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Love No More: Netanyahu Removed Trump Photo From His Twitter

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Love No More: Netanyahu Removed Trump Photo From His Twitter

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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu lost all of his love to Mr. Donald Trump and even removed his picture from own Twitter account amid the ongoing developments in the United States.

Just a few weeks ago, Netanyahu was claiming that Mr. Trump was his good friend and an important person for Israel. However, now, when Trump has not so much to do and nothing to sacrifice to promote the interests of the ‘sole democracy’ in the Middle East, he is not more needed.

As the old saying goes, there is only one step from love to hate.

So, now, Mr. Netanyahu will likely demonstrate his love to the administration of Joe Biden claiming that Israel is a very diverse and tolerant country and the oppression of Palestinians is just a part of this tolerant approach.


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Zionism = EVIL

Seriously, kids and even bigger naive kids, Jews have no honor or loyalty, they will sell their mom for a shekel. In a way I feel sorry for Trump to have kissed their treacherous are for his boyfriend Jared. Now face the music on your own. And then you wonder why the world hates the scum parasites. But their end is coming.


Trump was your worst enemy … lol

Israel is still around … same Bat time … same Bat station … hello?

Whether Netanyahu’s in charge or ? … ALL Israeli politicians are fixed upon the same threats … Kochavi & Yossi are still in charge … hello?


Just Me

You scum are cooked Next….


You’re the frog in the boiling water … eh?

You don’t realize you’re dinner ALREADY … hello?

BTW … frogs aren’t kosher but I’m told they taste like chicken … pmsl

viktor ziv

Dude, You must be working as CSR, cause u use hello word to often.

Concrete Mike

He fantasizes about working for the department of motor vehicles!


Covid time entertainment … that’s all you’ll ever be

Arch Bungle

Covid time entertainment in israel right now! Fun watching zionis rats scramble for shots!


F/kn rat … you’re too f/kn poor to get a shot

BTW … al-Bukhamal got blasted by IAF today … those new bunkers the IRGC were building are ‘blown up real good’ … no need for burials … they won’t find enough pieces to bury … eh?


Arch Bungle

I don’t need any crappy shots. Shots are for peasants.

I live in a covid free part of the world on my own land HAHAHAHA!

When will you dumb white khazarian trash ever learn?

All you’re hitting are decoys. It’s like screwing a sex doll – you get thrills but it’s not real.

No need for burials because nobody died.


Frankly, he is an idiot even for hasbara rats.


It takes one to know one … ya f/kn idiot … LMAO

Arch Bungle

So you’re confirming you’re an idiot then.

Ashok Varma

Zionists are irrelevant now and facing oblivion. Just look at the Iranian strenght and success.


F/kn shia apologist …

Arch Bungle

That’s a complement.


A few of your scum got cooked at al bukamal in an airstrike last night …

Smells like victory … pmsl


Halaqoakh haba… Zonah akhed dolar khazerah!

It’s an entertaining movie, the one I told you about… you’ll relate I’m sure.


I use rotten tomatoes … not f/kn lowlifes for suggestions … eh?


It’s a metaphor, stupid!

The first line explained it clearly, but I guess google translate sucks at translating! :))


I speak English …

Arch Bungle

Like a retard though.


What does it mean? You can’t possibly mean you “only” speak and understand English.

Don’t you speak Hebrew?Come on, I saw you wrote me some laughably broken Hebrew insults. What about Arabic? I love you so much, I want to communicate with you in so many languages…


Language … you call your gibberish language ?


Not my fault if Hebrew seems gibberish to you, you anti-Semite!

Great Khan

Hahaha Jew,,,,mamtu sell yak, yurt and yarmulke for kupushniki,,,fat stooped Trumpie now kaputski.,,,,Jew make Biden best friend,,,,Hahaha

Albert Pike

Biden is since 30 years in their pocket – he is a long term investment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYLNCcLfIkM&feature=emb_logo

Ashok Varma

Trusting a Jew, Trump proved more stupid than he looks. Even India found out much sooner.


