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MARCH 2025

Macron Declares State Of “Economic Emergency” In France As “Yellow Vests” Protests Seem To Continue

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During a public speech on December 10, President Emmanuel Macron declared that the country is in a state of “economic emergency”.

“Today, we are forced to admit. Today, I am announcing an economic emergency in our country,” President said calling for “support” for the French economy.

This was the first official public adress of Macron since the start of “Yellow Vests” protests in the country several weeks ago. He further claimed that there “is no justification to the anger and all those violent clashes” commenting on the protests. However, he was forced to admit that the public has ” right to indignation.”

Macron also promised to increase the minimal wage by € 100 per month starting in May 2019 and to cancel taxes on overtime labor and introduce special tax exemptions for people earning less than € 2,000 per months.


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You can call me Al

““Today, we are forced to admit. Today, I am announcing an economic emergency in our country,” President said calling for “support” for the French economy.”

Right guys, let’s all chip in to save the French economy …. you dozy numpty Macron, do you remember the assault and threats you gave my and my British people over BREXIT –



Exactly f**k the people, save the banks.

Brother Ma

Macron is quite used to that. Poor France and its banksters. Noone wants to play with them anymore.


Who does Emmanuel Macron owe?

by Thierry Meyssan

President Macron is often presented as a Rothschild Boy. This is true, but secondary. Thierry Meyssan demonstrates that he owes his electoral campaign mostly to Henry Kravis, the boss of one of the world’s largest financial companies, and to NATO – a considerable debt which weighs heavily today on the solution to the Yellow Vests crisis.



Emmanuel Macron did not feel destined for a career in politics. As a young man, he hoped to become a philosopher, then a senior civil servant, then a business banker. To help him on his way, he frequented Uncle Sam’s fairy godmothers – the French-American Foundation and the German Marshall Fund of the United States.

It was in this milieu that he met Henry and Marie-Josée Kravis, in their residence on Park Avenue in New York [1]. The Kravis couple, unfailing supporters of the US Republican Party, are among the great world fortunes who play politics out of sight of the Press. Their company, KKR, like Blackstone and the Carlyle Group, is one of the world’s major investment funds.

« Emmanuel’s curiosity for the ’can-do attitude’ was fascinating – the capacity to tell yourself that you can do anything you set your mind to. He had a thirst for knowledge and a desire to understand how things work, but without imitating or copying anyone. In this, he remained entirely French », declares Marie-Josée Drouin (Mrs. Kravis) today [2].

Bearing the double recommendation of the Kravis couple and Jean-Pierre Jouyet [3], he integrated the closed circle of François Hollande’s campaign team. In an e-mail addressed to US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Director of political planning Jake Sullivan named the four principal members of the Socialist candidate’s campaign team, including the unknown Emmanuel Macron. He specified that Macron would probably become the Director General of the Treasury (« the top civil servant at the Finance Ministry ») [4].

However, when François Hollande was elected, Emmanuel Macron became the assistant General Secretary of the Elysée, a more political function. It seems that he had ambitions to succeed Jean-Pierre Jouyet as Director of the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (the Deposits and Consignments Fund), a post which was entrusted in May 2014 to the General Secretary of the Elysée. A few days later, proposed by the Kravis couple, he was invited to the Bilderberg Club, where he delivered a violent intervention in perfect English against his boss, François Hollande. When he returned to Paris, he resigned from Hollande’s cabinet.

The Kravis couple are among the main pillars of the Bilderberg Club, which is administered by Marie-Josée Drouin-Kravis. Contrary to a commonly-held belief, the Bilderberg is not a place where decisions are made. Its archives attest to the fact that it was created by the CIA and MI6, then became an organ of influence for NATO, which directly looks after its security [5]. Since Macron’s intervention had been well received, he became one of NATO’s men in France.

Having left politics, he had no desire to return. He explained to his entourage on a number of occasions that he wanted to become a university professor. With the help of essayist Alain Minc (admitted to the Bilderberg Club in 2008), he obtained a post at the university of Berlin and another at the London School of Economics, but was unable to find a place at Harvard.

