U.S Army Soldiers with Battery C, 1st Battalion, 320th Field Artillery Regiment, Task Force Strike, load a round into M777 artillery piece to support the Iraqi security forces during the Mosul counter offensive, Dec. 24, 2016, in northern Iraq. (U.S. Army photo by 1st Lt. Daniel Johnson)
Update: the howitzer seen in the footage has been identified as a Soviet-made 2A65 Msta-B 152 mm towed howitzer. This type is already known to be in service with Kiev forces. As of May 7, there is still no evidence that the M777 howitzers supplied by the US have actually entered service with Kiev forces.
Some of the M777 155 mm towed howitzers supplied by the West have arrived in Ukraine and entered service with Kiev forces.
On May 5, a video showing Ukrainian service members firing from a M777 howitzer on an unspecified front in the Donbass region surfaced online.
The M777 howitzer has a maximum rate of fire of seven rounds per minute with a range of up to 40 kilometers when firing Excalibur guided rounds. The upgraded versions of the howitzer are equipped with an onboard power source, satellite global positioning, inertial navigation, radio, GDB [Gun Display Unit] and SCA [Section Chief Assembly].
Kiev forces are set to receive a total of 100 M77 howitzers, 90 of which were donated by the US, four by Canada and six by Australia.
The US, Canada and Australia will also supply Kiev forces with tens of thousands of 155 mm rounds, including GPS-guided Excalibur rounds which have a CEP [circular error probable] of less than 4 meters.
Ukrainian service members are being trained on M777 howitzers in Germany, apparently out of fear of Russian strikes on military training centers in Ukraine. The Russian military have destroyed many Western weapons shipments to Kiev forces since the beginning of the special operation in Ukraine.
Kiev forces are set to receive dozens of other artillery systems from the West in the coming days, including 12 CAESAR 155 mm self-propelled howitzers from France and possibly 24 Panzerhaubitze 2000 155 mm self-propelled howitzers from the Netherlands and Germany.
The West is trying to rebuild the offensive capabilities of Kiev forces, likely to prepare them for a counter-attack against the Russian military and the armed forces of the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Luhansk People’s Republic.
This is a sign that’s something wrong with the Russian aviation.
No one Can confirm who these people are here , or where even . Could be in Germany .
What would it take to make you believe? Any footage can be from “anywhere”.
The US and allies have promised this system weeks ago. Some of them arrived, that is all.
Russia promised Ukraine capital a month and some change ago I get what u mean
It was a deception. You need try thinking.
Says who ?
I hope You soon can replace Your pigions with internet and a windpowersystem.
Jen Psaki what is a pigions?
Don’t bother with illiterate twats.
And yet, those POS weapons cannot move more than 20 miles of their entry point into the country, as Russia has taken out all of uKRAPistan’s rail lines, nor can they travel the roads as Russia has taken out all of the roadway bridges, as well as fuel depots and diesel refineries.
USA hatte alle Donaubrücken in Serbien zerstört und niemand war davon berührt!
stop writing in german. nobody speaks german after you lost ww2
Ah man that’s unkind, just Google translate it :)
“USA had destroyed all Danube bridges in Serbia and no one was touched”!
This is for you my friend. Liquidation of Russian dogs. You will like it, bwhahahahah: https://youtu.be/CUSxkpd-k9s?t=74
For you, my friend, everything is as you like, hunting for Ukrainian dogs, bwhahahahah: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFjVmv0Q3Qk
The fact that they had reached the front, is the final proof that Russian aviation(and generals) is 100% incapable, and that all of those train systems being hit is a bullshit hype.
Russian military must really suck then, if Ukrainians can’t re supply, and the Russians still can’t make any advance !
There is one more thing. The users has learned to use them.
the dutch government gave howitzers and the army complained because now they have nothing to play with. seriously.
I take it as an illustrative.
Fight fire with fire… may the troll would stop soon. Hahahahaha
NATO is afraid to send troops to Ukraine! Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Where is NATO ??? Bunch a cunts that ran like stray dogs from every war that they started !! All they good for is bombing small little nations that have no military like Afganistan, Syria, Serbia and so on !! Here’s your chance NOW defend Ukraine if you got balls !!! Sending bunch a outdated military hardware to people who don’t even know how to use it is a VERY SICK thing to do !!
