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Macron’s Popularity Collapses While Interior Minister Predicts Civil War

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Written by Guillaume Durocher; Originally appeared at The Unz Review

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Emmanuel Macron, the current president of the French Republic, is a weird dude. Now, after just 18 months in power, he is also a very unpopular dude. The French media have been making much of the fact that Macron’s prime minister, Édouard Philippe, has been slightly more popular than the president in certain polls. But really, what we are seeing is an almost perfect parallel collapse in popularity of both personalities

Macron’s Popularity Collapses While Interior Minister Predicts Civil War

That French presidents are unpopular is nothing new. However, there is a secular trend in them getting unpopular more and more quickly upon getting into office. True, Macron is not as unpopular after 18 months as was the hapless and squishy François Hollande, who could deliver on virtually none of his Socialist economic promises. However, Macron as collapsed in popularity more quickly than Nicolas Sarkozy did, who was a one-term president.

The English-speaking Macron said he wanted to turn France into a “start-up nation.” A bold ambition, but it’s worth remembering that 90% of start-ups go bankrupt.

Macron’s Popularity Collapses While Interior Minister Predicts Civil War

I personally don’t understand the French electorate on these matters. Macron in particular did not promise anything other than to deliver more of the same policies, albeit with more youth and more vigor, as a frank globalist. Who, exactly, was excited at his election but is disappointed now? People with a short attention span or susceptibility to marketing gimmicks, I assume.

It is hard to talk about the French media without getting a bit conspiratorial, at least, I speak of “structural conspiracies.” Macron’s unabashed, “modernizing” globalism certainly corresponds to the id of the French media-corporate elites and to top 20% of the electorate, let us say, the talented fifth. He was able to break through the old French two-party system, annihilating the Socialist Party and sidelining the conservatives. The media certainly helped in this, preferring him to either the conservative François Fillon or the civic nationalist Marine Le Pen.

However, the media have to a certain extent turned on Macron, perhaps because he believes his “complex thoughts” cannot be grasped by journalists with their admittedly limited cognitive abilities. Turn on the French radio and you’ll hear stories of how the so-called “Youth With Macron,” whose twenty- and thirty-somethings were invited onto all the talk shows just before Macron became a leading candidate, were actually former Socialist party hacks with no grass roots. Astroturf. I could have told you that.

Macron has made a number of what the media call “gaffes.” When an old lady voiced concern about the future of her pension, he answered: “you don’t have a right to complain.” He has also done many things that anyone with just a little sense of decorum will be disgusted by. The 40-year-old Macron, who has a 65-year-old wife and claims not to be a homosexual, loves being photographed with sweaty black bodies.

Macron’s Popularity Collapses While Interior Minister Predicts Civil War

June 21, 2018: the Élysée Palace, is turned into a gay African discotheque for a today, with presidential blessings. The Palace was initially built in 1721 for the military commander Louis Henry de La Tour d’Auvergne. A desecration.

Macron’s Popularity Collapses While Interior Minister Predicts Civil War
Macron appearing with vibrant “future Montaignes” in the Caribbean.
Macron’s Popularity Collapses While Interior Minister Predicts Civil War
Macron heterosexually sharing a moment with said French youth.

While Macron enjoys black bodies, he does say some sensible things. He has some realism. Macron has said that African political instability, poverty, and emigration to Europe will never be controlled unless African women have less children: “When countries still have seven to eight children per woman, you can decide to spend billions of euros, but you will not stabilize anything.” Macron has repeatedly made these comments, showing that like Bill Gates, he understands that a Black Planet with 4 billion Africans (as currently projected to be happen this century according to U.N. projections) will be a big, big problem. Macron is bold in this respect: even Viktor Orbán has not gone so far as to tell black people how they should breed.

In another “slip,” Macron recently said that all the French marshals of the First World War would be celebrated in the upcoming centennial commemorations of that great and terrible conflict. Including, he said, Marshal Philippe Pétain because despite his “dreadful choices” in the Second World War, he had been “a great soldier” in the First. This is objectively true, although Macron was forced to backtrack in the face of “media outcry.”

