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Maduro’s Days “Numbered” Pompeo Warns; Guaido To “Formally” Request US “Liberation”

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Originally appeared at ZeroHedge

It appears this weekend’s provocations and border showdown over US aid entering Venezuela were just the beginning. US State Secretary Mike Pompeo discussed the prospect of military action against Caracas on Fox News Sunday, saying the Maduro regime’s days are “numbered” and that “every option” is on the table toward making that happen.

Pompeo said the US is “going to do the things that need to be done” and this will not stop until “makes sure” that “there is a brighter future for the people of Venezuela,” which includes continued support for self-proclaimed interim president, Juan Guaido. Denouncing Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro as a “sick tyrant,” Pompeo said in his Sunday morning remarks:

We’re very hopeful in the days and weeks and months ahead the Maduro regime will understand that the Venezuelan people have made its days numbered.

Maduro's Days "Numbered" Pompeo Warns; Guaido To "Formally" Request US "Liberation"

Juan Guaido attempted to cross humanitarian aid over the border into Venezuele, via AFP/Getty

The threat comes just Guaido announced he would attend a summit of the Lima Group – a meeting of 12 American states which have recognized him as “legitimate” leader of Venezuela.

Crucially, Guaido is to meet with US Vice President Mike Pence at the summit where he will “propose formally to the international community that we should keep open all options for the liberation of our homeland, which is fighting and will continue to fight,” according to a tweeted statement Saturday evening.

Guaido has since Friday evening been addressing the opposition from neighboring Colombia, where he personally attempted to lead failed attempt at seeing an aid caravan across the border into Venezuela.

Maduro's Days "Numbered" Pompeo Warns; Guaido To "Formally" Request US "Liberation"

Image source: Getty/Daily Express

He’s repeated calls for Venezuela’s military members to defect, offering a general “amnesty” especially for any high ranking officers facing allegations of corruption. So far this has met with little success despite his pleas for there being not other choice but for the armed forces to “embrace democracy”.

Over the weekend a mere handful of border guards defected to Colombia and pledged support to Guido. This after clashes at multiple border crossings and bridges left at least four people dead and scores wounded, according to The Washington Post.

Violent clashes at the Simón Bolívar International Bridge on Saturday.

Washington condemned the violence that erupted amidst opposition-led efforts to bring in aid trucks from Brazil and Colombia, which US leaders blamed on “Maduro’s thugs” who are led by the “sick tyrant” Maduro for refusing to allow much-needed food and medicine to reach his own people; however, Caracas has reportedly allowed in hundreds of tons of Russian and other international aid of late.

The Maduro government sees American “humanitarian aid” missions, which increasingly involve military transport planes landing in US ally Colombia airstrips, as part of broader efforts to foment coup. Indeed Pompeo’s words on Sunday declaring that Maduro’s “days are numbered” is an affirmation that Maduro’s fears are not unfounded.

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opet ja

Am I the only one thinking Russia should immediately air lift troops to Venezuela? Or Putin has already agreed Maduro’s fall?


You can’t expect Russia to rescue every country the US wants to destroy, there are just too many countries suffering under the American jackboot for Russia to save them all.


Although I do hope that this conflict drags out to the benefit of Russian’s and detriment to the US.

Concrete Mike

What a terrible thing to say. Let me correct for you.

I do hope the us backs off as soon as possible and come to an understanding with venezuala. We cannot let the little people suffer another war for our comforts.


As ‘shocking’ as it sounds to some, that is the reality of being a target of the US. Do you really think things will get much better for them with the US putting their puppet in? Not likely.

I don’t know much about the real everyday situation in Venezuela, and I don’t think many really do, but I know people will fight for their livelihood. Whether this benefits the US or not remains to be seen, but I do hope the US gets bogged down and Russia consequently benefits one way or another.


Sadly the only thing that will make the US back off is a nuclear enema. Since the day the country was created they have been invading and stealing from other countries. People forget that they stole California Texas and Hawaii. Getting the US to change its ways would be like getting Jews to like Hitler, it can’t be done. We all know what has to happen, there is no alternative.

Concrete Mike

In the short term, the deadline for letting the “humanitarian aid” is gone…nothing happenned.

Thank fuck.

Rafik Chauhan

onyly nee few hundreds troops of Russian on both border with brazil and clombia its enough to scare Columbia and brazil they will not dare to attack venzuela if rusian is at the border. Russia has just to warn them little.

Monte George

I think you’ll be surprised at how well the Venezuelans can defend themselves without foreign troops, once they stop trying to appease the western media and start fighting back. Once again, we are about to be shocked at how ineffective the US forces are against a determined, patriotic, well-prepared enemy.