On spot – thumbs up.
And that the attacks on railroads in the west of the country were too little too late.
Not too little and not too late, but clearly not enough by far.
Yea, wishful thinking —– NONE of those POS weapons made it more than 20 miles from the point of entry into the country. ‘ I STILL LOVE THE SMELL OF BURNT UKRAINIAN IN THE MORNING ! ! !
I agree, but as a military person I understand Russian tactics !! They never waged wars as USA/NATO does as in Libya, Serbia, Iraq, Syria, Afganistan where we send in massive air power and carper bomb everything in site without a thought about the civilians !! No matter what one thinks of Russia and Putin it is clear that they know as I know and majority of Ukrainians know that they are the same people and that this is a USA Proxy war against Russia by sacrificing Ukraine !! Russia doesn’t want to build up any more hate then its already been done by the western media. That’s why this is being done in almost slow motion one village a day !!
I understand that, but by the time they finish the job, if ever — they are likely to lose a lot of soldiers and equipment, so much so that they won’t have any ability left to counter, resist a NATO attack. That Slavic brotherhood, war crime nonsenses need to stop, war is war, sometimes it is fought between member of the exact same family.
Lolololollolololollool. You understand that huge military losses + embarissing losses of big military tech + not advancing one centimeter in two months + failure to destroy enemy infrastructure = total defeat.
Russian aviation is grounded for the in-depth operations. Just like the hohol nazi is. MANPADS and SAM’s are in Ukraine with tens of thousands on both sides. That means complete suicide for anyone.
Some forget the high risk by that. The Russians didnt get the air as they expected.
Their bombing is not doing well. They hardly has any smart bombs. To be accurate they has to fly in in slow and in low altitudes.
Thats why they now use long range things as long as they have any. Thats my hope the Russians cant produce many of them.
First things we need to understand is that Russia has no airforce neither offensive capacity to invade Ukraine. FSB officers supplied information to Kremlin for over a year that Ukrainian army is against the govt, and that they would openly accept Russian army, even fight along with them against Kyiv and Lviv. This was of course a counter intel measure by CIA, and based on that Russia paraded into Ukraine, only to get destroyed in retreat to the separatist territory. 150 FSB officers are currently in gulag, and Russia lost the war from the start thanks to historically big intel failure.
Are you talking into the mirror, or your reflection talking back at you? Two left arms don’t make a right arm.
It’s a picture of an artillery piece … Yes Russian aviation failed to attack this Ukrainian jpeg upload but I think the Russian state will survive.
On SF it is just a picture, there are minutes long videos showing dozens and dozens of them operational and supplied on the front. Intelslavaua is one of the sources for such videos.
Only propagandized blindfolded Russian lovers write like that.
The artillery systems are air defended. Thats normal. Artllery like that is moved around after some time into already planned positions, so the enemy has to refind it.
They and the rest of the world are not sitting duck even more stupid then Yourself. They sometimes are.
And yet, those POS weapons cannot move more than 20 miles of their entry point into the country, as Russia has taken out all of uKRAPistan’s rail lines, nor can they travel the roads as Russia has taken out all of the roadway bridges, as well as fuel depots and diesel refineries.
1000 NATO planes have bombed Serbia for months. During this time, NATO destroyed only a few dozen Serbian military vehicles. This is a sign that’s something wrong with the NATO aviation.
So why did Serbia surrender? hahahahahahaha
Maybe Kosovo is still serbian hahahahahahahaha
A huge NATO attacked little Serbia, protecting some Albanian drug dealers! And it also lost its newest stealth fighter, which was shot down with an old Soviet weapon! It’s just a shame! Ahahahahahahaha
Newest stealth Fighter?! Rotfl, it s really a moron magnet here. So new it was decomissioned in 2008 🤣😂😂😂
What an idiot…
The pride of NATO and such a disgrace to the whole world: The crash of the F-117 bomber near Budzhanovtsy (Serb. ObaraњE F-117 code Bujanovac) — an event that occurred on March 27, 1999 near the Serbian village of Bujanovci near the city of Ruma (40 km west of Belgrade) during the war of NATO forces against Yugoslavia (on the third day of hostilities [1]). The American strike aircraft F-117A “Nighthawk” (serial number 82-0806), which was operated by Lieutenant Colonel Dale Zelko (the name of Captain Ken Dwili is often mistakenly indicated), was shot down by a 5B27D missile from the S-125 Neva anti-aircraft missile system.