Macron should have known better. He had previously got into trouble while on an official visit to Algeria for saying that France had committed “crimes against humanity” there in the days of colonialism. As his spokeswoman Laurence Haïm pointed out, the problem was not the offense this caused to French nationalists, but to the Jewish community:

What poses a problem is the term “crime against humanity.” There is a monopoly. . . . I think it is generational. In any case, there is a problem on the expression “crime against humanity” which for many people in the Jewish community can only be said relative to the Shoah.

In the background, one can hear one of Macron’s aides helpfully interject: “It’s a copyright.” (Using the English term, that’s “co-pee-rhaïte”!)

So there’s that. But, in terms of policies, I cannot say that the people who supported Macron have any right to complain. He is doing what he promised, that is to say, steaming full straight ahead on the globalist course with, a bit more forthrightness and, he hopes, competence than his Socialist or conservative predecessors.

In truth there are no solutions. There is nothing he can do to make the elitist and gridlocked European Union more effective, nothing he can do to improve the “human capital” in the Afro-Islamic banlieues, and not much he can do to improve the economy which the French people would find acceptable. A bit more of labor flexibility here, a bit of a tax break there, oh wait deficit’s too big, a tax hike in some other area too, then. Six of one, half a dozen in the other. Oh, and they’ve also passed more censorship legislation to fight “fake news” and “election meddling” and other pathetic excuses the media-political class across the West have come up with for their loss of control over the Narrative.

Since the European Central Bank has been printing lending hundreds of billions of euros to stimulate the Eurozone economy, France’s economic performance has been decidedly mediocre, with low growth, slowly declining unemployment, and no reduction in debt (currently at 98.7% of GDP). Performance will presumably worsen if the ECB, as planned, phases out stimulus at the end of this year.

There is a rather weird situation in terms of immigration and diversity. Everyone seems to be aware of the hellscape of ethno-religious conflict which will thrive in the emerging Afro-Islamic France of the future. Just recently at the commemoration of the Battle of Verdun, an elderly French soldier asked Macron: “When will you kick out the illegal immigrants? . . . Aren’t we bringing in a Trojan Horse?”

More significant was the resignation of Gérard Collomb from his position as interior minister last month to return to his old job as mayor of Lyon, which he apparently finds more interesting. Collomb is a 71-year-old Socialist politician who has apparently awakened to the problems of ethnic segregation and conflict. He said in his farewell address:

I have been in all the neighborhoods, the neighborhoods of Marseille-North to Mirail in Toulous, to the Parisian periphery, Corbeil, Aulnay, Sevran, the situation has deteriorated greatly. We cannot continue to work on towns individually, there needs to be an overarching vision to recreate social mixing. Because today we are living side by side, and I still say, me, I fear that tomorrow we will live face-to-face [i.e. across a battle lines].

It is not clear how much Collomb tried to act upon these concerns as interior minister and was frustrated. In any case, he dared to voice the same concerns to the far-right magazine Valeurs Actuelles last February. He told them: “The relations between people are very difficult, people don’t want to live together” (using the term vivre-ensemble, a common diversitarian slogan). He said immigration’s responsibility for this was “enormous” and agreed with the journalist that “France no longer needs immigration.” Collomb then virtually predicted civil war:

Communities in France are coming into conflict more and more and it is becoming very violent . . . I would say that, within five years, the situation could become irreversible. Yes, we have five or six years to avoid the worst. After that . . .

It’s unclear why “the next five or six years” should be so critical. From one point of view, the old France is already lost as about a third of births are non-Europeanand in particular one fifth are Islamic. The patterns of life in much of France will therefore likely come to reflect those of Africa and the Middle-East, including random violence and religious fanaticism. Collomb seems to think “social mixing” would prevent this, but in fact, there has been plenty of social and even genetic “mixing” in Brazil and Mexico, without this preventing ethno-racial stratification and extreme levels of violence.

