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Maddened Kyiv Regime Says It Can Get Nuclear Weapons To Attack Russia ‘Within Weeks’

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Maddened Kyiv Regime Says It Can Get Nuclear Weapons To Attack Russia ‘Within Weeks’


Kyiv is able to build a nuclear weapon “in a few weeks,” Bild reported on October 17, citing a high-ranking Ukrainian official.

In particular, Bild revealed that a Ukrainian official involved in weapons procurement claimed “a few months ago” that Kyiv was willing to obtain nuclear weapons.

We have the material, we have the knowledge. If the order is given, we will only need a few weeks to have the first bomb,” the cited official said, according to Bild.

He emphasized that Western countries should “think less about Russia’s red lines and more about ours.”

The report appeared just after Vladimir Zelensky alluded to such a possibility during a visit to Brussels on the same day.

Zelensky claimed that Ukraine seeks to get either nuclear weapons or membership of NATO.

In his speech, Zelensky said that he has informed US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump about Kyiv’s nuclear aspirations.

“Speaking to Donald Trump, I told him: What is the way out for us? Either Ukraine will have nuclear weapons, and they will serve as protection, or we need to be in some kind of an alliance. We don’t know any effective alliances except NATO,” Zelensky said.

The Kyiv regime’s claims that it could obtain nuclear weapons comes with an apparent scenario that it will immediately use these weapons to attack Russian border regions.

Despite repeated and public threats of Kyiv that it has capabilities to obtain and use nuclear weapons, the Ukrainian propaganda tries to deny the reality. For example, Zelensky’s adviser Dmitry Litvin called Bild’s report “nonsense” and “Russian propaganda”.

The only element of truth in these claims may be related to the fact that it is unlikely that Kyiv has capabilities to easily obtain nuclear weapons in the modern meaning of this term. However, Zelensky and his partners in crime apparently hope to obtain so-called “dirty bomb”.

“Dirty bomb is a radiological weapon that combines radioactive material with conventional explosives. The purpose of the weapon is to contaminate the area around the dispersal agent with radioactive material.”

It is likely that the plan to attack Russian border regions like Kursk, Rostov, Belgorod or Crimea with some kind of “dirty bomb” is what really hidden behind the statements about Kyiv’s ability to get nuclear weapons ‘within weeks’.

Furthermore, it seems that the Kyiv regime is maddened enough to try to employ this plan amid the deteriorating situation at the frontline, economic collapse and “lack” (at least according to Kyiv’s claims) of support from NATO.

Zelensky & Co could believe that this madness is their last hope to change something in the face of the upcoming defeat. Even worse, the real motivation behind preparations for these unprecedented war crimes may be not even an attempt to cause damage to Russia. Rather, Kyiv’s bloody steps may be a rough attempt to blackmail NATO members and force them to increase their involvement in the conflict.


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assad defeated zionists

go ahead make iran’s day.

fudge cracker

chews invented terrorism. yet another data point proving that.


sf the nazi nest

Snow Den

it’s nothing new, tymoshenko, another western puppet, said that she wanted to bomb moscow with an atomic bomb before the maidan. why is everyone so surprised?

the poll vaulter

i’ve seen some loose cannon psychos in my day but ukraine takes the cake.

AM Hants

back in 2014, it was the cookies they were more than happy to take. handed out by the cookie monsters, nuland and mccain.

Pin the Tail on the Donkey

little did they know that those cookies were laced with slow-acting cyanide.

AM Hants

‘gosh’ poor julia. in the eu neighbourhood agreements with ukraine, prior to 2014, the primary condition of implementing any loans from the eu, was the release of julia ‘gas princess’ tymoshenko from prison. i still have nightmares, regards catherine ashton, who was in charge of eu foreign affairs and defence at the time, getting over excited, when she saw julia in her wheelchair.

AM Hants

2) yep, eu head of defence agencies, back in 2014 used to be the partner of the uk c*mmunist leader, cnd treasurer, social worker and good friend of blair. remember the ‘gosh’ telephone call between an estonian politician and catherine ashton, who now loiters in the uk house of lords.

Peter Rabbit

“gosh, i hadn’t heard that. maybe we should investigate it?

i’ll get back to you on that, definitely. yes i will. i promise.”

that katherine ashton?

mediocrity at work, no wonder the uk is a dead state walking.

Shlomo's little weenie

if i’m not mistaken, julia’s previous name is ‘lydia’. her past surname has eluded me for now, but she is one of ((( them ))). timoshenko is apparently an authentic well known ukie surname. 😌

Peter Rabbit

the eu is the perfect example of the peter principle at work, with an entire class of morons rising to their levels of respective incompetency.


russia will only have peace when it obliterate western ukraine/ukrainians aka banderastan… it´s a cancer that needs to be removed… no peace deal until complete obliteration of this cancer!


it’s not just the cancer in ukraine – it is the zionist cancer across the entire world that needs to be obliterated. only then will russia, china, north korea, iran, etc have peace.