I hope you are right.

opet ja

I am afraid US would pay Venezuelan army officers like they did in Iraq to pull back or change the side. With Russian troops controlling the situation that would be hard to pass.

H Eccles

Maduro’s Days “Numbered” Pompeo Warns; Guaido To “Formally” Request US “Liberation”

Maduro should make a formal request too.. he shold formally request that the US go fuk itself..


time for the veterans hanging about in the back waters of the fly over states to travel to washington dc and arrange a humongous veterans demonstration and set things straight – about time someone had a serious talk to the guys in government and in the white house and on the hill and if 1 or 2 million old vets turn up,you bet the crooks on the hill will have an epiphany and hand over government to the people in the form of those veterans that so far has been maltreated by the government and fed oxycontin/fentanyl and hill billy smack, making the sacklers fabulously wealthy. all it will take is say 1.5million vets prepared to take on the hill in anger for the cynical maltreatment they’ve been handed.

and guaido hasn’t a legal leg to stand on. so vets, about time you do what only you can do -take back the powers from the corrupt and criminal politicians in washington dc – the various national guards will desert the job and join the uprising.

Harry Smith

Are you USA citizen?


does it matter – it is obvious that moronistan’s government went off the rails quite some time ago and it’s a situation that needs to be rectified, as e.g. the right to govern is returned to the righteous people and not the corrupt and criminal cabal running the show today and the only force that can do so, is the veterans hanging around on lousy terms after the time in the armed forces getting stoned on oxycontin/fentanyl/hillbillysmack (making the sacklers filthy rich). with the said demonstration – a million or two of veterans will scare the government shitless. and truly, does moronistan deserve being run by crooks like fatso pompeo of bedbugcrazy bolton or just plain evil abrams!


Why does that matter?

Harry Smith

@disqus_2sbPeCXoLe:disqus @disqus_DopUHqFEdH:disqus yeah it does matter in this particular discussion. So, are you US citizens?


Are you the police? Or just wannabe security?

The fact that you are even asking me this means you know zero.

Harry Smith

The fact I know zero means I’m not the police or any security service.


Ah, so you are nobody, asking questions, right?

Harry Smith

Yep! Kinda.


Okay, I see you are new to the discussions. I am an American. if you read any of my postings in minimal depth, you would have seen it. It wasn’t just your post count that I noted, it was that you missed the obvious.

Many of us here are not looking to burn the world down. Some of us are looking for the truth and not liking what we find. That search is beyond nationality. My only two cents i can further add is, don’t get sucked in by the propaganda. Don’t let them take your mind, keep it your own. Good luck out here in the wild. I wish you well Harry.

Harry Smith

I’am Russian


Guano, and he will always be Guano(bat shit) to me is a young man, I sincerely hope he dies a nasty death at a young age.

Xoli Xoli

The wrath of GOD is upon USA.Soon fat fuck Kitchen boy obesity Pompeo will regret being a warmonger. Thinking he is safe while he is unsafe.USA is not militarily strong.Days of stealing and looting other countries gold,wealth, oil,gas and money is drawing closely to end.Satanyahu and Trump are soak in Human blood.


Maduro has lost. The U.S. will do whatever it takes to remove him and no country is willing to help Maduro with the same resolve that the U.S. is willing to put behind Guaido.

Daily Beatings

… where have I heard this before?


Concrete Mike

Thank you for exposing the short memory of the narrative belcherzzzz.

We are not as stupid as we seem.

Joe Kerr

“Assad will be gone in 6 months”- Shimon Peres, 2011.

Real Anti-Racist Action

As I recall Shimon Peres has gone before Assad lol, I think he went to go be with his master lucifer in the lake of sulfur. https://goyimgazette.com/wp-content/uploads/Shimon-Peres-and-Zuckerberg.jpg


Well when “war” starts we will see if Russia steps in to help like they did in Syria. I don’t see it happening. And even then it would just give the U.S. chicken hawks that much more propaganda to make it a real war. Which again makes Russia military intervention less likely.


The brute fact is that Syria is physically much closer to Russia than to the United States, whereas Venezuela is much farther from Russia than from the United States. Makes a huge difference to the options available.

Joe Kerr

What makes a huge difference is the will and courage of those under attack to defend themselves, and given the weapons to do so.


I do hope it doesn’t come to that, but yeah.


ya hey isn’t he dead??hahaha!!


Thank you for making my point. If Russia hadn’t intervened then Assad would be gone by now. Do you think Russia will give the same support for Maduro if it comes to war???? I think not. Even though I wish I were wrong.