I’m afraid it’s all more of the same in douce France, sweet France. On the current path, Macron will be a one-termer like Sarkozy and Hollande were. Then again, the next elections will be in three-and-a-half years, an eternity in democratic politics. In all likelihood, this would be the Right’s election to win, with a conservative anti-immigration candidate. A few people of the mainstream Right are open to working with Le Pen’s National Rally and some have even defended the Identitarians. Then again, I could even imagine Macron posing as a heroic opponent of (illegal . . .) immigration if he thought it could help get him reelected. Watch this space . . .

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This is what happens when you base your country on the Judeo-Masonic concepts of “Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity”. The real French people lost their country after they allowed the Jews and Freemason to take over their nation post French Revolution. They have been on (((the wrong))) side of history ever since and have contributed to the destruction of many people on the planet including their own. They won’t be free until they overthrow the Judeo-Masonic tyranny, destroy all Masonic remnants and structures including the Eiffel Tower and rebuild their nation on the rational, logical, and healthy concepts of race, family, and nation. Unfortunately at this point, this won’t happen without first going through a major and probably bloody civil war.

Eskandar Black

this is offensive and stupid, you are a racist dummy and you should keep your mouth shut.


It is mainly after World War 2 that the word “racism” took on a negative connotation. In reality the original meaning of the word “racism” or “racialism” was nothing more than the recognition of differences among various races and the appreciation and protection of one’s own. This is perfectly rational and healthy. You’d have to be a completely brain dead zombie to deny race differences, when in reality race and gender are the first things you notice about a person you see for the first time.


Wrong: racism and racialism are not interchangeable. Consult a dictionary. Also: please define what the French “race” is/consists of.


I’m not wrong kike. “Racialism” is simply another term for “Racism”, they are interchangeable, here’s the dictionary definition:


A real French race is an indo-European White person who is a descendant of the French speaking people who first settled in and built the French civilization before the importation of negroes and north africans.


There is no such thing as a french race or any other race within homo sapiens. there are dog races though


Your education obviously took place in a pig sty, whence you have not been able to evolve out of. Your convoluted, white supremacist sewer talk is pure pollution of this thread, so I suggest you stick to your white trash friends with whom you can feel good and be on a par, the real world is way above your intellectual level.


haha you got owned badly bozo so you’re now just attacking me personally, which is always a clear sign of losing an argument. You were the one too stupid to know that the term “racialism” was the same as “racism” and yet you accuse me of being poorly educated. I’m done wasting time on you, you’re going on my blocked list.


Thanks for reconfirming your inanity, there really was no need for it.

You don’t even realise the BS & insult you wrote in your 1st reply to me. And now you have the nerve to accuse me of calling you names?

What’s more, your command of English is so poor you don’t even know the basics, such as the difference between racism and racialism. I understand it is all the same for you because you live in that white supremacist s.h.i.t. every day all day long, wallowing in it like the pig you are.

Enjoy the c.r.a.p.

Jens Holm

Yes, pigs already has complained about it in UN as well as Haag.


“A real French race is an indo-European White person”

You do realize that Indo means relating to India? If they are part Indian, how can you also claim they are white?

To quote one of those brown Indo’s you blame for your impotence. “The weak can never forgive, forgiveness is the attribute of the strong”(Gandhi)


I think my IQ dropped a few points just reading that. It’s clear you have no clue what the term “Indo-European” even means or how it is derived. There’s no point in continuing this conversation.

Jens Holm

Obelix ?

Jens Holm

It doesnt change You oppinions must come from far away from normal human beings.

Potato Potato

Cant believe there are so many stupid racist conspiratards on this website. I guess anti-Americanism attracts these sorts of people…


It also attracts people that understand the world is better off without the USA


Drink Brawndo, it cures tardation.


When so many of you kike/shill trolls are out in force attacking me personally I know I must have hit the nail right on the head!


Armistice Day today…. 100 years ago Europe died, bled out in the Great war. Back in 1914. Europe ruled the world. Today it’s ruled by US troops/banks/anti-culture and their puppets like this disgusting, sick degenerate Macron.