Only idiots could fuck up such a plane! Ahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Serbians are good for crying like the little bitch Djokovic crying for being kicked out of Australia and sueing for millions because the detention center had flees… Very weak people
A huge NATO attacked little Serbia, protecting some Albanian drug dealers! It’s just a shame!
Свирнем ти га женској фамилији, нато курац на бицикли
Lololol no shit? But wait, you guys all told me that 80% of weapons is intercepted, and that only small arms get smuggled via civilan trains?
How did they get them to the Donbass? Smuggle them in a car??
I’d attack them in Germany. Germany having now violated it’s terms of surrender in 1945.
dude want to start ww3 over some stupid howitzers.
stupid howitzers? lets speak after they wiped out stupid russian soldiers with greetings from Deutscheland. Germany is party of war!
The whole NATO is party of the war, but even NATO will not save the lives of stupid ukrainian soldiers.
They are going to have too.
Sure. On bicycles and with fishing gear as supply line.
Russia have problems with Ukraine as is u really think they ready to take on nato think before u type
No doubt about it.
But since “WW2” is presumed to be “ongoing” (since “not all parties” signed the treaty), I guess that makes sense.
Presumption of “continuation of hostilities” is how the skin-suit wearing demons roll.
I mean, “The American Civil War” (in reality, a mercenary conflict between two civil-service subcontractors) was not “legally and lawfully over” until last year. Up until then, it was simply an armistice. Doubt it? Find the declaration of war by Congress, and/or the peace treaty signed by both belligerent parties (hint: you won’t find either, because Congress adjourned and never re-convened on March 27th, 1861, and a “surrender” is not a peace treaty).
It’s how these skin-suit wearing demons keep themselves in power.
Sadly, Germany (and every other country in Europe that is providing material aid and comfort to terrorists) is making themselves legitimate targets. After all, the “Anti-Terror legislation” of the past 22 years makes it clear that any entity supplying terrorists is fair game. That is called “legal precedent.”
The American government is on cordial terms with Russia (the 1858 Russo-American Alliance is still in full force and effect). Any entity purporting to work for us that violates this treaty is committing treason.
Sure. Danosh vikings also will take England back as soon as Johnson finnaly has collased it. Number one is to rejoin them into EU again.
I assume You get, that Your hostile attitude is a both way and we are allowed to defend us against Your kind – and will.
By the way USA decided to be neutral in WW1 and after. It was redefined in 1937. Here they only had 400.000 soldiers. More rthen halft was Nationalguards. Thoe was parade soldiers.
Those hardly has modern weapons, they could only tranport themself by bus and train. They have no naval transport and even if thehad, they have no cargo vessels for thier supply.
Thats changed, when they were attacked. Thats how the real world was and are.
You are a moron!. Do you think how war works…. they send dumb soldiers first just to show everyone and send the elite forces covert… you need to understand 101 on strategies friend.
Bollocks. All was orchestrated by JSA deep state for at least 100 years back. Also, they knew very well Japan attack and let it go ……just like many many JSA assasinations (martin Luther King, is a perfect example), just like the Twin Towers attack. They knew, they keep shut, they don’t give a shit on american lives, or anyone else. Because the servants of Satan must obey dark agenda of hell.
Mate, your nickname gives you away as a certified moron. Didn t even bother to read your waste of space… Was it about flat earth? Holliwood staged moon landing? Hitler is alive on mars?
They deserved it anyway. They are still supporting Nazis, after what they did in WWII. Germany is a disgrace.
Wagner nazis do not exist?
And where do you see Nazi symbols in this photo?
I wouldn’t worry too much about 100 artillery tubes … ask yourself where are the 1200 tube artillery and 600 rocket artillery pieces that Ukraine had 2 months ago. Do the math … if Russian counter battery fire is just 20% effective there will only be 80 of them left after they fire the first round and they’ll keep decreasing by 20% every round after that. That’s a good 10 minutes of continuous fire however Russian counter battery fire is much more effective than 20%.