However, in August 2014, three months after having « left politics », and on a proposition by Jean-Pierre Jouyet (admitted in 2009 to the Bilderberg Club), he was named by François Hollande as Minister of the Economy, Industry and Digital Technology.

In a book published in 2018, François Hollande assured that this choice had been his idea [6]. That may be, but would suppose that he had not been informed about Macron’s intervention at the Bilderberg meeting – although one of his Ministers and close friend Fleur Pélerin had also been present.

In December 2014, Henry Kravis created his own Intelligence agency, the KKR Global Institute. He nominated at its head the ex-Director of the CIA, General David Petraeus. With the Kravis couple’s private funds (the KKR investment funds), and without referring to Congress, Petraeus pursued operation « Timber Sycamore » which had been initiated by President Barack Obama. This was the largest weapons traffic in History, implicating at least 17 states and representing many thousands of tons of weapons worth several billion dollars [7]. As such, Kravis and Petraeus became the main suppliers for Daesh [8].

The French President of Bilderberg, Henri de Castries, invited the Deputy Mayor of Le Havre, Edouard Philippe, to the annual meeting, which on this occasion was held in June 2015 in Austria. Philippe was to be re-invited in May 2016, this time in Germany. During the presidential campaign in France, both Henri de Castries and Edouard Philippe supported François Fillon, but dropped him as soon as Jean-Pierre Jouyet [9] handed the Canard Enchaîné the financial documents collected by the Inspectorate of Finances concerning the suspicious employment of Madame Fillon [10]. They then joined Emmanuel Macron’s camp.

In April 2016, Emmanuel Macron founded his political formation En Marche!, whose marketing strategy was copied from that of Kadima (Forward!), Ariel Sharon’s pretended non-right, non-left party. As for Macron’s programme, it was built on the notes of the OCDE [11] and those of the Institut Montaigne, of which Henri de Castries was president. In fact, En Marche! was created in the offices of the Institut. But Castries fooled Fillon into believing that this was pure coincidence , and that he did not support Macron. He continued for months telling Fillon that he was ready to become his Prime Minister.

Initially, the financing of En Marche! was not supervised. It was a simple association which was allowed to receive gifts from abroad. The names of the sponsors were not revealed to the Tax Office. Arch-billionaire Henry Kravis was one of them.

During his campaign, Emmanuel Macron regularly met with the ex-President of the IMF, Dominique Strauss-Kahn (« DSK »). These workshop meetings were denied until they were revealed by Le Parisien, much later, when his reputation as a sexual pervert had died down. DSK (admitted to the Bilderberg Club in 2000) brought both the support of senior government officials and that of French company management – the sociological alliance which had supported the collaborationist régime of Philippe Petain and reformed again in the 1980’s around the Fondation Saint-Simon.

In June 2018, the Minister for Youth and National Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, was invited on the proposition of Henri de Castries to the annual meeting of the Bilderberg Club, which was held this time in Italy. This lawyer, a specialist in Constitutional law, has always linked political science and education. He was one of the three central directors of the Ministry for Education, then director of the prestigious Ecole Supérieure des Sciences Economiques et Commerciales (ESSEC). He has known Castries for many years, frequenting him at the Institut Montaigne.

When the Yellow Vests crisis began in France [12], it quickly became evident that this was a profound problem which could only be resolved by addressing the question of global finance, which President Macron can not do. During his electoral campaign, he surprised sponsors at a dinner in New York by making accusations against the financialisation of the economy. It was no more than electoral rhetoric. He was taken to task by the Mr. and Mrs. Kravis – financialisation is the system that enables them to operate the « leveraged buy-outs », which have made them what they are.

Faced with the Yellow Vest movement, President Macron will have to sacrifice his Prime Minister as an expiatory victim during the next elections (the European elections of May 2019, which will certainly be lost). But apart from the fact that he has to hang on for five more months, who is there to replace him? When you owe the financing of your electoral campaign and the choice of your Prime Minister to NATO, it is unthinkable to replace him without first referring to the Alliance. The ideal candidate for the job would therefore be Jean-Michel Blanquer.