You can call me Al

Talking about that and the article’s subject Macron….


Whilst I distaste May with a vengeance, no French baastarrrd has the right to even touch our leader.


Macron is a Goldman Sachs frontman, I mean midget!


Actually he is a Rothschild front man, but all bankers are the same Rothschild, Goldman Sachs etc, all Jews.


This article shows something that I saw from the get-go. The elections of Macron, Trump and now Bolsonaro all seem very similar. They all espouse the same talking points and, strangely enough(or not), they all fall at the feet of Israel. They were all mavericks (propagandistically anyways), claiming to be the cure-all, but in reality are more of the same, only worse. As with most elections, it’s not about the ability of the voters to discern the right person, it’s as stated in the article “susceptibility to marketing gimmicks”. The really sick joke is the war on fake news…by fake politicians and fake patriots, all controlled by the Zionist cabal. To look at the direction and possible outcomes of the policies of just these three ‘leaders’ and then to think that they are not connected by ideology or a money trail is optimism bordering on fantasy. The NWO march continues unabated, chaos is coming.

Daniel Castro

Bolsonaro has been elected largely due to internal problems of Brazil, we need to stop the rise of socialism in our country at any cost, international politics is secondary.


Hah yeah right, there is red under every bed hysteria, with Bolsonaro and every worthless right wing feudal hack. Latin America is destined to remain a backwards and impoverished shithole of violence, corruption, greed and poverty, and no amount of red scare is going to change that. Anyway’s enjoy your fascist regime in Brazil, its going to get real ugly from here on end, Iberians they are truly the scum of Europe, if you can even call them that.

Daniel Castro

What are you, a nazi, fascist, or stalinist? It does not matter, one way or another you are racist scum, and on top of that you like your own posts, like a true low level troll.


Bolso is a nazi, a ZioNazi to be precise

Daniel Castro

He has vowed to uphold the constitution, the other socialist dude wanted to turn Brazil into an socialist miserable apartheid narco state.

Tommy Jensen

Dear Daniel, actually your view points are interesting but they are without substantiation. I have seen only one commentator talking about, among others: socialist selection of employees and key positions by ideology which gives incompetence, this is a legal argument. The relaxed socialist attitude towards criminality and violence, which is a big problem in Brasil for many Brasilians and also a legal argument against the socialist group. The too powerfull fluffy environmentalist group, also a legal argument against the socialists. The preference and relaxed attitude for LGBT and failure to support the family structure, also a legal argument against the socialist. If you would substantiate your claims, it would bring much more value to the discussion.

Daniel Castro

I have given up any deep debate with leftists a long time ago, they don’t care for arguments, reason, or logic, it doesn’t matter what I say, they will just repeat their arguments based on vague idealism and ignore what I say.

Yes, you’re right about these points you mention, and there are others. Hadad government plan was to realease ALL “non-violent” criminals from jail (including corrupt politicians), disarming the police, introduction of leftist indoctrination in the military, making another constitution outside the rules settled in the current one (which ammounts to coup d’estat), bringing down the supreme court (another coup), taking away investigative powers of public prosecutors, changing the rules for parlamientary elections enabling us to vote only in parties instead of candidates, and such parties would have politicians distribution based on quotas (a % of blacks, whites, gays, women, natives, etc.), censorship in the media and the internet, so on and so forth…

And you have all the media and this new wave of marxist trolls calling Bolsonaro a facist.


Marxist trolls…LOL

Daniel Castro

I was not talking about you. What you say have merit, I am against this jerusalem embassy move, and I also think we shouldn’t jump into USA sinking ship, but as I said, Bolsonaro was really the only option regarding internal issues of Brazil, all the other candidates would keep pushing us to socialism.

Tommy Jensen

My experience is the same. They refuse to argue. I found out the reason is since they have no religion, god, or other identity than the poster with “Clima”, “Environment”, “Green xxxx”, “Sickleave and minimum salary”, “Save the nature” ideology, they cannot allow themselves to discuss these hot air slogans as their whole personal self-gooder identity then will disappear.

