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Macron Сalls For ‘Mobilization’ In France

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Macron Сalls For ‘Mobilization’ In France

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Written by Lucas Leiroz, member of the BRICS Journalists Associations, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, military expert

In yet another irresponsible and escalatory act, the French president has called for “mobilization” in his country. He believes that renewed and expanded military efforts, including increasing the number of troops, are necessary to face the challenges posed by current global tensions. Ironically, Macron ignores the fact that it is precisely measures like these that are making the global situation worse.

Macron recently announced a plan to “mobilize” more young French people for military service. He wants more volunteers to join the ranks of the army, which is why he hopes that the choice of a military career will become more popular among the country’s youth. According to Macron, expanding troop numbers is a necessary step to prepare France for the global escalation resulting from the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

Macron stated that the French and Europeans need to understand that the war in Ukraine will not end any time soon, thus discrediting the public promises made by Donald Trump to “end” hostilities in his new term. In this sense, Macron explained that France needs to give Ukraine the necessary means to continue fighting, since the US is no longer willing to help and does not seem capable of ending the war.

According to Macron, it is the duty of France and Europe to arm Ukraine and prepare it to cause maximum damage to Moscow, which would allegedly improve Ukraine’s position in a possible diplomatic process in the future – if peace negotiations are indeed resumed. He also believes that, even in a post-war scenario, the challenges will remain, since after the end of hostilities it will be “necessary” to continue arming and militarizing – both to prevent Ukraine from being “attacked” again and to dissuade Russia from initiating actions against Europe.

“Let us not kid ourselves, the conflict in Ukraine will not end tomorrow or the day after (…) The challenge today is to give Ukraine the means to last and to enter any future negotiations from a position of strength (…) The challenge tomorrow, when the hostilities stop, will be to give Ukraine guarantees against any return of war to its territory and assurances for our own security,” he said.

In other words, Macron is making it clear that he is not considering any kind of de-escalation in the near future. He justifies the current “need” for militarization with the war in Ukraine while also stating that, after this war is over, it will continue to be necessary to intensify military efforts. Macron thus does not plan to work for peace, but for constant tensions – which is no surprise, considering that he has repeatedly shown himself to be one of the most bellicose leaders in today’s Europe.

Furthermore, by talking about “mobilizing” the French to prepare against the supposed “threats” posed by Russia, Macron is taking a dangerous step of escalation, creating a true “pre-war” atmosphere in Europe. The effects of this kind of irresponsible attitude could be catastrophic, since the policies of militarization could spiral into increasingly aggressive acts. This is particularly worrying considering that Macron has repeatedly stated that he does not rule out the possibility of sending troops to the ground in Ukraine – which would practically be an official declaration of war against Moscow.

There are many reasons for Macron to take this kind of action. As an increasingly unpopular leader who is unable to hide his political weakness, Macron relies on militaristic paranoia to try to regain some kind of legitimacy. Furthermore, it is necessary to emphasize that he is one of the most active leaders of the Collective West, committed at an ideological and political level to the preservation of Western hegemony.

However, these attitudes could quickly go out of control. Once the point of no return in the escalation of tensions is crossed, it will be difficult to reverse the situation and achieve peace again. Even if Macron “regrets” such irresponsible attitudes in the future, it may be impossible for him to mitigate the consequences of his current actions, since policies of militarization and preparation for war generate deep changes in state structures and are not easily “cancelled”.

Macron should rethink his actions while there is still time, otherwise he could lead Europe into an even greater security crisis than the current one.

You can follow Lucas on X (formerly Twitter) and Telegram.


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tampitel. ca de obicei.

the narrative

rhetoric the basis of all things macron.

Planet Fitness

macron managed to do twenty pushups today, so he’s feeling feisty.

Shlomo's little weenie

you want more troops senór macaroon ? start drafting all the progeny of your banker friends then. the screeching would never end.

Innocent bystanders

get real. what are you 6?