The Western World

besides being somewhat of a cancer ourselves, with regard to ukraine, we’re rapidly coming to that conclusion too.

The Lancet

the medical journals will soon be replete with articles on how a cancerous tumor can grow off another cancerous tumor in synergistic fashion. cancer cells robbing attributes of its host and vice versa, while each maintaining a distinct genetic signature of its own.

The Lancet

it may very well have been one of the research topics that nuland’s multiple ukrainian labs had and have been tasked with, apparently with great success.

the poll vaulter

so, you’re saying that ukrainian is a tumor growing off another tumor called western foreign policy. i always thought of it as just a festering, puss filled boil and it’s well overdue to lance it.


agreed, it has to be totally removed. there is no point taking the donbass only to have the nazis and their backers in power in kiev afterwards. when all of ukraine falls then there is a chance for peace and sadly only then. zelensky has destroyed his country.


i say, give the kiev junta a free pass to israel and their banderite goons a free pass to canada. then build a wall around both.


russia govern are the neo nazi from the 21 , the worlds scum , vladolf and other midgets are laughtable when they talk from nato


too much sodomyy w ghey mulattos


if u pay shekels saxon hillbilly can dildioze u

Pa Kettle

you’re barely literate. that’s one of the attributes of knuckle dragging ukro-nazis so, i’d have to say you’re just a pot trying in desperation to call a kettle black.

the poll vaulter

ha ha. that’s all ukraine does these days. the polls show that most everybody has already wised up to that crap and recognizes ukraine for the shit-filled pot that it is.

that’s why these days, ukraine is reduced to blackmailing the west into more money, more arms and immediate nato entry. stinky tail trying to wag mangy dog tactic.

Last edited 5 months ago by the poll vaulter
grandma halyna

my grandson ihor is an azov hero but last week he tried to sell me off to conagra for a bushel of corn.

Pin the Tail on the Donkey

zelensky’s convinced that he’s being clever, simultaneously extorting and bribing the west with one grand plan. that’s understandable, since ukraine as a whole has always operated on extortion and bribery.

meanwhile, even his best allies are now fully convinced that he’s stark, raving mad.

not that extortion and bribery are dirty words to them. it’s just that they’re not used to it being aired in such a raw and crude fashion.

AM Hants

do you mean volodimir zelinsky and his azov mates? by the way, they are ukrainian and not russian.

Shlomo's little weenie

off to a better english learning school you !

Janne Kankaanpää

no alliances except nato? zelensky can join csto and problem solved.

Last edited 5 months ago by Janne Kankaanpää
Jewish pimp

so does iran 🇮🇷.

Conan M

when j**$ and their western goyim slaves think suicide!… on this note. it’s truly remarkable that zelensky is still with u$… and wasn’t found dead with cap popped into his head 2 years ago?… but then again look at the laugh a minute that is america that tries to run the world?!!!

Last edited 5 months ago by Conan M
Ghost Man / Raptar Driver

” we have the material, we have the knowledge”. sure and now all you need is to be completely suicidal and kill the whole world with you. i guess we can check off all 3.


well that would definitely end the war since after banderites use a dirty bomb then no one in the world will blame russia for evaporating banderite army and any military base or airport they got with tactical nukes. and if they dont give up then…. strategic nuke on kiev why lose brave russian soldiers on taking it.


ukraine could use a dirty bomb on russia and not a single tv/newspaper in the west would dare to talk about it. one second after the russian legit retaliation all the msm of the west would call for nuclear war. all of them are in the hands of zionists. don’t expect to win a propaganda war against jewlliwood. you have to destroy them physically.


this goyim is on to us. oy vey.

Last edited 5 months ago by Christopher
AM Hants

has boris been to kiev lately? uk media is running the new false flag script, prior to false flag, with russia getting the blame.


i like to read the ny post, to keep up with what the zionists in america are up to.


the way ze talks is not as the president of a client nation of the usa. he talks as the representative of the bankers cartel a spoke person of the dollarempire to subortinates in europe.


russia should just explain explicitly that if nuclear weapons are used, ukraine and their helpers get nuked back in spades. simple enough of a deterrent.

Fee Fi Fo Fum

not for those banderite freaks of nature.

Dick Von D'Astard

decapitation strikes against the kyiv regime is the only way to be sure…


queer little jew zelensky’s last brain cell has rolled out his ear and died.



a nuclear attack on the queen bitches, that’s a good message, tsunami in the uk

Circus Kiev

ukraine will literally be wiped off the map


3 years since that retarded speach , in a week we took kiev , said bye vladolf , the sheeppresident

Nuke Kievistan

russian army approached kiev and has all the means to completely carpet bomb the region if it really wanted to. maybe you should ask yourself why these evil russians don’t go ahead and take western ukraine off the map even though russia is being attacked by a proxy army that is fed with military means by 50 countries against russian citizens and ethnic russians.