Thierry Meyssan


Pete Kimberley

[1] This meeting probably took place in 2007. Thereafter, Emmanuel Macron systematically visited the Kravis couple whenever he was in the USA, and Henry Kravis welcomed him in his offices on Avenue Montaigne when he visited Paris.

[2] «Quand Emmanuel Macron découvrait l’Amérique à 29 ans», François Clemenceau, Le Journal du Dimanche, 22 avril 2018.

[3] Jean-Pierre Jouyet is a personal friend of François Hollande and Nicolas Sarkozy. He directed the General Inspectorate of Finances from 2005 to 2007. He was then Emmanuel Macron’s hierarchical superior.

[4] «Hollande Team», e-mail by Jake Sullivan, May 10, 2012. Source : Wikileaks.

[5] “What you don’t know about the Bilderberg-Group”, by Thierry Meyssan, Komsomolskaïa Pravda (Russia) , Voltaire Network, 9 May 2011.

[6] Les leçons du pouvoir, François Hollande, Stock, 2018.

[7] “Billions of dollars’ worth of arms against Syria”, by Thierry Meyssan, Translation Pete Kimberley, Voltaire Network, 18 July 2017.

[8] “Seize the transnational corporations to rebuild Syria?”, by Thierry Meyssan, Translation Pete Kimberley, Voltaire Network, 14 August 2018.

[9] Jean-Pierre Jouyet remained friends with Henri de Castries at the end of their studies at the Ecole Nationale d’Administration (ENA, Promotion Voltaire). It was there that they met François Hollande.

[10] Contrary to the official version, the information published by the Canard Enchaîné was not the fruit of a journalistic investigation. The entire dossier was handed in one delivery to the weekly newspaper by Jean-Pierre Jouyet, in violation of financial secrets.

[11] The Organisation de Cooperation et de Développement Economiques (OCDE) is one of the two organisms born of the Marshall Plan. The other is NATO.

[12] “How the West eats its children”, by Thierry Meyssan, Translation Pete Kimberley, Voltaire Network, 4 December 2018.



Tommy Jensen

There is a mistake in the photo because the green colour should be in the middle, but this would also be a mistake because the green colour is not in the French flag. It means it dont make sense because its without logo and reason and without no facts and with a false flag. Therefore its fake news!

This could be a false flag operation but this little green detail will confuse everybody, although they will not dare to say it because they are afraid. Only people with backbone and guts will say it if they can, but the media will remain silent and refuse to comment on the matter.

John Whitehot

go stuff yourself with freedom fries.


Today I’m eating zakuszka

John Whitehot

don’t make me reply.


Don’t forget to clean your mouth before.

John Whitehot

we now know why everything you write sucks – you type with your mouth.


You know that everything I type sucks because you sucked it.

John Whitehot

when are you going to involve mirrors? what a loser.


When i’ll be so fat like your mom wanting to pull you out of her


With a bit of luck and some karma, we will hopefully see Britain going the same way.


Karma hasn’t even begun Yet, for what we know as the “west”…


And this is why we love You


I sit here. reading… Im horificlt sick. dont prey for me. I love my brother. There is no hate in the heart of that person who loves his brother.


They say his mother/wife cut off his foreskin so he would be accepted by the bankers, but she slipped, and took it all off.



I heard she shot a little low.



Turkish Greywolves

France and Macron the dog has supported terrorists onto Turkey which is a marxist leninist terror group


Burn in hell France

Tommy Jensen

France was just trying to promote peace. These guys wanted democracy in 1/3 of Turkey, 1/3 of Iran, 1/3 of Syria and 1/3 of Iraq. France had diplomatic meetings with all parties during 16 years to secure peace and to gain democratic leverage.


Kinda like how Turkey was allied with France for years in flooding Syria with Islamist terrorists?