India found out sooner? Ya f/kn shia apologist …

Modi LOVES Bibi and Israel … doing arms deals … and teaching surveillance to inept Indian INTEL

Arch Bungle

What exactly is usrael teaching india to ‘surveill’ ?

israel doesn’t play at the same geopolitical level as China India Pakistan. It can’t teach them much. All israel is good for is ‘surveilling’ helpless Palestinian women, children and old folks.

What business has israel teaching a nation with a far higher gdp than israel can ever hope for?


Illiterate and numerically challenged

Arch Bungle

Damn right you are!


Yes, and the first step forward is admitting your issues…go on..


non sequitur


And if Bibi was losing while trump was still president, wouldn’t Trump do the same?


Serves the dotard right, Jews are lower than vermin.


He was 87 years old … a multi-Billionaire … you’re the slug under his feet

Arch Bungle

Actually, now Adelson is under a slugs feet.

Unless jews cremate …


Adelson a strong influence on Trump’s support for Israel died.


It’s about time, he’s been dead for years, but would never admit it.

Arch Bungle

Reminds me of Kissinger.

It’s the adenochrome transfusions … keeps them animated long after death.


87 yr old

He had a good run but time marches on … BUT he still owns casinos and still has oodles of ???? that his Israeli born wife can spend … eh?

She’s a MD … but I digress …


You usually do…

Arch Bungle

Discarded conveniently at the end of his usefulness.


Netanyahu used him like good goyim, soft tissue paper.


Isn’t that what goyim are for?

Arch Bungle

Thanks for clarifying, jew.

Steve Standley

Bibi Netanyahu is the King of the Jews, and will be anointed Moshiach shortly. He represents the quintessential Zionist, and uses dissembling, deceit, manipulation, robbery, larceny, murder, torture, and more to achieve his ends. I’m totally not shocked by his disloyalty.


So … he acts like most politicians?

Got it …

As for disloyal … huh?

Arch Bungle

Like the last king of the jews he’s about to get crucified too.

Fog of War

Khazars have no loyalty except to themselves.


It’s called solidarity …

Arabs know nothing about it …

Goyim are hardly examples of loyalty … Wars in Europe over centuries …

Africans were / are constantly at war …

Muslim on Muslim violence in ENDEMIC … pmsl


Arch Bungle

Thieves and rapists also have solidarity when going out in gangs.

jew-run paedophile and organ trading rings show great ‘solidarity’ too.


Goyim aren’t funny …

Arch Bungle

Jews make great clowns though.

Especially at 200 celsius on slow roast!!


Punks your age will be witness ALL THE DAYS of YOUR LIFE … it’s good that you’re young … eh?

the Jews/Zionists/Israelis will continue to grow in strength before your eyes …


Arch Bungle

Illusions also “grow in strength before your eyes” before they vanish into thin air.

So it shall be with israel.



Arch Bungle

You sure are!

Jim Allen

I know, huh ? It’s like watching paint dry.


The paint dried last night … it won’t stop more paint coming

Jim Allen

That’s even sketchy…. At best.


Ahhh, the vaunted loyalty that Israelis claim, turns out to open for purchase. Who would have ever seen Bibi’s pivot to Bidens anus? Everyone.


Trump is out in 7 days … time to take down the pics … eh?


What a boron. You do know you don’t make any sense, right?


oppression of Palestinians is just a part of this tolerant approach., the goy will buy that…

Rodney Loder

Netanyahu says he will attack Iran ( I couldn’t give a f.) Netanyahu says he will attack Iran unless Biden loves China and Russia, Harris replies – I only love China so Russia can go jump, and bescides we really still need Iran to serve as the Cold War bad guy, – humm ! -+ -+ -+ are these people for real !!! , -+ -+ -+ or has the tea party been reincarnated and Harris is the new Donald Trump, ready to be mind controlled by dirty Judens, Freemason maggot illuminate, using the Holy Ghost that I Jesus Christ brought to Earth, they murdered my mother but they can’t kill me.

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