I’m not saying these things will disappear after 10 minutes on the field …. Ukraine won’t likely use them as massed artillery but artillery that can’t shoot and scoot won’t last long against a force with good counter battery capabilities.
When I went to enlist back during the cold war I was offered a position in the artillery. I went home and did some research and learned that a NATO gunner on the front line against the Soviets could expect to live 12 minutes after they fired the first shot. Needless to say I declined.
It was the Nazi Germany, which surrendered.
Its very hard to attack those being more then 77 years old again even some might be in diapers again.
Germany surrendered, the Nazi’s retreated, and now they’re back.
I do not trust this photo being taken in a combat situation, let alone in the Donbas area.
I dont see it make sense You trust or not. Its an illustrative use, where the conon is correct. You see the monster.
video is a 2A65 “Msta-B”
Name. You made me look up lots of pictures of M777 and 2A65 “Msta-B. With my limited observation the picture at the top appears to be a M777 but the video is of something else. Now I have looked at lot of pictures it does look, as you said, like a 2A65 “Msta-B. Thank you for your observation.
US does not use gun shields at all. Some of the old 105 may have them but they are deleted for weight etc.
According wiki the Ukras have or had 130 of them. So it might be what has to be replaced.
Video looks to be taken from mid March.
If all the supply lines are blown up then how did they get there? The West will keep on playing these games until there are real consequences for their actions. It doesn’t have to be overt either. It can be covert and asymmetrical, but it’s got to hurt. These maniacs are bragging now about providing Kiev with the Intel they used to kill Russian officers. Maybe Russia needs to provide the Iranian backed militias in the Middle East with the Intel (and weapons) they need to do the same to the Yanquis.
True. There will be no peace in Ukraine, however, until Yankees are hit by Russia directly. Not necessarily in North America, but somewhere across the globe. They should get the taste of real war.
Agreed. For that reason, FROM START I didn’t believe truly in Putin’s real behavior.
You are with many. Its like Turks, Amenians and others. They has so many outdated dreams.
Many of them only has learned about the good old days. The bad ones is not there.
I still recall mainly being told 4 of may grandfathers sibling emmigrated to America. They were poor having no hopes here. Even starting from schratch 3 of them did well.
So I do understand that part of emmigration well. Here it was loosing 3 but getting 7 and hopes for the next generations.
You’re an idiot without any military knowledge but with, I must admit here, 1 neuron monkey brain. For any congenital mentally deranged homo that is enough and …more. And you must take some english course for rookies to spell something intelligible, dumbass psychopath.
Sure. So far we are 40 countries which are able to support Ukraine. You as minimum are up againt us.
Do You rally think we will be passive to something like that.
Again You make it into Yanks only. Thats simplifying be simplified people. You are very senilar to Syrian women comming here. After a couple of years they raise their IQ 50% and are above their men.
A very good reasons is the men has learned not to learn but to obey and accept.
USA use a lot of money to keep their military forces alive. Those are nt meant as spendables.
“If all the supply lines are blown up then how did they get there?”
The rail lines are blown. Roads are not. Even if, they can still be towed by vehicles with tracks, so they won’t sink in the mud.
Even not all rail lines are blown up after 3 month of war. No power distribution hubs, no GSM towers, and no many many others……that’s not how you want to win a war with minimum casualties and minimum of time.
For that to happen Russia should fire at least 40-50 kalibr/day. Not mentioning what others to shoot every day. Russia lost probably the memory of what gave it victory in ww2. VOLUME FIRE.
Why dont You reflect why they are not.
Its very much about who You are up against.
Russia don’t need after all that VOLUME. It can win by other means. But needs a way more effort and time. Would have been much better to have and fire those VOLUME, tough.
Thats right. Many Russians forget that part. They for good reasons has many railroads as main tranportation.
Russia can’t spare any weapons currently
When Russia will start to covert supply Iran, kurds, Huti’s, Hezzbollah, etc, etc, with western military trophy took in Banderapizdan Kiev Reich, THEN and ONLY THEN I will believe in Putin real intentions to kill those motha fuckers globalist JNATO terrorists.