Good, I suspected there could be some other explanation than the black smearing of Bolsonaro. Some electors must have had their very good reasons.

Thanks for clearing. The media makes it difficult to look through smog.


Yeah yeah, socialism, the teachings of Jesus are so bad. If Jesus was born today, he would suffer the same fate, because pricks like you would crucify him for being a socialist.

Daniel Castro

Teachings of Christ were not socialism, he was against the state, everything is about individual choices, not the colective.

Fogive me, but calling Christ a socialist for me is a blasphemy, if we are christian we shouldn’t use him as a political flag.

Jens Holm

I agree. And we see many versions of Christianity as well faith of that is a wide palette.

Tommy Jensen

You are right, respect.

Jens Holm

No, we would not. Helping and respecting the poor is not socialisme but an important issue all over the world.

That goes for Islam as well. You pay money to Your church and Imam and they are used to the poor as well as tax as well as donations.

If You do that You pass by Allah faster too to heaven and by that are rewarded. Another system for same purpose. Socialisme? I dont see that.

Socialisme also are many different things. Its an USA version those in Southamerica are socialists or not.

The problem remains whatever is running things: They are totally ineffective, parts has no limits for beeing greedy and they are more corrupt then Syria and Russia.


No shit. That’s how all these two-faced liars get elected. People continue to fall for the lies, even though common sense tells them they are being taken. If you really believe that socialism is the problem, then their propaganda has done it’s job. Capitalism engenders the worst in people and governments. It’s not the polices that support people that are destructive, it’s the lying thieving money mongers taking control of state assets and putting the country in debt that is the enemy. When Bolsonaro sells off even more assets, you’ll be told that it will help the economy, that privatization will improve whatever asset they obtain. Where do you think your problems came from? Wait til the IMF gets ever more claws into Brazil. Wait til Brazil follows the US sanctions and ruins trade between Brazil and China (the trade that keeps Brazil afloat), his decision to move the Brazilian embassy will likely offend the Arab world, which does much more business with Brazil than Israel ever has. If you really believe that international politics is secondary, you are mistaken.

Daniel Castro

“It’s not the polices that support people that are destructive, it’s the lying thieving money mongers taking control of state assets ”

Yes, and unfortunately all the socialist politicians are like that here.

Bolsonaro won’t be allowed to undermine our trade with China, if he tries that he will be impeached for sure, And I don’t agree with this notion that capitalism is evil, most brazilians just want to work and do not agree with socialism, it is not in our culture.

Tommy Jensen

Maybe. My opinion is also that International Finance makes the misery. But we forget socialism is also a Wall Street construct anf fake which we even can prove with evidence.

The socialist campaigns from US/West are all fakes;

there is no clima change only nature change, there is no save the nature only save the resources from peoples use to wall street, there is no limited fossil oil there is unlimited abiotic gas/oil, there is no limited water, food, overpopulation, God gave and give us plenty of everything. There is no womens liberations, gender neutrality, there is only the wonderful combination of man woman and children, etc.

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0c3c7e4eb0ea990833fcfe07ff77738372e8909155224e1df552122eb61b3b55.jpgAurelio Peccei, Italian Industrialist, Multibillionaire, Chairman of the Rome Clube.

You can call me Al

Macron was selected NOT elected.

The best of Macron…. https://www.rt.com/news/411346-macron-african-comments-awkward/

Regards the EU debt, is the figure mentioned an old figure, as I find it to being a range 86-88% …. https://tradingeconomics.com/euro-area/government-debt-to-gdp

Jens Holm

Very well, but let me remind You, that its very important if the minus are by private persons or the state as well as You also have to compare better into each country having a big or low production.

Brother Ma

Fancy that Socialist hack youth working to get a conservative globalist banker’s boy elected! Also ,who cares if the Jews have a problem with crimes against humanity. They do NOT have a monopoly on being victims of genocide ! F off!