Daily Beatings

What point? You made a declaration without any evidence. China and Russia have billions invested in Venezuela. You honestly believe both will give up their stake so easily? China has deep pockets and can keep Venezuela on life support pretty much indefinitely.

In any case the vassal states in SA don’t even want to touch Venezuela militarily, the US would have to go it alone. Not going to happen, the momentum is lost. Neocons have been BTFO.


The point that I don’t think China or Russia are willing to go to war with the U.S. on American soil. You are right that China could keep Venezuela afloat but to what end? Does China want another North Korea on the other side of the world? No I don’t think they will give up their stake so easily. But the U.S. does not like China and Russia influence so close to home and I believe is willing to start yet another war to prevent that just as much for the oil. Anyway, this could go a lot of different ways and Maduro doesn’t survive most of them.


ohh ya….reflective like i said no stopping it devils your time is up!!


Now that’s just the attitude the USA loves to hear!!


Yea, well I don’t like to hear it but I’m not going to fool myself. I don’t see Russia nor China stepping into the Americas to fight a war for Venezuela. I think my pessimism is warranted.

Joe Kerr

No need, as Venezuela will give the U.S. a fight it’ll never forget, and lose. After the Bay of Pigs, the U.S. hasn’t tried to regime change Cuba again… and it knows why.


Hard to say. Trump blusters a lot, doesn’t always do anything afterwards. Certainly it seems clear that the real intent of the threats, to break the Venezuelan government without a fight, is failing. Maduro isn’t going anywhere and the government of Venezuela is continuing to answer to him, not to Washington’s boy. It’s becoming clear that the US is going to have to actually go military if they want a change of government, and there are lots of reasons that might not be so good. It’ll be deeply unpopular in the rest of Latin America, for instance, and there are lots of right wing governments in Latin America that don’t have a ton of popular support to start with.

You know, the really silly thing about it all is that the opposition parties have a strong majority in parliament. The problem is that a few of them tried to cheat during the legislative elections–literal vote buying, I believe, as that’s about the only way that can work in the seriously unhackable Venezuelan electoral system–and got caught. The Supreme Court said those guys have to stand down and new elections for those districts have to be held. The oppos refused, so the Supremes held them in contempt of court and said until the fraudsters vacate their legislative seats, the legislature is null and void. So they got nothing. But all they would have to do is say OK, fine, we’ll hold new elections in those ridings and bing! They’d have a functional majority in the legislature and could pass laws and block Maduro from doing anything they don’t like.

Why don’t they? As far as I can tell because they have no legislative agenda the people of Venezuela wouldn’t hate. If they start actually governing, they’ll totally lose the next legislative election. They need to completely seize the reins of power, to the point of being able to change the constitution, get rid of the current electoral process in favour of something they can rig, or just not bother with those old fashioned “election” things any more. Anything less than that is useless to them.


As an American citizen , I demand that the Russian aid be allowed to pass through. The shelves in the markets in my area are empty. I’m down to skin and bones. The only thing I get to eat is the occasional pigeon when I’m lucky enough to hit one with my slingshot. ( Very tasty , though. Like chicken ! )

Regime Force

Do not belive usa

Oh yes, the famous television which tells us what our Zionist masters what us to think. They forbid us to think for ourselves. https://bbs.thegoyimknow.to/uploads/default/original/4X/f/f/a/ffaecb5a7944d8150a0ba3f7c16a7a85d2eea2cc.gif


Mr. Secretary, this is not 2010 and this is not Libya. Get some new lines baby.


I am beginning to think Maduro might win this, he seems to be mobilizing the people against the yankee invaders. Even people who don’t like him will fight to stop a yankee invasion.

There are only a few major roads between Venezuela and Columbia, so they would be easy to defend. A marine landing could suffer high casualties, so I think the US is bluffing. This is a smokescreen to hide the American defeat in Syria.


so…us are you seriously going to make this move??and you fake leader guido or whatever you think you are going to spread the blood of your countrymen for the sinigog of satan??for that is whom you serve slave boy and if u do start a war you will be the first to be targeted for execution for treason!!!


cause i will tell you something boy if it were me i would have you arrested and tried for treason and if any blood is spread due to your traitorus actions the armed forces will be lead directly to your hiding place and i assure you boy you will not escape your incoming justice for even the thought of killing your own for the rich white man we call the rothschild bankers is treason!!the same ones who killed Hugo in the first fckn place the same ones who put sanctions on you guys the same fckn ones you weak ass slave of satan!!

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