AM Hants

the only thing i heard, at the time, was russia was going to demilitarise and de-nazify ukraine. it was the trolls and their paymasters who mentioned 3 days. in the meantime, russia is doing a good job of demilitarising nato, eu, uk and the us.


ahahahahahaha ahahahah aha hahahahah


you know, i have been trying to understand why the russians have not killed zelensky yet. now i understand why. he is far more useful to them alive than dead.

Last edited 5 months ago by hasbarats

the russians recognized very early that zelensky would be the voracious fox cub under the west’s tunic.


so if ziojew boy zelensky wants to try his luck with a dirty bomb, i say do it. it will mean kiev is destroyed and the war over..


russia needs to conduct a decapitation strike against this guy and his cabinet. we do not want a global nuclear war, thanks.


the nazi’s tried this on the city of donetsk 2014/15, the world is unaware, just as the world is unaware of the ethnic cleansing of the donbass during the same period by ukraine.

Pin the Tail on the Donkey

yarosh, sitting in the rear issuing commands and shooting any meat waves at the airport that dared retreat. i remember it well.


the day zelenski strike russia with nukes will be the day the nato countries will cease to exist. and ukraine.

Pin the Tail on the Donkey

well, if he built his own than only ukraine would cease to exist and nato countries would just issue press releases ‘not us, your fight’s with them.’


no matter who you support or which side you are leaning to in this conflict. if this shows one thing then its that every country should have laws in place to make sure people with shared loyalities should never get into office. it is obvious that ze does not care what happens to ukrainians or ukraine at this point perhaps he never cared. at this point the only thing that would shock him would be russians firing missiles at tel aviv or killing some of his direct assotiates in ukraine.


democrats dual citizens (us/israeli)

senate [13]

richard blumenthal (d-ct) barbara boxer (d-ca) benjamin cardin (d-md) dianne feinstein (d-ca) al franken (d-mn) herb kohl (d-wi) frank lautenberg (d-nj) joseph lieberman (independent-ct) carl levin (d-mi) bernie sanders (independent-vt) charles schumer (d-ny) ron wyden (d-or) michael bennet (d-co)


house of representatives [27]

gary ackerman (d-ny) shelley berkley (d-nv) howard berman (d-ca) eric cantor (r-va) david cicilline (d-ri) stephen cohen (d-tn) susan davis (d-ca) ted deutch (d-fl) eliot engel (d-ny) bob filner (d-ca) barney frank (d-ma) gabrielle giffords (d-az) jane harman (d-ca) steve israel (d-ny) sander levin (d-mi)


nita lowey (d-ny) jerrold nadler (d-ny) jared polis (d-co) steve rothman (d-nj) jan schakowsky (d-il) allyson schwartz (d-pa) adam schiff (d-ca) brad sherman (d-ca) debbie wasserman schultz (d-fl) henry waxman (d-ca) anthony weiner (d-ny) john yarmuth (d-ky).

Mike Jackson

it’s not z’s loyalty that is the driving force here, it’s his wife’s loyalty to van cleef and arpels…..


can’t we have a shot of the criminal zelensky swinging from a lamppost in kiev now! he is as bad as netanyahu, jewish both of them. should tell you something!


ashkenazi jewish i.e. not semitic pretend jews.


ashkenazi jews are all hell bent on wiping out the palestinian true semites.


this is really good news and makes my day😀especially because these bombs will be hit on the ground 🚀and destroy the nazi forces themselves✌️🫶💪


kiev ha le bombe sporche atomiche.


one of the reasons for russia stepping into ukraine was iaeo-information that ukraine was piling up enormous amounts of enriched uranium and plutonium – 30&40 tons, respectively, in npp zhaporitscha ( which russia consequently secured in the first days of the war.

it stands to reason that ukraine may have – or built up, since 2022 – additional stocks of weapons-grade material elsewhere.

AM Hants

not forgetting the bio labs that russia took out, during the early days.


you’re confusing weapons grade with dirty bomb grade.


zelenskyj ovviamente sta in un certo modo parlando [ avvertendo ] con putin che nonostante si fidi ancora di quel serpente di nome biden e degli accordi ” confidenziali ” sull’atomica . . non ha ancora capito il pensiero non di zelenskyj ma soprattutto di dove vuole arrivare kiev .


there are reports of ashkenazi jews repopulating ukraine en mass. many are even pretending to be christians as to not raise alarm.

AM Hants

that is why he wants to erase the gene pool. i must admit, to chuckling when i read of the new occupants; how are they coping with lack of energy resources, courtesy those very successful russian air strikes.

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