Shlomo's little weenie

⚠️ warning ⚠️ warning. our site’s useless troll-bot is regurgitating under another ‘funny’, craving attention. please sympathize with its’ mutant behaviour and treat kindly. 😀😀😀💩

Shlomo's little weenie

get up and wake real. i’m my opinion.

Casual observer

wake up are you handi capped ?what part of a 100 year pact don’t you understand ! apparently zero .

Planet Fitness

the part where i stopped laughing and couldn’t read the rest for fear of an attack of hiccups.

Shlomo's little weenie

wake up ! in my opinion to wake up should only apply to people who think they know how to wake up. 🪠


macron is not thinking but only following orders of central bankers. george carlin said it: you have owners they own you🥶

Innocent bystanders

learn the law your birth certificate is your title deed and by law from the 1300s means the vatican owns you.

Moshe Dayan

oh really? how many vatican bankers in the biden and trump administration, lying bullshitter. what particular ethnicity is least affected by the spike protein, by mere coincidence of course. gtfoh.


i will never fight.

Innocent bystanders

wait and see. when your babies are going to be raped and bayoneted you might wake up.

Moshe Dayan

you mean like the palestinians in israeli jails?

Planet Fitness

nah, banderites did that to the poles and now they’re best of friends.


never means never

Boris Orlov

same bullshit argument as ever put forward by warmongerers and capitalists alike, but first and foremost by the nra in the us.

captain hohol

a 60 iq neoliberal propaganda casualty that would probably have a panic attack if anyone said anything about nonwhite ethnic minorities in france.

Yan yrondi

il a des couilles au cul, mais se ne sont pas les siennes. sûrement celles de baiben qui sont restés accrochées


le roitelet macaron premier et ça mommie se croiyent au 18eme siecle. ça tete poutra tomber. mais comme le notre damme vient juste d etre restauré, ou va t il foutre le feu pour sauver ça tete? dans le temps des jilets jaune il a mis feu au notre damme pour échapé a la collere du peuple.


putin must be quaking in his boots. he faces an invasion by thousands of frogs in berets and striped jerseys brandishing their baguettes. scary.


btw australian market s reported ,on the catholic network are stressing that the stargate ai is exclusively trumps work and it’s 800 billion and of privatised investments which has driven markets up so saying the entire systems private property so not under any democratic control by elections .that’s the way uh huh uh huh they like it … .


they specifically identified oracle join the dots.


micron is a has been with a single-digit public support, this is his last-ditch attempt to stay in power and relevancy


as a french guy, i sincerily wish you’re right.

Moshe Dayan

let the freemason shitbag go there with his male tranny wife to fight and die. worthless criminal murderer.


he has no legitimacy. most french no longer see russia as a threat and no longer support him as the president. his party lost the majority. married to a man he disgraced his country


delusional…like every european

professor taco biden

macaroon will fail because he fabricates the need to militarize—a girl crying wolf when there is only a harmless amerikan ramses transgender

Paul Citro

you want volunteers to join the army? more likely there will be volunteers to remove your government.


🇷🇺=🏃‍♂️🤡 😆😆😆

Planet Fitness

macron did twenty pushups today, so he’s feeling feisty.


macron is crypto gay married to a mummy. he has no children and works for the zionists. the majority of the youth in france are blacks and arabs. most of them will never choose to die for the tribe of tiny hats people…. the only idiots ready to die are the white nationalistes. it will bé a pleasure for macron to sacrifice them for the chosenites.


napoleon wants to conquer russia.

the narrative

clown is as clown does. his time is running out. i wager few if any of the eu “leaders / mouth pieces” will be around in two or three years. 6 of 9 are already out. hear me boris johnson ?


the eu is visibly falling apart and now it is being openly looted by the us. nordstream, chumpo’s tariffs. its satraps like macron and schulz are being openly humiliated. it is disintegrating economically, socially, demographically. if little manny macron tries to invade russia he could find himself leading a one man charge.


france can’t keep the peace on their own streets, and this guy wants to send the french army to ukraine, or something. ok…

captain hohol

macron can mobilize all the brown skinned immigrants in france or macron can fuck off.

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