Putin is a softy! Looks like he wanted only to show strentgh of his forces. He didnt expect fierce resistance from ukraine side. Now is like a non swimmer in cold water trying to survive by thrashing around wildly and halfway starting to sink again
Putin is not RUSSIA, fool ! Russia will go on even without Putin, and from my perspective, much better without him. But that means a scourge of GOD for theirs enemies. From my perspective, Putin is playing a role here and the russians are deceived. He use soft gloves because he want to preserve the zionists. A Jirinovski figure last 8 years in Kremlin would have accumulated such force, militarily and politically, than only a ‘knock on its door’ would collapse entire Kiev Reich puppets in matter of weeks, with or without JNATO/JEU
Again nonsense. You obviously know nothing ! Zhirinovsky is just another jew, claiming to be a christian. This is crypto-jews ! The real name of that Zhirinowsky parasite is Wladimir Wolfovich Eidelstein. It’s a jew ! Google ist if you don t believe me. It’s all jews. Putin, Zhirinowsky, Berel Lazar, Abramovic (the guy who brought Putin into power)s.o.
Why the russians can t see that ? Are they blind ?
Russia has no capasity for that. They even decline their education system for it.
Its very visible they cant even keep their on paper big military forces in shape. How many rtroops are needed to contro 36 mio hostile ukras. Thats many.
In lections they will vore out Putin too:)
You are an incurable idiot. Russia is not fighting Banderapizdan lost tribe, but whole NATO and EU combined.
USA and Nato are party of war. Russia has all rights to hit them
“If all the supply lines are blown up then how did they get there?”
Same way the Iraqi’s managed to get 30 Scuds launched on Israel and Saudi Arabia durning the gulf war without a single launcher being found … and that was in the open desert … Scud launchers are big slow vehicles and there isn’t many places to hide in the desert but the USA couldn’t find one despite having special forces teams and aircraft looking for them as well as complete air superiority.
Sneaking a few guns to the front is going to happen … sneaking enough to form a brigade is going to be seen
The supply lines wont. West have an exelent tranport system by trucks for everything all the way to Moskva. It only can be delayd. It also can be defended better.
Roads can be disabled as easy as railroads. But can be fixed more easily.
All the Ukrop weapons are probably uranium depleted also, right ?
USA could send all of its artillery and Ukraine would still only have a quarter of Russia’s. Besides, in the Spanish Civil war close to a century ago, it might have been ok to have a rag tag of different systems and equipment. But if Ukraine army is being supplied piece meal with the surplus of various NATO countries, it is going to be a nightmare to maintain and supply. And they are going up against a cohesive military industrial complex. That has air superiority. I cant see how the various weapon systems sent by NATO will make a difference.
True, they will run into problems with the different systems and wouldn’t be able to fix them. Ofc, they didn’t train with these systems as well which cause more problems for them. The US is training some of them and sending those back to Ukraine to “teach” others.
The weapons that The NATO and US are sending aren’t in great shape – most of them are old or about to expire. Also, Russia going to destroy these in the coming days without a problem as they have done before.
That Your hopes but also Our worries.
The ukras are well educated military forces. They has shown they are able to learn,
Off course. Any animal learn when deceived with sugar or something else.
Jens, did you cut off your balls? Didn’t you say you were going o fight Russians with Neo-nazis?
“The Afgahns are well educated military forces. They has shown they are able to learn,” Guess who said that? The Pentagon.
It is worrying that you said that Jens. RIP Neo-Nazis.
Russia seems to be doing so well currently, but you are correct it will take more logistics support to maintain a variety of weapons, but all the artillery supplied by the west uses the same 155mm ammo at least
Imho, the big thing is US command and control and Intel. Without that Ukraine would have collapsed already. Just in finding out people in local government and in the Ukraine army that do not want war so that the Ukraine security services can hunt them down and kill them USA has been vital with its mastery at spying on people in social media. And for leading the battle the US command staffs with their vast resources of signal and satelite surveilance. Thats where US involvement has already prolonged the war by 2 months.
Things are well descriebed. Grenades is about enough only.
The main job is to use the extras those systems has well. But they should be more accurate then the od stuff urkraine has, which save grenades.
It’s just virtue signalling by inept politicians. If they were serious about sending arms to Ukraine they wouldn’t announce it at a presser giving Russians warnings as to what to look for.
Thats as incomptent as things can be.
Nato and also EU actually are nive and passive.
