality .


they know .they’re not playing with tinker toys .its just timing doesn’t permit them the luxury of being cautious

Mr. Nobody

i’d say the solution to the low and slow drone problem are airships equipped with manual machine gun crews. airships can stay aloft hours at a time without refueling. the faster drones would have to be intercepted by jets.


solution for the drones of all kind is total destruction of us/uk satellite network and all of their allies systems. period. can russia do that? sure they can. we’ll only have to see at what stage of conflict it will be done.


you’re right, any system that relies on a common denominator for effect, target that denominator… send a rocket to orbit, disperse 500 micro anti-satillite drones. each drone parks itself on the designated satillite waits for detonation command, 50-100 rockets, could deliver a large enough payload to affect the totality of enemy systems. just saying… great surprise if you can do it un-noticed…


no they should be banned by international law .but they won’t be because corporate laws moralities such that profits must be maximised and they do that .


banning counterfieting never stopped counterfieting… just saying…

Grab Your Gat

how about we use some chemicals weapons mixtures for terrible and devastating effects, so called chimerae? just push us.


putin depends on trump too much and can cause russia to be taken over in days by usa,france and britain.putin never concentrate on the goals of his special military operation of denazify of ukraine.putin interferes too much in russian military operation.that how he lost libya,armania,syria nagoro war.


just get real actually read the news and watch what’s happening trump didn’t just make a grand speech of president mc kinley without layers of meaning. mckinley was assassinated after his friend tsar alexander sent the entire russian navy to his aid in deterring the planned joint anglo french invasion. just stop talking crap from ignorance please .

Last edited 2 months ago by Annon

putin doesn’t depend on trump for anything, he depends on russia. what planet is your logic on???


usa/france and britain is practicing multiple drone attack and missile launch in russia currently.the exercise is ongoing in usa.zelensky will apply as a scapegoat or as bridge.

Malcolm Z

russia is also testing the western air defense ( patriot, iris, nassam..etc..) also russian now has sofware that indentify beams of atacms, himars, stormshadow..


carpet bomb ukraine! russia is too lenient… of course this attacks will occur…


all your fake names too much too obvious. imo


“written by prof. vladimir prav exclusively for southfront” 🫵🤡 😆😆😆

Shlomo's little weenie

🫵 = 💩💩💩

Niccolo Machiavelli

germany’s last gasps at the end of ww2 were u1 (flying bombs or ‘doodlebugs’) and u2 rockets, both effectively terrorist attacks on britain. germany fell soon after. ukraine’s last gasps…..


rubbish russia defeated germany. england’s slums were bombed .


china should realise if russia falls they are next and they wont have the russian energy supply by then anymore. but the dragon sleeps thinking it is to big to be attacked.


the chinese are leary of the russians, they think the russians are lazy, slow, and incompetent. remember during tienanmen square putin was trying to get china to surrender to the usa


wtf are you on? russia china have signed agreements to protect and defend each other from any attacks decades ago .its old news .that’s why bidens trying to set up sweetheart deals with china imo his part of serving the anglo american pact to build the world again.


wasnt yelzin still in charge then?


listen the dragon empowers the beast of the anti christ. rome crucified christ after infiltrating the jewish temple and planting its agent’s as the high priests .fact.


putins lazy fighting style gives the enemy plenty of time to develop weapons and strategies


looks like little ukes have more drone variations and selection of better quality than the mighty russ military. the ukr booms are for sure bigger and more devastating than the russ powderpuffs when they find the target.


the us depends on its satellites for early warning. bringing these satellites down therefore protects russia, and also exposes the us to a first strike


to hádam nie? ako to je ešte stále možné, že rusi neobjavili miesto výroby a nezrovnali ho zo zemou? za čím čakajú? svetu mier!!!


pravda blah blah. the biggest airport on earth in romania’s not ready for ww3 yet proff .


russia should rig the geran so it can carry a drone into ukraine and release it and maybe act as communication relay.


right now cheap drones are having quite and impact, but they will become more intelligent and capable rapidly i suspect.

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