Turkish Greywolves

Keep your propaganda bull shit to yourself, little iranian frog lol


Reality is not propaganda “Gay Wolf”

Turkish Greywolves

Your iranian frogs helped YPG in afrin with Hezbollsheytan and SAA ahahaha little puppet go bark elsewhere


You’re the one literally with the picture of a barking wolf on your profile and you’re telling me to go bark? I’m not a puppet of anyone, you’re the one with US military bases in your country not me. Why did you help the Jews destroy Syria? What did you get out of it dumb ass?


truth hurts huh dimwit. We all know, everywhere in the world that Turkey has been a bitch to the bankers…Murdering scum. Just like we Americans are.

Brother Ma

You are full of crap. Renounce your Islam ,Turkish cutthroat and return to the religion of your forefathers. Only then , you will feel better and the world may forgive you..but the Syrians wont.

Concrete Mike

Hah marriage bliss over?? Serves you right to ally with zionist devils


” marxist leninist ”


Real Anti-Racist Action

May the indigenous tribal peoples (ethnic Gauls, Italic, Celtic) win against the racist flooding their ancestral home lands. https://dailystormer.name/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/bq-5c04b0966449b.png https://dailystormer.name/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/d22fa0287df79757092a6592448b8d0778344f41.jpg https://dailystormer.name/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/57302-A17-43-FF-4-AC7-BD0-D-BC47-F105-A867.jpg

Tommy Jensen

We promise the prices on frogs, camembert and flyte will also go down. Now go home with your hard on and leave us in peace. We are sitting in meetings saving the world from Foreign Influence in our elections. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/33d5c855fa917fa070d8838ae94d1986ae21323770f0c6e5f9b0232a935a0c7f.jpg


I am extremly sick. I do not have aids but I am extremly sick.

Polyushko-pole Prey for me.


Here is a pleasant surprise. There are “Yellow Vests” In Canada.


Tommy Jensen

All these protesters against UN migrants pact are anti-semites, homophobes, racists, salafist haters and discriminate against hispanics who eat garlic.

More funding will be provided to teach these protesters to behave in an more inviting and friendly manner towards jews and homoes when they knock on your door and ask to be invited inside for you to admit that they are also humans as you.

You dont know what the jews have been through during their history, and you should feel it on your own body how it is.


We, as Canadians, agree to submit to compassion and sensitivity training for garlic.

We will hold classes, change our shopping and cooking habits and learn (no matter what the cost is to the federal government) to make garlic part of our larder, our pantries, our kitchens, our menu’s, our shopping lists and our lunch kits.

We will have garlic added to our flag along side, or instead of the maple leaf. (Maple makes the flag sticky, quite a mess actually.)

Canada, as a member of the commonwealth, agrees, no, DEMANDS full garlic integration for the entire country!

Tommy Jensen

You must be hispanic.


Danish. ;-)


I think Tommy is too.


ah! He must be a Nisse. ;-)

Zionism = EVIL

Macron the little Jew midget is a slave of Goldman Sachs and has ruined the French economy with “privatizations” aka selling national assets to the Bilderberg Jew global plunderers. Maybe his grandma wife can spank some sense into the pervert as France burns.


I dont look like myself. I promise I will get better. I am sick tears are coming from my eyes. Il get better I promise.

SFC Steven M Barry USA RET

Too little too late.

michael Harrison

maybe some country should give the protesters a ton of high-tech weapons and call them freedom fighters of the “free French army” and see how they like what they did to Syria


Back when Sarkozy was President, a Government Minister let slip that France was bankrupt. Quite a few western nations are bankrupt, but they all keep covering for each other. Sooner or later France the US and a few others will default, it’s not if, it’s when.

Tommy Jensen

Italy, Greece, Portugal, Spain, France, UK, USA are all what we call “technically bankrupt” saying their public debt is close to 100% of GDP and can never be paid back.

Everything that happens is about increasing the debt slavery to International Finance.


I am extremly sick I can barally spell.


Macron is dead

Concrete Mike

What is going economically.in france is happening throughout the west.

The price of living is rising faster than wages.

Thats what gilets jaunes represents.

We ainy stupid, when corporations gloat on media of record.profits…huge bonus for executives…while we get poorer by the day.

And your surprised were kicking back?

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