We do have much more artillery then this and in much better versions. You also hs not made Our airforces, missiles and drones.
Russia only has air superiority because we still try to keep Mink 2.
We any time could bombarde any connection between Russia and Ukraine away on the Russian turfs. We dont – so far.
Im like this: I will do my best not to let those infected Russians win. In the other hand the Ukras dod not keep the Minsk 2 well – as well.
They only thing you Anglos excel at is lying and deception and manipulation and subversion and propaganda. Well, and stealing of course. You are a nation of thieves.
The Belarusian General Staff issued a warning about NATO preparing strike groups near the borders of Russia and Belarus: ‘NATO has doubled its forces in Eastern Europe, strike groups can be created near the borders of the Russia and Belarus in the shortest possible time. The West, is preparing for the conduct of hostilities in the eastern direction.’ ‘Strike groups may be needed to ensure the entry of troops into the Western Ukraine and the Odessa regions, if there are favorable conditions for this and if there is a confidence that this will not lead to the escalation of the conflict into a nuclear war. Only Russia’s nuclear weapons are holding back NATO from more active actions.’ – Boris Rozhin Basically, military expert Boris Rozhin acknowledged that the performance of the Russian Conventional Army was so weak and poor, that in this moment only Russian nuclear weapons keeping the Western countries at distance.
“Basically, military expert Boris Rozhin acknowledged that the performance of the Russian Conventional Army was so weak and poor, that in this moment only Russian nuclear weapons keeping the Western countries at distance.”
Exactly. It does NOT look like the Russian army will occupy even Odessa anytime soon.
Something is very, very wrong with the Russian army. It is not what it’s used to be.
Partial truth here detected. The ‘something wrong’ is that Russia’s army is TOTALLY insufficient in size. Period.
“Russia’s army is TOTALLY insufficient in size.”
And what is being done, or should be done to remedy the situation? Russia has a standing army of 800k soldiers.
Surely, they could deploy more troops to the front lines.
They can’t because Russia is so immense, and can’t let other borders unguarded. JewNATO is a demon hyena searching around how to enter and steal everything. Sorry, it’s a truth. Generals in russian army must be executed, or anyone in Kremlin who doesn’t recognize that in the last 30 years.
“They can’t because Russia is so immense, and can’t let other borders unguarded.”
1) The bulk of the Russian troops are in European Russia (this side of the Ural). The rail system can get these troops hundreds of kilometers overnight, easily into Ukraine and back.
2) If Russia was attacked, any NATO-incursion to Russian territory could be used in Russian media as another “Patriotic war to defend the Motherland”, which would have a tremendous motivating effect of the Russian people.
I detect some amount of paranoia in your thinking.
You don’t know military stuff, man. Russia cannot afford to move its border troops. Period. Just look at Georgia where they must keep a strong deterring force. Also, NATO will not enter Russia because they’re not stupid like many of yours believe. They will though ‘incursion’ into Ukraine and give you a good stalemate and a lot of casualties. Please give your heroes a favor: stop backing your Kremlin/military leaders so much. It’s counterproductive.
Partial truth. But Russia Army is not weak and not poor; oh, maybe you refer to its insufficient size, here I agree. The biggest criticism towards the russians is what they’ve done 8 years ? Was not clear they will MUST fight not the shithole banderipizdan nazi’s but entire NATO/EU ? How they have prepared for that ?
“Was not clear they will MUST fight not the shithole banderipizdan nazi’s but entire NATO/EU ? How they have prepared for that ?”
Partial truth. They are NOT fighting the “entire NATO/EU”. We both know that, you and me.
Oh, yes. Besides the manpower, NATO already ‘donated’ about 30-40% of it’s arsenal. US alone almost depleted the army of ATGM’s; I read that in JSA media every day. And again: partial truth detected. This is not a genuine war for Russia motherland. We both know that, you and me
30% 40% ?? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Mr Pampers Academy has new material for its comedy show. What a clown 🤣😂🤡
hahahahaa, when you lick your syphilitic mother retard cunt, idiot. Read JSA media and see for yourself, ”Replenishing the U.S.’s stockpile was one of the main issues that Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin was asked about when he testified on Tuesday before the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense about his agency’s fiscal year 2023 budget request.” You mother fucker heroin chimpanzee troll, read other stuff not only stress your empty squared head with bullshit personal opinions.