Brother Ma

What is the latest with his super violent maghrebi bodyguard who punched up all thpse people? Did Macron the Zionist slap him on the wrist and put him on a pension?

Jens Holm

Thats long time ago. Dont You have internet ?

R PLobo

Europe is long lost and civil war is coming. But not between different national groups – but against the zionist security entity. The zionists are losing not only control of the story but also facing an ever increasing disinterest from the masses for their propaganda. The occultist oligarchy is all about doubling down and pushing chaos to the extreme. The turning point against capitalism and corporatism has already passed – the only option left for zionism is naked violence. That violence will take the form of security forces against the people and ever increasing use of mercs and nation proxies to further destablize civil society. Syria was just the beginning – they failed there but a high cost was paid by the defenders. Migrants – immigration are all a side show for the real goal which is the crushing of the working class. Along with other weapons – MSM – identity politics – consumerism – so called immigration are just morer merc operations. Mercs that like those used across the ME are cheap and disposable. The best example being the assualt on Yemen fronted by the ksa sand sub-pimps of the banksters. The Khashoggi fiasco demonstrates just how clueless and idiotic the zionists and their whores really are – more chaos is obviously coming,


Interesting theory, but…..sure Assad is not a zionist, but he still is an asshole and an opressive dictator that operates just like any zionist or any other economic sociopath elite


That is quite simply BS. Assad used to drive himself and his wife to dinner, he didn’t need a small army to protect him like most western leaders, because his people loved him. When the US first started its war against Syria, huge crowds of people went on to the streets to support him. The western press ignored them, and instead showed close up shots of 20 or 30 paid demonstrators.

The economic sociopaths are mostly located in New York and London. Watch the movie the Gangs of New York, it’s a dramatization of American society. Your lies fall like ants under the wheels of the train of truth.

Jens Holm

Syrians were not allowed to know better and even told the opposite. Easy to choose, when its impossible, because everything else is bad.

Thats how Your systems are.


Yes, I remember that as well. Very similar to the march of solidarity in Europe with all the leading politicians several years ago. Close-up shots and angles made it look like a huge crowd behind, when in reality there were fewer than 150.


its just what you choose what to believe, this is not my choice. I am pretty sure, both of us were not there to see it ourselves


Are you a poet? I know the movie Sorry your version of the war in Syria is a propaganda story as well, fro the other side I don’t support either


He’s pro LBGT an just loves jewpets..Hhmm I wonder who could be working the marionette’s strings there

Jens Holm

Those LBGT and few Jewes are very good and productive citizens and good taxpayers.

Do we really have to respect groups, where the females in secret has to be re-operated into virgins or else they cant be married or even are being killed or treated by acid ?

I see muslims as not advanced jews fx having less pots and pans. And why do You not have pigs. Some say its because they run away every time they see You.

And jews ran away from You because it was not allowed to work hard and invent things.


Wha?? Learn English ya punkass cuckold

Tommy Jensen

The French frog eaters voted him in, so now they cry over their own stupid choice again?

Jens Holm

Parts of France establishment has cryed about things even before he was elected. They were not elected, because they could not make that hard change.

I am sure people dont like like they now feel the changes and how hard it is restructuring so many things.

Tommy Jensen

The problem I guess is they have been exposed to changes too much.

But some where the French people asked themselves for the feminist quotes, the refugee quotes, the ME wars to be Great France, etc.

Zionism = EVIL

Macron is so stupid looking and married to his grandma :)

Jens Holm

Macron was for good reasons chosen to clean up decades of slowly declining.

This is about that and no popularity rates. I think he does a relative good jobs.

I am Jaziel

This is interesting, Merkel in Germany, Macron in France, Trump in US, and May in UK and many many more. I do not think people want politicians any more. And they are right. Yes the politic and there meanings will be more polarized either far left or far left. But the interesting thing that are growing the most are the Anarchist, like the Pirate Party. People want to take the power into their own hands, and that is interesting.

Or maybe it will be like direct democracy like in Switzerland…

Emanual Macron

im not weird

Tommy Jensen

Is it you Emanuel?

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