Even with the West helping nothing, the Russian army would struggle pretty much the same.
Maybe you have noticed, that the Russians could only take one major city without reducing to rubble: Kherson? Why – because the mayor surrendered the city.
Mariupol is still not completely taken. The Russians are largely unprepared for urban warfare. Their only way of dealing with this is systematically reducing a city to rubble, which is slow, painful and bogs down lots and lots of soldiers. It takes a lot of TIME.
and here is the deal, so far, Mariupol is the only city that has been more-or less conquered (militarily). with the Others, the Russians don’t even make an effort.
So when the next city will is besieged, who knows when, expect another two months for it to fall.
Your ‘analyst’ is garbage. Look what JUSA made in Fallujah, an 1/3 city of Mariupol, in plain desert, with mostly huts of 1 or 2 floors…….aprox 3 month of daily carpet bombing and still have serious loses (loses of stupid irakian proxis, americunts don’t have the guts to fight for real anywhere but to put others to fight for them).
Yeah, Fallujah was the headquarters and *Holy City* of Shia resistance. Of course, it was fanatically defended.
Also, the Americans occupied the countryside everywhere, so Fallujah was encircled, blockaded (cut off from supplies), besieged, and then taken.
I agree, Americans fight with proxies usually. That is how they avoid spilling the blood of their own. with Russian casualties mounting, and no sight of the war ending anytime soon, this might be not a bad idea….
Back to the point: the Russian army is afraid of another siege, this is obvious. Therefore, big cities will remain in Ukrainian hands in the foreseeable future.
Russia don’t have enough potential to loose huge amount of manpower to besiege big cities, without leveling it, here I agree.
They hardly has upgraded anything else. Even their Armata and new kalashnikov is not first class to the price.
Armata would beat any tank on battlefield with ease. But you will never see it in ukropistan nazi Reich war because have secret components. It is retained only for ‘serious’ situations.
The main change is Nato has moved east. By that it also makes change the defence there is more east.
Im no military and political expert. But if Belarus take in troops in Uraine again, I think we should take Minsk.
Hahahahahahaha, I didn’t laugh for a good damn deal of time. But that imbecility is worth to. Really, I laughing hard when I type that phrase. You must be the master idiot from all trolls here, dumb fuck psycho.
Kharkiv to the Russian border is only 40 km. If they can get these setup around there, it should help the UA forces to clear the area once and for all.
Bullshit. This is not a wunderweapon at all. An old Krasnopol shell can obliterate it in a second. Others are the problems.
Going to the border dont help much. They have to go east and cut the supply for Izium. Thats important right now.
Looking at maps thats difficult but might be possible.
Absolutely impossible. It;s basically a strategic stalemate in favor for russians with the passing clock. For that reason I’m afraid you”l be fried by SARMAT if some accident happen. Me too, but I think I have a much more good probability to escape. Why ? That’s what I don’t tell you, imbecile.
Russia is facing a situation where rates of killing and supply matter. They are achieving a kill rate of around 500 a day of Ukrainian Nazis. That sounds a lot, but in reality they need get to the thousands a day in order to decimate the Ukrainians Nazis fast enough to prevent endless supply of trained newcomers. Killing of high numbers really counts in terms of psychology of recruiting and physical presence. The same is also true for NATO supply. Russia appears to be doing reasonably well in limiting supply. The supply lines are very long for NATO to the east and also very vulnerable. These photos provide little credible evidence that these weapons are actually in theatre – not many blue armbands! So it all hinges on pace, and I worry Russia is doing too slow a grind. It really is time for large scale use of high energy weapons to scorch the Ukrainian Nazis and also relentless pounding to take out all infrastructure and logistical supplies to those Ukrainian Nazis.
Nope. They didn’t have 500 kill a day. No, by far, no. They managed to achieve 100-150/day killed on entire front, which if tranbslated to Donbass only and if sustainable at least 45 days will collapse Don front, but no MORE. Exactly what you said: ”they need get to the thousands a day in order to decimate the Ukrainians Nazis fast enough to prevent endless supply of trained newcomers” !!!!!!!! Totally agree, and here is a military academy, not some idiot troll from some nazi basement. I’m afraid russians will not achieve that premise before something scary will happen (like an accident which will go into full nuclear war).
I think you are correct, Russia should step up the kill rate. If not, they risk a large scale counter offensive in the next months.
You are ghostbusters. 80% of those You are up against are not nazis at all. They for very good reasons dont like You.
No matter if that video shows real combat or not, Russia should really hurry up to destroy really ALL supply lines, i.e. bridges, railways, airports, etc.
That should have been done 2 month ago…
Sure. And ukras tio. they have waited too long for that.
Russia, hit them hard. Now!
Eat Shit.Now!
Duraran 2 disparos. Tienen horas contadas
Russia is not fighting a total war. No mobilization, truces every day, it does not target the decision centers …. When you fight a war by half against an opponent who is fighting a total war, you are likely to lose….
Russia is fighting a total war because it only kills and rapes civilians, the cowards do not fight soldiers
Stupid lies, please stop this Ucrap propaganda!
Residents of Mariupol told how fighters of “Azov” raped girls in basements and killed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zIBlBnDTpek
Yes, they dont hold back.
Are the Azov militants holding back? Residents of Mariupol told how fighters of “Azov” raped girls in basements and killed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zIBlBnDTpek
How to watch with subtitles in English or another language: At the bottom of the video, click the rectangle (subtitles), then on the gear (settings), then in the settings, click on the subtitles, then translate and choose your language.
Thats the plan.
Place your bets for any battle pls. (tptb can only play this, sorry)
ALL armies look alike. Uniforms, brigades, divisions, weaponry. Its simple. There is ONLY 1 army. And once in a while they play.
Kadirov in front line, on the streets and NOT getting shot….really.
We are ALL being played. Except. Me.
They hs not been able to. They still are not. You ignore those Ukras defend themself well for their seize.
When Russians says: My penis almost reach the ground it says. My feet is 10 cm high with shoes.
Don’t measure Russians by their feet.
Capitalists lie, deceive and pervert 10x more than any socialist society known to humans in history. Was in both and got my seal as ‘AFFIRMATIVE’.
Ans some 200 Russian officers were killed with it
And how many Ucrap officers killed? What about the “elite” Azov Nazis? Their sad remnants are now weeping like children. Those are cowards and menchild.
If this is true, send a link to the video confirming your words.
Don’t let an imbecile have it’s sickness run on.
Applying the golden rule for the Kiev Reich propaganda that means 200/10=20. You mean high ranking, imbecile retard anal fucker.
Nato aggressively flying ofer Bladk Sea (RRR7235) and over eastern Romania (NATO11)
The Russian forces are going to have to deal with an ever creeping involvement of NATO across the battlefield. There has to be an attitude change and a more pro-active war footing stance adopted. This war is going to take a whole lot longer and much more complicated. Russia has to ramp up weapon production across many platforms. Air superiority is absolutely vital now its no good locating these howitizers rough area over 2-3 days then using long range missiles for strikes. They need to be challenged from the air with immediate effect but that can only happen after Russia owns the skys which clearly is not the case as of yet.
Please, tell us how to own the sky when you have tens of thousands of MANPADS all along the frontline. Thus, Iby this moment I don’t know why Russia don’t use it’s very high altitude strategic bombers to mass carpet bombing entire segment of frontline by 1 decisive sortie and with many FOABS.
The artillery is trained where there already are professional artillerist to learn from. Very much good training is by show.
I also think too much is about the maximum range for fx artillery. None can efford to pay for many rounds of excaliburs in them.
The used range mainly will be up to 20 km and now and then 30 km. The difference to even older ones are the accuracy and speed.
Older canons hardly can hit a football field 20 km away. Those are at least better then that.
If they make a noticable diffence remains to be seen.
Except those POS weapons cannot move more than 20 miles of their entry point into the country, as Russia has taken out all of uKRAPistan’s rail lines, nor can they travel the roads as Russia has taken out all of the roadway bridges, as well as fuel depots and diesel refineries.
In the long run, NATO will regret very much doing this.
Joe Biden is gonna send all the Crack from Hunter !! and just a ton of cocaine for the clown !!!
Pull Out. Turn Ukraine to GLASS.
Why didn’t Russia blow them up on arrival ?
Yeah right… false narratives to push forward and put pressure on your domestic audiences.